Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 94 of 1933 - The Revenue Bond Act of 1933 (141.101 - 141.140)
Section 141.107 - Bonds; Issuance; Form; Term; Interest; Exclusion From Net Bonded Indebtedness; Registration; Pledge of Funds; Statutory First Lien.

Sec. 7.
(1) For the purpose of defraying the whole or a part of project costs, a public corporation may borrow money and issue its negotiable bonds. The bonds shall not be issued unless and until authorized by an ordinance, which shall set forth a brief description of the contemplated project, the estimated cost of the project, and the amount, maximum rate of interest, and time of payment of the bonds. The bonds shall be serial bonds or term bonds, or a combination of serial and term bonds, and shall be payable semiannually or annually by maturity of serial bonds or maturity or required redemption of term bonds. The last annual principal installment shall be not longer than the estimated period of usefulness of the public improvement for which the bond is issued, but the last installment shall not be more than 40 years from the date of the bond. The bonds shall bear interest, payable as provided in the authorizing ordinance, except that the first interest installment shall be payable not later than 10 months following the delivery date of the bonds. The bonds and coupons shall be substantially in the form provided in the authorizing ordinance and shall be executed in the manner prescribed in the bond, which may be by facsimile signature or signatures. The bonds and the interest on the bonds shall be made payable in lawful money of the United States, and shall be exempt from taxation by this state or by any taxing authority within this state. The public corporation may provide that the redemption of term bonds may be satisfied in whole or in part by the purchase and cancellation of term bonds otherwise required to be redeemed. As used in this subsection, "annual principal installment" means a maturity of serial bonds, an amount of term bonds required to be redeemed in that year, or a maturity of term bonds less amounts previously required to be redeemed.
(2) The principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable, except as provided in this act, solely from the net revenues derived from the operation of the public improvement purchased, acquired, constructed, improved, enlarged, extended, or repaired from the proceeds of the bonds, as shall be pledged to the bonds in the authorizing ordinance, which may include if the ordinance so provides, net revenues derived by reason of future improvements, enlargements, extensions, or repairs to the improvement, and payments made to the public corporation issuing the bonds by any other governmental entity pursuant to another law of this state or the United States for payment of principal and interest on the bonds, even though the payments are made from or include grants or other funds provided by this state or the United States or the proceeds of taxes levied on taxable property as provided by other law.
(3) As additional security for the payment of bonds that are used to finance the local share of projects that receive more than 25% of financing from federal or state grants or that are being initially purchased, in whole or in part, by the Michigan municipal bond authority created under the shared credit rating act, 1985 PA 227, MCL 141.1051 to 141.1076, or if specifically authorized by another law pertaining to the public improvements for which bonds are to be issued under this act, a public corporation, by majority vote of the elected members of its governing body, may include as a part of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds a pledge of its full faith and credit for payment of the principal of an interest on the bonds. For bonds issued for airports or airport improvements under the aeronautics code of the state of Michigan, 1945 PA 327, MCL 259.1 to 259.208, a public corporation, by majority vote of the elected members of its governing body, may agree that if funds pledged for payment of bonds are not sufficient to pay principal and interest on the bonds as the bonds become due, the public corporation shall advance sufficient funds out of its general funds for the payment if the proceeds of the bonds are used exclusively within the territorial limits of the county in which the political corporation is located. If a pledge is made, and the net revenues primarily pledged to the payment are insufficient to make a payment, the public corporation shall be obligated to pay the bonds and interest on the bonds in the same manner and to the same extent as other general obligation bonds of the public corporation, including the levy, when necessary, of a tax on all taxable property in the public corporation without limitation as to rate or amount, in addition to all other taxes that the public corporation is authorized to levy, but not exceeding the rate or amount necessary to make the payment. If a public corporation makes payment from taxes or general funds pursuant to a full faith and credit pledge or agreement to advance, it shall be reimbursed from net revenues subsequently received by the public improvement for which the bonds are issued that are not otherwise pledged or encumbered. A bond or coupon issued under this act shall not be general obligation or constitute an indebtedness of the borrower unless its full faith and credit are pledged. Unless a public corporation pledges its full faith and credit for the payment of bonds issued pursuant to this act, or unless otherwise exempt, the amount of the bonds shall not be included in computing the net bonded indebtedness of the public corporation for the purposes of debt limitations imposed by any statutory or charter provisions. Bonds may be made registerable as to principal, or principal and interest, under terms and conditions determined by the governing body of the borrower.
(4) The governing body in the ordinance authorizing the bonds or in an agreement entered into under section 7a(1)(a) may pledge any funds established by the ordinance or agreement for the payment of the bonds or other obligations of the public corporation under the agreement and create a statutory first lien in favor of the holders of the bonds or a party subject to the agreement.
History: 1933, Act 94, Imd. Eff. May 26, 1933 ;-- Am. 1935, Act 66, Imd. Eff. May 17, 1935 ;-- Am. 1939, Act 2, Imd. Eff. Feb. 15, 1939 ;-- Am. 1946, 1st Ex. Sess., Act 23, Eff. June 7, 1946 ;-- Am. 1947, Act 204, Imd. Eff. June 13, 1947 ;-- CL 1948, 141.107 ;-- Am. 1949, Act 244, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949 ;-- Am. 1960, Act 24, Eff. Aug. 17, 1960 ;-- Am. 1969, Act 87, Imd. Eff. July 24, 1969 ;-- Am. 1973, Act 40, Imd. Eff. June 29, 1973 ;-- Am. 1974, Act 27, Imd. Eff. Feb. 26, 1974 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 216, Imd. Eff. June 5, 1978 ;-- Am. 1985, Act 26, Imd. Eff. May 31, 1985 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 465, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2002

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing

Act 94 of 1933 - The Revenue Bond Act of 1933 (141.101 - 141.140)

Section 141.101 - Short Title; Revenue Bond Act of 1933.

Section 141.102 - Construction of Act.

Section 141.103 - Definitions.

Section 141.104 - Municipal Public Improvements; Limitations; Bonds; Acquiring Utility for Supplying Light, Heat or Power; Referendum; Powers Exercised.

Section 141.105 - Estimate of Cost and Period of Usefulness.

Section 141.106 - Ordinances; Adoption; Purpose; Approval or Disapproval; Veto; Effective Date; Referendum; Record; Authentication; Publication.

Section 141.107 - Bonds; Issuance; Form; Term; Interest; Exclusion From Net Bonded Indebtedness; Registration; Pledge of Funds; Statutory First Lien.

Section 141.107a - Powers of Public Corporation in Determining to Issue Bonds; Terms of Payment; Interest; Sale or Remarketing; Tender of Bonds by Holders; Determining Aggregate Authorized Amount of Bonds Outstanding; Remarketing or Resale of Tendere...

Section 141.107b - Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund; Continuation Under MCL 211.87b; Borrowing Money and Issuing Revenue Notes; Order; Delinquent Tax Revenue as Security; Segregated Fund or Account; Requirements Applicable to Notes; Limited Tax Full-Fai...

Section 141.108 - Lien on Revenue in Favor of Bondholders.

Section 141.109 - Statutory Lien on Net Revenues; Duration; Enforcement.

Section 141.110 - Receiverships for Public Improvements.

Section 141.111 - Bonds; Application of Other Laws and Charters.

Section 141.112 - Bonds; Discount; Sale Price; Interest; Competitive or Negotiated Sale; Notice; Publication.

Section 141.112a - Bonds Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Act.

Section 141.112b - Bulletins; Issuance by Department of Treasury.

Section 141.113 - Bonds; Statement on Face of Bond or on Face of Interest Coupon.

Section 141.114 - Bonds; Qualities of Negotiable Instruments.

Section 141.115 - Bonds; Deposit and Investment of Sale Proceeds.

Section 141.116 - Bonds; Use of Sale Proceeds; Cancellation of Bonds Acquired by Purchase; Payment of Capitalized Interest.

Section 141.117 - Bonds; Validity of Signatures.

Section 141.118 - Charges for Services; Providing Medical Care Without Charge or at Reduced Rates.

Section 141.119 - Additional Bonds.

Section 141.120 - Revenue Refunding Bonds.

Section 141.120a - Combined Public Improvements; Bonds; Revenues Pledged; Retirement.

Section 141.120b - Issuance of Revenue Bonds to Retire Outstanding Bonds for Public Improvements; Revenue Refunding Bonds; Noncallable Unmatured Bonds.

Section 141.120c - Parking Revenue Bonds; Special Assessments on Benefited Properties.

Section 141.121 - Rates for Services; Sufficiency; Fixing and Revising; Pledge for Payment of Bonds; Charges for Services as Lien on Premises; Certification of Delinquent Charges; Notice of Tenants' Responsibility for Payment of Charges; Cash Deposit...

Section 141.121a - Issuance of Notes; Requirement That Delinquent Tax Revenues Be Fixed and Sufficient; Statutory Lien.

Section 141.122 - Accounting of Revenues; Order of Priority; Disposition of Surplus.

Section 141.122a - Delinquent Tax Revenues; Statutory Lien; Commingling; Designation of Note and Interest Redemption Account; Set Aside of Reasonable Excess Amount; Reserve; Transfer of Surplus to County General Fund.

Section 141.123 - Appropriation and Use of Revenues for Payment of Operation and Maintenance Expenses; Appropriation and Use of Moneys Raised by Tax Levy.

Section 141.124 - Money in Several Accounts of Public Improvement; Separate Deposit Account; Investment.

Section 141.124a - Deposit Accounts.

Section 141.125 - Fixing Dates of Operating Year for Public Improvement.

Section 141.126 - Receiving Fund Surplus; Deposit.

Section 141.127 - Issuance of Bonds by Public Corporation; Applicable Laws.

Section 141.128 - Effect of Approval Permitting Issuance of Bonds.

Section 141.129 - Service Rates Not Subject to Supervision by State Agency.

Section 141.130 - Books of Record and Account; Annual Audit Report.

Section 141.131 - Redemption of Bonds Before Maturity.

Section 141.132 - Breach of Contract Not Authorized; Pledging of Revenues; Disconnection of Lands Not to Affect Liability Under Bond Issue.

Section 141.133 - Issuance of Bonds Without Submitting Proposition to Voters for Approval; Notice of Intent to Issue Bonds; Petition Requesting Referendum; Special Election; Verification and Rejection of Signatures; Determining Number of Registered E...

Section 141.133a - Validation of Bonds Heretofore Issued.

Section 141.133b - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties.

Section 141.134 - Liberal Construction of Act.

Section 141.136 - Immediate Necessity.

Section 141.137 - Condemnation of Property.

Section 141.138 - Trustee; Appointment; Powers and Duties; Pledging of Trust Funds.

Section 141.139 - Water Pollution; Prevention or Abatement; Public Corporation May Accept Grants or Aid From u.s. Government.

Section 141.140 - Allocation System for Private Activity Bonds; Establishment; Purpose; Applicability; Ratification of Prior Allocations; Revocation of Allocation; Applicability of Subsection (1).