Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 278a - Post Conviction Access to Forensic and Scientific Analysis
Section 7 - Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Criteria for Allowing Requested Analysis; Orders for Discovery

Section 7. (a) After reviewing the motion, the prosecuting attorney's response and after holding a hearing, the court shall state findings of fact and conclusions of law on the record, or shall make written findings of fact and conclusions of law that support the decision to allow or deny a motion brought under section 3.
(b) The court shall allow the requested forensic or scientific analysis if each of the following has been demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence:
(1) that the evidence or biological material exists;
(2) that the evidence or biological material has been subject to a chain of custody that is sufficient to establish that it has not deteriorated, been substituted, tampered with, replaced, handled or altered such that the results of the requested analysis would lack any probative value;
(3) that the evidence or biological material has not been subjected to the requested analysis for any of the reasons in clauses (i) to (v), inclusive, of paragraph (5) of subsection (b) of section 3;
(4) that the requested analysis has the potential to result in evidence that is material to the moving party's identification as the perpetrator of the crime in the underlying case;
(5) that the purpose of the motion is not the obstruction of justice or delay; and
(6) that the results of the particular type of analysis being requested have been found to be admissible in courts of the commonwealth.
(c) The court on motion of any party, after notice to the opposing party and any third party from whom discovery is sought, and an opportunity to be heard, may authorize such discovery as provided for under Rule 30(c)(4) of the Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure, from either party or any third party as is deemed appropriate, subject to appropriate protective orders or an order to the party seeking discovery to produce reciprocal discovery.
Such discovery may include items and biological materials from third parties, provided the party seeking discovery demonstrates that analysis of these items or biological material will, by a preponderance of the evidence, provide evidence material to the identification of a perpetrator of the crime.
If, in response to a motion made under subsection (c) of section 3, the court finds good cause for the moving party's inability to obtain items or information required under subsection (b) of said section 3 and subsection (b) of section 7, the court may order discovery to assist the moving party in identifying the location and condition of evidence or biological material that was obtained in relation to the underlying case, regardless of whether it was introduced at trial or would be admissible. The court, when considering such discovery requests, shall not require the establishment of a prima facie case for relief under Rule 30 of the Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases

Title II - Proceedings in Criminal Cases

Chapter 278a - Post Conviction Access to Forensic and Scientific Analysis

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Conditions for Filing Motion for Forensic or Scientific Analysis; Affect of Chapter Upon Analysis Under Other Circumstances

Section 3 - Filing of Motion; Contents; Motion for Discovery; Affidavit of Factual Innocence; Expeditious Review of Motion

Section 4 - Jurisdiction Over Motion; Service of Motion; Response by Prosecuting Attorney

Section 5 - Appointed Counsel

Section 6 - Hearing

Section 7 - Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Criteria for Allowing Requested Analysis; Orders for Discovery

Section 8 - Conditions of Analysis; Selection of Forensic Service Provider; Equal Access to Personnel and Information; Retention of Material Evidence to Allow for Replicate Analysis; Cooperation With Laboratory by Moving Party

Section 9 - Time for Performing Analysis

Section 10 - Cost of Analysis

Section 11 - Effect of Proceedings on Terms of Sentence Imposed

Section 12 - Disclosure of Analysis Results; Orders to Produce Data, Documents and Notes

Section 13 - Additional Analysis Ordered Upon Inconclusive Findings

Section 14 - Victim Notification

Section 15 - Waiver of Right to File Motion Prohibited

Section 16 - Retention and Preservation of Evidence or Biological Material by Governmental Entities; Regulations

Section 17 - Civil or Criminal Liability of Governmental Officials; Willful or Wanton Misconduct or Gross Negligence by Governmental Entities Resulting in Deterioration or Destruction of Evidence; Damages

Section 18 - Appeals