Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 159 - Common Carriers
Section 70 - Manner and Limits of Grade Crossing Abolitions; Costs; Apportionment

Section 70. The department of highways shall proceed to consider the abolition of grade crossings in the order established by the program orders as adopted and amended or revised under section sixty-five, and shall hold public hearings on each such grade crossing abolition, due notice of which shall be given to such railroad corporations, counties, cities and towns as may be required by law to bear part of the cost of abolition. After hearing as aforesaid, it shall by order determine the manner and limits of the grade crossing abolition, what part, if any, of an existing public or private way shall be discontinued, and whether or not a new way shall be substituted therefor, the grade for the railroad and the way, the changes to be made in the location and grades of a street railway having a location in the part of such public way where the crossing exists or in ways connecting therewith, the general method of construction, and what land or other property it considers necessary to be taken, including, in its discretion, an easement in land adjoining the location of a public or private way, or of a railroad, consisting of a right to have the land of the location protected by having the surface of such adjoining land slope from the boundary of the location in a manner specified by it; provided, that so much of any such order as relates to the foregoing shall not be effective unless the consent of the department of telecommunications and energy thereto shall first be obtained, but no consent shall be given by said department to an order requiring a change in the grade of a railroad or street railway until the carrier interested, if it so requests, has been given an opportunity to be heard before said department on the sole question of such change. The department of highways shall determine in such order when the work shall be commenced, who shall do the work and how much shall be done by each. All such work not done in whole or in part by the department of highways shall be done under its general supervision. Except as otherwise provided in this section and section eighty, the total cost of the alterations aforesaid, including therein, in addition to the cost of construction, all damages on account thereof, but excluding the actual cost to a street railway of changing its railway or location to conform to the order of abolition, which shall be borne by it, and also moneys allotted under the provisions of the national industrial recovery act or other federal statutes and enabling state legislation for expenditure on such alterations from funds designated by the federal authorities exclusively for grade crossing abolitions shall be apportioned, by a board of five members constituted as hereinafter provided, among the railroad or railroads affected, the commonwealth, the county and the city or town where the crossing is situated, equitably and in accordance with the relative benefit to be derived by each from such alterations; provided, that if in any case funds sufficient to cover the said total cost are allotted as aforesaid under the provisions of the said national industrial recovery act or other federal statutes and enabling state legislation, no such apportionment shall be made; and, provided further, that any of said parties aggrieved by said apportionment may petition the supreme judicial court, which shall appoint three commissioners to make such apportionment, subject to the approval of the court. Said board shall consist of the attorney general, the chairman of the commission having supervision and control of the department of telecommunications and energy and another member of said commission designated by said chairman, and the commissioner of highways and one of his associate commissioners designated by said commissioner. If the crossing is of a railroad and a private way, and no crossing of a public way is abolished in connection therewith, the total cost as aforesaid shall be paid by the parties affected by the abolition in such proportion as said department of highways may establish. Said department may require the railroad corporation or corporations and the cities, towns and counties affected by any such grade crossing abolition, or any of them, to cause to be prepared and submitted to it plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of such abolition. A copy of any order made under this section, after so much thereof as is required hereby to be consented to by the department of telecommunications and energy has been consented to as hereinbefore provided, shall be filed in the office of the department of highways and of the department of telecommunications and energy, and a copy thereof shall be served on the state comptroller, the railroad corporation or corporations, the county and city or town affected by such abolition. The department of highways shall include in its budget estimate in each year a sum sufficient to meet the cost of such portion of any abolition or abolitions of grade crossings, to be undertaken during the following year, as is to be paid by the commonwealth, counties and municipalities.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 159 - Common Carriers

Section 1 - Duties; Jurisdiction to Enforce

Section 2 - Penalty

Section 3 - Limitations Upon Liability Imposed by Carrier

Section 4 - Security Required of Employee to Indemnify Against Neglect; Penalty

Section 5 - Foreign Express Businesses; Appointment of General Agent

Section 6 - Foreign Express Businesses; General Agent's Bond

Section 7 - Foreign Express Businesses; Failure of Agent to Comply With Secs. 5 and 6; Penalty

Section 8 - Protection of Carriers; Misuse of Orders; Penalty

Section 9 - Express Business Upon Steamboat Lines; Application of Provisions Relating to Railroads

Section 10 - Enforcement of Chapter by Department of Telecommunications and Cable and Department of Public Utilities

Section 11 - Record of Action by Department

Section 12 - Services Supervised and Regulated by Department

Section 12e - Third Party Verification Service Providers; Registration

Section 13 - Inquiry Into Rates, Etc.

Section 14 - Unjust Rates, Fares or Charges; Orders to Fix; Orders for Reparation

Section 15 - Free Service, Tickets, Passes or Transportation Prohibited; Exceptions

Section 16 - Regulations, Practices, Equipment, Appliances or Service of Carrier; Department Control, Hearing and Order; Proof of Compliance

Section 16a - Factors in Ordering Discontinuance or Abandonment of Railway Service

Section 17 - Charges for Service; Regulation

Section 18 - Classes of Rates Established by Carrier; Special Rates

Section 19 - Filing of Rate Schedules

Section 19a - Directory Assistance Rate Schedules

Section 19b - Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems; Definition

Section 19c - Notification of Wish Not to Receive Calls From Automatic Telephone Dialing System

Section 19d - Design and Operation of Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems

Section 19e - Solicitations by Telephone; Required Disclosures; Misrepresentation

Section 19f - Posting Rates, Terms and Conditions of Retail Services on Website; Department Notification of Changes

Section 20 - Notice and Hearing Upon Proposed Rate Schedule Changes; Order

Section 21 - Establishment of Through Routes for Passengers and Freight

Section 22 - Railway Signals Required by Department

Section 23 - Notice to Railway of Recommended Improvements and Changes

Section 24 - Hearing Upon Complaint Concerning Service or Rates of Carrier Transmitting Intelligence by Electricity

Section 25 - Hearings; Notice to Interested Members of General Court

Section 26 - Valuation and Revaluation of Carrier's Property

Section 27 - Inspections

Section 28 - Notice of Accidents

Section 29 - Investigation of Accidents

Section 30 - Defects; Information by Employee; Protection of Source

Section 31 - Forms of Accounts, Records and Memoranda

Section 32 - Annual Return; Form; Time of Filing; Amendment

Section 33 - Express Business; Annual Return

Section 34 - Examination of Books, etc.; Subpoena Duces Tecum

Section 34a - Supervision of Companies Affiliated With Carrier

Section 35 - Examination of Condition of Company on Request of Interested Party

Section 36 - Annual Audit

Section 37 - Service of Orders of Department; Notification of Receipt and Acceptance

Section 38 - Effect of Request or Advice of Department

Section 39 - Violations; Action by Attorney General

Section 40 - Violations or Threatened Violations; Mandamus or Injunction

Section 41 - Representation at Hearings Concerning Proposed Legislation Affecting Department

Section 43 - Annual Report of Department

Section 44 - Examinations or Audits by Department; Divulging Information; Penalty

Section 50 - Offer of New Capital Stock to Stockholders; Notice; Price; Time of Acceptance

Section 51 - Auction of New Capital Stock

Section 52 - Basis of Determination by Department as to Amount of New Capital Stock

Section 53 - Computation of Amount of Capital Stock as Basis for Bond Issue

Section 54 - Approval by Department; Public Hearing

Section 57 - Consent of Department

Section 58 - Supervision of Crossing Following Consent of Department

Section 59 - Proceedings to Alter Crossing

Section 60 - Eminent Domain

Section 61 - Party to Carry Award Into Effect and to Pay Charges

Section 62 - Appointment of Commission; Hearing; Notice

Section 63 - Revision of Award; Jury

Section 64 - Recovery After Alteration of Proportion of Expense

Section 65 - Proceedings to Abolish Grade Crossings

Section 70 - Manner and Limits of Grade Crossing Abolitions; Costs; Apportionment

Section 72 - Crossing Abolished Upon State Highway; Clear View

Section 73 - Financing Cost of Abolishing Crossing by Street Railway Company

Section 74 - Change of Location

Section 75 - Damages

Section 76 - Settlement of Claims; Failure to File Petition

Section 77 - Expenses of Maintenance and Repair

Section 78 - Audit of Expenses; Investigations; Orders of Payment of Apportioned Share

Section 79 - Enforcement; Review

Section 80 - Proceedings Upon Agreement as to Alterations

Section 82 - Application

Section 83 - Examination by Railways; Report; Submission of Plans for Bridge

Section 84 - Maintenance and Repair; Hearing; Order

Section 85 - Enforcement

Section 86 - Formation of Relief Corporation

Section 87 - By-Laws; Statements of Membership and Financial Condition

Section 88 - Association of Railroad Corporation With Relief Corporations

Section 92 - Badges

Section 93 - Powers

Section 94 - Arrest of Offenders

Section 95 - Compensation of Police; Liability for Misconduct of Police

Section 96 - Action for Debt Due for Constructing a Railroad

Section 97 - Exception; Contractor

Section 98 - Notice of Intention by Materialman; Filing; Fee

Section 99 - Statement of Amount Due for Labor Performed; Filing; Fee

Section 100 - Limitation of Actions

Section 101 - Evasion of Payment of Toll or Fare

Section 102 - Designation of Torpedoes or Other Explosives

Section 103 - Injury to Signals, Tracks, Cars, Etc.

Section 104 - Throwing or Shooting Missiles

Section 105 - Application