Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 15a - Public Education
Section 5a - Governor Foster Furcolo Community Colleges

Section 5A. For the purposes of this chapter, those community colleges within the system of public institutions of higher education established in section 5 shall collectively be known as the Governor Foster Furcolo Community Colleges.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 15a - Public Education

Section 1 - Policy and Goals

Section 3a - Statewide Educational Technology Plan; Goals; Development and Implementation

Section 4 - Board of Higher Education; Membership

Section 5 - Public Institutions of Higher Education System

Section 5a - Governor Foster Furcolo Community Colleges

Section 6 - Department of Higher Education; Commissioner; Other Employees; Appointments; Salaries; Powers and Duties

Section 7 - Mission Statements; Development, Approval and Adoption

Section 7a - Board of Higher Education; Performance Measurement System

Section 9 - Powers and Duties of Council

Section 9a - American Sign Language

Section 9b - Needs-Based Financial Assistance Program; Scholarships; Guidelines

Section 10 - Definitions

Section 11 - Council Actions Permitted to Aid and Contribute to Performances of Educational and Other Purposes of Community Colleges

Section 12 - Council Actions Permitted to Provide for Hefa Expenses and for Payments of Indebtedness Incurred on Behalf of Community Colleges or Affiliates

Section 13 - Hefa; Sale or Lease of Buildings, Lands or Other Property; Proceeds

Section 14 - Powers Under Secs. 11 and 12 Exercised on Behalf of University of Massachusetts and Affiliates

Section 15 - Estimate of Ordinary Maintenance and Revenues; Capital Outlay Requests; Allocation of Appropriations

Section 15b - Budget Cycle; Preparation and Submission of Budget Requests; Comments and Recommendations

Section 15c - Expenditures and Revenues; Management and Accounting Reporting System

Section 15d - Personnel Administrative Reporting and Information System

Section 15e - Public Higher Education Endowment Incentive and Capital Outlay Contribution Program; Matching Formula; Termination of Program

Section 15f - Community College Workforce Training Incentive Program

Section 15g - Stackable Credentials

Section 16 - Scholarship Programs; Guidelines

Section 17 - Teaching Learning Corps Program

Section 18 - Qualifying Student Health Insurance Programs; Participation; Compliance Procedures Report; Penalties for Noncompliance

Section 19 - Tuition and Fee Waiver Program; Guidelines; Annual Report

Section 191/2 - Tuition, Fees and Room and Board Waiver for Surviving Child of Parent Who Died as a Result of Injuries Sustained During Active and Full-Time Military Service While Outside the United States

Section 19a - Student Loan Repayment Program; Guidelines; Expenses for Administration

Section 19b - Teacher Signing Bonus Program; Regulations

Section 19c - Master Teacher Corps Program; Regulations

Section 19d - Scholarship Program Known as Tomorrow's Teachers Program; Guidelines

Section 19e - Principal and Superintendent Recruitment Program

Section 20 - Educational Opportunities Information Center

Section 21 - Board of Trustees for Sec. 5 Institutions; Membership; Qualifications; Tenure; Vacancies

Section 22 - Board of Trustees of Community Colleges or State Universities; Powers and Duties

Section 22a - Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center; Establishment; Powers and Duties of Board

Section 23 - Board of Trustees; Estimate for Institution's Ordinary Maintenance and Revenues

Section 24 - Board of Trustees; Authorized Purchases

Section 24a - Cooperative Purchasing; Massachusetts Higher Education Consortium

Section 25 - Refusal to Elect and Contract With Blind Teaching Candidates

Section 26 - Summer Sessions; Evening Classes

Section 27 - Dormitories; Nonsmoking Rooms; Rules and Regulations

Section 28 - Establishment and Maintenance of Bank Branch on Grounds of Public Higher Education Institutions

Section 29 - Definitions; Use of Student Fee Funds for Legislative Agents' Costs

Section 31 - Administrative Expenses; Determination of Qualifying Expenditures

Section 32 - Student Assessment System

Section 33 - Report Assessing Overall Faculty Productivity and Teacher Effectiveness

Section 34 - Benchmark Study of Public Higher Education System

Section 35 - Professional Development Schools Grant Program

Section 36 - Public Schools' Eligibility for Funds Through Professional Development Schools Grant Program

Section 37 - Foundations Created for Public Institutions of Higher Education; Governing Boards; Annual Reports; Audits

Section 38 - Military Recruiters; On-Campus Recruiting

Section 39 - Secondary Education Students Qualified to Enroll in Higher Education Institutions

Section 40 - Optional Retirement System; Providers; Regulations; Participation; Funds

Section 41 - Fees for Approval of Articles or Certificates; Revenue

Section 42 - Award of Academic Credit for Student's Military Occupation, Training, Coursework and Experience; Educational Credit for Exams Funded Through Department of Defense

Section 43 - Immunity From Academic or Financial Penalties for Postsecondary Students Performing Military Service on Behalf of the United States

Section 44 - Readmission Protections, Privileges and Immunities for Members of Armed Forces Attending Educational Institutions Within the Commonwealth; Calculation of Cumulative Length of Absence; Exemption From Academic or Financial Penalty

Section 45 - Establishment and Implementation of Comprehensive Training Program