Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 159 - Common Carriers
Section 19b - Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems; Definition

Section 19B. As used in sections nineteen C and nineteen D, the following words shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—
''Automatic telephone dialing system'', any automatic terminal equipment which is capable of storing numbers to be called or producing numbers to be called, using a random or sequential number generator, and with the ability to call such numbers, and which is capable of delivering a prerecorded message to the number called with or without manual assistance.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 159 - Common Carriers

Section 1 - Duties; Jurisdiction to Enforce

Section 2 - Penalty

Section 3 - Limitations Upon Liability Imposed by Carrier

Section 4 - Security Required of Employee to Indemnify Against Neglect; Penalty

Section 5 - Foreign Express Businesses; Appointment of General Agent

Section 6 - Foreign Express Businesses; General Agent's Bond

Section 7 - Foreign Express Businesses; Failure of Agent to Comply With Secs. 5 and 6; Penalty

Section 8 - Protection of Carriers; Misuse of Orders; Penalty

Section 9 - Express Business Upon Steamboat Lines; Application of Provisions Relating to Railroads

Section 10 - Enforcement of Chapter by Department of Telecommunications and Cable and Department of Public Utilities

Section 11 - Record of Action by Department

Section 12 - Services Supervised and Regulated by Department

Section 12e - Third Party Verification Service Providers; Registration

Section 13 - Inquiry Into Rates, Etc.

Section 14 - Unjust Rates, Fares or Charges; Orders to Fix; Orders for Reparation

Section 15 - Free Service, Tickets, Passes or Transportation Prohibited; Exceptions

Section 16 - Regulations, Practices, Equipment, Appliances or Service of Carrier; Department Control, Hearing and Order; Proof of Compliance

Section 16a - Factors in Ordering Discontinuance or Abandonment of Railway Service

Section 17 - Charges for Service; Regulation

Section 18 - Classes of Rates Established by Carrier; Special Rates

Section 19 - Filing of Rate Schedules

Section 19a - Directory Assistance Rate Schedules

Section 19b - Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems; Definition

Section 19c - Notification of Wish Not to Receive Calls From Automatic Telephone Dialing System

Section 19d - Design and Operation of Automatic Telephone Dialing Systems

Section 19e - Solicitations by Telephone; Required Disclosures; Misrepresentation

Section 19f - Posting Rates, Terms and Conditions of Retail Services on Website; Department Notification of Changes

Section 20 - Notice and Hearing Upon Proposed Rate Schedule Changes; Order

Section 21 - Establishment of Through Routes for Passengers and Freight

Section 22 - Railway Signals Required by Department

Section 23 - Notice to Railway of Recommended Improvements and Changes

Section 24 - Hearing Upon Complaint Concerning Service or Rates of Carrier Transmitting Intelligence by Electricity

Section 25 - Hearings; Notice to Interested Members of General Court

Section 26 - Valuation and Revaluation of Carrier's Property

Section 27 - Inspections

Section 28 - Notice of Accidents

Section 29 - Investigation of Accidents

Section 30 - Defects; Information by Employee; Protection of Source

Section 31 - Forms of Accounts, Records and Memoranda

Section 32 - Annual Return; Form; Time of Filing; Amendment

Section 33 - Express Business; Annual Return

Section 34 - Examination of Books, etc.; Subpoena Duces Tecum

Section 34a - Supervision of Companies Affiliated With Carrier

Section 35 - Examination of Condition of Company on Request of Interested Party

Section 36 - Annual Audit

Section 37 - Service of Orders of Department; Notification of Receipt and Acceptance

Section 38 - Effect of Request or Advice of Department

Section 39 - Violations; Action by Attorney General

Section 40 - Violations or Threatened Violations; Mandamus or Injunction

Section 41 - Representation at Hearings Concerning Proposed Legislation Affecting Department

Section 43 - Annual Report of Department

Section 44 - Examinations or Audits by Department; Divulging Information; Penalty

Section 50 - Offer of New Capital Stock to Stockholders; Notice; Price; Time of Acceptance

Section 51 - Auction of New Capital Stock

Section 52 - Basis of Determination by Department as to Amount of New Capital Stock

Section 53 - Computation of Amount of Capital Stock as Basis for Bond Issue

Section 54 - Approval by Department; Public Hearing

Section 57 - Consent of Department

Section 58 - Supervision of Crossing Following Consent of Department

Section 59 - Proceedings to Alter Crossing

Section 60 - Eminent Domain

Section 61 - Party to Carry Award Into Effect and to Pay Charges

Section 62 - Appointment of Commission; Hearing; Notice

Section 63 - Revision of Award; Jury

Section 64 - Recovery After Alteration of Proportion of Expense

Section 65 - Proceedings to Abolish Grade Crossings

Section 70 - Manner and Limits of Grade Crossing Abolitions; Costs; Apportionment

Section 72 - Crossing Abolished Upon State Highway; Clear View

Section 73 - Financing Cost of Abolishing Crossing by Street Railway Company

Section 74 - Change of Location

Section 75 - Damages

Section 76 - Settlement of Claims; Failure to File Petition

Section 77 - Expenses of Maintenance and Repair

Section 78 - Audit of Expenses; Investigations; Orders of Payment of Apportioned Share

Section 79 - Enforcement; Review

Section 80 - Proceedings Upon Agreement as to Alterations

Section 82 - Application

Section 83 - Examination by Railways; Report; Submission of Plans for Bridge

Section 84 - Maintenance and Repair; Hearing; Order

Section 85 - Enforcement

Section 86 - Formation of Relief Corporation

Section 87 - By-Laws; Statements of Membership and Financial Condition

Section 88 - Association of Railroad Corporation With Relief Corporations

Section 92 - Badges

Section 93 - Powers

Section 94 - Arrest of Offenders

Section 95 - Compensation of Police; Liability for Misconduct of Police

Section 96 - Action for Debt Due for Constructing a Railroad

Section 97 - Exception; Contractor

Section 98 - Notice of Intention by Materialman; Filing; Fee

Section 99 - Statement of Amount Due for Labor Performed; Filing; Fee

Section 100 - Limitation of Actions

Section 101 - Evasion of Payment of Toll or Fare

Section 102 - Designation of Torpedoes or Other Explosives

Section 103 - Injury to Signals, Tracks, Cars, Etc.

Section 104 - Throwing or Shooting Missiles

Section 105 - Application