Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 111h - Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act
Section 23 - Detailed Site Characterization Plan for Candidate Sites; Public Review and Comment; Selection of Superior Site

Section 23. (a) Each community supervisory committee shall assist the board in developing a detailed site characterization plan for a candidate site located within the community and participate throughout the implementation of such detailed site characterization plan. Appropriate board officials and consultants shall meet monthly with each community supervisory committee. Each community supervisory committee shall be kept informed of the progress of the detailed site characterization; be furnished copies of all data, reports and memoranda pertaining to said detailed site characterization including raw data, draft reports and memoranda; and given reasonable opportunity to review and comment upon all work performed.
(b) Within thirty days of the acceptance of the candidate site identification report pursuant to section twenty, the board and the community supervisory committee shall jointly conduct a public meeting in each candidate site community to discuss the draft plan for the detailed site characterization of the candidate site located within such community. The detailed site characterization plan adopted by the board shall include investigations and tests, both in the field and in the laboratory, which shall be conducted so as to demonstrate whether the site complies with the site selection criteria adopted under section fourteen; to provide information necessary for licensing of any facility at the site pursuant to section thirty-one, including an evaluation of the ability of the site characteristics to contribute to isolation of waste, data necessary for the proposed design of such a facility, an identification of potential interactions between the site characteristics and any low-level radioactive waste or waste containers located at the site to establish data collection points and baseline data suitable for use in an environmental monitoring program adopted pursuant to section thirty-six; and to identify, for inclusion in any environmental impact report prepared pursuant to section thirty, potential environmental impacts resulting from the development, operation, closure, post-closure observation and maintenance or institutional control of a facility at the site. Prior to its adoption of the final plan, the board shall consider and evaluate all comments made at a public meeting or in writing.
(c) Within one year and two months of the acceptance of the candidate site identification report pursuant to section twenty, the board shall issue a draft report of the detailed site characterization of each candidate site, and shall transmit a copy of such report to the secretary of the executive office of environmental affairs and the community supervisory committee. The draft report shall describe the procedures used to characterize each candidate site and establish that such procedures fully conform to the requirements of the regulations adopted under section fourteen.
(d) Upon issuance of the draft detailed site characterization report, the board shall widely publicize its availability for public review and comment, and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance shall issue a notice, satisfying the requirements of section forty I of chapter seven, to all persons entitled thereby to review such notice. Within sixty days of the issuance of such report, the board shall conduct at least one public meeting on the report, in each candidate site community, at times to be determined after consultation with the public participation coordinator. Such public meeting shall be deemed to satisfy the public hearing requirements of section forty I of chapter seven. The board shall accept written comments on the report submitted by the community supervisory committee or any other interested person within sixty days of the public notice of its availability.
(e) Upon receipt of the draft detailed site characterization report, the secretary of the executive office of environmental affairs shall implement the public review and comment procedures established pursuant to section sixty-two C of chapter thirty; provided, however, that the review period established in such section shall not extend beyond the final date for acceptance of written comments by the board pursuant to this section. Within seventy-five days of the issuance of the report, said secretary shall issue a statement evaluating its technical adequacy and conformance with the regulations adopted under section fourteen. The said secretary shall transmit a copy of such statement to the board and the community supervisory committee.
(f) No sooner than seventy-five days and no later than ninety days after the issuance of the draft detailed site characterization report, the board shall conduct a vote to determine whether to accept or amend the report. Such a vote shall be based on the technical adequacy of the report and its conformance with the regulations adopted pursuant to section fourteen. Prior to its acceptance of the report, the board shall consider and evaluate all comments made at a public meeting or submitted in writing. If the board fails to accept or amend the detailed site characterization report, the report shall be set aside, and the procedures established in this section shall be repeated; provided, however, that the board shall meet with each community supervisory committee to discuss the draft plan for implementing the revised detailed site characterization within thirty days of the expiration of the time for the board to accept or modify the detailed site characterization report; and provided, further, that the board shall issue its revised detailed site characterization report within one year and two months of the expiration date of the time for the board to accept or amend the prior detailed site characterization report.
(g) Upon voting to accept or modify a detailed site characterization report, the board may select any superior site by a two-thirds vote of its members. Upon such vote, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance shall, on behalf of the board, take appropriate action to acquire, by purchase or taking, pursuant to chapter seventy-nine, a fee simple interest in the superior site, together with such other land, easements, rights-of-way or other property interests necessary to construct and operate a facility thereon and to conduct an environmental monitoring program pursuant to section thirty-six, or, in the case of real property of the commonwealth, to transfer the control and use of such property to the board. Such acquisition or transfer shall be subject to the requirements of sections forty E to forty M, inclusive, of chapter seven; provided, however, that the superior site shall be deemed to possess unique qualities for the purposes of section forty H of said chapter seven. Upon the acquisition of such interest, each site community, during the period prior to the issuance of a facility license, shall be entitled to receive an amount in lieu of local property taxes in accordance with section seventeen of chapter fifty-eight. No facility developed at a superior site selected pursuant to this section shall be subject to the department of environmental protection site assignment pursuant to section one hundred and fifty B of chapter one hundred and eleven.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVI - Public Health

Chapter 111h - Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Board; Acceptance of Donations, Loans or Grants

Section 4a - Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Fund; Assessments

Section 4b - Violations of Sec. 4a; Civil Penalties

Section 6 - Public Participation Coordinator; Duties

Section 7 - Information Concerning Type, Volume, Radioactivity, Source and Characteristics of Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Inspections; Confidentiality

Section 8 - Issuance of Orders; Notice and Opportunity for Hearing; Civil Penalties; Injunctions and Actions to Compel

Section 9 - Management of Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Liability; Damages; Funds to Satisfy Liability

Section 10 - Phase I of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Planning

Section 11 - Procedures for Adoption of Management Plan

Section 12 - Preparation, Adoption by Regulation, and Implementation of Management Plan; Contents of Plan

Section 13 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Source Minimization, Volume Minimization and Storage for Decay by Generators Program; Establishment

Section 14 - Site Selection Criteria and Application Guidelines; Adoption of Regulations

Section 15 - Selection of Operators; Adoption of Regulations

Section 16 - Licensing, Development, Operation, Closure, Post-Closure Observation and Maintenance, and Institutional Control of Facilities; Adoption of Regulations

Section 17 - Initiation of Site Selection Process; Board Vote; Conditions

Section 18 - Phase Ii of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Implementation for Site Selection Process

Section 19 - Site Selection Process; Procedures

Section 20 - Site Selection Process; Issuance of Required Reports; Public Meetings; Acquisition of Property Interest in Candidate Sites

Section 21 - Community Supervisory Committees; Establishment

Section 22 - Requests for Proposals for Development, Operation and Closure of a Facility; Investigation and Certification of Applicants; Contract

Section 23 - Detailed Site Characterization Plan for Candidate Sites; Public Review and Comment; Selection of Superior Site

Section 24 - Petition by Aggrieved Person; Adjudicatory Proceeding

Section 25 - Phase Iii of the Low–level Waste Management Act; Selection of Operator and Technology

Section 26 - Community Supervisory Committee Representatives, Appointment; Site Community Field Offices, Establishment

Section 27 - Certified Applicant Interviews; Selection of Operator of Superior Site Facility

Section 28 - Execution of Development Contract

Section 29 - Phase Iv of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Facility Approval and Licensing

Section 30 - Notice of Intent to Apply for Facility License; Environmental Impact Report

Section 31 - Facility License Application; Public Comment Period; Preparation of Draft License or Draft Denial; Final Decision

Section 33 - Negotiation of Comprehensive Operating Contract; Contents

Section 34 - Community Compensation

Section 35 - Phase v of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Facility Development, Operation, and Closure

Section 36 - Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Program; Establishment

Section 37 - Commencement of Facility Construction

Section 38 - Payment by Operator Equal to Expected Annual Operating Budget; Proposed Fees and Waste Acceptance Criteria Schedule

Section 39 - Determination of Operator's Compliance With Comprehensive Operating Contract; Notice to Generators

Section 40 - Operation of Facility; Temporary or Permanent Closure; Inspection Report

Section 41 - Contingent Liability Account; Institutional Control Account

Section 42 - Administration of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Trust Fund

Section 43 - Facility Closure Plan

Section 44 - Active Observation and Maintenance of Facility

Section 45 - Phase Vi of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Institutional Control of Facility

Section 46 - Transfer of Facility License From Operator

Section 47 - Institutional Control of Facility; Annual Report; Public Meetings

Section 48 - Statutes Not Applicable