Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 185 - The Land Court and Registration of Title to Land
Section 52 - Perpetuation of Registration; Withdrawal; Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal

Section 52. The obtaining of a judgment of registration and the entry of a certificate of title shall be regarded as an agreement running with the land and binding upon the plaintiff and the plaintiff's successors in title that the land shall be and forever remain registered land and subject to this chapter unless withdrawn under this section or section 16 of chapter 183A and except as provided in section 26.
If all of a parcel of land, the title to which is registered under this chapter, is acquired by the commonwealth, any agency, department, board, commission or authority of the commonwealth, any political subdivision of the commonwealth or any authority of any political subdivision of the commonwealth, the acquisition shall be a sufficient ground for withdrawal of the registered land from this chapter. The land shall be withdrawn upon the filing of a complaint with the court by the public entity that has acquired the registered land and the approval of the complaint by the court.
All of the owners of the fee simple estate in all of a parcel of land, the title to which has been registered under this chapter, may voluntarily withdraw the registered land from this chapter by filing a notice of voluntary withdrawal endorsed by a justice of the land court as provided in this section in the registry district of the land court where the land lies. The notice of voluntary withdrawal shall be noted on the memorandum of encumbrances for the certificate of title. Upon the filing of the notice, the land shall be withdrawn from this chapter and shall become unregistered land. The owners shall hold title to the land at the time of the filing free of all liens and encumbrances existing as of the time of filing of the notice, including adverse possession and prescriptive rights, as though a judgment of confirmation without registration effective as of the time of filing of the notice had been recorded under section 56A; provided, however, that the owners shall not hold title free of the encumbrances set forth or referred to in section 46 and those noted on the certificate of title or filed for registration before the filing of the notice of voluntary withdrawal.
As used in this section, ''notice of voluntary withdrawal'' shall mean an instrument in writing signed and acknowledged by all owners of the land to be voluntarily withdrawn and contains the following information: names and addresses of all owners; the certificate of title number with the registration book and page numbers; the description of the land in the form contained in the certificate of title; and the street address of the land, if any; provided, however, that the notice bears the endorsement of a justice of the land court approving the voluntary withdrawal as provided in this section. Upon filing with the land court of a complaint to withdraw land, the plaintiff shall deposit with the recorder a sum sufficient to cover costs of the proceeding. The court shall appoint 1 of the examiners of title, who shall report to the court the identity of the current record owners and all mortgagees and lessees with interests of record in the land. Unless, after notice is given to the mortgagees and lessees of record, an outstanding objection has been filed by a mortgagee or lessee of record, a justice of the land court shall approve the application and shall endorse the plaintiff's notice of voluntary withdrawal if: (i) the registered land constitutes less than all of the total area of a single parcel or of 2 or more contiguous parcels in common ownership; (ii) the registered land consists of less than 10 per cent of the portion of the land area to which an original certificate of title pertains and the rest of the land area to which that certificate pertains was conveyed under this chapter since the original registration; (iii) the owners of the registered land have submitted the land or satisfy the court that the owners shall submit the land to chapter 183A or 183B or shall create interests in the land to which said chapter 183B is applicable under section 3 of chapter 760 of the acts of 1987 or satisfy the court that the owners shall create those interests; (iv) the owners of the registered land establish that the registered land is improved with an occupied building not used or occupied as or in connection with, and not designed or intended for use or occupancy as or in connection with, a 1–to–4 family residential dwelling; or (v) the court finds that the owners of the registered land have demonstrated other good cause for withdrawal under this section including, but not limited to, economic hardship by reason of the land being registered which may include the burdens and expenses of further dividing the registered land into lots for separate conveyance. Notwithstanding any outstanding objection, the application may be approved unless the court determines there is good cause for the objection.
The justices of the land court shall establish rules and practices, including an appropriate filing fee for the application, as necessary to implement this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 185 - The Land Court and Registration of Title to Land

Section 1 - Jurisdiction; Place of Sittings; Rules and Forms of Procedure

Section 2 - Justices and Chief Justice

Section 21/2 - Deputy Court Administrator

Section 3 - Scheduling of Sessions

Section 3a - Permit Session of the Land Court Department; Jurisdiction; Transfer of Actions; Assignment of Cases; Case Management; Mediation

Section 4 - Processes

Section 6 - Recorder; Appointment; Powers and Duties

Section 7 - Custody and Control of Papers and Documents

Section 8 - Places Recorder or Deputy Allowed to Act

Section 9 - Facsimile Signature of Recorder

Section 10 - Registers of Deeds Acting as Assistant Recorders

Section 10a - Technical Assistants; Termination

Section 11 - Oath and Bond of Recorder and Assistant Recorders; Additional Duties

Section 12 - Examiners of Title; Appointment; Acting for Recorder

Section 13 - Court Officers

Section 13a - Stenographers

Section 14 - Salaries and Expenses; Practice of Law; Fees

Section 15 - Trial of Causes and Questions of Fact; Jury Trials; Transfer of Actions to Superior Court

Section 16 - Appeal From Judgment for Jury Trial

Section 17 - Certification From Clerk of Superior Court to Land Court; Further Proceedings Before Land Court

Section 21 - Costs

Section 22 - Filing of Writs, Complaints, Bills and Pleadings

Section 23 - Filing and Indexing of Final Judgments and Executions in County Where Land Lies

Section 24 - Reference to Examiner; Examination and Report

Section 25 - Powers of Land Court

Section 25a - Power of Land Court to Enforce Orders, Sentences, Judgments and Decrees; Contempts

Section 26 - Complaints for Registration of Title

Section 26a - Complaints for Confirmation of Title Without Registration

Section 27 - Filing of Petition; Memorandum Relating to Petition; Duties of Assistant Recorder

Section 28 - Form and Content of Complaint

Section 29 - Land Bounded on Public or Private Way; Content of Complaint

Section 30 - Complaint or Registration Made Subject to Existing Recorded Mortgage or Lease

Section 31 - Inclusion of Two or More Parcels; Joinder

Section 32 - Amendments

Section 33 - Plan of Land and Muniments of Title; Filing; Withdrawal; Further Survey

Section 34 - Additional Facts in Complaint; Additional Papers

Section 35 - Agent for Non-Resident Plaintiff

Section 36 - Transactions Dealing With Land After Filing of Complaint; Record of Disposition of Case

Section 37 - Reference to Examiner to Search Records and Investigate Facts; Report; Notice of Report to Plaintiff

Section 38 - Publication of Notice of Filing of Complaint

Section 39 - Return Day of Notice; Mailing of Copies; Posting of Copies

Section 40 - Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem; Compensation

Section 41 - Answer

Section 42 - General Default; Order; Judgment Confirming Title

Section 43 - Hearing of Contested Cases; Default of Persons Not Appearing; Reference to Examiner; Report; Compensation of Examiner

Section 44 - Dismissal; Withdrawal

Section 45 - Judgment of Confirmation and Registration; Opening of Judgment; Remedies of Aggrieved Persons

Section 46 - Encumbrances Affecting Certificates of Title

Section 47 - Contents of Judgment of Registration

Section 48 - Transcription of Judgment in District Where Land Lies; Owner's Duplicate Certificate; Land Lying in More Than One District

Section 49 - Original and Transfer Certificates

Section 51 - Subdivision; Application for New Certificates

Section 52 - Perpetuation of Registration; Withdrawal; Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal

Section 53 - Prescription, Adverse Possession or Right of Way by Necessity

Section 54 - Evidentiary Effect of Original Certificate or Copies Thereof

Section 55 - Contents of Certificate of Title

Section 56 - Recorder's Duties Relating to Indexes and Records

Section 56a - Complaints for Confirmation of Title; Application of Chapter

Section 57 - Dealings by Owner; Registration as Act of Conveyance

Section 58 - Notice of Registering, Filing or Entering

Section 59 - Interests Less Than Estate in Fee Simple; Registration

Section 60 - Form of Memorandum; Presentation of Doubtful Questions to Court

Section 61 - Information Concerning Grantee and Others Appearing on Instrument; Endorsement of Changes

Section 61a - Address of Property Affected

Section 62 - Fraudulent Registration

Section 63 - Assistant Recorder's Entry Book; Processing of Instruments; Public Inspection of Records; Duplicates and Copies

Section 64 - Procedure to Convey Fee

Section 65 - Procedure to Convey Part of Land Described on Certificate

Section 66 - Statement of Encumbrances or Claims on New Certificate

Section 67 - Authority to Mortgage

Section 68 - Registration of Mortgage

Section 69 - Discharge of Mortgage

Section 70 - Foreclosure

Section 71 - Registration of Leases or Notices of Leases

Section 72 - Trusts in Registered Land

Section 73 - Trusts With Powers of Sale, Mortgage, Etc.

Section 74 - Appointment of New Trustee; Proceedings

Section 75 - Implied or Constructive Trusts; Filing of Statement

Section 76 - Registration of Land Held in Trust

Section 77 - Burdens and Incidents Attaching by Law

Section 78 - Filing and Registration of Attachments or Liens

Section 80 - Filing of Instruments Evidencing Continuation, Reduction, Discharge or Dissolution

Section 81 - Applicability of Laws Relating to Attachment on Mesne Process

Section 82 - Endorsement of Plaintiff's Attorney Upon Writ

Section 83 - Registration of Order Continuing, Reducing or Dissolving Attachment on Mesne Process

Section 84 - Enforcement of Liens

Section 85 - New Certificate to Person Claiming Under Execution

Section 86 - Filing and Registration of Memorandum of Proceedings Affecting Land; Registration of Judgment or Decree

Section 87 - Certificate of Manner of Disposal

Section 88 - Registration of Judgment

Section 89 - Filing and Registration of Execution or Writ of Seisin

Section 90 - Registration of Certificates of Judgment in Writs of Dower and Waste

Section 91 - Registration of Decrees

Section 92 - Filing and Registration of Judgment in Partition Proceedings or Proceedings for Assignment of Spouse's Statutory Share

Section 93 - Registration of Prior Mortgage or Lease With Decree for Partition

Section 94 - Registration of Notices in Insolvency and Copies of Decrees in Bankruptcy

Section 95 - Registration of Discharge

Section 96 - Entry of New Certificate Upon Reverter

Section 97 - Entry of New Certificate Upon Descent or Devise; Notice; Hearing; Memorandum of Pendency of Settlement of Estate

Section 98 - Right of Probate Court to License Sale or Mortgage; New Certificate or Memorandum of Registration

Section 99 - Assurance Fund; Payment; Amount

Section 100 - Custody; Investment; Annual Report

Section 101 - Grounds for Recovery From Assurance Fund; Exhausting Other Remedies; Continuance of Action to Await Result of Tort Action

Section 102 - Defendants in Action to Recover From Fund

Section 103 - Recovery Upon Judgment

Section 104 - Deficiencies in Assurance Fund

Section 105 - Subrogation Rights

Section 106 - Application and Investment of Income of Assurance Fund

Section 107 - Limitations Upon Liability and Amount of Compensation

Section 108 - Limitations Upon Commencement Time of Actions

Section 109 - Evidence of Value of Land, Estate or Interest

Section 110 - Powers of Attorney; Acknowledgment and Filing of Letters of Attorney

Section 112 - Statement Alleging Right or Interest Adverse to Registered Owner

Section 114 - Changes Upon Registration Book; Grounds for Motion to Change

Section 115 - Filing and Entitling of Petitions and Motions After Registration

Section 116 - Mailing of Notices After Registration

Section 117 - Sectional Plans; Authority of Court

Section 118 - Fraudulent Conveyance; Imprisonment Term