Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 71 - Public Schools
Section 84 - Discipline of Students on Matters Unrelated to School-Sponsored Activities Prohibited

Section 84. No student shall be suspended, expelled, or otherwise disciplined on account of marriage, pregnancy, parenthood or for conduct which is not connected with any school-sponsored activities; provided, however, that in the case of a pregnant student, the school committee may require that the student be under the supervision of a physician.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 71 - Public Schools

Section 1 - Maintenance; Double Sessions; Subjects; Twelve-Month School Year

Section 11/2 - Definitions; Applicability of Sec. 2 of Chapter 70

Section 1a - Period of Silence

Section 1b - Voluntary Prayer

Section 1c - Workshops on Rights of Students and Their Parents Under Special Education Laws of the Commonwealth and the Federal Government

Section 2 - Teaching of History and Social Science; Professional Development; Student-Led Civic Projects; Commonwealth Civics Challenge

Section 2a - Use of Tobacco Products Within School Buildings or Facilities or on School Grounds

Section 2b - Courses in American Sign Language

Section 2c - Implementation of Policy and Discipline Code Addressing Teen Dating Violence in Public Schools

Section 3 - Physical Education

Section 4 - High Schools; Maintenance; Diplomas Awarded to Veterans

Section 4a - Failure to Keep Schools Open for Required Period; Penalty

Section 6 - Education in Out-of-Town High Schools

Section 6a - Admission of Students From Outside Commonwealth

Section 7a - Transportation of Pupils; Payment of Costs; Limitations

Section 7b - Transportation of Pupils; Reimbursement of Costs; Determination of Amount; Use of Funds

Section 7c - Bus Transportation Programs; Financial Assistance

Section 10 - Expenses of Physically Disabled Children

Section 11 - High School; Definition

Section 13 - Requested Courses; School Committee Approval

Section 13d - High Schools; Required Subjects; Driver Training

Section 13f - Broadcast and Television Facilities; Cost of Program; Executive Committee for Educational Television

Section 13g - Executive Committee for Educational Television; Rules and Regulations; Personnel

Section 13h - Educational Television Program Fund; Accounts and Reports

Section 13i - Executive Committee for Educational Television; Powers and Duties

Section 14 - Regional School District Planning Committee; Creation; Membership

Section 14a - Duties of Planning Board

Section 14b - Regional School Districts; Formation; Procedure

Section 14c - Lease or Sale of Property to Regional School Districts

Section 14d - Regional School District Planning Board; Agreement; Approval of Indebtedness

Section 14e - Regional School District Committee Membership Options

Section 15 - Acceptance of Organization Provisions by Electorate

Section 16 - Regional School Districts; Status; Powers and Duties

Section 16a - Regional District School Committee; Selection, Powers and Duties of Officers; Signing of Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrants; Audits

Section 16b - Budgets; Apportionment of Expenses

Section 16b1/2 - Excess and Deficiency Fund; Surplus Funds Used to Reduce Assessments

Section 16c - Regional School Districts; School Transportation

Section 16d - Aid From State

Section 16d1/2 - Monies Received as Nonresident Tuition or Reimbursements From Commonwealth for Foster Care Children

Section 16e - Regional School Districts; Audits; Payment of Costs

Section 16f - Retirement System

Section 16g - Liability of Towns for Expenses of District

Section 16g1/2 - Stabilization Fund

Section 16i - Severability of Sections Relating to Regional School Districts

Section 17a - Culinary Arts Program; Special Fund

Section 18 - Evening Schools

Section 19 - Evening Classes in High Schools

Section 20 - Notice of Evening Schools; Publication; Fees for Instruction

Section 20a - Instructional Materials Trust Fund

Section 21 - Continuation Schools; Establishment; Conditions

Section 22 - Attendance

Section 23 - Use of Existing Educational Facilities

Section 24 - Cost of Maintenance; Source of Funds

Section 25 - Unemployed Minors; Attendance Requirements

Section 26 - Penalty for Failure to Establish or Maintain School

Section 26a - Extended School Services for Children; Establishment; Conditions

Section 26b - Extended School Services for Children; Organization and Operation of Plan

Section 26c - Extended School Services for Children; Contributions and Federal Funds; Use

Section 26d - Borrowing in Anticipation of Federal Funds

Section 27 - Lectures

Section 28 - Summer Schools

Section 30 - Moral Education

Section 31 - Bible Reading

Section 31a - Guidelines for Celebration of Holidays Authorized

Section 32 - Observance of Memorial Day

Section 32a - Sex Education; Policy Regarding Notice to Parents, Exception

Section 34 - Support of Schools; Appropriations; Recommendations

Section 34a - Transcript of Student's Record; Availability

Section 34b - Remedy for Failure to Furnish Transcript of Student's Record

Section 34d - Student Records; Maintenance, Storage, Destruction, etc.; Inspection by Parent or Guardian

Section 34e - Inspection of Student Records; Persons Authorized

Section 34g - Private Schools; Transfer of Transcripts Upon Ceasing Operation

Section 34h - Noncustodial Parents; Receipt of Information for Child Enrolled in Public Elementary or Secondary Schools; Notice to Custodial Parent

Section 35 - Beginning of Term

Section 36 - Secretary; Appointment; Duties

Section 36a - Orientation for School Committee Members

Section 37 - Powers and Duties; Superintendent Serving Joint Districts

Section 37a - Grants; Acceptance and Disbursement

Section 37b - Purchase of or Making Payments to Annuities or Investments

Section 37c - Promotion of Racial Balance

Section 37d - Racial Imbalance; Definitions; Statistics; Transfers; Priorities; Plans for Elimination; Public Hearings; Regulations; Jurisdiction; Costs; Attorney's Fees

Section 37e - Legal Counsel for Collective Bargaining

Section 37f - Legal Counsel for General Purposes

Section 37g - Corporal Punishment of Pupils Prohibited; Use of Physical Restraint; Regulations

Section 37h - Policies Relative to Conduct of Teachers or Students; Student Handbooks

Section 37h1/2 - Felony Complaint or Conviction of Student; Suspension; Expulsion; Right to Appeal

Section 37h3/4 - Suspension or Expulsion on Grounds Other Than Those Set Forth in Secs. 37h or 37h1/2

Section 37i - Magnet School Facilities; Grants; Application; Approval; Agreements; Eligible Costs; Regulations

Section 37j - Magnet Educational Programs; Reimbursement for Cost; Definition; Contracts; Joining Programs

Section 37k - Business Demonstration Projects; Disposition of Proceeds

Section 37l - Notification to School Personnel of Reporting Requirements for Child Abuse and Neglect and Fires; Reports of Students Possessing or Using Dangerous Weapons on School Premises; Transferred Students' School Records

Section 37m - Consolidation of Administrative Functions With City or Town

Section 37n - Policy for School-Sponsored Student Travel

Section 37o - School Bullying Prohibited; Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plans; Reporting of Bullying Incident Date

Section 37p - School Resource Officers; Model School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding; Review Commission; Assignment of Officers

Section 37q - Mental Health Support Plans

Section 37r - Possession and Access to Two-Way Communication Device for Communicating With Police and Fire Departments During Emergency Situation

Section 38 - Employment of Teachers, Aides, Principals, etc.; Designation of Horace Mann Teachers; Performance Evaluations; Performance Standards

Section 38a - Duties; Appointment of Director of Occupational Guidance, Duties of Director

Section 38c - Status of Director of Occupational Guidance

Section 38d - District Directors of Occupational Guidance; Appointment

Section 38f - Fees for Services of Directors of Occupational Guidance; Prohibition; Penalty for Violation

Section 38g - Certification for Certain Teaching and Administrative Positions; Provisional and Standard Certificates; Policies and Guidelines Regarding Requirements and Qualifications; Applications; Recommendations; Review; Continuing Education; Rene...

Section 38g1/2 - Specialist Teacher Endorsement in Transition Services; Transition of Students With Disabilities to Post-School Activities

Section 38h - School Librarian and School Library Supervisor or Co-Ordinator; Tenure

Section 38i - Reimbursement of Teachers for Tuitions and Fees

Section 38k - Public Relations Bureau in School Departments; Establishment

Section 38m - Student Advisory Committees

Section 38n - Proposed Annual Budgets; Public Hearings Required; Quorum

Section 38o - Sex Education Advisory Committees

Section 38p - School Psychologists; Tenure

Section 38q - Professional Development Plans; Statewide Assistance Plan

Section 38q1/2 - Curriculum Accommodation Plan

Section 38r - Criminal Background Check of Current or Prospective School Employee, Volunteer, or Other Persons Having Direct and Unmonitored Contact With Children; Criminal Offender Record Information; State and National Fingerprint-Based Criminal Ba...

Section 39 - Teacher's Application Forms; Questions Concerning Religion or Politics

Section 40 - Compensation of Teachers; Deferred Payment

Section 41 - Tenure of Teachers and Superintendents; Persons Entitled to Professional Teacher Status; Dismissal; Review

Section 41a - Leaves of Absence of Professional Staff

Section 41b - Leaves of Absence; Peace Corps

Section 42 - Dismissal or Demotion of Teachers or Other Employees of School or School District; Arbitration

Section 42b - Rights of School Employees in Regional Districts

Section 42c - Records of Teachers; Inspection

Section 42d - Suspension of District Employees

Section 43 - Reduction of Salaries; Conditions

Section 44 - Restrictions on Teachers' Political Rights; Prohibition

Section 45 - Procurement of Teaching Positions; Regulation of Fees; Penalty for Violation

Section 47 - Athletic Programs; School Organizations; Student Activity Accounts

Section 47a - Athletic Coaches; Employment

Section 48 - Textbooks and School Supplies

Section 48a - School Safety Patrols; Functions, Limitations; Liability

Section 48b - Uniforms of School Employees

Section 49 - Purchase of Textbooks by Pupils

Section 49a - Orders for Materials and Equipment; Contracts for Services

Section 50 - Change of School Books

Section 51 - Exhibition of School Work at Expositions

Section 52 - Compensation of School Committee Members

Section 53 - School Physicians and Nurses

Section 53a - Employment of Medical Personnel by Superintendency District or Union; Compensation; Removal

Section 53b - Towns Within a Superintendency District or Union; Exemption From Appointment Requirement

Section 54 - Examination of Children and School Personnel

Section 54a - Physician or Person Trained in Emergency Medical Care; Assignment to Interscholastic Football Games

Section 54b - Administration of Medications in School Settings; Regulations

Section 54c - Automated External Defibrillators Required at School Facilities; Certified Aed Providers; Hardship Waivers; Personal Liability; Regulations

Section 55 - Contagious Diseases; Regulations

Section 55a - Sick, Injured or Incapacitated Pupils; Procedure for Handling; Emergency First Aid or Transportation; Exemption From Civil Liability

Section 55c - Eye Protective Devices

Section 55d - Musical Wind Instruments; Notification of Sanitization and Option to Sterilize at Parental Expense

Section 56 - Sick Children; Notification of Parents

Section 57 - Physical Examination of Pupils; Eye Examination, Written Report

Section 57a - Students With Potential Indicators of a Neurological Learning Disability; Guidelines for Development of Screening Procedures

Section 59 - Superintendent of Schools; Appointment; Compensation; Powers and Duties

Section 59a - Superintendents of Schools in Small Towns; Appointment; State Aid for Compensation

Section 59b - Principals; Appointment; Compensation; Duties; Appointment of Other Personnel

Section 59c - School Councils; Members; Meetings; Duties

Section 59d - School-Community Partnerships; Grant Program

Section 61 - Superintendent of Schools; Employment by a Town Union; Termination of Town Participation in a Union

Section 62 - Readjustment of Town Unions

Section 63 - School Committees as Joint Committee; Representation: Meetings; Employment of Superintendent, Removal

Section 64 - Union Superintendent; Compensation

Section 67 - Superintendents of Schools; Penalty for Accepting Fees for Obtaining Positions; Employment of Immediate Family of Certain Persons Prohibited

Section 68 - Duties of Towns to Maintain Schools; Transportation of Children; School Building Committee Representation

Section 69 - Display of National Flags; Pledge of Allegiance; Penalty for Violation

Section 69a - Plaque Reading ''for God and Country''; Placement on Public School Buildings

Section 70 - Location of Schools

Section 71 - Use of School Property; Purposes

Section 71a - Highway Safety Stations; Designation, Discontinuance

Section 71b - Adult Physical Fitness Programs

Section 71c - Community School Programs; Receipts; Deposit and Expenditure

Section 71d - Prepayment of Tuition to Private Schools or Program Sources

Section 71e - Appropriations for and Expenditure of Receipts From Adult Education and Continuing Education Programs

Section 71f - Nonresident or Foster Care Students; Deposit of Tuition Payments and State Reimbursements; Expenditures and Appropriations

Section 72 - Sale of Lunches

Section 72a - Implementation the Federal Community Eligibility Provision; Waiver; Training; Certification of Students for Free School Meal Status

Section 72b - Unpaid Student Meal Debt; Determination of Whether Student Is Categorically-Eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Meals

Section 73 - Closing of School for Teachers' Meetings

Section 74 - Management of Schools Funds by Private Corporations

Section 75 - Extended Courses of Instruction

Section 76 - Rules of Admission

Section 77 - Joint Establishment of Extended Courses

Section 79 - Junior College Designation, Degrees

Section 80 - Lunch Period for Teachers

Section 81 - Junior Colleges; Restriction on Establishment

Section 82 - Public Secondary Schools; Right of Students to Freedom of Expression; Limitations; Definitions

Section 83 - Dress and Appearance of Students Protected

Section 84 - Discipline of Students on Matters Unrelated to School-Sponsored Activities Prohibited

Section 85 - Guidelines Implementing Secs. 82 to 84; Rules and Regulations; Adoption; Emergencies; Procedures

Section 86 - Application of Secs. 83 to 85

Section 87 - Intelligence Test Scores; Records

Section 88 - Military Recruiters; On-Campus Recruiting Opportunities

Section 89 - Commonwealth Charter Schools; Horace Mann Charter Schools; Applications; Enrollment; Employees; Funding

Section 90 - Classroom Placement of Twins or Higher Order Multiples

Section 91 - Recovery High School; Definition; Enrollment; Student Performance; Rules and Regulations; Deduction of Home School District Allotment for Failure to Transfer Funds as Required

Section 92 - Innovation Schools

Section 93 - Policy Regarding Internet Safety Measures for Schools Providing Computer Access to Students

Section 94 - Commonwealth Virtual Schools

Section 95 - Reimbursement Aid to Municipalities for Costs Incurred for Federal Military Reservation Students

Section 96 - Substance Use Prevention and Abuse Education Policies for Public Schools

Section 97 - Verbal Screening Tool for Substance Abuse Disorders

Section 98 - Instruction on the History of Genocide