Section 58A. (1) The commonwealth may move, based on dangerousness, for an order of pretrial detention or release on conditions for a felony offense that has as an element of the offense the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against the person of another or any other felony that, by its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force against the person of another may result, including the crimes of burglary and arson whether or not a person has been placed at risk thereof, or a violation of an order pursuant to section 18, 34B or 34C of chapter 208, section 32 of chapter 209, section 3, 4 or 5 of chapter 209 A or section 15 or 20 of chapter 209C, or arrested and charged with a misdemeanor or felony involving abuse as defined in section 1 of said chapter 209A or while an order of protection issued under said chapter 209A was in effect against such person, an offense for which a mandatory minimum term of 3 years or more is prescribed in chapter 94C, arrested and charged with a violation of section 13B of chapter 268 or a charge of a third or subsequent violation of section 24 of chapter 90 within 10 years of the previous conviction for such violation, or convicted of a violent crime as defined in said section 121 of said chapter 140 for which a term of imprisonment was served and arrested and charged with a second or subsequent offense of felony possession of a weapon or machine gun as defined in section 121 of chapter 140, or arrested and charged with a violation of paragraph (a), (c) or (m) of section 10 of chapter 269, section 112 of chapter 266 or section 77 or 94 of chapter 272; provided, however, that the commonwealth may not move for an order of detention under this section based on possession of a large capacity feeding device without simultaneous possession of a large capacity weapon; or arrested and charged with a violation of section 10G of said chapter 269.
(2) Upon the appearance before a superior court or district court judge of an individual charged with an offense listed in subsection (1) and upon the motion of the commonwealth, the judicial officer shall hold a hearing pursuant to subsection (4) issue an order that, pending trial, the individual shall either be released on personal recognizance without surety; released on conditions of release as set forth herein; or detained under subsection (3).
If the judicial officer determines that personal recognizance will not reasonably assure the appearance of the person as required or will endanger the safety of any other person or the community, such judicial officer shall order the pretrial release of the person—
(A) subject to the condition that the person not commit a federal, state or local crime during the period of release; and
(B) subject to the least restrictive further condition, or combination of conditions, that such judicial officer determines will reasonably assure the appearance of the person as required and the safety of any other person and the community that the person—
(i) remain in the custody of a designated person, who agrees to assume supervision and to report any violation of a release condition to the court, if the designated person is able reasonably to assure the judicial officer that the person will appear as required and will not pose a danger to the safety of any other person or the community;
(ii) maintain employment, or, if unemployed, actively seek employment;
(iii) maintain or commence an educational program;
(iv) abide by specified restrictions on personal associations, place of abode or travel;
(v) avoid all contact with an alleged victim of the crime and with any potential witness or witnesses who may testify concerning the offense;
(vi) report on a regular basis to a designated law enforcement agency, pretrial service agency, or other agency;
(vii) comply with a specified curfew;
(viii) refrain from possessing a firearm, destructive device, or other dangerous weapon;
(ix) refrain from excessive use of alcohol, or any use of a narcotic drug or other controlled substance, without a prescription by a licensed medical practitioner;
(x) undergo available medical, psychological, or psychiatric treatment, including treatment for drug or alcohol dependency and remain in a specified institution if required for that purpose;
(xi) execute an agreement to forfeit upon failing to appear as required, property of a sufficient unencumbered value, including money, as is reasonably necessary to assure the appearance of the person as required, and shall provide the court with proof of ownership and the value of the property along with information regarding existing encumbrances as the judicial officer may require;
(xii) execute a bail bond with solvent sureties; who will execute an agreement to forfeit in such amount as is reasonably necessary to assure appearance of the person as required and shall provide the court with information regarding the value of the assets and liabilities of the surety if other than an approved surety and the nature and extent of encumbrances against the surety's property; such surety shall have a net worth which shall have sufficient unencumbered value to pay the amount of the bail bond;
(xiii) return to custody for specified hours following release for employment, schooling, or other limited purposes; and
(xiv) satisfy any other condition that is reasonably necessary to assure the appearance of the person as required and to assure the safety of any other person and the community.
The judicial officer may not impose a financial condition that results in the pretrial detention of the person.
The judicial officer may at any time amend the order to impose additional or different conditions of release.
Participation in a community corrections program pursuant to chapter 211F may be ordered by the court or as a condition of release; provided, however, that the defendant shall consent to such participation.
(3) If, after a hearing pursuant to the provisions of subsection (4), the district or superior court justice finds by clear and convincing evidence that no conditions of release will reasonably assure the safety of any other person or the community, said justice shall order the detention of the person prior to trial. A person detained under this subsection shall be brought to a trial as soon as reasonably possible, but in absence of good cause, the person so held shall not be detained for a period exceeding 120 days by the district court or for a period exceeding 180 days by the superior court excluding any period of delay as defined in Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 36(b)(2). A justice may not impose a financial condition under this section that results in the pretrial detention of the person. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as limiting the imposition of a financial condition upon the person to reasonably assure his appearance before the courts.
(4) When a person is held under arrest for an offense listed in subsection (1) and upon a motion by the commonwealth, the judge shall hold a hearing to determine whether conditions of release will reasonably assure the safety of any other person or the community.
The hearing shall be held immediately upon the person's first appearance before the court unless that person, or the attorney for the commonwealth, seeks a continuance. Except for good cause, a continuance on motion of the person may not exceed seven days, and a continuance on motion of the attorney for the commonwealth may not exceed three business days. During a continuance, the individual shall be detained upon a showing that there existed probable cause to arrest the person. At the hearing, such person shall have the right to be represented by counsel, and, if financially unable to retain adequate representation, to have counsel appointed. The person shall be afforded an opportunity to testify, to present witnesses, to cross-examine witnesses who appear at the hearing, and to present information. Prior to the summons of an alleged victim, or a member of the alleged victim's family, to appear as a witness at the hearing, the person shall demonstrate to the court a good faith basis for the person's reasonable belief that the testimony from the witness will be material and relevant to support a conclusion that there are conditions of release that will reasonably assure the safety of any other person or the community. The rules concerning admissibility of evidence in criminal trials shall not apply to the presentation and consideration of information at the hearing and the judge shall consider hearsay contained in a police report or the statement of an alleged victim or witness. The facts the judge uses to support findings pursuant to subsection (3), that no conditions will reasonably assure the safety of any other person or the community, shall be supported by clear and convincing evidence. In a detention order issued pursuant to the provisions of said subsection (3) the judge shall (a) include written findings of fact and a written statement of the reasons for the detention; (b) direct that the person be committed to custody or confinement in a corrections facility separate, to the extent practicable, from persons awaiting or serving sentence or being held in custody pending appeal; and (c) direct that the person be afforded reasonable opportunity for private consultation with his counsel. The person may be detained pending completion of the hearing. The hearing may be reopened by the judge, at any time before trial, or upon a motion of the commonwealth or the person detained if the judge finds that: (i) information exists that was not known at the time of the hearing or that there has been a change in circumstances and (ii) that such information or change in circumstances has a material bearing on the issue of whether there are conditions of release that will reasonably assure the safety of any other person or the community.
(5) In his determination as to whether there are conditions of release that will reasonably assure the safety of any other individual or the community, said justice, shall, on the basis of any information which he can reasonably obtain, take into account the nature and seriousness of the danger posed to any person or the community that would result by the person's release, the nature and circumstances of the offense charged, the potential penalty the person faces, the person's family ties, employment record and history of mental illness, his reputation, the risk that the person will obstruct or attempt to obstruct justice or threaten, injure or intimidate or attempt to threaten, injure or intimidate a prospective witness or juror, his record of convictions, if any, any illegal drug distribution or present drug dependency, whether the person is on bail pending adjudication of a prior charge, whether the acts alleged involve abuse as defined in section one of chapter two hundred and nine A, or violation of a temporary or permanent order issued pursuant to section eighteen or thirty-four B of chapter two hundred and eight, section thirty-two of chapter two hundred and nine, sections three, four or five of chapter two hundred and nine A, or sections fifteen or twenty of chapter two hundred and nine C, whether the person has any history of orders issued against him pursuant to the aforesaid sections, whether he is on probation, parole or other release pending completion of sentence for any conviction and whether he is on release pending sentence or appeal for any conviction; provided, however, that if the person who has attained the age of 18 years is held under arrest for a violation of an order issued pursuant to section 18 or 34B of chapter 208, section 32 of chapter 209, section 3, 4 or 5 of chapter 209A or section 15 or 20 of chapter 209C or any act that would constitute abuse, as defined in section 1 of said chapter 209A, or a violation of sections 13M or 15D of chapter 265, said justice shall make a written determination as to the considerations required by this subsection which shall be filed in the domestic violence record keeping system.
(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed as modifying or limiting the presumption of innocence.
(7) A person aggrieved by the denial of a district court justice to admit him to bail on his personal recognizance with or without surety may petition the superior court for a review of the order of the recognizance and the justice of the district court shall thereupon immediately notify such person of his right to file a petition for review in the superior court. When a petition for review is filed in the district court or with the detaining authority subsequent to petitioner's district court appearance, the clerk of the district court or the detaining authority, as the case may be, shall immediately notify by telephone, the clerk and probation officer of the district court, the district attorney for the district in which the district court is located, the prosecuting officer, the petitioner's counsel, if any, and the clerk of courts of the county to which the petition is to be transmitted. The clerk of the district court, upon the filing of a petition for review, either in the district court or with the detaining authority, shall forthwith transmit the petition for review, a copy of the complaint and the record of the court, including the appearance of the attorney, if any is entered, and a summary of the court's reasons for denying the release of the defendant on his personal recognizance with or without surety to the superior court for the county in which the district court is located, if a justice thereof is then sitting, or to the superior court of the nearest county in which a justice is then sitting; the probation officer of the district court shall transmit forthwith to the probation officer of the superior court, copies of all records of the probation office of said district court pertaining to the petitioner, including the petitioner's record of prior convictions, if any, as currently verified by inquiry of the commissioner of probation. The district court or the detaining authority, as the case may be, shall cause any petitioner in its custody to be brought before the said superior court within two business days of the petition having been filed. The district court is authorized to order any officer authorized to execute criminal process to transfer the petitioner and any papers herein above described from the district court or the detaining authority to the superior court, and to coordinate the transfer of the petitioner and the papers by such officer. The petition for review shall constitute authority in the person or officer having custody of the petitioner to transport the petitioner to said superior court without the issuance of any writ or other legal process; provided, however, that any district or superior court is authorized to issue a writ of habeas corpus for the appearance forthwith of the petitioner before the superior court.
The superior court shall in accordance with the standards set forth in section fifty-eight A, hear the petition for review under section fifty-eight A as speedily as practicable and in any event within five business days of the filing of the petition. The justice of the superior court hearing the review may consider the record below which the commonwealth and the person may supplement. The justice of the superior court may, after a hearing on the petition for review, order that the petitioner be released on bail on his personal recognizance without surety, or, in his discretion, to reasonably assure the effective administration of justice, make any other order of bail or recognizance or remand the petitioner in accordance with the terms of the process by which he was ordered committed by the district court.
(8) If after a hearing under subsection (4) detention under subsection (3) is ordered or pretrial release subject to conditions under subsection (2) is ordered, then: (A) the clerk shall immediately notify the probation officer of the order; and (B) the order of detention under subsection (3) or order of pretrial release subject to conditions under subsection (2) shall be recorded in (i) the defendant's criminal record as compiled by the commissioner of probation under section 100 and (ii) the domestic violence record keeping system.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title II - Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Section 1a - Search Warrants for Articles Belonging to Subversive Organizations
Section 2 - Requisites of Warrant
Section 2b - Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant; Contents and Form
Section 2c - Manner of Issuing Search Warrants; Application of Secs. 2, 2a and 2b
Section 3 - Seizure, Custody and Disposition of Articles; Exceptions
Section 3a - Time for Return of Search Warrant
Section 4 - Notice Before Forfeiture of Property Seized Under Search Warrant
Section 6 - Postponement of Trial; Further Notice
Section 7 - Sale or Destruction of Property Seized; Disposition of Proceeds
Section 9 - Rewards Offered by Governor; Determination of Claims
Section 10 - Rewards Offered by Aldermen, Selectmen or Mayor; Determination of Claims
Section 10a - Authority of Officer of Another State to Arrest Felon
Section 10b - Proceedings After Arrest Made in Commonwealth by an Officer of Another State
Section 10c - Partial Invalidity
Section 10d - Uniform Extraterritorial Arrest on Fresh Pursuit; Short Title; Uniform Construction
Section 11 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 11 to 20r
Section 12 - Arrest and Delivery of Accused to Executives of Another State; Governor's Authority
Section 15 - Investigation of Demand and Report to Governor
Section 16 - Governor's Warrant of Arrest; Recital of Facts
Section 17 - Arrest and Delivery of Accused; Commanding Aid
Section 18 - Authority to Command Assistance; Penalties for Refusal
Section 19 - Rights of Arrested Person; Habeas Corpus; Notice; Penalty
Section 20a - Warrant to Apprehend on Oath or Affidavit; Copies of Papers Attached
Section 20b - Arrest Without Warrant; Taking Accused Before Court or Justice; Complaint
Section 20c - Commitment to Permit Arrest Under Warrant of Governor on Requisition
Section 20e - Discharge; Recommitment; Bail
Section 20f - Forfeiture of Bail
Section 20g - Prosecution Pending in Commonwealth
Section 20h - Inquiry Into Guilt or Innocence
Section 20i - Recall of Warrant or Issuance of Another
Section 20j - Waiver of Warrant and Procedure, Etc.
Section 20l - Application for Requisition
Section 20m - Payment of Agent's Expenses
Section 20n - Service of Process in Civil Action on Accused; Immunity
Section 20o - Trying for Other Crimes; Immunity
Section 20p - Waiver by Commonwealth
Section 20r - Uniform Criminal Interstate Rendition Law; Short Title; Uniform Construction
Section 22 - Warrants, Procedure for Issuance
Section 23 - Service of Warrants and Other Processes
Section 23a - Warrant Management System
Section 24 - Summons Instead of Warrant
Section 25 - Summons Fixing Time for Trial; Service
Section 26 - Failure to Appear and Abide Orders as Contempt
Section 28 - Arrest Without Warrant
Section 29 - Outstanding Warrant Check Prior to Release on Bail or Recognizance
Section 30 - Recall of Default Warrant; Arrest
Section 33 - Examination of Arrested Persons for Injuries; Reports; Penalty
Section 33a - Use of Telephone in Places of Detention
Section 35 - Adjournments of Examinations and Trials
Section 36 - Failure to Appear; Default on Recognizance; Subsequent Proceedings
Section 37 - Failure to Recognize; Subsequent Proceedings
Section 37a - Assignment of Counsel
Section 38 - Examination; Assistance of Counsel; Waiver of Indictment
Section 40 - Testimony Reduced to Writing; Signing by Witnesses
Section 41 - Discharge of Prisoner
Section 42 - Bail or Commitment
Section 43 - Conveying Prisoner Through Another County
Section 44 - Fees and Expenses in District Court in Record Sent to Superior Court
Section 45 - Witnesses Bound by Recognizance
Section 46 - Witnesses Bound by Recognizance on Adjournment
Section 47 - Sureties With Recognizance
Section 48 - Recognizances for Minor Witnesses
Section 49 - Commitment of Witnesses; Discharge Upon Recognizance
Section 51 - Release of Committed Witnesses; Proceedings
Section 52 - Rules Regulating Treatment of Committed Witnesses; Removal to Another County
Section 53 - Transporting Male and Female Prisoners
Section 54 - Handcuffing Committed Witnesses to Accused Persons; Transporting Together
Section 55 - Discharge Upon Acknowledgment of Satisfaction for Injury
Section 56 - Filing of Order; Delivery to Jail Keeper; Discharge as Bar to Civil Action
Section 57 - Bail; Officials Authorized to Admit to Bail; Amount of Bail; Security
Section 58b - Revocation of Release and Detention Order Following Violation of Release Conditions
Section 60 - Bail in Suffolk County; Proceedings
Section 61b - Compensation for Acting as Surety Prohibited
Section 62 - Notice to District Attorney of Application to Accept Bail in Suffolk County
Section 63 - Compensation for Taking Bail
Section 64 - Admission to Bail on Sunday
Section 65 - Condition of Recognizance
Section 66 - Return of Recognizance and Examination Taken by Magistrate; Order Compelling; Contempt
Section 69 - Surrender of Principal After Default; Remission of Penalty
Section 70 - Inability to Surrender Principal; Exoneration of Bail
Section 71 - Default on Recognizance
Section 72 - Surety Paying Amount for Which Bound; Costs
Section 73 - Award of Portion of Penalty to Person Entitled to Forfeiture
Section 74 - Judgment for Whole or Part of Penalty
Section 75 - Neglect, Omissions or Defects as Defeating Action
Section 76 - Review and Rehearing of Case After Judgment on Recognizance
Section 77 - Service of Notice and Copy of Petition; Return Day
Section 78 - Proceedings if Former Judgment Diminished, etc.; Costs
Section 79 - Personal Recognizance and Deposit Instead of Sureties for Release From Custody
Section 81 - Defendant Surrendering Self; Return of Deposit
Section 82 - Magistrates Authorized to Admit Prisoners to Bail
Section 82a - Failure to Appear in Court After Release on Bail or Recognizance; Penalty
Section 85 - Powers and Duties of Probation Officers
Section 85a - Probation Officers of the Probate Court; Support and Maintenance Enforcement
Section 87 - Placing Certain Persons in Care of Probation Officer
Section 87a - Conditions of Probation; Probation Fees
Section 88 - Clerical Assistance
Section 89 - Temporary Probation Officers
Section 89a - Counsellors to Juvenile Offenders
Section 90 - Powers of Probation Officers; Reports; Records; Inspection
Section 91 - Power of Probation Officers Appointed by Boston Juvenile Court to Serve Process
Section 92 - Restitution or Reparation to Injured Person Through Probation Officer
Section 92a - Restitution in Cases Involving Motor Vehicle Theft or Fraudulent Claims
Section 93 - Payment to Treasurer of Unclaimed Money Collected by Probation Officer
Section 94 - Expenses of Probation Officers
Section 95 - Temporary Support or Transportation of Probationers
Section 96 - Penalty for Refusal or Neglect of Duties by Probation Officer
Section 97 - Interference With Duties of Department of Youth Services
Section 98 - Office of Probation; Commissioner of Probation
Section 98a - Advisory Board to Commissioner of Probation and Court Administrator
Section 99 - Powers and Duties of Commissioner of Probation
Section 99b - Probation Officers; Compensation
Section 99e - Indigency; Interagency Service Agreements; Income Data Verification
Section 99g - Pretrial Services Initiative; Supervisor of Pretrial Services; Duties; Staff; Reports
Section 100 - Detailed Reports of Probation Work; Records; Accessibility of Information
Section 100d - Availability of Sealed Criminal Record Information
Section 100e - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 100e Through 100u
Section 100f - Petition for Expungement of Record as Adjudicated Delinquent or Youthful Offender
Section 100g - Petition for Expungement of Record of Conviction
Section 100i - Certification of Eligibility for Expungement
Section 100j - Offenses Excluded From Eligibility of Record for Expungement
Section 100m - Failure to Acknowledge Expunged Record as Basis for Perjury or False Statement
Section 100o - Petitions for Expungement and Related Records Excluded as Public Records
Section 100p - Exclusion of General Public From Proceedings Relating to Petition for Expungement
Section 100q - Sealed or Expunged Records Not to Be Available for Inspection
Section 100r - Waiver of Right to Expunge as Condition of Plea Deal
Section 100u - Administration and Enforcement of Secs. 100e to 100t
Section 101 - Annual Report of Commissioner to General Court
Section 102 - Effect of Secs. 98 to 101a on Authority of Courts
Section 103 - Notice to Commissioner of Appointment, Removal, etc., of Probation Officer