Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 233 - Witnesses and Evidence
Section 70 - Judicial Notice of Foreign Law

Section 70. The courts shall take judicial notice of the law of the United States or of any state, territory or dependency thereof or of a foreign country whenever the same shall be material.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title II - Actions and Proceedings Therein

Chapter 233 - Witnesses and Evidence

Section 1 - Issuance of Summonses for Witnesses

Section 2 - Service of Summons

Section 3 - Witness Fees; Payment or Tender

Section 3a - Representation of Commissioner of Banks

Section 4 - Liability for Nonattendance

Section 5 - Penalty for Nonattendance; Contempt

Section 6 - Warrant for Nonattending Witness

Section 7 - Witnesses Before Executive Council

Section 8 - Bodies Authorized to Summon Witnesses; Oath

Section 9 - Warrant for Witness Failing to Attend Before Nonjudicial Tribunal

Section 10 - Enforcing Attendance Before Nonjudicial Tribunal

Section 11 - Requiring Testimony

Section 12 - Summons for Attendance at Criminal Trial Outside State

Section 13 - Penalty for Nonattendance Outside State

Section 13a - Attendance of Witnesses Outside State; Hearing and Summons; Failure to Attend

Section 13b - Attendance of Witness From Another State; Fees; Failure to Attend

Section 13c - Exemption From Arrest and Process of Witnesses From Outside State

Section 13d - Short Title; Construction of Law

Section 14 - Persons Authorized to Administer Oaths

Section 15 - Mode of Administering Oaths

Section 16 - Mode Requested by Affiant

Section 17 - Affirmation by Quakers

Section 18 - Affirmation for Reasons of Conscience

Section 19 - Oaths of Non–christians

Section 20 - Competency of Witnesses; Husband and Wife; Criminal Defendant; Parent and Child

Section 20a - Privileged Communications; Communications With Clergymen

Section 20b - Privileged Communications; Patients and Psychotherapists; Exceptions

Section 20c - Immunity From Prosecution; Privilege Against Self-Incrimination

Section 20d - Crimes Subject to Immunity

Section 20e - Application for Witness Immunity by Attorney General or District Attorney; Hearing; Representation of Witness; Notice or Waiver; Transcript

Section 20g - Scope of Immunity; Copies of Transcript of Testimony Compelled and Documents Furnished; Availability to Witness

Section 20h - Contempt of Court; Punishment; Appeal

Section 20i - Necessity of Corroborating Testimony Of, or Evidence Produced By, Person Granted Immunity

Section 20j - Sexual Assault; Confidential Communications With Sexual Assault Counsellor; Disclosure; Discovery

Section 20k - Domestic Violence Victims' Counselors; Confidential Communications

Section 20l - Confidentiality of Domestic Violence Victims' Program and Rape Crisis Center Locations

Section 20m - Disclosure of Confidential Communication Regarding Human Trafficking Victim by Caseworker

Section 20n - Disclosure of Home Address or Personal Telephone Number of Social Worker Employed by the Department of Children and Families; Service of Process, Summons or Subpoena Upon Social Worker; State-Issued Identification Cards

Section 20o - Crisis Intervention Services for Emergency Service Provider; Confidentiality of Information

Section 21 - Proof of Conviction of Crime to Affect Credibility

Section 21a - Evidence of Reputation

Section 21b - Evidence of Sex Crime Victim's Sexual Conduct; Admission Hearing; Findings

Section 22 - Cross-Examination of Adverse Party; Corporation's Agent as Adverse Party

Section 23 - Impeachment of Party's Own Witness

Section 23a - Admissibility of Written or Recorded Statements of Party to Personal Injury Action

Section 23b - Accused; Statements Made While Undergoing Psychiatric Examination; Admissibility

Section 23c - Work Product of Mediator Confidential; Confidential Communications; Exception; Mediator Defined

Section 23d - Admissibility of Benevolent Statements, Writings or Gestures Relating to Accident Victims

Section 23e - Alternative Procedure for Determining Competency of Witnesses With an Intellectual Disability

Section 23f - Admissibility of Past Physical, Sexual or Psychological Abuse of Defendant

Section 24 - Depositions in Civil Cases Authorized

Section 24a - Medical Witnesses

Section 25 - Grounds for Deposition

Section 26 - Notice of Taking Deposition

Section 27 - Persons on Whom Notice May Be Served

Section 28 - Mode of Service

Section 29 - Verbal Notice; Waiver of Notice, Etc.

Section 30 - Oath and Examination of Deponent

Section 31 - Order of Examination

Section 32 - Mode of Taking Deposition

Section 33 - Certification of Deposition

Section 34 - Delivery and Preservation of Deposition

Section 35 - Exclusion of Deposition

Section 36 - Objections to Deposition

Section 37 - Use of Deposition in Second Action

Section 38 - Compelling Giving of Deposition; Place

Section 39 - Place of Taking Deposition of Nonresident Found Within Commonwealth

Section 40 - Rules for Taking Depositions

Section 41 - Taking Deposition Outside Commonwealth

Section 42 - Written Interrogatories; Notice to Adverse Party; Production of Documents

Section 43 - Rules for Taking Depositions Outside of Commonwealth

Section 44 - Foreign Depositions Obtained Contrary to Statute

Section 45 - Deposition for Use in Another State

Section 46 - Application to Take Deposition to Perpetuate Testimony

Section 47 - Notice of Taking Deposition; Compelling Testimony

Section 48 - Objections to Taking Deposition; Procedure

Section 49 - Mode of Taking Deposition

Section 50 - Recording Deposition

Section 51 - Use of Deposition in Action

Section 52 - Perpetuation of Testimony of Nonresidents

Section 53 - Application to Perpetuate Testimony of Nonresidents

Section 54 - Notice of Taking Deposition

Section 55 - Issuance of Commission

Section 56 - Written Interrogatories

Section 57 - Rules for Perpetuation of Testimony of Witnesses Without Commonwealth

Section 58 - Use of Deposition

Section 59 - Perpetuation of Testimony for Use Against All Persons

Section 60 - Application for Deposition

Section 61 - Naming Persons Interested; Notice of Taking Deposition

Section 62 - Recording Deposition

Section 63 - Use of Deposition Against Any Person

Section 64 - Admissibility of Dying Declaration of Woman

Section 65 - Admissibility of Declaration of Decedent

Section 65a - Admissibility of Deceased Party's Answers to Interrogatories

Section 66 - Evidence in Actions Against an Executor or Administrator

Section 67 - Evidence in Equity

Section 68 - Proof of Signature to Attested Instrument

Section 69 - Records of Courts of Other States or United States

Section 70 - Judicial Notice of Foreign Law

Section 73 - Foreign Oaths and Affidavits

Section 74 - Evidence of Acts of Incorporation

Section 75 - Admissibility of Printed Copies of Acts of Legislative and Administrative Bodies

Section 76 - Admissibility of Authenticated Records of Governmental Departments

Section 76a - Authenticated Copies of Documents Filed With Securities and Exchange Commission

Section 76b - Printed Copies of Schedules, Classifications and Tariffs Filed With Interstate Commerce Commission

Section 77 - Authenticated Copies of Records of Banks and Trust Companies

Section 77a - Bank Account Statement Together With Legible Copy of Check; Prima Facie Proof of Payment

Section 78 - Entry, Writing or Record Made in Regular Course of Business; Impeachment

Section 79 - Records and Copies of Records of Hospitals and Certain Institutions; Admissibility in Evidence

Section 79a - Certified Copies of Public and Private Records

Section 79b - Fact Statements Published for Persons in Particular Occupation

Section 79c - Statements of Fact or Opinion in Scientific Publication; Notice of Intention to Use

Section 79d - Photographic Copies of Newspaper in Library; Prints From Photographic Films

Section 79e - Reproductions of Public or Business Records

Section 79f - Proof of Public Way

Section 79g - Medical and Hospital Services; Evidence

Section 79h - Tort Actions for Personal Injuries or Death; Admissibility of Reports of Deceased Physicians

Section 79i - Actions to Recover From Insurer for Theft of Personal Property From Motor Vehicle or Trailer; Prima Facie Evidence of Forcible Entry Into Vehicle

Section 79j - Business Records Required to Be Produced in Court; Certification, Admissibility and Inspection; Copies

Section 79k - Duplicate of Computer Data File or Program File; Admissibility

Section 79l - Statements or Conduct Expressing Regret, Apology, Condolence by Health Care Provider; Admissibility

Section 80 - Transcripts From Stenographic Notes

Section 81 - Criminal Proceedings; Out-of-Court Statements Describing Sexual Contact; Admissibility

Section 82 - Civil Proceedings; Out-of-Court Statements Describing Sexual Contact; Admissibility

Section 83 - Custody Hearings; Out-of-Court Statements Describing Sexual Contact; Admissibility