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Section 1 - Suspension of Execution; Payment of Fine; Probation; Revocation of Suspension; Exceptions - Section 1. When a person convicted before a court is...
Section 1a - Suspension of Execution of Sentence; Probation; Child Support Payments - Section 1A. When a person convicted before a court is...
Section 1b - Funds Collection and Disbursement; Single Point for Clerk-Magistrate and Probation Offices - Section 1B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the administrative...
Section 2 - Suspension of Execution of Orders of Commitment to Massachusetts Reformatory, Etc. - Section 2. In all cases the execution of orders of...
Section 3 - Arrest Without Warrant of Person on Probation; Notice of Surrender; Surrender Hearing; Warrant for Arrest of Persons Already Imprisoned; Application for Disposition; Temporary Custody - Section 3. At any time before final disposition of the...
Section 3a - Motion of District Attorney for Sentence - Section 3A. Not later than seven days after a plea...
Section 4 - Imposition of Sentence; Stay of Execution - Section 4. Sentence shall be imposed upon conviction of a...
Section 4b - Notice to Victim of Sentencing Proceedings; Oral or Written Statements - Section 4B. Before disposition in any case where a defendant...
Section 5 - Sentence if No Punishment Is Provided by Statute - Section 5. If no punishment for a crime is provided...
Section 6 - Sentence to Jail or House of Correction - Section 6. Whoever is convicted of a crime punishable wholly...
Section 6a - Special Sentence of Imprisonment; Eligible Offenders; Revocation or Rescission of Special Sentence; Subsequent Crimes - Section 6A. When a person is sentenced on a first...
Section 6b - Consideration of Defendant's Status as Primary Caregiver of Dependent Child Before Imposing Sentence - Section 6B. (a) As used in this section the following...
Section 7 - Sentence to Jail or House of Correction for Non-Payment of Fine - Section 7. Whoever is convicted of a crime punishable by...
Section 8 - Commitments Upon Two or More Sentences - Section 8. A convict upon whom two or more sentences...
Section 8a - Determination of Time of Taking Effect of Sentence; ''from and After'' Sentence - Section 8A. For the purpose only of determining the time...
Section 8b - Commission of Crime While Released on Personal Recognizance; Consecutive Sentence - Section 8B. If a defendant on release subject to the...
Section 9 - Second Sentence for Non-Payment of Fine - Section 9. Except as provided in section one hundred and...
Section 10 - Conditional Sentence - Section 10. If a person has been convicted of a...
Section 11 - Punishment by Imprisonment Only or by Fine Only When Law Prescribes Both - Section 11. Whoever is convicted of a crime, punishable by...
Section 12 - Recognizance of Husband Convicted of Assault Upon Wife - Section 12. Except as provided in section twenty-eight of chapter...
Section 13 - Recognizance to Keep the Peace or to Be of Good Behavior - Section 13. Except as provided in section twenty-eight of chapter...
Section 14 - Recognizance; Filing; Proceedings on Breach of Condition - Section 14. Such recognizance shall be filed of record in...
Section 15 - Sentence to Jail or House of Correction in Any County - Section 15. Whoever is convicted of a crime, punishable by...
Section 16 - Sentencing of Female to Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Framingham - Section 16. A female, convicted of a crime punishable by...
Section 19 - Place of Imprisonment of Females Convicted of Felony - Section 19. The sentence to imprisonment of a female convicted...
Section 20 - Execution of Sentence of Imprisonment of Females Sentenced to Confinement at Hard Labor - Section 20. Subject to the preceding section, a sentence of...
Section 23 - Limitation of Sentences of Males to Jails or Houses of Correction - Section 23. No sentence of a male convict to imprisonment...
Section 24 - Indeterminate Sentence to State Prison; Determination of Sentence for Offender Aged Fourteen Through Seventeen - Section 24. If a convict is sentenced to the state...
Section 25 - Punishment of Habitual Criminals - Section 25. (a) Whoever is convicted of a felony and...
Section 26 - Further Sentence of Convict in State Prison - Section 26. A convict under sentence of imprisonment in the...
Section 27 - Immediate Execution of Sentence to State Prison of Convict Sentenced to Jail or House of Correction - Section 27. If a convict serving a sentence of imprisonment...
Section 30 - Vacation of Office From Time of Sentence to State Prison - Section 30. If a convict sentenced by a court of...
Section 33a - Credit for Days of Confinement Awaiting and During Trial - Section 33A. The court on imposing a sentence of commitment...
Section 34 - Delivery to Sheriff of Certified Transcript From Minutes of Court of Conviction and Sentence; Execution of Sentence - Section 34. When a convict is sentenced to pay a...
Section 35 - Transmission of Complaint or Indictment to Correctional Institution - Section 35. When a person is committed to any correctional...
Section 36 - Sentences to State Farm - Section 36. Except for commitments under sections thirty-five or forty-eight...
Section 37 - Setting Out Statutory Name of Crime in Warrant for Commitment - Section 37. Every warrant for the commitment of a person...
Section 38 - Powers of Sheriff or Constable in Execution of Warrant of Commitment - Section 38. A sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable, when engaged...
Section 39 - Return of Precept to Magistrate - Section 39. The officer serving the precept in a criminal...
Section 40 - Service of New Warrant of Commitment Upon Convict - Section 40. If a convict imprisoned under sentence is again...
Section 41 - Default of Corporation - Section 41. If a corporation, after being duly served with...
Section 42 - Warrant of Distress to Compel Payment of Penalty or Assessment - Section 42. If judgment is rendered against a corporation upon...
Section 57 - Death Sentence; Pronouncement or Revocation of Stay; Warrant of Conviction; Execution of Sentence; Certified Copy of Record to Governor - Section 57. Immediately upon the pronouncing of the sentence of...
Section 58 - Death Sentence Confinement; Psychiatric Examination; Transfer or Failure to Transfer to General Prison Population; Appeal; Hearing; Annual Record Review; Court Order - Section 58. The sheriff of the county in a jail...
Section 59 - Execution of Death Sentence; Time Constraints - Section 59. The sentence of death shall be executed by...
Section 60 - Means of Execution of Death Sentence - Section 60. The punishment of death shall be inflicted by...
Section 61 - Capital Crime Conviction; Imposition of Sentence; Insane and Pregnant Persons - Section 61. If a person convicted of a capital crime...
Section 62 - Delay in Execution of Death Sentence; Insanity or Pregnancy of Prisoner; Psychiatric Examination and Written Certification - Section 62. After examination by two psychiatrists designated by the...
Section 63 - Delay in Execution of Death Sentence; Consideration of Pardon - Section 63. The governor, with the advice and consent of...
Section 64 - Judicial Stay of Execution of Death Sentence; Final Determination of Judicial Questions - Section 64. The execution of a sentence of death may...
Section 65 - Witnesses; Execution of Death Sentence - Section 65. There shall be present at the execution of...
Section 66 - Execution of Death Sentence; Post Mortem Examination - Section 66. There shall be a post mortem examination by...
Section 67 - Warrant for Execution of Death Sentence; Return to Clerk of Court After Execution - Section 67. When the superintendent has executed the sentence of...
Section 68 - Special Jury Questions for First Degree Murder; Presentence Hearing Upon Conviction for Consideration of Death Penalty; Consideration by Jury of Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances; Determination by Jury; Sentence by Court; Validity... - Section 68. In all cases in which a sentence of...
Section 69 - Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances in Death Penalty Cases - Section 69. (a) In all cases in which the death...
Section 70 - Death Penalty Imposed; Jury Findings Necessary - Section 70. Where, upon a trial by jury, a person...
Section 71 - Review of Death Sentence; Remand; Reversal; Affirmation - Section 71. In addition to review of the entire case...