Sec. 3.
As used in this act:
(a) "Public corporation" means a county, city, village, township, school district, port district, or metropolitan district of the state or a combination of these if authorized by law to act jointly; an authority created by or under an act of the legislature; or a municipal health facilities corporation or subsidiary municipal health facilities corporation incorporated as provided in the municipal health facilities corporations act, 1987 PA 230, MCL 331.1101 to 331.1507.
(b) "Public improvements" means only the following improvements: housing facilities; garbage disposal plants; rubbish disposal plants; incinerators; transportation systems, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with those systems; sewage disposal systems, including sanitary sewers, combined sanitary and storm sewers, plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with the collection, treatment, or disposal of sewage or industrial wastes; storm water systems, including storm sewers, plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with the collection, treatment, or disposal of storm water; water supply systems, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with obtaining a water supply, the treatment of water, or the distribution of water; utility systems for supplying light, heat, or power, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with those systems; approved cable television systems, approved cable communication systems, or telephone systems, including plants, works, instrumentalities, and properties used or useful in connection with those systems; automobile parking facilities, including within or as part of the facilities areas or buildings that may be rented or leased to private enterprises serving the public; yacht basins; harbors; docks; wharves; terminal facilities; elevated highways; bridges over, tunnels under, and ferries across bodies of water; community buildings; public wholesale markets for farm and food products; stadiums; convention halls; auditoriums; dormitories; hospitals and other health care facilities; buildings devoted to public use; museums; parks; recreational facilities; reforestation projects; aeronautical facilities; and marine railways; or any right or interest in or equipment for these improvements. The term "public improvement" means the whole or a part of any of these improvements or of any combination of these improvements or any interest or participation in these improvements, as determined by the governing body. The definition contained in this subdivision does not broaden or enlarge the extent of a particular public improvement made by a public corporation.
(c) "Borrower" means a public corporation exercising the power to issue bonds as provided in this act or a county treasurer exercising the power to issue notes as provided in this act.
(d) "Governing body" means for a county, the board of commissioners; for a city, the body having legislative powers; for a village, the body having legislative powers; for a township, the township board; for a school district, the board of education; for a port district, the port commission; for a metropolitan district, the legislative body of the district; for a municipal health facilities corporation, the board of trustees; for a nonprofit subsidiary municipal health facilities corporation, the nonprofit subsidiary board; and for an authority, the body in which is lodged general governing powers. If the charter of a public corporation or applicable law provides that a separate board has general management over a public improvement, "governing body" means, with respect to that public improvement, the separate board, subject to review by the legislative body of the public corporation as the charter or law may provide. Unless the charter or law specifically provides otherwise, the separate board shall adopt the bond authorizing ordinance, but shall not pledge full faith and credit.
(e) "Rates" means the charges, fees, rentals, and rates that may be fixed and imposed for the services, facilities, and commodities furnished by a public improvement.
(f) "Revenues" means the income derived from the rates charged for the services, facilities, and commodities furnished by a public improvement. Revenues include, to the extent provided in the authorizing ordinance, earnings on investment of funds of the public improvement and other revenues derived from or pledged to operation of the public improvement.
(g) "Net revenues" means the revenues of a public improvement remaining after deducting the reasonable expenses of administration, operation, and maintenance of the public improvement.
(h) "Project cost" or "costs" means the costs of purchasing, acquiring, constructing, improving, enlarging, extending, or repairing a public improvement, including any engineering, architectural, legal, accounting, financial, and other expenses incident to the public improvement. Project costs include interest on the bonds, and other obligations of the borrower issued to pay project costs, during the period of construction and until full revenues are developed. Project costs include a reserve or addition to a reserve for payment of principal and interest on the bonds and the amount required for operation and maintenance until sufficient revenues have developed.
(i) "Ordinance" means an ordinance, resolution, or other appropriate legislative enactment of the governing body of a public corporation.
(j) "Approved cable television system" or "approved cable communication system" means a cable television or communication system to which 1 of the following applies:
(i) A municipality acquires or establishes the system either before January 1, 1987 or before a system is established in that municipality by a private person.
(ii) A municipality acquires or establishes the system after a system is established in that municipality by a private person and after approval by a majority of the electors in the affected area of that municipality voting on the question of the sale of revenue bonds to finance the acquisition or establishment of the municipal system.
(k) "County treasurer" means an elected county treasurer or a county treasurer appointed under section 5 of 1923 PA 199, MCL 201.35, of a county.
(l) "Delinquent tax revenues" means the delinquent taxes, interest, penalties and fees, and chargebacks of uncollected delinquent taxes due or to become due to local units of government to be collected by a county treasurer as agent for the local unit of government in connection with a delinquent tax system and pledged to any borrowing by a county treasurer under section 7b. Delinquent tax revenues do not include fees, charges, and other amounts due and payable to the county treasurer under section 87c(3) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.87c.
(m) "Delinquent tax system" means the delinquent tax revolving fund in any county created and designated under section 87b of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.87b, and continued under section 87f of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.87f.
(n) "Order" means the legislative enactment of a county treasurer's powers under this act.
History: 1933, Act 94, Imd. Eff. May 26, 1933 ;-- Am. 1943, Act 219, Imd. Eff. Apr. 20, 1943 ;-- Am. 1946, 1st Ex. Sess., Act 23, Eff. June 7, 1946 ;-- Am. 1947, Act 204, Imd. Eff. June 13, 1947 ;-- CL 1948, 141.103 ;-- Am. 1949, Act 244, Eff. Sept. 23, 1949 ;-- Am. 1952, Act 152, Imd. Eff. Apr. 24, 1952 ;-- Am. 1954, Act 136, Eff. Aug. 13, 1954 ;-- Am. 1956, Act 134, Imd. Eff. Apr. 13, 1956 ;-- Am. 1966, Act 294, Imd. Eff. July 14, 1966 ;-- Am. 1968, Act 253, Imd. Eff. July 1, 1968 ;-- Am. 1978, Act 216, Imd. Eff. June 5, 1978 ;-- Am. 1986, Act 40, Imd. Eff. Mar. 17, 1986 ;-- Am. 1986, Act 246, Imd. Eff. Dec. 4, 1986 ;-- Am. 1987, Act 229, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 1987 ;-- Am. 1988, Act 501, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988 ;-- Am. 1992, Act 305, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 1992 ;-- Am. 2002, Act 465, Imd. Eff. June 21, 2002 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 83, Imd. Eff. Apr. 12, 2016
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing
Act 94 of 1933 - The Revenue Bond Act of 1933 (141.101 - 141.140)
Section 141.101 - Short Title; Revenue Bond Act of 1933.
Section 141.102 - Construction of Act.
Section 141.103 - Definitions.
Section 141.105 - Estimate of Cost and Period of Usefulness.
Section 141.108 - Lien on Revenue in Favor of Bondholders.
Section 141.109 - Statutory Lien on Net Revenues; Duration; Enforcement.
Section 141.110 - Receiverships for Public Improvements.
Section 141.111 - Bonds; Application of Other Laws and Charters.
Section 141.112a - Bonds Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Act.
Section 141.112b - Bulletins; Issuance by Department of Treasury.
Section 141.113 - Bonds; Statement on Face of Bond or on Face of Interest Coupon.
Section 141.114 - Bonds; Qualities of Negotiable Instruments.
Section 141.115 - Bonds; Deposit and Investment of Sale Proceeds.
Section 141.117 - Bonds; Validity of Signatures.
Section 141.118 - Charges for Services; Providing Medical Care Without Charge or at Reduced Rates.
Section 141.119 - Additional Bonds.
Section 141.120 - Revenue Refunding Bonds.
Section 141.120a - Combined Public Improvements; Bonds; Revenues Pledged; Retirement.
Section 141.120c - Parking Revenue Bonds; Special Assessments on Benefited Properties.
Section 141.122 - Accounting of Revenues; Order of Priority; Disposition of Surplus.
Section 141.124a - Deposit Accounts.
Section 141.125 - Fixing Dates of Operating Year for Public Improvement.
Section 141.126 - Receiving Fund Surplus; Deposit.
Section 141.127 - Issuance of Bonds by Public Corporation; Applicable Laws.
Section 141.128 - Effect of Approval Permitting Issuance of Bonds.
Section 141.129 - Service Rates Not Subject to Supervision by State Agency.
Section 141.130 - Books of Record and Account; Annual Audit Report.
Section 141.131 - Redemption of Bonds Before Maturity.
Section 141.133a - Validation of Bonds Heretofore Issued.
Section 141.133b - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties.
Section 141.134 - Liberal Construction of Act.
Section 141.136 - Immediate Necessity.
Section 141.137 - Condemnation of Property.
Section 141.138 - Trustee; Appointment; Powers and Duties; Pledging of Trust Funds.