Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 185 - The Land Court and Registration of Title to Land
Section 71 - Registration of Leases or Notices of Leases

Section 71. Leases, or notices of leases as defined in section four of chapter one hundred and eighty-three, of registered land for more than seven years from the making thereof shall be registered in lieu of recording.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 185 - The Land Court and Registration of Title to Land

Section 1 - Jurisdiction; Place of Sittings; Rules and Forms of Procedure

Section 2 - Justices and Chief Justice

Section 21/2 - Deputy Court Administrator

Section 3 - Scheduling of Sessions

Section 3a - Permit Session of the Land Court Department; Jurisdiction; Transfer of Actions; Assignment of Cases; Case Management; Mediation

Section 4 - Processes

Section 6 - Recorder; Appointment; Powers and Duties

Section 7 - Custody and Control of Papers and Documents

Section 8 - Places Recorder or Deputy Allowed to Act

Section 9 - Facsimile Signature of Recorder

Section 10 - Registers of Deeds Acting as Assistant Recorders

Section 10a - Technical Assistants; Termination

Section 11 - Oath and Bond of Recorder and Assistant Recorders; Additional Duties

Section 12 - Examiners of Title; Appointment; Acting for Recorder

Section 13 - Court Officers

Section 13a - Stenographers

Section 14 - Salaries and Expenses; Practice of Law; Fees

Section 15 - Trial of Causes and Questions of Fact; Jury Trials; Transfer of Actions to Superior Court

Section 16 - Appeal From Judgment for Jury Trial

Section 17 - Certification From Clerk of Superior Court to Land Court; Further Proceedings Before Land Court

Section 21 - Costs

Section 22 - Filing of Writs, Complaints, Bills and Pleadings

Section 23 - Filing and Indexing of Final Judgments and Executions in County Where Land Lies

Section 24 - Reference to Examiner; Examination and Report

Section 25 - Powers of Land Court

Section 25a - Power of Land Court to Enforce Orders, Sentences, Judgments and Decrees; Contempts

Section 26 - Complaints for Registration of Title

Section 26a - Complaints for Confirmation of Title Without Registration

Section 27 - Filing of Petition; Memorandum Relating to Petition; Duties of Assistant Recorder

Section 28 - Form and Content of Complaint

Section 29 - Land Bounded on Public or Private Way; Content of Complaint

Section 30 - Complaint or Registration Made Subject to Existing Recorded Mortgage or Lease

Section 31 - Inclusion of Two or More Parcels; Joinder

Section 32 - Amendments

Section 33 - Plan of Land and Muniments of Title; Filing; Withdrawal; Further Survey

Section 34 - Additional Facts in Complaint; Additional Papers

Section 35 - Agent for Non-Resident Plaintiff

Section 36 - Transactions Dealing With Land After Filing of Complaint; Record of Disposition of Case

Section 37 - Reference to Examiner to Search Records and Investigate Facts; Report; Notice of Report to Plaintiff

Section 38 - Publication of Notice of Filing of Complaint

Section 39 - Return Day of Notice; Mailing of Copies; Posting of Copies

Section 40 - Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem; Compensation

Section 41 - Answer

Section 42 - General Default; Order; Judgment Confirming Title

Section 43 - Hearing of Contested Cases; Default of Persons Not Appearing; Reference to Examiner; Report; Compensation of Examiner

Section 44 - Dismissal; Withdrawal

Section 45 - Judgment of Confirmation and Registration; Opening of Judgment; Remedies of Aggrieved Persons

Section 46 - Encumbrances Affecting Certificates of Title

Section 47 - Contents of Judgment of Registration

Section 48 - Transcription of Judgment in District Where Land Lies; Owner's Duplicate Certificate; Land Lying in More Than One District

Section 49 - Original and Transfer Certificates

Section 51 - Subdivision; Application for New Certificates

Section 52 - Perpetuation of Registration; Withdrawal; Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal

Section 53 - Prescription, Adverse Possession or Right of Way by Necessity

Section 54 - Evidentiary Effect of Original Certificate or Copies Thereof

Section 55 - Contents of Certificate of Title

Section 56 - Recorder's Duties Relating to Indexes and Records

Section 56a - Complaints for Confirmation of Title; Application of Chapter

Section 57 - Dealings by Owner; Registration as Act of Conveyance

Section 58 - Notice of Registering, Filing or Entering

Section 59 - Interests Less Than Estate in Fee Simple; Registration

Section 60 - Form of Memorandum; Presentation of Doubtful Questions to Court

Section 61 - Information Concerning Grantee and Others Appearing on Instrument; Endorsement of Changes

Section 61a - Address of Property Affected

Section 62 - Fraudulent Registration

Section 63 - Assistant Recorder's Entry Book; Processing of Instruments; Public Inspection of Records; Duplicates and Copies

Section 64 - Procedure to Convey Fee

Section 65 - Procedure to Convey Part of Land Described on Certificate

Section 66 - Statement of Encumbrances or Claims on New Certificate

Section 67 - Authority to Mortgage

Section 68 - Registration of Mortgage

Section 69 - Discharge of Mortgage

Section 70 - Foreclosure

Section 71 - Registration of Leases or Notices of Leases

Section 72 - Trusts in Registered Land

Section 73 - Trusts With Powers of Sale, Mortgage, Etc.

Section 74 - Appointment of New Trustee; Proceedings

Section 75 - Implied or Constructive Trusts; Filing of Statement

Section 76 - Registration of Land Held in Trust

Section 77 - Burdens and Incidents Attaching by Law

Section 78 - Filing and Registration of Attachments or Liens

Section 80 - Filing of Instruments Evidencing Continuation, Reduction, Discharge or Dissolution

Section 81 - Applicability of Laws Relating to Attachment on Mesne Process

Section 82 - Endorsement of Plaintiff's Attorney Upon Writ

Section 83 - Registration of Order Continuing, Reducing or Dissolving Attachment on Mesne Process

Section 84 - Enforcement of Liens

Section 85 - New Certificate to Person Claiming Under Execution

Section 86 - Filing and Registration of Memorandum of Proceedings Affecting Land; Registration of Judgment or Decree

Section 87 - Certificate of Manner of Disposal

Section 88 - Registration of Judgment

Section 89 - Filing and Registration of Execution or Writ of Seisin

Section 90 - Registration of Certificates of Judgment in Writs of Dower and Waste

Section 91 - Registration of Decrees

Section 92 - Filing and Registration of Judgment in Partition Proceedings or Proceedings for Assignment of Spouse's Statutory Share

Section 93 - Registration of Prior Mortgage or Lease With Decree for Partition

Section 94 - Registration of Notices in Insolvency and Copies of Decrees in Bankruptcy

Section 95 - Registration of Discharge

Section 96 - Entry of New Certificate Upon Reverter

Section 97 - Entry of New Certificate Upon Descent or Devise; Notice; Hearing; Memorandum of Pendency of Settlement of Estate

Section 98 - Right of Probate Court to License Sale or Mortgage; New Certificate or Memorandum of Registration

Section 99 - Assurance Fund; Payment; Amount

Section 100 - Custody; Investment; Annual Report

Section 101 - Grounds for Recovery From Assurance Fund; Exhausting Other Remedies; Continuance of Action to Await Result of Tort Action

Section 102 - Defendants in Action to Recover From Fund

Section 103 - Recovery Upon Judgment

Section 104 - Deficiencies in Assurance Fund

Section 105 - Subrogation Rights

Section 106 - Application and Investment of Income of Assurance Fund

Section 107 - Limitations Upon Liability and Amount of Compensation

Section 108 - Limitations Upon Commencement Time of Actions

Section 109 - Evidence of Value of Land, Estate or Interest

Section 110 - Powers of Attorney; Acknowledgment and Filing of Letters of Attorney

Section 112 - Statement Alleging Right or Interest Adverse to Registered Owner

Section 114 - Changes Upon Registration Book; Grounds for Motion to Change

Section 115 - Filing and Entitling of Petitions and Motions After Registration

Section 116 - Mailing of Notices After Registration

Section 117 - Sectional Plans; Authority of Court

Section 118 - Fraudulent Conveyance; Imprisonment Term