Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 150a - Labor Relations
Section 4a - Unfair Labor Practices by Individuals or Labor Organizations

Section 4A. It shall be an unfair labor practice for any person or labor organization—
(1) To seize or occupy unlawfully private property as a means of forcing settlement of a labor dispute; or
(2) To authorize or engage in any strike, slowdown, boycott or other concerted cessation of work or withholding of patronage for the purpose of—
(a) Bringing about, directly or indirectly, the commission of any unfair labor practice, or
(b) Injuring or interfering with the trade or business of any person because such person has refused to commit an unfair labor practice; or
(c) Interfering with, restraining or coercing employees in their choice or rejection of representatives for the purpose of collective bargaining after the commission has determined in a proceeding under section five that such employees do not desire to be represented by such labor organization; or
(3) To aid in any concerted activities of the types described in this section by giving direction or guidance in the conduct thereof or by providing funds for the payment of strike, unemployment or other benefits to persons participating therein; or
(4) To interfere with, restrain or coerce an employer or employee in the exercise of a right guaranteed under this chapter.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXI - Labor and Industries

Chapter 150a - Labor Relations

Section 1 - Public Policy

Section 2 - Definitions

Section 3 - Rights of Employees

Section 3a - Domestic Service Employee Defined; Violations; Discharge; Presumption; Damages; Costs

Section 4 - Unfair Labor Practices by Employers

Section 4a - Unfair Labor Practices by Individuals or Labor Organizations

Section 4b - Refusal to Bargain Collectively With Employer

Section 4c - Health Care Facilities; Unfair Labor Practices by Employers or Employees

Section 5 - Representatives; Determining and Certifying; Grievances; Units; Review; Proceedings to Enforce or Review Orders

Section 5a - Agricultural Workers; Representatives

Section 6 - Prevention of Unfair Labor Practices; Powers of Commission; Proceedings; Judicial Review

Section 6a - Denial of Admission To, and Suspension or Expulsion From, a Labor Organization; Proceedings for Relief; Voting Rights of Non-Participants in Insurance Plans and of Local Organizations in Conventions

Section 6b - Review of Order of Commission

Section 6c - Payment of Dues and Assessments During Disciplinary and Legal Proceedings

Section 7 - Powers of Commission and Courts Relative to Hearings and Investigations; Self-Incrimination; Service of Papers; Witness Fees; Papers and Information Furnished by Other Departments

Section 8 - Interference With Member or Agent of Commission

Section 9 - Right to Strike

Section 9a - Grievances or Disputes Between Health Care Facilities and Nurses

Section 10 - Conflict of Laws; Federal Statutes and Regulations

Section 11 - Partial Invalidity

Section 12 - Title of Statute