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Section 141.101 - Short Title; Revenue Bond Act of 1933. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 141.102 - Construction of Act. - Sec. 2. This act shall be construed as cumulative authority...
Section 141.103 - Definitions. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Public corporation"...
Section 141.104 - Municipal Public Improvements; Limitations; Bonds; Acquiring Utility for Supplying Light, Heat or Power; Referendum; Powers Exercised. - Sec. 4. Any public corporation is authorized to purchase, acquire,...
Section 141.105 - Estimate of Cost and Period of Usefulness. - Sec. 5. Whenever the governing body of any public corporation...
Section 141.106 - Ordinances; Adoption; Purpose; Approval or Disapproval; Veto; Effective Date; Referendum; Record; Authentication; Publication. - Sec. 6. The governing body of a public corporation by...
Section 141.107 - Bonds; Issuance; Form; Term; Interest; Exclusion From Net Bonded Indebtedness; Registration; Pledge of Funds; Statutory First Lien. - Sec. 7. (1) For the purpose of defraying the whole...
Section 141.107a - Powers of Public Corporation in Determining to Issue Bonds; Terms of Payment; Interest; Sale or Remarketing; Tender of Bonds by Holders; Determining Aggregate Authorized Amount of Bonds Outstanding; Remarketing or Resale of Tendere... - Sec. 7a. (1) A public corporation in determining to issue...
Section 141.107b - Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund; Continuation Under MCL 211.87b; Borrowing Money and Issuing Revenue Notes; Order; Delinquent Tax Revenue as Security; Segregated Fund or Account; Requirements Applicable to Notes; Limited Tax Full-Fai... - Sec. 7b. (1) A county treasurer in any county that...
Section 141.108 - Lien on Revenue in Favor of Bondholders. - Sec. 8. There shall be created in the authorizing ordinance...
Section 141.109 - Statutory Lien on Net Revenues; Duration; Enforcement. - Sec. 9. The net revenues which are pledged shall be...
Section 141.110 - Receiverships for Public Improvements. - Sec. 10. If there be any default in the payment...
Section 141.111 - Bonds; Application of Other Laws and Charters. - Sec. 11. The bonds authorized hereunder shall not be subject...
Section 141.112 - Bonds; Discount; Sale Price; Interest; Competitive or Negotiated Sale; Notice; Publication. - Sec. 12. (1) Bonds issued under this act may be...
Section 141.112a - Bonds Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Act. - Sec. 12a. (1) Bonds issued under this act for which...
Section 141.112b - Bulletins; Issuance by Department of Treasury. - Sec. 12b. The department of treasury is authorized to issue...
Section 141.113 - Bonds; Statement on Face of Bond or on Face of Interest Coupon. - Sec. 13. (1) There shall be plainly stated on the...
Section 141.114 - Bonds; Qualities of Negotiable Instruments. - Sec. 14. The bonds shall have all the qualities of...
Section 141.115 - Bonds; Deposit and Investment of Sale Proceeds. - Sec. 15. The governing body shall require that the proceeds...
Section 141.116 - Bonds; Use of Sale Proceeds; Cancellation of Bonds Acquired by Purchase; Payment of Capitalized Interest. - Sec. 16. Money received from the sale of bonds shall...
Section 141.117 - Bonds; Validity of Signatures. - Sec. 17. In case any of the officers whose signatures...
Section 141.118 - Charges for Services; Providing Medical Care Without Charge or at Reduced Rates. - Sec. 18. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), free...
Section 141.119 - Additional Bonds. - Sec. 19. (1) A borrower issuing bonds for any public...
Section 141.120 - Revenue Refunding Bonds. - Sec. 20. (1) If a borrower has outstanding any bonds...
Section 141.120a - Combined Public Improvements; Bonds; Revenues Pledged; Retirement. - Sec. 20a. Any public corporation may determine to operate 2...
Section 141.120b - Issuance of Revenue Bonds to Retire Outstanding Bonds for Public Improvements; Revenue Refunding Bonds; Noncallable Unmatured Bonds. - Sec. 20b. If a township, city, or village has outstanding...
Section 141.120c - Parking Revenue Bonds; Special Assessments on Benefited Properties. - Sec. 20c. When a borrower has outstanding any parking revenue...
Section 141.121 - Rates for Services; Sufficiency; Fixing and Revising; Pledge for Payment of Bonds; Charges for Services as Lien on Premises; Certification of Delinquent Charges; Notice of Tenants' Responsibility for Payment of Charges; Cash Deposit... - Sec. 21. (1) Rates for services furnished by a public...
Section 141.121a - Issuance of Notes; Requirement That Delinquent Tax Revenues Be Fixed and Sufficient; Statutory Lien. - Sec. 21a. (1) Delinquent tax revenues shall be fixed before...
Section 141.122 - Accounting of Revenues; Order of Priority; Disposition of Surplus. - Sec. 22. (1) In the authorizing ordinance the governing body...
Section 141.122a - Delinquent Tax Revenues; Statutory Lien; Commingling; Designation of Note and Interest Redemption Account; Set Aside of Reasonable Excess Amount; Reserve; Transfer of Surplus to County General Fund. - Sec. 22a. (1) In the authorizing order, the county treasurer...
Section 141.123 - Appropriation and Use of Revenues for Payment of Operation and Maintenance Expenses; Appropriation and Use of Moneys Raised by Tax Levy. - Sec. 23. The borrower may appropriate and use, and may...
Section 141.124 - Money in Several Accounts of Public Improvement; Separate Deposit Account; Investment. - Sec. 24. (1) Money in the several accounts of the...
Section 141.124a - Deposit Accounts. - Sec. 24a. Money in the several accounts of the delinquent...
Section 141.125 - Fixing Dates of Operating Year for Public Improvement. - Sec. 25. The ordinance authorizing the issuance of such bonds...
Section 141.126 - Receiving Fund Surplus; Deposit. - Sec. 26. Any money remaining in the accounts of the...
Section 141.127 - Issuance of Bonds by Public Corporation; Applicable Laws. - Sec. 27. A public corporation issuing bonds under this act...
Section 141.128 - Effect of Approval Permitting Issuance of Bonds. - Sec. 28. Qualification or approval to issue obligations under the...
Section 141.129 - Service Rates Not Subject to Supervision by State Agency. - Sec. 29. Rates charged for the services furnished by any...
Section 141.130 - Books of Record and Account; Annual Audit Report. - Sec. 30. (1) Any borrower issuing revenue bonds under this...
Section 141.131 - Redemption of Bonds Before Maturity. - Sec. 31. The governing body of the borrower authorizing bonds...
Section 141.132 - Breach of Contract Not Authorized; Pledging of Revenues; Disconnection of Lands Not to Affect Liability Under Bond Issue. - Sec. 32. Nothing in this act shall be construed as...
Section 141.133 - Issuance of Bonds Without Submitting Proposition to Voters for Approval; Notice of Intent to Issue Bonds; Petition Requesting Referendum; Special Election; Verification and Rejection of Signatures; Determining Number of Registered E... - Sec. 33. Unless otherwise provided in this act, the powers...
Section 141.133a - Validation of Bonds Heretofore Issued. - Sec. 33a. All bonds heretofore issued under this act as...
Section 141.133b - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 33b. A petition under section 33, including the circulation...
Section 141.134 - Liberal Construction of Act. - Sec. 34. This act, being necessary for and to secure...
Section 141.136 - Immediate Necessity. - Sec. 36. This act, being necessary for and to secure...
Section 141.137 - Condemnation of Property. - Sec. 37. Public corporations shall have the right and power...
Section 141.138 - Trustee; Appointment; Powers and Duties; Pledging of Trust Funds. - Sec. 38. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds under...
Section 141.139 - Water Pollution; Prevention or Abatement; Public Corporation May Accept Grants or Aid From u.s. Government. - Sec. 39. Any public corporation is hereby authorized to apply...
Section 141.140 - Allocation System for Private Activity Bonds; Establishment; Purpose; Applicability; Ratification of Prior Allocations; Revocation of Allocation; Applicability of Subsection (1). - ***** 141.140 SUBSECTION (1) SHALL NOT APPLY AFTER DECEMBER 31,...