Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 40 - Powers and Duties of Cities and Towns
Section 60 - Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing Zone (Uch–tif)

Section 60. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, a city or town by vote of its town meeting, town council or city council with the approval of the mayor where required by law, on its own behalf or in conjunction with 1 or more cities or towns and under regulations issued by the department of housing and community development, in consultation with the department of revenue, may adopt and prosecute an urban center housing tax increment financing plan, in this section referred to as a UCH–TIF plan, intended to encourage increased residential growth, affordable housing and commercial growth in urban center housing zones and do all things necessary thereto; provided, however, that the UCH–TIF plan shall:—
(i) designate any area of the city or town as an urban center housing tax increment financing zone, in this section referred to as a UCH–TIF zone, which shall be defined as a commercial center located within an area of concentrated development, as that term is defined in section 2 of chapter 40R, characterized by a predominance of commercial land uses and a need for multi-unit residential properties; provided, however, that the designation of a UCH–TIF zone shall be subject to the approval of the department of housing and community development under regulations adopted by the department consistent with this section; provided further, that a city or town may not enter into any UCH–TIF agreement, as defined in clause (v), unless the area governed by the UCH–TIF agreement is so designated and approved by the department of housing and community development; and provided further, that in the case of a UCH–TIF plan adopted by more than 1 city or town, the areas designated as UCH–TIF zones shall be contiguous areas of those cities and towns;
(ii) describe the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and related activities, public and private, contemplated for such UCH–TIF zone as of the date of the adoption of the UCH–TIF plan; provided, however, that in the case of public construction, the UCH–TIF plan shall include a detailed projection of the costs and a betterment schedule for the defrayal of such costs; provided, further, that the UCH–TIF plan shall provide that no costs of such public construction shall be recovered through betterments or special assessments imposed on a party which has not executed an UCH–TIF agreement in accordance with clause (v); and provided, further, that in the case of private construction, the UCH–TIF plan shall include the types of affordable housing and residential and commercial growth which are projected to occur within such UCH–TIF zone together with such documentary evidence of the projected public benefits as are required by the regulations;
(iii) authorize tax increment exemptions from property taxes, under clause Fifty-first of section 5 of chapter 59, for a specified term not to exceed 20 years, for any parcel of real property which is located in the UCH–TIF zone and for which an agreement has been executed under clause (v); provided, however, that the UCH–TIF plan shall specify the level of exemptions expressed as exemption percentages, not to exceed 100 per cent to be used in calculating the exemptions for the parcel, and for personal property situated on that parcel, as provided under said clause Fifty-first of said section 5 of said chapter 59; provided, further, that the exemption for each parcel of real property shall be calculated using an adjustment factor for each fiscal year of the specified term equal to the product of the inflation factors for each fiscal year since the parcel first became eligible for such exemption under this clause; provided, further, that the inflation factor for each fiscal year shall be a ratio:
(1) the numerator of which shall be: (A) in an UCH–TIF zone where the property includes primarily residential uses, the total assessed value of all parcels of all residential real estate that are assessed at full and fair cash value for the current fiscal year minus the new growth adjustment factor for the current fiscal year attributable to the residential real estate as determined by the commissioner of revenue pursuant to paragraph (f) of section 21C of said chapter 59; or (B) in an UCH–TIF zone where the property includes a mix of residential and commercial uses, the total assessed value of all parcels of all residential and commercial real estate that are assessed at full and fair cash value for the current fiscal year minus the new growth adjustment factor for the current fiscal year attributable to the residential and commercial real estate as determined by the commissioner of revenue pursuant to said paragraph (f) of said section 21C of said chapter 59; and
(2) the denominator of which shall be the total assessed value for the preceding fiscal year of all the parcels included in the numerator; provided, however, that such ratio should not be less than 1.
(iv) establish a maximum percentage of the costs of any public construction, referenced in clause (ii) and initiated subsequent to the adoption of the UCH–TIF plan, that can be recovered through betterments or special assessments against real property eligible for tax increment exemptions from property taxes under clause (iii) during the period of the parcel's eligibility for exemption from annual property taxes under said clause Fifty-first of said section 5 of said chapter 59, notwithstanding chapter 80 or any other general or special law authorizing the imposition of betterments or special assessments;
(v) state that each owner of property located in an UCH–TIF zone seeking to establish eligibility for tax increment exemptions from annual property taxes pursuant to clause (iii) shall execute an agreement, referred to as an UCH–TIF agreement, with the city or town, the form of which shall be included as an attachment to the UCH–TIF plan. The UCH–TIF agreement shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) all material representations of the parties which served as a basis for the granting of a UCH–TIF exemption; (2) any terms deemed appropriate by the city or town relative to compliance with the UCH–TIF agreement including, but not limited to, what shall constitute a default by the property owner and what remedies shall be allowed between the parties for any such defaults, including an early termination of the agreement; (3) provisions requiring that one of the affordability thresholds described in subsection (b) is met; (4) provisions stating that housing units that meet the affordability requirements of subsection (b) shall be subject to use restrictions as defined in this section; (5) a detailed recitation of the tax increment exemptions and the maximum percentage of the cost of public improvements that can be recovered through betterments or special assessments regarding a parcel of real property pursuant to clauses (iii) and (iv); (6) a detailed recitation of all other benefits and responsibilities inuring to and assumed by the parties to an agreement; and (7) a provision that the agreement shall be binding upon subsequent owners of the parcel of real property; and.
(vi) delegate to a board, agency or officer of the city or town, the authority to execute agreements in accordance with clause (v).
(b) As a condition of the granting of an UCH–TIF exemption, a property owner must satisfy 1 of the following affordability thresholds:
(i) At least 15 per cent of the housing units assisted by the UCH–TIF agreement shall be affordable to occupants or families with incomes at or below 80 per cent of the area median income where the city or town is located, as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter referred to as AMI; or
(ii) At least 25 per cent of the housing units assisted by the UCH–TIF agreement shall be affordable to occupants or families with incomes at or below 110 per cent of the AMI; or
(iii) The property shall satisfy the requirements of an existing inclusionary zoning ordinance or by-law in the city or town, under which the property owner is required to make a portion of the housing units assisted by the UCH–TIF agreement affordable to low- and moderate-income households.
In addition, to support a finding of public benefit based on residential and commercial growth in an urban center, at least one of the following conditions must be met:
(i) The UCH–TIF zone has either: (1) an unemployment rate that exceeds the statewide average by at least 25 per cent, (2) a commercial vacancy rate of 15 per cent or more; or (3) an average household income below 115 per cent of the AMI;
(ii) At least 51 per cent of the land area within the UCH–TIF zone is located within a qualified census tract, as defined in Section 42(d)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code; or
(iii) At least 51per cent of the land area within the UCH–TIF zone constitutes a: (1) blighted open area, (2) decadent area or (3) sub-standard area, as defined in section 1 of chapter 121A.
(c) The department of housing and community development shall review each UCH–TIF plan to determine whether it complies with the terms of this section and any regulations adopted by the department; provided further, that the department shall certify, based upon the information submitted in support of the UCH–TIF plan by the city or town and through such additional investigation as the department may make, that the plan is consistent with the requirements of this section and will further the public purpose of encouraging increased residential growth, affordable housing and commercial growth in the commonwealth; provided further, that a city or town may, at any time, revoke its designation of a UCH–TIF zone and, as a consequence of such revocation, shall immediately cease the execution of any additional agreements pursuant to clause (v) of subsection (a); provided, further, that a revocation shall not affect agreements relative to property tax exemptions and limitations on betterments and special assessments pursuant to said clause (v) of said subsection (a), use restrictions or options to purchase and rights of first refusal required by this section which were executed before the revocation.
(d) The board, agency, or officer of the city or town authorized pursuant to clause (vi) of said subsection (a) to execute UCH–TIF agreements shall submit each executed UCH–TIF agreement to the department of housing and community development for approval. The department shall, as a condition of such approval, certify that the UCH–TIF agreement complies with the terms of this section and furthers the public purpose of encouraging increased residential growth, affordable housing and commercial growth in the commonwealth. Upon receipt of the department's certification, the board, agency or officer of the city or town authorized pursuant to said clause (vi) of said subsection (a) to execute UCH–TIF agreements shall forward to the board of assessors a copy of the approved UCH–TIF agreement, together with a list of the parcels included therein. An executed and approved UCH–TIF shall be recorded in the registry of deeds or the registry district of the land court wherein the land lies.
(e) Notwithstanding any other general or special law to the contrary, an affordable housing development that benefits from a real estate tax exemption pursuant to this section that meets the affordability requirements of subsection (b) and subclause (3) of clause (v) of subsection (a) shall continue to meet those requirements for 30 years or for the term of any municipal bonds issued to finance the construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of such development, whichever is shorter as may be specified in the recorded restriction. Such restriction shall be approved by the department of housing and community development in accordance with section 32 of chapter 184 and shall be recorded in the registry of deeds or the registry district of the land court wherein the land lies.
(f) The owner of property subject to an UCH–TIF agreement shall certify to the city or town the incomes of the families or occupants, upon initial occupancy, of the affordable housing units designated in the UCH–TIF agreement and such certification shall be provided to the department of housing and community development on an annual basis. If the owner fails to provide certification or otherwise fails to comply with the UCH–TIF agreement, including failing to maintain the affordability of housing units assisted pursuant to this section, the city or town may place a lien on the property in the amount of the real estate tax exemptions granted pursuant to the UCH–TIF agreement for any year in which the owner is not in compliance with this subsection. If the city or town determines, with the approval of the department of housing and community development, that the owner is unlikely to come into compliance with the affordability requirements of said subsection (b) and said subclause (3) of said clause (v) of said subsection (a), the city or town may place a lien on the property in the amount of the total real estate tax exemption granted pursuant to the UCH–TIF agreement. Any such lien shall be recorded in the registry of deeds or the registry district of the land court wherein the land lies.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 40 - Powers and Duties of Cities and Towns

Section 1 - Nature and Scope

Section 1a - District Defined

Section 1b - Districts; Power to Sue and Be Sued; Insurance; Defense of Civil Actions

Section 2 - Towns; Power to Sue and Be Sued

Section 3 - Towns; Power to Hold, Lease and Convey Property

Section 3a - Cities, Towns and Districts; Binding Effect Thereon of Recordable Instruments of Title Affecting Interests in Real Estate as to Good Faith Purchasers Notwithstanding Inconsistency of Law Therewith

Section 4 - Towns; Power to Contract; Purposes

Section 4a - Governmental Units; Joint Operation of Public Activities; Termination of Agreement; ''governmental Unit'' Defined; Financial Safeguards

Section 4a1/2 - Joint Powers Agreements

Section 4d - Contracts With State or Public Authority for Construction of Public Works

Section 4e - Education Collaboratives

Section 4f - Purchase of Clothing or Apparel; Restrictions

Section 4i - Growth and Development Policy Committees; Definitions

Section 4j - Public Safety Mutual Aid Agreement; Procedure for Joining Agreement; Requests to Receive Assistance; Rights and Responsibilities of Requesting and Sending Parties

Section 4k - Public Works Municipal Mutual Aid Agreement; Procedure for Joining Agreement; Advisory Committee; Requests to Receive Assistance; Rights and Responsibilities of Requesting and Sending Parties

Section 5 - Appropriation of Money for Exercise of Corporate Powers

Section 5a - Cities; Reserve Funds for Extraordinary Expenditures; Establishment

Section 5b - Stabilization Funds; Establishment

Section 5c - Districts; Reserve Funds for Extraordinary Expenditures; Establishment

Section 5d - Contributory Retirement System Funds; Recovery of Pension Costs

Section 5e - Unemployment Compensation Fund; Deposit and Investment; Payments

Section 5f - Ambulance Services; Recreational Facilities; Service Charges; Credit Card Payments

Section 5g - Municipal Waterways Improvement and Maintenance Funds

Section 5h - Centennial Celebrations; Funds

Section 6 - Towns; Reserve Funds for Extraordinary Expenditures; Establishment

Section 6a - Advertising

Section 6b - Uniforms and Other Outer Clothing for Members of Police and Fire Departments and Shellfish Constabulary; Clothing Allowance

Section 6c - Removal of Ice and Snow From Private Ways; Conditions

Section 6d - Removal of Ice and Snow From Private Ways; Submission to Electorate; Ballot

Section 6j - Stormy Weather Work Clothes; Purchase

Section 6k - Uniforms of Public Health Nurses; Purchase

Section 6l - Stormy Weather Work Clothes; Lease or Rental

Section 6n - Private Ways; Temporary Repairs, Ordinances or By-Laws

Section 6o - Group Life Insurance Premiums; Permanent Employees

Section 7 - Removal of Ice and Snow From Sidewalks in Towns

Section 7a - Prevention of Automobile Accidents

Section 8 - Enforcement of Laws Relating to Civil Service

Section 8a - Development and Industrial Commission; Establishment; Duties; Membership; Tenure; Removals; Vacancies

Section 8b - Council on Aging; Establishment; Annual Reports; Recommendations by Department; Clerks and Employees

Section 8c - Conservation Commission; Establishment; Powers and Duties

Section 8d - Historical Commission; Establishment; Powers and Duties

Section 8e - Youth Commission; Establishment; Powers and Duties

Section 8f - Consumer Advisory Commission; Establishment; Annual Report; Clerks and Employees

Section 8g - Mutual Police Aid Programs; Agreements

Section 8h - Recycling Programs

Section 8i - Energy Resources Commission; Powers and Duties

Section 8j - Disability Commission; Powers and Duties; Members; Terms

Section 8k - Mapping Commissions; Powers and Duties; Members

Section 8l - Municipal Agricultural Commission

Section 9 - Lease of Building Space for Veterans' Organizations; Limitations; Erection of Armories; Celebration of Holidays

Section 10 - Public Markets; Establishment; Conditions; Regulation

Section 11 - Prevention of Forest Fires

Section 11a - Beach Districts; Formation

Section 12 - Public Baths and Wash Houses

Section 12b - Beaches for Public and Recreational Uses; Formation of District; Membership of Control Commission; Annual Audit

Section 12c - Construction of Beach Facilities; Rules and Regulations

Section 12d - Authority to Incur Indebtedness; Limitation

Section 12e - Treasurer of District; Appointment; Bond; Powers and Duties

Section 12f - Employees

Section 12g - Leasing of Concessions; Procedure

Section 13 - Municipal Buildings Insurance Fund; Management; Use

Section 13a - Workers' Compensation Insurance Funds; Management

Section 13b - Residence Quarters for School Physicians

Section 13c - Workers' Compensation Claims Reserve Funds

Section 13d - Reserve Fund for Future Payment of Accrued Liabilities for Compensated Absences Due Employee or Officer of Town Upon Termination of Employment

Section 13e - School District Reserve Funds to Pay for Unanticipated or Unbudgeted Costs for Special Education, Out-of-District Tuition or Transportation

Section 14 - Purchase of Land; Conditions; Limitations; Definition

Section 15 - Abandonment of Rights in Realty; Conditions

Section 15a - Transfer of Land; Procedure

Section 15b - Water Supply Works; Sale or Exchange of Property

Section 15c - Scenic Road Designations; Improvements; Fines

Section 16 - Street Sprinkling

Section 17 - Assessment

Section 18 - Collection of Assessment

Section 19 - Appropriation of Money for Providing Common Necessaries During War or Other Public Exigency; Purposes; Use of Funds

Section 20 - Selling Price of Necessities; Accounting

Section 21 - By-Laws of Towns; Purpose

Section 21a - Powers of Cities and Towns; Regulation of Working Conditions of Employees

Section 21b - Personnel Relations Review Board; Establishment; Purpose; ''grievance'', Defined

Section 21c - Union Conventions; Leave of Absence

Section 21c1/2 - Employees Who Are Veterans; Participation in Veterans or Memorial Day Exercises; Time Off Granted; Exceptions

Section 21d - Noncriminal Disposition of Ordinance, By-Law, Rule or Regulation Violations

Section 21e - Municipal Charges and Bills; Due Dates; Interest

Section 22 - Regulation of Vehicles; Penalties for Violation; Disabled Veterans and Handicapped Persons Excepted From Parking Violations; Taxicab Licenses

Section 22a - Parking Meters; Fees; Exemption From Fees for Disabled Veterans and Handicapped Persons; Bicycle Locking Devices; Motorcycle Parking; Restricted Parking Areas for Veterans and Handicapped Persons

Section 22a1/2 - Parking Benefit Districts

Section 22a3/4 - Designation of Parking Space for Veteran Parking at City or Town Hall

Section 22b - Acquisition and Maintenance of Off-Street Parking Areas and Facilities; Conditions; Exceptions

Section 22c - Off-Street Parking Lots; Installation of Parking Meters and Other Devices; Use of Receipts

Section 22d - Vehicles Parked in Violation of Law; Removal

Section 22e - Lease of Air Space Above Structures and Facilities

Section 22f - License Fees; Service Charges; Acceptance of Section

Section 22g - Funds Received From Fines for Handicap Parking Violations; Deposits in Account; Expenditures

Section 23 - Powers of Cities; Regulation of Erection and Maintenance of Balustrades; Penalty for Violation

Section 24 - Powers of Cities; Regulation of the Quality of Ice; Penalty for Violation

Section 31 - Powers of Towns; Performance of Duty Imposed by By-Laws

Section 32 - Validation of By-Laws; Procedure

Section 32a - Publication of Ordinances

Section 32b - Publication of Compilations of Zoning Ordinances; Supplements; Distribution and Sale

Section 33 - Rules and Regulations Promulgated by Town Boards; Filing

Section 34 - Town; Erection and Maintenance of Lockup; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 35 - Keeper; Appointment; Oath; Penalty for Failure to Appoint Keeper

Section 36 - Keeper; Powers; Compensation; Fees

Section 36a - Report of Death or Suicide of Lockup Inmates; Records of Attempts At, or Threats Of, Suicide

Section 36b - Cells; Protective Coverings, Electronic Audio Systems and Electronic Security Devices

Section 36c - Police; Training in Suicide Detection, Intervention and Prevention

Section 37 - Accessibility of Lockup to Police; Penalty for Refusing Access

Section 37a - Curfews; Imposition; Penalties

Section 38 - Purchase, Development and Use of Public Water Supply

Section 39 - Conveying Water Through Another Town; Liability for Damages

Section 39a - Water Supply or Distributing System; Establishment; Maintenance and Operation; Exception

Section 39b - Acquisition of Land and Water; Conditions

Section 39c - Construction and Maintenance of Dams, Wells, Reservoirs and Other Buildings; Conditions

Section 39d - Surveys

Section 39e - Management of Water System

Section 39f - Damages

Section 39g - Pollution of Water; Damage to Property; Penalties

Section 39h - Right to Aid Other Governmental Units; Compensation

Section 39i - Water Meters; Testing

Section 39j - Pricing System; Costs

Section 39k - Drinking Water Protection District; Establishment; Commission; Pricing System; Fund

Section 39l - Water or Sewer Service Charges; Descending Unit Rate Basis

Section 39m - Water Infrastructure Surcharge on Real Property; Exemptions; Appeal; Municipal Water Infrastructure Investment Fund

Section 41 - Protection of Water Supply; Conditions

Section 41a - Use of Water in Emergencies

Section 42 - Laying Pipes and Conduits

Section 42a - Collection of Rates and Charges for Supplying of Water; Lien for Delinquent Charges

Section 42b - Effective Date of Lien; Termination; Enforcement

Section 42c - Unpaid Charges; Report to Tax Collector

Section 42d - Unpaid Charges; Collection as Part of Property Tax

Section 42e - Abatements; Appeals

Section 42f - Recovery of Delinquent Charges From Tenants

Section 42g - Distribution of Water; Payment of Costs by Special Assessment

Section 42h - Uniform Rate of Assessment

Section 42i - Recordation of Assessment to Establish Lien on Property; Amount of Assessment; Extension of Time for Payment

Section 42j - Deferral of Charges

Section 42k - Assessment of Betterments

Section 43 - Authorization for Laying of Pipes for the Transmission of Steam or Hot Water

Section 43a - Permission to Construct Pipelines for Conveying Petroleum or By-Products Thereof; Conditions

Section 44 - Improvement Districts; Purposes; Membership; Tenure; Powers and Duties

Section 44a - Regional Refuse Disposal Planning Committee

Section 44b - Regional Refuse Disposal Planning Board; Study of Creation of District; Expenses of Board; Refuse Disposal Facility Defined

Section 44c - Regional Refuse Disposal Planning Board; Agreement for Establishment of District

Section 44d - Report of Board

Section 44e - Acceptance of Recommendation; Election; Establishment of District

Section 44f - General Powers of District

Section 44g - Exercise of Powers; Officers of Committee

Section 44h - Maintenance and Operating Expenses; Debts; Determination and Apportionment

Section 44i - Annual Audit and Report; Costs

Section 44j - Sale, Lease or License of Lands or Facilities to Refuse Disposal Districts

Section 44k - Bonds and Notes; Limit of Indebtedness

Section 44l - Issuance of Debt Obligations to Pay for Project Costs

Section 45 - Recognizance; Permission to Designate an Agent

Section 46 - Certification of Claims

Section 47 - Town Seal; Establishment; Use

Section 48 - Establishment of Suitable Place to Keep Books; Penalty for Noncompliance; Custody of Books and Records

Section 49 - Annual Town Reports; Publication; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 50 - Annual Town Report; Copy to State Library

Section 51 - Publication of Information Concerning Persons Receiving Aid From Governmental Agencies Forbidden; Exceptions; Penalties

Section 52 - Size of Official Letters

Section 53 - Restraint of Illegal Appropriations; Ten Taxpayer Actions

Section 54 - Building Permit Restrictions; Availability of Water Supply; Disposal of Debris

Section 54a - State Consent to Issuance of Permit to Build on Lands Formerly Used as a Railroad Right-of-Way; Damages in Absence Thereof

Section 55 - Annuity Contract, Custodial Account or Other Investment for Hospital Employees

Section 56 - Percentages of Local Tax Levy for Property

Section 57 - Local Licenses and Permits; Denial, Revocation or Suspension for Failure to Pay Municipal Taxes or Charges

Section 58 - Municipal Charges Lien

Section 59 - Tax Increment Financing Plan

Section 60 - Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing Zone (Uch–tif)

Section 60a - Manufacturing Workforce Training Tax Increment Financing Plan

Section 60b - Workforce Housing Special Tax Assessment Plan

Section 61 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 61 to 69

Section 62 - Contracts for the Inspection, Maintenance, Repair or Modification of Water Storage Facility Authorized

Section 63 - Term of Contract Awarded Under Sec. 62 and Option for Renewal or Extension; Contents of Contract and Obligations Thereunder; Requirements Relating to Capital Modifications, Capital Repairs, Installation of Equipment and Systems or Second...

Section 64 - Solicitation of Proposals; Statement of Compliance With Occupation Health and Safety Requirements

Section 65 - Acceptance of Proposal and Award of Contract; Notice; Statement of Reasons for Acceptance

Section 66 - Terms and Conditions of Contract Awarded Under Secs. 61 to 69; Bond or Other Security for the Obligation of Selected Offeror

Section 67 - Project Approval Certificates From Department of Environmental Protection

Section 68 - Contracts Made in Violation of Secs. 61 to 69 Void and Unenforceable

Section 69 - Public Notice of Request for Proposal