Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 71 - Public Schools
Section 16b - Budgets; Apportionment of Expenses

[Section impacted by 2020, 56, Sec. 8 effective April 10, 2020 relating to suspension of the budget approval process in order to address disruptions caused by the outbreak of COVID-19.]
Section 16B. The regional district school committee, by a two-thirds vote of all its members, shall annually determine the amounts necessary to be raised, after deducting the amount of aid such district is to receive pursuant to section sixteen D, to maintain and operate the district school or schools during the next fiscal year, and amounts required for payment of debt and interest incurred by the district which will be due in the said year, and shall apportion the amount so determined among the several municipalities in accordance with the terms of the regional school district agreement. The amounts so apportioned for each municipality shall be certified by the regional school district treasurer to the treasurers of the several municipalities within thirty days from the date on which the annual budget is adopted by a two-thirds vote of the regional district school committee, but not later than April thirtieth. The regional school district treasurer shall include in the certification to each municipality a statement setting forth the amount which the district is to receive under said section sixteen D for the ensuing fiscal year and the proportionate share of such aid for such municipality, the amount, if any, by which the unencumbered amount in the excess and deficiency fund, so called, of the regional school district at the end of the preceding fiscal year, as certified by the commissioner of revenue pursuant to section sixteen B.5, exceeded five per cent of the regional school district's operating budget and its budgeted capital costs for the current fiscal year, and the proportionate share of any such excess in said fund by which such municipality's assessment for the current fiscal year was reduced.
The regional school district treasurer shall provide a copy of the adopted budget to the chairmen of the boards of selectmen, chairmen of the finance committees, mayors, presidents of the city councils and the treasurers of the several municipalities.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the superintendent of schools of a regional school district may, on matters relating to the regional school budget, address the membership at a city council meeting, a town meeting or a meeting of the town council in a municipality having a town council form of government in cities and towns within the regional school district when the regional school budget is being considered.
The members of a regional school district, including a vocational regional school district, may elect to reallocate the sum of their required local contributions to the district in accordance with the regional agreement; provided, however, that the total sum of their required contributions shall not be decreased. Election shall be by approval of all members of the district. Approval of each member shall be given by majority vote at an annual or special town meeting, in the case of towns, or by majority vote of the council, in the case of cities. The commissioner of education shall be notified upon the adoption of this section by this district. Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the calculation of the members' required local contributions for any succeeding year as provided by chapter seventy of the General Laws.
The annual regional school district budget as adopted by a two-thirds vote of the regional school district committee shall require the approval of two-thirds of the local appropriating authorities of the member municipalities. The regional school district budget so approved shall be apportioned between or among the member municipalities and paid in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
In the event that the regional school district budget in a regional school district is not approved by at least two-thirds of the member municipalities as required by this section, the regional school district committee shall have thirty days to reconsider, amend and resubmit a budget on the basis of the issues raised. The amounts required to be raised on account of the regional school district budget shall be reapportioned between or among the member municipalities by the regional school district committee and a copy of the amended budget shall be provided, not later than seven days from the date the amended regional school district budget was adopted by the regional school district committee, to the chairmen of the boards of selectmen, chairmen of the finance committees, mayors, presidents of the city councils and treasurers of the member municipalities. With the approval of the commissioner of education, a regional school district committee may have an additional fifteen days within which to reconsider, amend and reapportion said budget. The respective amounts reapportioned between or among the member municipalities by the regional school district committee shall be recertified by the district treasurer to the treasurers of the member municipalities not later than seven days from the date the amended regional school district budget was adopted by the regional school district committee. Prior to the expiration of forty-five days from the date on which such budget was adopted by the regional school district committee, each member municipality shall hold a meeting of the local appropriating authority to act upon the appropriation of the budget so reapportioned and recertified to it. If the appropriating authorities of at least two-thirds of the member municipalities vote to appropriate the amounts so reapportioned and recertified to them, such budget shall be considered approved and shall be apportioned between or among the member municipalities and paid by them in accordance with the terms of the regional school district agreement. In the case of a regional school district having three or more members, if the appropriating authorities of more than one-third of the member municipalities vote not to appropriate the amounts so reapportioned and recertified to them, then the budget shall again be recommitted to the regional school district committee for action pursuant to this paragraph. In the case of a two-member regional school district, if the appropriating authority of either member municipality votes not to appropriate the amount so reapportioned and recertified to it, the provisions of the following paragraph shall apply.
The regional school district committee shall convene a special district-wide meeting open to all registered voters in both municipalities at which the amended regional school district budget, proposed by the regional school district committee, shall be considered. Such meeting shall be called pursuant to a warrant, under the hands of at least a majority of the regional school district committee, notice of which shall be given at least fourteen days prior to the date of such meeting. The warrant shall state the time, place and purpose of the meeting and shall be directed to the district secretary, who shall give notice by posting a copy in the city or town clerk's office and at least two other public places in each member municipality and who shall further provide notice by publishing a copy of said warrant in at least one newspaper in general circulation within the member municipalities. The boards of selectmen of the member municipalities in a joint meeting shall, by a majority vote of those present, appoint a town moderator or any other person acceptable to the boards of selectmen to act as moderator and the district secretary shall keep the record of such meeting. Approval of the regional school district budget shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of those present and voting thereon, by a counted vote. The regional school district budget so approved shall be apportioned between the member municipalities and paid by them in accordance with the terms of the regional school district agreement. If, after submission of the budget, no agreement is reached as to a budget for the regional school district, the district shall notify the Department of Education of a lack of a budget and the commissioner, or his designee, shall certify an amount sufficient for the operation of the district and order the appropriation thereof in an amount not less than 1/12 of the total budget approved by the region in the most recent fiscal year. Similar sums shall be certified and appropriated for each successive month to insure the continued provision of services by the district until such time as a budget is adopted and approved by the regional committee and member towns in the manner otherwise provided herein. In the event a budget is not adopted by December first in any year, the department shall assume operation of the district and funds for same shall be deducted from local aid distributed to member towns.
A member municipality of a regional school district having three or more members need not hold a meeting of its local appropriating authority to act upon the appropriation of amounts reapportioned and recertified to it if it has previously voted to appropriate for the regional school district an amount equal to or greater than the amount so recertified to it, notwithstanding the provisions of the fifth paragraph of this section. A municipality that does not hold such a meeting prior to expiration of forty-five days from the date on which an amended budget was adopted by the regional school district committee shall be deemed to have voted to appropriate the amounts reapportioned and recertified to it.
At any time after the adoption of the annual budget, the regional district school committee may reduce the amount to be raised by assessment to the several municipalities and reapportion the reduced amount in accordance with the terms of the regional school district agreement for apportionment of costs. The regional school district treasurer shall recertify the amounts reapportioned to the treasurers of the several municipalities within thirty days from the date on which the regional district school committee votes to reduce the annual budget or assessments. If the recertification is made after the annual town meeting of a member town, the amount recertified shall be considered an amendment to the amount required to have been appropriated at that meeting without the necessity for further action by the town, and, if the annual assessment of taxes has not been made, the municipal assessors shall include only the amount so recertified in making the annual assessment of taxes under the provisions of section twenty-three of chapter fifty-nine.
For the purposes of this section, a vote or votes by a local appropriating authority to appropriate the municipality's apportioned share of the regional school district budget shall constitute approval of the annual regional school district budget; provided, however, that any municipality's apportioned share may not be increased in the same fiscal year without approval of the local appropriating authority.
The clerk of each member municipality shall, within seven days following a vote concerning a regional school district budget or apportionment, certify in writing to the treasurer of the regional school district the results of such vote by the municipality.
This section shall apply to all regional school districts established under the provisions of a special law, notwithstanding any contrary provisions in any such special law.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 71 - Public Schools

Section 1 - Maintenance; Double Sessions; Subjects; Twelve-Month School Year

Section 11/2 - Definitions; Applicability of Sec. 2 of Chapter 70

Section 1a - Period of Silence

Section 1b - Voluntary Prayer

Section 1c - Workshops on Rights of Students and Their Parents Under Special Education Laws of the Commonwealth and the Federal Government

Section 2 - Teaching of History and Social Science; Professional Development; Student-Led Civic Projects; Commonwealth Civics Challenge

Section 2a - Use of Tobacco Products Within School Buildings or Facilities or on School Grounds

Section 2b - Courses in American Sign Language

Section 2c - Implementation of Policy and Discipline Code Addressing Teen Dating Violence in Public Schools

Section 3 - Physical Education

Section 4 - High Schools; Maintenance; Diplomas Awarded to Veterans

Section 4a - Failure to Keep Schools Open for Required Period; Penalty

Section 6 - Education in Out-of-Town High Schools

Section 6a - Admission of Students From Outside Commonwealth

Section 7a - Transportation of Pupils; Payment of Costs; Limitations

Section 7b - Transportation of Pupils; Reimbursement of Costs; Determination of Amount; Use of Funds

Section 7c - Bus Transportation Programs; Financial Assistance

Section 10 - Expenses of Physically Disabled Children

Section 11 - High School; Definition

Section 13 - Requested Courses; School Committee Approval

Section 13d - High Schools; Required Subjects; Driver Training

Section 13f - Broadcast and Television Facilities; Cost of Program; Executive Committee for Educational Television

Section 13g - Executive Committee for Educational Television; Rules and Regulations; Personnel

Section 13h - Educational Television Program Fund; Accounts and Reports

Section 13i - Executive Committee for Educational Television; Powers and Duties

Section 14 - Regional School District Planning Committee; Creation; Membership

Section 14a - Duties of Planning Board

Section 14b - Regional School Districts; Formation; Procedure

Section 14c - Lease or Sale of Property to Regional School Districts

Section 14d - Regional School District Planning Board; Agreement; Approval of Indebtedness

Section 14e - Regional School District Committee Membership Options

Section 15 - Acceptance of Organization Provisions by Electorate

Section 16 - Regional School Districts; Status; Powers and Duties

Section 16a - Regional District School Committee; Selection, Powers and Duties of Officers; Signing of Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrants; Audits

Section 16b - Budgets; Apportionment of Expenses

Section 16b1/2 - Excess and Deficiency Fund; Surplus Funds Used to Reduce Assessments

Section 16c - Regional School Districts; School Transportation

Section 16d - Aid From State

Section 16d1/2 - Monies Received as Nonresident Tuition or Reimbursements From Commonwealth for Foster Care Children

Section 16e - Regional School Districts; Audits; Payment of Costs

Section 16f - Retirement System

Section 16g - Liability of Towns for Expenses of District

Section 16g1/2 - Stabilization Fund

Section 16i - Severability of Sections Relating to Regional School Districts

Section 17a - Culinary Arts Program; Special Fund

Section 18 - Evening Schools

Section 19 - Evening Classes in High Schools

Section 20 - Notice of Evening Schools; Publication; Fees for Instruction

Section 20a - Instructional Materials Trust Fund

Section 21 - Continuation Schools; Establishment; Conditions

Section 22 - Attendance

Section 23 - Use of Existing Educational Facilities

Section 24 - Cost of Maintenance; Source of Funds

Section 25 - Unemployed Minors; Attendance Requirements

Section 26 - Penalty for Failure to Establish or Maintain School

Section 26a - Extended School Services for Children; Establishment; Conditions

Section 26b - Extended School Services for Children; Organization and Operation of Plan

Section 26c - Extended School Services for Children; Contributions and Federal Funds; Use

Section 26d - Borrowing in Anticipation of Federal Funds

Section 27 - Lectures

Section 28 - Summer Schools

Section 30 - Moral Education

Section 31 - Bible Reading

Section 31a - Guidelines for Celebration of Holidays Authorized

Section 32 - Observance of Memorial Day

Section 32a - Sex Education; Policy Regarding Notice to Parents, Exception

Section 34 - Support of Schools; Appropriations; Recommendations

Section 34a - Transcript of Student's Record; Availability

Section 34b - Remedy for Failure to Furnish Transcript of Student's Record

Section 34d - Student Records; Maintenance, Storage, Destruction, etc.; Inspection by Parent or Guardian

Section 34e - Inspection of Student Records; Persons Authorized

Section 34g - Private Schools; Transfer of Transcripts Upon Ceasing Operation

Section 34h - Noncustodial Parents; Receipt of Information for Child Enrolled in Public Elementary or Secondary Schools; Notice to Custodial Parent

Section 35 - Beginning of Term

Section 36 - Secretary; Appointment; Duties

Section 36a - Orientation for School Committee Members

Section 37 - Powers and Duties; Superintendent Serving Joint Districts

Section 37a - Grants; Acceptance and Disbursement

Section 37b - Purchase of or Making Payments to Annuities or Investments

Section 37c - Promotion of Racial Balance

Section 37d - Racial Imbalance; Definitions; Statistics; Transfers; Priorities; Plans for Elimination; Public Hearings; Regulations; Jurisdiction; Costs; Attorney's Fees

Section 37e - Legal Counsel for Collective Bargaining

Section 37f - Legal Counsel for General Purposes

Section 37g - Corporal Punishment of Pupils Prohibited; Use of Physical Restraint; Regulations

Section 37h - Policies Relative to Conduct of Teachers or Students; Student Handbooks

Section 37h1/2 - Felony Complaint or Conviction of Student; Suspension; Expulsion; Right to Appeal

Section 37h3/4 - Suspension or Expulsion on Grounds Other Than Those Set Forth in Secs. 37h or 37h1/2

Section 37i - Magnet School Facilities; Grants; Application; Approval; Agreements; Eligible Costs; Regulations

Section 37j - Magnet Educational Programs; Reimbursement for Cost; Definition; Contracts; Joining Programs

Section 37k - Business Demonstration Projects; Disposition of Proceeds

Section 37l - Notification to School Personnel of Reporting Requirements for Child Abuse and Neglect and Fires; Reports of Students Possessing or Using Dangerous Weapons on School Premises; Transferred Students' School Records

Section 37m - Consolidation of Administrative Functions With City or Town

Section 37n - Policy for School-Sponsored Student Travel

Section 37o - School Bullying Prohibited; Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plans; Reporting of Bullying Incident Date

Section 37p - School Resource Officers; Model School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding; Review Commission; Assignment of Officers

Section 37q - Mental Health Support Plans

Section 37r - Possession and Access to Two-Way Communication Device for Communicating With Police and Fire Departments During Emergency Situation

Section 38 - Employment of Teachers, Aides, Principals, etc.; Designation of Horace Mann Teachers; Performance Evaluations; Performance Standards

Section 38a - Duties; Appointment of Director of Occupational Guidance, Duties of Director

Section 38c - Status of Director of Occupational Guidance

Section 38d - District Directors of Occupational Guidance; Appointment

Section 38f - Fees for Services of Directors of Occupational Guidance; Prohibition; Penalty for Violation

Section 38g - Certification for Certain Teaching and Administrative Positions; Provisional and Standard Certificates; Policies and Guidelines Regarding Requirements and Qualifications; Applications; Recommendations; Review; Continuing Education; Rene...

Section 38g1/2 - Specialist Teacher Endorsement in Transition Services; Transition of Students With Disabilities to Post-School Activities

Section 38h - School Librarian and School Library Supervisor or Co-Ordinator; Tenure

Section 38i - Reimbursement of Teachers for Tuitions and Fees

Section 38k - Public Relations Bureau in School Departments; Establishment

Section 38m - Student Advisory Committees

Section 38n - Proposed Annual Budgets; Public Hearings Required; Quorum

Section 38o - Sex Education Advisory Committees

Section 38p - School Psychologists; Tenure

Section 38q - Professional Development Plans; Statewide Assistance Plan

Section 38q1/2 - Curriculum Accommodation Plan

Section 38r - Criminal Background Check of Current or Prospective School Employee, Volunteer, or Other Persons Having Direct and Unmonitored Contact With Children; Criminal Offender Record Information; State and National Fingerprint-Based Criminal Ba...

Section 39 - Teacher's Application Forms; Questions Concerning Religion or Politics

Section 40 - Compensation of Teachers; Deferred Payment

Section 41 - Tenure of Teachers and Superintendents; Persons Entitled to Professional Teacher Status; Dismissal; Review

Section 41a - Leaves of Absence of Professional Staff

Section 41b - Leaves of Absence; Peace Corps

Section 42 - Dismissal or Demotion of Teachers or Other Employees of School or School District; Arbitration

Section 42b - Rights of School Employees in Regional Districts

Section 42c - Records of Teachers; Inspection

Section 42d - Suspension of District Employees

Section 43 - Reduction of Salaries; Conditions

Section 44 - Restrictions on Teachers' Political Rights; Prohibition

Section 45 - Procurement of Teaching Positions; Regulation of Fees; Penalty for Violation

Section 47 - Athletic Programs; School Organizations; Student Activity Accounts

Section 47a - Athletic Coaches; Employment

Section 48 - Textbooks and School Supplies

Section 48a - School Safety Patrols; Functions, Limitations; Liability

Section 48b - Uniforms of School Employees

Section 49 - Purchase of Textbooks by Pupils

Section 49a - Orders for Materials and Equipment; Contracts for Services

Section 50 - Change of School Books

Section 51 - Exhibition of School Work at Expositions

Section 52 - Compensation of School Committee Members

Section 53 - School Physicians and Nurses

Section 53a - Employment of Medical Personnel by Superintendency District or Union; Compensation; Removal

Section 53b - Towns Within a Superintendency District or Union; Exemption From Appointment Requirement

Section 54 - Examination of Children and School Personnel

Section 54a - Physician or Person Trained in Emergency Medical Care; Assignment to Interscholastic Football Games

Section 54b - Administration of Medications in School Settings; Regulations

Section 54c - Automated External Defibrillators Required at School Facilities; Certified Aed Providers; Hardship Waivers; Personal Liability; Regulations

Section 55 - Contagious Diseases; Regulations

Section 55a - Sick, Injured or Incapacitated Pupils; Procedure for Handling; Emergency First Aid or Transportation; Exemption From Civil Liability

Section 55c - Eye Protective Devices

Section 55d - Musical Wind Instruments; Notification of Sanitization and Option to Sterilize at Parental Expense

Section 56 - Sick Children; Notification of Parents

Section 57 - Physical Examination of Pupils; Eye Examination, Written Report

Section 57a - Students With Potential Indicators of a Neurological Learning Disability; Guidelines for Development of Screening Procedures

Section 59 - Superintendent of Schools; Appointment; Compensation; Powers and Duties

Section 59a - Superintendents of Schools in Small Towns; Appointment; State Aid for Compensation

Section 59b - Principals; Appointment; Compensation; Duties; Appointment of Other Personnel

Section 59c - School Councils; Members; Meetings; Duties

Section 59d - School-Community Partnerships; Grant Program

Section 61 - Superintendent of Schools; Employment by a Town Union; Termination of Town Participation in a Union

Section 62 - Readjustment of Town Unions

Section 63 - School Committees as Joint Committee; Representation: Meetings; Employment of Superintendent, Removal

Section 64 - Union Superintendent; Compensation

Section 67 - Superintendents of Schools; Penalty for Accepting Fees for Obtaining Positions; Employment of Immediate Family of Certain Persons Prohibited

Section 68 - Duties of Towns to Maintain Schools; Transportation of Children; School Building Committee Representation

Section 69 - Display of National Flags; Pledge of Allegiance; Penalty for Violation

Section 69a - Plaque Reading ''for God and Country''; Placement on Public School Buildings

Section 70 - Location of Schools

Section 71 - Use of School Property; Purposes

Section 71a - Highway Safety Stations; Designation, Discontinuance

Section 71b - Adult Physical Fitness Programs

Section 71c - Community School Programs; Receipts; Deposit and Expenditure

Section 71d - Prepayment of Tuition to Private Schools or Program Sources

Section 71e - Appropriations for and Expenditure of Receipts From Adult Education and Continuing Education Programs

Section 71f - Nonresident or Foster Care Students; Deposit of Tuition Payments and State Reimbursements; Expenditures and Appropriations

Section 72 - Sale of Lunches

Section 72a - Implementation the Federal Community Eligibility Provision; Waiver; Training; Certification of Students for Free School Meal Status

Section 72b - Unpaid Student Meal Debt; Determination of Whether Student Is Categorically-Eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Meals

Section 73 - Closing of School for Teachers' Meetings

Section 74 - Management of Schools Funds by Private Corporations

Section 75 - Extended Courses of Instruction

Section 76 - Rules of Admission

Section 77 - Joint Establishment of Extended Courses

Section 79 - Junior College Designation, Degrees

Section 80 - Lunch Period for Teachers

Section 81 - Junior Colleges; Restriction on Establishment

Section 82 - Public Secondary Schools; Right of Students to Freedom of Expression; Limitations; Definitions

Section 83 - Dress and Appearance of Students Protected

Section 84 - Discipline of Students on Matters Unrelated to School-Sponsored Activities Prohibited

Section 85 - Guidelines Implementing Secs. 82 to 84; Rules and Regulations; Adoption; Emergencies; Procedures

Section 86 - Application of Secs. 83 to 85

Section 87 - Intelligence Test Scores; Records

Section 88 - Military Recruiters; On-Campus Recruiting Opportunities

Section 89 - Commonwealth Charter Schools; Horace Mann Charter Schools; Applications; Enrollment; Employees; Funding

Section 90 - Classroom Placement of Twins or Higher Order Multiples

Section 91 - Recovery High School; Definition; Enrollment; Student Performance; Rules and Regulations; Deduction of Home School District Allotment for Failure to Transfer Funds as Required

Section 92 - Innovation Schools

Section 93 - Policy Regarding Internet Safety Measures for Schools Providing Computer Access to Students

Section 94 - Commonwealth Virtual Schools

Section 95 - Reimbursement Aid to Municipalities for Costs Incurred for Federal Military Reservation Students

Section 96 - Substance Use Prevention and Abuse Education Policies for Public Schools

Section 97 - Verbal Screening Tool for Substance Abuse Disorders

Section 98 - Instruction on the History of Genocide