Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 111h - Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act
Section 48 - Statutes Not Applicable

Section 48. The selection of an operator and the development of a facility pursuant to this chapter shall, for the purposes of section forty-two B of chapter seven, be construed as an alternative method of design and construction services approved by the legislature, and shall not be subject to sections thirty-eight A.5 to thirty-eight N, inclusive, of said chapter seven or of sections forty-four A to forty-four J, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVI - Public Health

Chapter 111h - Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Board; Acceptance of Donations, Loans or Grants

Section 4a - Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Fund; Assessments

Section 4b - Violations of Sec. 4a; Civil Penalties

Section 6 - Public Participation Coordinator; Duties

Section 7 - Information Concerning Type, Volume, Radioactivity, Source and Characteristics of Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Inspections; Confidentiality

Section 8 - Issuance of Orders; Notice and Opportunity for Hearing; Civil Penalties; Injunctions and Actions to Compel

Section 9 - Management of Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Liability; Damages; Funds to Satisfy Liability

Section 10 - Phase I of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Planning

Section 11 - Procedures for Adoption of Management Plan

Section 12 - Preparation, Adoption by Regulation, and Implementation of Management Plan; Contents of Plan

Section 13 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Source Minimization, Volume Minimization and Storage for Decay by Generators Program; Establishment

Section 14 - Site Selection Criteria and Application Guidelines; Adoption of Regulations

Section 15 - Selection of Operators; Adoption of Regulations

Section 16 - Licensing, Development, Operation, Closure, Post-Closure Observation and Maintenance, and Institutional Control of Facilities; Adoption of Regulations

Section 17 - Initiation of Site Selection Process; Board Vote; Conditions

Section 18 - Phase Ii of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Implementation for Site Selection Process

Section 19 - Site Selection Process; Procedures

Section 20 - Site Selection Process; Issuance of Required Reports; Public Meetings; Acquisition of Property Interest in Candidate Sites

Section 21 - Community Supervisory Committees; Establishment

Section 22 - Requests for Proposals for Development, Operation and Closure of a Facility; Investigation and Certification of Applicants; Contract

Section 23 - Detailed Site Characterization Plan for Candidate Sites; Public Review and Comment; Selection of Superior Site

Section 24 - Petition by Aggrieved Person; Adjudicatory Proceeding

Section 25 - Phase Iii of the Low–level Waste Management Act; Selection of Operator and Technology

Section 26 - Community Supervisory Committee Representatives, Appointment; Site Community Field Offices, Establishment

Section 27 - Certified Applicant Interviews; Selection of Operator of Superior Site Facility

Section 28 - Execution of Development Contract

Section 29 - Phase Iv of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Facility Approval and Licensing

Section 30 - Notice of Intent to Apply for Facility License; Environmental Impact Report

Section 31 - Facility License Application; Public Comment Period; Preparation of Draft License or Draft Denial; Final Decision

Section 33 - Negotiation of Comprehensive Operating Contract; Contents

Section 34 - Community Compensation

Section 35 - Phase v of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Facility Development, Operation, and Closure

Section 36 - Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Program; Establishment

Section 37 - Commencement of Facility Construction

Section 38 - Payment by Operator Equal to Expected Annual Operating Budget; Proposed Fees and Waste Acceptance Criteria Schedule

Section 39 - Determination of Operator's Compliance With Comprehensive Operating Contract; Notice to Generators

Section 40 - Operation of Facility; Temporary or Permanent Closure; Inspection Report

Section 41 - Contingent Liability Account; Institutional Control Account

Section 42 - Administration of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Trust Fund

Section 43 - Facility Closure Plan

Section 44 - Active Observation and Maintenance of Facility

Section 45 - Phase Vi of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Institutional Control of Facility

Section 46 - Transfer of Facility License From Operator

Section 47 - Institutional Control of Facility; Annual Report; Public Meetings

Section 48 - Statutes Not Applicable