Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 230 of 1972 - Stille-Derossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act (125.1501 - 125.1531)
Section 125.1531 - Effective Date.

Sec. 31.
This act shall take effect January 1, 1973.
History: 1972, Act 230, Eff. Jan. 1, 1973 Popular Name: Act 230Popular Name: Uniform Construction Code

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 125 - Planning, Housing, and Zoning

Act 230 of 1972 - Stille-Derossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act (125.1501 - 125.1531)

Section 125.1501 - Short Title.

Section 125.1502 - Repealed. 1999, Act 245, Eff. July 31, 2001.

Section 125.1502a - Additional Definitions.

Section 125.1503 - Repealed. 1999, Act 245, Eff. July 31, 2001.

Section 125.1503a - State Construction Code Commission; Creation; Membership; Quorum; Meetings; Designation of Chairperson; Exercise of Authority; Rules; Compliance With Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act.

Section 125.1504 - State Construction Code; Rules; Promulgation; Contents; Purposes, Objectives, and Standards; Recommendations by Boards; Frequency of Updates; Public Meeting; Notice; Request to Promulgate Rule; Availability of Code to Public; Use o...

Section 125.1504a - Repealed. 1985, Act 220, Eff. Jan. 13, 1988.

Section 125.1504b - Bed and Breakfast.

Section 125.1504c - Installation of Smoke Alarms in Existing Buildings or Structures; Promulgation of Rules Required.

Section 125.1504d - Residential Occupancies; Installation of Operational Carbon Monoxide Device; Requirements; Liability; Definitions.

Section 125.1504f - Single-Family or Multifamily Dwelling; Installation of Operational and Approved Carbon Monoxide Device; Requirements; Failure to Comply; Penalty; Liability; Definitions; Name of Section.

Section 125.1504h - Installation of Manual Fire Alarm Box Required in Schools; Exception.

Section 125.1505 - Powers of Commission.

Section 125.1506 - Rules; Promulgation; Copies; Exceptions.

Section 125.1507 - Director, Subordinate Officers, Employees, Experts, Consultants, Technical Advisers, and Advisory Committees; Appointment; Duties; Compensation; Effectuating Objectives of Act; Federal Cooperation, Funds, and Grants.

Section 125.1508 - Repealed. 1999, Act 245, Eff. July 31, 2001.

Section 125.1508a - Applicability of Act and State Construction Code.

Section 125.1508b - Administration and Enforcement of Act and Code.

Section 125.1509 - Contract With Private Organization.

Section 125.1509a - Repealed. 1999, Act 245, Eff. July 31, 2001.

Section 125.1509b - Performance Evaluation of Enforcing Agency.

Section 125.1509c - Effect of Delinquent Payment of Civil Fine, Costs, or Assessment.

Section 125.1510 - Application for Building Permit; Form; Fee; Contents; Statement; Site Plan; Affidavit; Filing Written Instrument Designating Agent, Attorney, Architect, Engineer, or Builder; Additional Information Required for Residential Builder...

Section 125.1511 - Building Permit; Examination and Approval of Application; Issuance; Changes in Plans; Commencement of Construction; Compliance With Application; Suspension, Revocation, or Cancellation.

Section 125.1512 - Inspection of Construction; Consent; Time; Inspectors; Notice of Violation; Stop Order; Injunction.

Section 125.1513 - Certificate of Use and Occupancy; Issuance; Contents; Application; Fee; Temporary Certificate; Notice of Final Inspection.

Section 125.1513a - Definitions; Prohibited Appliances; Exceptions; Promulgation Date.

Section 125.1513b - “Lead Free” Defined; Pipes, Pipe Fittings, Solder, or Flux to Be Lead Free; Exception.

Section 125.1513c - Definitions; Minimum Standards for Board and Room Facilities; Inspection; Noncompliance; Order; Penalty; Hearing; Payment and Recovery of Civil Penalty; Applicability of Section.

Section 125.1513d - Requirements for Stairwell Geometry.

Section 125.1513e - Sharing Elevator Between 2 Buildings.

Section 125.1513f - Log Walls; Requirements.

Section 125.1513g - Alteration; Accessibility; Primary Function Area; "Alteration" and "Primary Function" Defined.

Section 125.1514 - Construction Board of Appeals; Creation; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Appeal to Board; Hearing; Decision; Statement of Reasons for Decision; Appeal to Commission; Copy of Decision; Additional Powers or Duties;...

Section 125.1515 - Specific Variance From Code; Requirements; Breach of Condition; Permissible Variance.

Section 125.1516 - Appeal to Commission; Time; Hearing; Quorum; Effect of Decision; Copy of Decision and Statement of Reasons; Record of Decisions; Public Inspection; Referral of Certain Appeals to Appropriate Board; Review of Board's Decision; Petit...

Section 125.1517 - Effect of Appeal on Orders, Determinations, Decisions, and Actions.

Section 125.1518 - Filing Claim of Appeal or Petition to Review.

Section 125.1519 - Premanufactured Units; Certificate of Acceptability; Rules; Building Permit; Fee; Objections; Hearing.

Section 125.1520 - Examination of Plans and Specifications; Assistance in Inspection of Construction or Performance of Duties.

Section 125.1521 - Petition for Approval of Materials, Products and Methods; Testing and Evaluation; Certificate of Acceptability.

Section 125.1521a - Installation or Use of Heating Cable; Application for Approval; “Heating Cable” Defined; Construction of Section.

Section 125.1522 - Fees; State Construction Code Fund; Fund for Purchase and Sale of Codes and Standards.

Section 125.1523 - Unlawful Conduct; Penalty; Separate Offenses; Retention of Fine by Governmental Subdivision; Designation of Violation as Municipal Civil Infraction.

Section 125.1523a - Civil Violation; Penalty; Enforcement.

Section 125.1524 - Effect of Existing Construction Regulations and Permits.

Section 125.1525 - Effect of Act on Functions of State Plumbing and Electrical Administrative Boards.

Section 125.1526 - Transfer of State Plumbing and Electrical Administrative Boards to Commission.

Section 125.1528 - Inconsistent or Conflicting Provisions; Powers and Duties of Other Acts Not Affected; Exception for Temporary Door Locking Device or System.

Section 125.1528a - Business Monitoring System, Home Monitoring System, or Low-Voltage Electric Fence; Installation, Maintenance, Replacement, or Servicing of Electrical Wiring, Equipment, or Devices; Permit Not Required; Definitions.

Section 125.1529 - Enforcement of Code or Construction Regulations by Governmental Subdivision or Enforcing Agency.

Section 125.1530 - Saving Clause; Pending or Subsequent Prosecutions.

Section 125.1531 - Effective Date.