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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. As used in this chapter, the following words...
Section 2 - Conditions for Filing Motion for Forensic or Scientific Analysis; Affect of Chapter Upon Analysis Under Other Circumstances - Section 2. A person may file a motion for forensic...
Section 3 - Filing of Motion; Contents; Motion for Discovery; Affidavit of Factual Innocence; Expeditious Review of Motion - Section 3. (a) A person seeking relief under this chapter...
Section 4 - Jurisdiction Over Motion; Service of Motion; Response by Prosecuting Attorney - Section 4. (a) The moving party shall file a motion...
Section 5 - Appointed Counsel - Section 5. The court may assign or appoint counsel to...
Section 6 - Hearing - Section 6. (a) The court shall order a hearing on...
Section 7 - Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Criteria for Allowing Requested Analysis; Orders for Discovery - Section 7. (a) After reviewing the motion, the prosecuting attorney's...
Section 8 - Conditions of Analysis; Selection of Forensic Service Provider; Equal Access to Personnel and Information; Retention of Material Evidence to Allow for Replicate Analysis; Cooperation With Laboratory by Moving Party - Section 8. (a) In allowing a motion under section 3,...
Section 9 - Time for Performing Analysis - Section 9. Upon allowance of a motion under section 3,...
Section 10 - Cost of Analysis - Section 10. The costs of the analysis shall be paid:...
Section 11 - Effect of Proceedings on Terms of Sentence Imposed - Section 11. Proceedings under this chapter shall not stay or...
Section 12 - Disclosure of Analysis Results; Orders to Produce Data, Documents and Notes - Section 12. (a) The results of the analysis shall be...
Section 13 - Additional Analysis Ordered Upon Inconclusive Findings - Section 13. If the analysis is inconclusive, the court may...
Section 14 - Victim Notification - Section 14. (a) If a motion is filed under section...
Section 15 - Waiver of Right to File Motion Prohibited - Section 15. The right to file a motion under this...
Section 16 - Retention and Preservation of Evidence or Biological Material by Governmental Entities; Regulations - Section 16. (a) Any governmental entity that is in possession...
Section 17 - Civil or Criminal Liability of Governmental Officials; Willful or Wanton Misconduct or Gross Negligence by Governmental Entities Resulting in Deterioration or Destruction of Evidence; Damages - Section 17. (a) Governmental officials and employees acting in good...
Section 18 - Appeals - Section 18. An order allowing or denying a motion for...