Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 231 - Pleading and Practice
Section 6d - Damages for Pain and Suffering in Tort Actions Arising Out of Operation, etc., of Motor Vehicles; Restrictions

Section 6D. In any action of tort brought as a result of bodily injury, sickness or disease, arising out of the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle within this commonwealth by the defendant, a plaintiff may recover damages for pain and suffering, including mental suffering associated with such injury, sickness or disease, only if the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in treating such injury, sickness or disease for necessary medical, surgical, x-ray and dental services, including prosthetic devices, and necessary ambulance, hospital, professional nursing and funeral expenses are determined to be in excess of two thousand dollars unless such injury, sickness or disease (1) causes death, or (2) consists in whole or in part of loss of a body member, or (3) consists in whole or in part of permanent and serious disfigurement, or (4) results in such loss of sight or hearing as is described in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of section thirty-six of chapter one hundred and fifty-two or (5) consists of a fracture.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title II - Actions and Proceedings Therein

Chapter 231 - Pleading and Practice

Section 6 - Assignee of Claim Assigned by Executor or Administrator, Proceedings

Section 6b - Interest Added to Damages in Tort Actions

Section 6c - Interest Added to Damages in Contract Actions

Section 6d - Damages for Pain and Suffering in Tort Actions Arising Out of Operation, etc., of Motor Vehicles; Restrictions

Section 6e - Definitions Applicable to Sections 6e to 6g

Section 6f - Costs, Expenses and Interest for Insubstantial, Frivolous or Bad Faith Claims or Defenses

Section 6g - Appeals; Motions for Expenses for Insubstantial, Frivolous or Bad Faith Claims or Defenses

Section 6h - Interest on Damages

Section 6i - Interest Rate; Schedule

Section 9 - Action to Recover Possession of Real Property

Section 13a - Invalidity of Stipulation Waiving Service of Process or Authorizing Confession of Judgment; Vacation of Judgment

Section 13b - Ad Damnum or Monetary Amount Claimed

Section 21 - Pleading Following Answer in Abatement

Section 22 - Pleading the General Issue; Evidence

Section 31 - Equitable Defenses

Section 35 - Reply Avoiding Defense in Equity

Section 39 - Real and Mixed Actions at Issue in Land Court

Section 42 - Endorsement of Pleading or Process Before Filing or Entry; Residence

Section 43 - Late Endorsement of Pleading or Process

Section 44 - Endorsement When Plaintiff Removes From Commonwealth

Section 45 - Procuring New Responsible Endorser

Section 47 - Dismissal on Failure to Obtain Endorser

Section 48 - Substitute Endorser

Section 51 - Amendments as to Parties, Process or Pleading

Section 52 - Amendment After Demurrer

Section 58a - Notice of Default to Company Issuing Motor Vehicle Liability Policy or Bond; Assessment of Damages Deferred

Section 59a - Advancing Action for Speedy Trial

Section 59c - Request of Either Party

Section 59d - Speedy Trial of Actions Involving Election Laws

Section 59e - Request of Either Party

Section 59f - Speedy Trial for Persons Sixty-Five Years of Age or Older

Section 59g - Dismissal for Failure to File a Timely Request for Trial; Vacation of Judgment

Section 59h - Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation; Special Motion to Dismiss

Section 60b - Malpractice Actions Against Providers of Health Care; Tribunal

Section 60c - Malpractice Complaints; Ad Damnum Prohibited

Section 60d - Claim by Minor Against Provider of Health Care; Limitations

Section 60e - Malpractice Action; Professional Examination of Claimant

Section 60f - Award of Damages; Elements and Itemization of Amounts

Section 60g - Reduction of Award of Damages; Collateral Sources of Benefits

Section 60h - Limitation of Damages for Pain and Suffering

Section 60i - Attorney Fees; Limitations on Contingency Fees

Section 60j - Negligence Actions for Serving Alcoholic Beverages to Minors or Intoxicated Persons; Summary Judgments

Section 60k - Actions for Malpractice, Negligence, Etc. Against Health Care Providers; Damages; Rate of Interest

Section 60l - Written Notice Requirement for Actions Against Health Care Providers as Defined in Seventh Paragraph of Sec. 60b; Time for Filing; Exceptions; Contents; Provider's Access to Medical Records; Written Response

Section 61 - Filing Interrogatories

Section 62 - Answers to Interrogatories

Section 63 - Rules Governing Use of Interrogatories

Section 64 - Failure to Answer or to Amend or Expunge Answer

Section 65 - Person Answering Interrogatories When Corporation, Municipal Corporation, Minor or Incompetent Is Party

Section 66 - Order for Costs

Section 67 - Non-Disclosure of Information Not Pertinent

Section 68 - Inspecting Documents

Section 69 - Demand for Admissions; Answer to Demand or Refusal of Admissions; Costs

Section 71 - Motions and Interlocutory Orders

Section 72 - Agreements Regarding Amendments and Trial Procedure

Section 81 - Charges as to Facts, Etc.

Section 82 - Designation of Place of Trial

Section 83 - Interrupting Examination of Witnesses

Section 84a - Consolidation of Actions Involving Same Subject Matter

Section 85 - Comparative Negligence; Limited Effect of Contributory Negligence as Defense

Section 85a - Prima Facie Evidence of Owner's Responsibility for Operation of Motor Vehicle

Section 85b - Action for Consequential Damages; Presumption of Automobile Owner's Responsibility

Section 85c - Action to Enforce Liability Policy or Bond; Presumption of Insured's Consent to Operation of Vehicle

Section 85d - Imputing Negligence of Parent or Custodian to Infant

Section 85e - Motor Vehicles; Defenses in Subrogation Claims

Section 85f - Imputation of Negligence of Operator of Motor Vehicle to Passenger-Owner

Section 85g - Parents' Liability for Willful Acts of Minor Children

Section 85h - Leased Property; Failure to Return; Conversion; Presumption

Section 85i - Emergency Care, Etc. of Injured Persons by Members of Ski Patrols; Exemption From Civil Liability

Section 85j - Fraud or Deceit in Sale of Personal Property; Treble Damages

Section 85k - Limitation of Tort Liability of Certain Charitable Organizations; Liability of Directors, Officers or Trustees of Educational Institutions

Section 85l - Recovery of Damages Against Operator of Motor Vehicle by Guest; Ordinary Negligence

Section 85m - Disclaimers of Liability by Parking Facilities Not a Defense and Void

Section 85n - Liability of Licensed Members of Certain Professional Societies and Committees for Damages Resulting From Official Acts

Section 85o - Contracts; Age of Legal Capacity and Liability in Civil Actions

Section 85p - Age of Majority; Legal Capacity

Section 85p1/2 - Child Performers; Contracts; Court Approval

Section 85q - Standard of Care Owed Children; Maintenance of Artificial Condition Upon Land

Section 85r - Boat Races or Regattas; Liability for Injuries

Section 85r1/2 - Liability for Damage to Property as a Result of Shoplifting or Attempted Larceny; Recovery

Section 85s - Physical Alteration or Destruction of Fine Art

Section 85t - Negligence Action for Serving Alcohol to Intoxicated Person Prohibited; Exceptions

Section 85u - Death or Injury to Unlawful Dwelling Occupants; Liability of Lawful Occupants

Section 85v - Sports Program Volunteers' Liability; Definitions

Section 85w - Officers and Directors of Charitable Corporations; Tort Liability

Section 85x - Loss of Consortium of a Dependent Child; Cause of Action

Section 85y - Child Care Facilities; Liability of Owner of Property for Injury or Damage on Premises

Section 85z - Conveyances Without Fair Consideration by Persons in Contempt of an Order or Judgment for Child Support; Civil Action

Section 85aa - Liability of Registered Rescue Volunteers

Section 85bb - False Claim of Hours Worked Knowingly Submitted by Law Enforcement Officer

Section 87 - Pleadings as Evidence; Effect

Section 88 - Effect of Unaccepted Offer of Judgment

Section 89 - Use at Trial of Answers to Interrogatories

Section 91 - Effect of Unproved Defense of Truth in Action of Slander or Libel; Proof of Statements Not Contained in Pleadings

Section 91a - Radio or Television Broadcast; Liability of Owner of Station, Etc.

Section 91b - Statement Relating to Bank Loan for Purchase of Goods or Services as Defense to Claim for Libel

Section 92 - Truth as Justification for Libel

Section 93 - Retraction of Libel; Mitigation of Damages; Punitive Damages

Section 94 - Evidence in Mitigation of Damages

Section 94a - Probable Cause as Defence in Action for False Arrest

Section 94b - False Arrest; Shoplifting; Defrauding Innkeepers; Defenses

Section 94c - False Arrest; Theft of Public Records; Defenses

Section 95 - Defense to Action on Default Judgment

Section 96 - Relief From Final Judgment; Vacation; Effect of Attachment

Section 97 - Appeal to Superior Court

Section 98 - Appeal Bond

Section 99 - Deposit in Lieu of Appeal Bond

Section 101 - Record on Appeal to Superior Court; Transmission

Section 102 - Docket Entries on Taking Appeal

Section 102c - Transfer of Action From Superior Court; Trial; Decision; Notice; Judgment; Retransfer; Trial

Section 103 - Waiver of Jury Trial and Right of Appeal in Cases Brought in District Court

Section 104 - Removal From District Court to Superior Court

Section 104a - Multiple Judgments Specification for Removal to Superior Court

Section 106 - Deposit in Lieu of Removal Bond

Section 107 - Circumstances Making Removal Bond Unnecessary

Section 108 - Appellate Divisions of District Courts; Assignment and Compensation of Justices; Procedure

Section 109 - Appeal to Appeals Court From Appellate Division

Section 110 - Powers of Appellate Division

Section 111 - Report by Single Justice

Section 112 - Report by Single Justice of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 112a - Appellate Proceedings Upon Report; Application of Rules of Appellate Procedure

Section 112b - Objections to Rulings or Orders

Section 113 - Appeal From Final Judgment of Superior Court, Land Court and Housing Courts

Section 114 - Appeal From Final Judgment of Single Justice of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 115 - Disposition of Judgment on Appeal; Stay of Execution

Section 116 - Protective Orders Pending Appeal

Section 117 - Temporary Appellate Relief From Final Judgments Pending Appeal

Section 118 - Temporary Appellate Relief From Interlocutory Orders; Appeals to Appeals Court or Supreme Judicial Court

Section 118a - Appeal From Interlocutory Order for Equitable Relief

Section 119 - Harmless Error; Disposition of Judgment on Appeal

Section 124 - Determination of Questions of Law by Full Court on Appeal

Section 125 - Appellate Court's Powers of Amendment; Additional Testimony

Section 125a - Further Report of Material Facts in Equity and Probate Appeals

Section 130 - Costs on Refusal of New Trial

Section 132 - Error Not Affecting Substantial Rights; Partial New Trial

Section 138 - Amendment of Pleadings; Notice and Hearing Requisite to Bind Certain Persons; Appeal

Section 139 - Representation of Corporate Party by Officer or Agent

Section 140a - Conclusiveness of Consent Judgment in Automobile Case

Section 140b - Advance Payments or Settlements of Claims by Insurers; Effect Upon Liability; Admissibility as Evidence; Credit Upon Judgment; Notice of Limitations to Claimant by Insurer; Accrual of Cause of Action

Section 140c - Settlement or Partial Payment by Insurer as Admission of Liability

Section 140c1/2 - Settlement of Claim of Minor or Incompetent; Judicial Powers; Petition for Settlement Approval