Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 231 - Pleading and Practice
Section 85j - Fraud or Deceit in Sale of Personal Property; Treble Damages

Section 85J. Whoever, by deceit or fraud, sells personal property shall be liable in tort to a purchaser in treble the amount of damages sustained by him.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title II - Actions and Proceedings Therein

Chapter 231 - Pleading and Practice

Section 6 - Assignee of Claim Assigned by Executor or Administrator, Proceedings

Section 6b - Interest Added to Damages in Tort Actions

Section 6c - Interest Added to Damages in Contract Actions

Section 6d - Damages for Pain and Suffering in Tort Actions Arising Out of Operation, etc., of Motor Vehicles; Restrictions

Section 6e - Definitions Applicable to Sections 6e to 6g

Section 6f - Costs, Expenses and Interest for Insubstantial, Frivolous or Bad Faith Claims or Defenses

Section 6g - Appeals; Motions for Expenses for Insubstantial, Frivolous or Bad Faith Claims or Defenses

Section 6h - Interest on Damages

Section 6i - Interest Rate; Schedule

Section 9 - Action to Recover Possession of Real Property

Section 13a - Invalidity of Stipulation Waiving Service of Process or Authorizing Confession of Judgment; Vacation of Judgment

Section 13b - Ad Damnum or Monetary Amount Claimed

Section 21 - Pleading Following Answer in Abatement

Section 22 - Pleading the General Issue; Evidence

Section 31 - Equitable Defenses

Section 35 - Reply Avoiding Defense in Equity

Section 39 - Real and Mixed Actions at Issue in Land Court

Section 42 - Endorsement of Pleading or Process Before Filing or Entry; Residence

Section 43 - Late Endorsement of Pleading or Process

Section 44 - Endorsement When Plaintiff Removes From Commonwealth

Section 45 - Procuring New Responsible Endorser

Section 47 - Dismissal on Failure to Obtain Endorser

Section 48 - Substitute Endorser

Section 51 - Amendments as to Parties, Process or Pleading

Section 52 - Amendment After Demurrer

Section 58a - Notice of Default to Company Issuing Motor Vehicle Liability Policy or Bond; Assessment of Damages Deferred

Section 59a - Advancing Action for Speedy Trial

Section 59c - Request of Either Party

Section 59d - Speedy Trial of Actions Involving Election Laws

Section 59e - Request of Either Party

Section 59f - Speedy Trial for Persons Sixty-Five Years of Age or Older

Section 59g - Dismissal for Failure to File a Timely Request for Trial; Vacation of Judgment

Section 59h - Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation; Special Motion to Dismiss

Section 60b - Malpractice Actions Against Providers of Health Care; Tribunal

Section 60c - Malpractice Complaints; Ad Damnum Prohibited

Section 60d - Claim by Minor Against Provider of Health Care; Limitations

Section 60e - Malpractice Action; Professional Examination of Claimant

Section 60f - Award of Damages; Elements and Itemization of Amounts

Section 60g - Reduction of Award of Damages; Collateral Sources of Benefits

Section 60h - Limitation of Damages for Pain and Suffering

Section 60i - Attorney Fees; Limitations on Contingency Fees

Section 60j - Negligence Actions for Serving Alcoholic Beverages to Minors or Intoxicated Persons; Summary Judgments

Section 60k - Actions for Malpractice, Negligence, Etc. Against Health Care Providers; Damages; Rate of Interest

Section 60l - Written Notice Requirement for Actions Against Health Care Providers as Defined in Seventh Paragraph of Sec. 60b; Time for Filing; Exceptions; Contents; Provider's Access to Medical Records; Written Response

Section 61 - Filing Interrogatories

Section 62 - Answers to Interrogatories

Section 63 - Rules Governing Use of Interrogatories

Section 64 - Failure to Answer or to Amend or Expunge Answer

Section 65 - Person Answering Interrogatories When Corporation, Municipal Corporation, Minor or Incompetent Is Party

Section 66 - Order for Costs

Section 67 - Non-Disclosure of Information Not Pertinent

Section 68 - Inspecting Documents

Section 69 - Demand for Admissions; Answer to Demand or Refusal of Admissions; Costs

Section 71 - Motions and Interlocutory Orders

Section 72 - Agreements Regarding Amendments and Trial Procedure

Section 81 - Charges as to Facts, Etc.

Section 82 - Designation of Place of Trial

Section 83 - Interrupting Examination of Witnesses

Section 84a - Consolidation of Actions Involving Same Subject Matter

Section 85 - Comparative Negligence; Limited Effect of Contributory Negligence as Defense

Section 85a - Prima Facie Evidence of Owner's Responsibility for Operation of Motor Vehicle

Section 85b - Action for Consequential Damages; Presumption of Automobile Owner's Responsibility

Section 85c - Action to Enforce Liability Policy or Bond; Presumption of Insured's Consent to Operation of Vehicle

Section 85d - Imputing Negligence of Parent or Custodian to Infant

Section 85e - Motor Vehicles; Defenses in Subrogation Claims

Section 85f - Imputation of Negligence of Operator of Motor Vehicle to Passenger-Owner

Section 85g - Parents' Liability for Willful Acts of Minor Children

Section 85h - Leased Property; Failure to Return; Conversion; Presumption

Section 85i - Emergency Care, Etc. of Injured Persons by Members of Ski Patrols; Exemption From Civil Liability

Section 85j - Fraud or Deceit in Sale of Personal Property; Treble Damages

Section 85k - Limitation of Tort Liability of Certain Charitable Organizations; Liability of Directors, Officers or Trustees of Educational Institutions

Section 85l - Recovery of Damages Against Operator of Motor Vehicle by Guest; Ordinary Negligence

Section 85m - Disclaimers of Liability by Parking Facilities Not a Defense and Void

Section 85n - Liability of Licensed Members of Certain Professional Societies and Committees for Damages Resulting From Official Acts

Section 85o - Contracts; Age of Legal Capacity and Liability in Civil Actions

Section 85p - Age of Majority; Legal Capacity

Section 85p1/2 - Child Performers; Contracts; Court Approval

Section 85q - Standard of Care Owed Children; Maintenance of Artificial Condition Upon Land

Section 85r - Boat Races or Regattas; Liability for Injuries

Section 85r1/2 - Liability for Damage to Property as a Result of Shoplifting or Attempted Larceny; Recovery

Section 85s - Physical Alteration or Destruction of Fine Art

Section 85t - Negligence Action for Serving Alcohol to Intoxicated Person Prohibited; Exceptions

Section 85u - Death or Injury to Unlawful Dwelling Occupants; Liability of Lawful Occupants

Section 85v - Sports Program Volunteers' Liability; Definitions

Section 85w - Officers and Directors of Charitable Corporations; Tort Liability

Section 85x - Loss of Consortium of a Dependent Child; Cause of Action

Section 85y - Child Care Facilities; Liability of Owner of Property for Injury or Damage on Premises

Section 85z - Conveyances Without Fair Consideration by Persons in Contempt of an Order or Judgment for Child Support; Civil Action

Section 85aa - Liability of Registered Rescue Volunteers

Section 85bb - False Claim of Hours Worked Knowingly Submitted by Law Enforcement Officer

Section 87 - Pleadings as Evidence; Effect

Section 88 - Effect of Unaccepted Offer of Judgment

Section 89 - Use at Trial of Answers to Interrogatories

Section 91 - Effect of Unproved Defense of Truth in Action of Slander or Libel; Proof of Statements Not Contained in Pleadings

Section 91a - Radio or Television Broadcast; Liability of Owner of Station, Etc.

Section 91b - Statement Relating to Bank Loan for Purchase of Goods or Services as Defense to Claim for Libel

Section 92 - Truth as Justification for Libel

Section 93 - Retraction of Libel; Mitigation of Damages; Punitive Damages

Section 94 - Evidence in Mitigation of Damages

Section 94a - Probable Cause as Defence in Action for False Arrest

Section 94b - False Arrest; Shoplifting; Defrauding Innkeepers; Defenses

Section 94c - False Arrest; Theft of Public Records; Defenses

Section 95 - Defense to Action on Default Judgment

Section 96 - Relief From Final Judgment; Vacation; Effect of Attachment

Section 97 - Appeal to Superior Court

Section 98 - Appeal Bond

Section 99 - Deposit in Lieu of Appeal Bond

Section 101 - Record on Appeal to Superior Court; Transmission

Section 102 - Docket Entries on Taking Appeal

Section 102c - Transfer of Action From Superior Court; Trial; Decision; Notice; Judgment; Retransfer; Trial

Section 103 - Waiver of Jury Trial and Right of Appeal in Cases Brought in District Court

Section 104 - Removal From District Court to Superior Court

Section 104a - Multiple Judgments Specification for Removal to Superior Court

Section 106 - Deposit in Lieu of Removal Bond

Section 107 - Circumstances Making Removal Bond Unnecessary

Section 108 - Appellate Divisions of District Courts; Assignment and Compensation of Justices; Procedure

Section 109 - Appeal to Appeals Court From Appellate Division

Section 110 - Powers of Appellate Division

Section 111 - Report by Single Justice

Section 112 - Report by Single Justice of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 112a - Appellate Proceedings Upon Report; Application of Rules of Appellate Procedure

Section 112b - Objections to Rulings or Orders

Section 113 - Appeal From Final Judgment of Superior Court, Land Court and Housing Courts

Section 114 - Appeal From Final Judgment of Single Justice of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 115 - Disposition of Judgment on Appeal; Stay of Execution

Section 116 - Protective Orders Pending Appeal

Section 117 - Temporary Appellate Relief From Final Judgments Pending Appeal

Section 118 - Temporary Appellate Relief From Interlocutory Orders; Appeals to Appeals Court or Supreme Judicial Court

Section 118a - Appeal From Interlocutory Order for Equitable Relief

Section 119 - Harmless Error; Disposition of Judgment on Appeal

Section 124 - Determination of Questions of Law by Full Court on Appeal

Section 125 - Appellate Court's Powers of Amendment; Additional Testimony

Section 125a - Further Report of Material Facts in Equity and Probate Appeals

Section 130 - Costs on Refusal of New Trial

Section 132 - Error Not Affecting Substantial Rights; Partial New Trial

Section 138 - Amendment of Pleadings; Notice and Hearing Requisite to Bind Certain Persons; Appeal

Section 139 - Representation of Corporate Party by Officer or Agent

Section 140a - Conclusiveness of Consent Judgment in Automobile Case

Section 140b - Advance Payments or Settlements of Claims by Insurers; Effect Upon Liability; Admissibility as Evidence; Credit Upon Judgment; Notice of Limitations to Claimant by Insurer; Accrual of Cause of Action

Section 140c - Settlement or Partial Payment by Insurer as Admission of Liability

Section 140c1/2 - Settlement of Claim of Minor or Incompetent; Judicial Powers; Petition for Settlement Approval