Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 111h - Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act
Section 14 - Site Selection Criteria and Application Guidelines; Adoption of Regulations

Section 14. (a) The department of environmental protection shall adopt regulations establishing criteria for the selection of any superior site, guidelines for their application, procedures for the conduct of site selection and plans for the creation within said department of a statewide resource center for the continued collection of data pertaining to site selection. Such regulations shall, at a minimum, be compatible with the federal regulatory program established pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, 42 USC section 2071 et seq. The primary consideration in adopting such regulations shall be the protection of public health, safety and the environment.
(b) The site selection criteria and application guidelines shall ensure, at a minimum, that any superior site satisfies the following site suitability requirements.
(1) sites shall be capable of being characterized, modeled, and monitored;
(2) sites shall be well drained and free of areas of flooding or frequent ponding, waste management areas shall be outside any one-hundred-year flood plain, coastal high-hazard area, or wetland;
(3) upstream drainage areas shall be minimized to decrease the amount of run-off which could erode or inundate the waste management area;
(4) sites shall provide sufficient depth to the water table so that groundwater intrusion, perennial or otherwise, into the waste will not occur;
(5) the hydrogeologic unit used for waste management shall not discharge groundwater to the surface within the site;
(6) waste management area shall be located so that tectonic processes in the vicinity, such as faulting, folding, seismic activity or volcanism, will not occur which will significantly effect the ability of the site to meet any performance objectives adopted by the department of public health under section sixteen, or preclude adequate modeling and prediction of long-term impacts;
(7) waste management area shall be located so that surface geologic processes in the vicinity, such as mass wasting, erosion, slumping, landsliding, or weathering will not occur which will significantly affect the ability of the site to meet any performance objectives adopted by the department of public health under section sixteen, or preclude adequate modeling and prediction of long-term impacts;
(8) waste management areas shall be located so that nearby activities will not adversely affect the ability of the site to meet any performance objectives adopted by the department of public health under section sixteen, or significantly impair the environmental monitoring program;
(9) sites shall be located in areas with no known economically recoverable resources which, if exploited, would adversely affect the ability of the site to meet any performance objectives adopted by the department of public health under section sixteen, or significantly impair the environmental monitoring program;
(10) sites shall be located outside of, and so as not to adversely affect, the recharge zones of existing or future drinking water source aquifers;
(11) sites shall have sufficient land available to provide for the waste volume and a reasonable buffer around the waste management area;
(12) sites shall be located so as not to adversely affect any national park, monument, lake shore, habitat of endangered species, or area protected by the Wilderness Act, 16 USC sections 1131–1136, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 16 USC sections 1271–1287, and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, 16 USC sections 661–666C; or the National Historic Preservation Act, 16 USC sections 470–470m; and
(13) sites shall be located away from any structure or area in which are regularly found persons who, because of their age or physical characteristics, are likely to be at significantly higher than normal risk of adverse health effects if exposed to the release of radioactive or associated toxic materials.
(c) The procedures for the conduct of site selection shall include a quality assurance program designed to ensure data reliability, validity, traceability, and retrievability, as well as completeness and technical adequacy, for use in making any site selection decisions or subsequent licensing determination.
(d) The application of the site selection criteria adopted pursuant to this section shall not be subject to waiver by the department of environmental protection or the board.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVI - Public Health

Chapter 111h - Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Board; Acceptance of Donations, Loans or Grants

Section 4a - Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Fund; Assessments

Section 4b - Violations of Sec. 4a; Civil Penalties

Section 6 - Public Participation Coordinator; Duties

Section 7 - Information Concerning Type, Volume, Radioactivity, Source and Characteristics of Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Inspections; Confidentiality

Section 8 - Issuance of Orders; Notice and Opportunity for Hearing; Civil Penalties; Injunctions and Actions to Compel

Section 9 - Management of Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Liability; Damages; Funds to Satisfy Liability

Section 10 - Phase I of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Planning

Section 11 - Procedures for Adoption of Management Plan

Section 12 - Preparation, Adoption by Regulation, and Implementation of Management Plan; Contents of Plan

Section 13 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Source Minimization, Volume Minimization and Storage for Decay by Generators Program; Establishment

Section 14 - Site Selection Criteria and Application Guidelines; Adoption of Regulations

Section 15 - Selection of Operators; Adoption of Regulations

Section 16 - Licensing, Development, Operation, Closure, Post-Closure Observation and Maintenance, and Institutional Control of Facilities; Adoption of Regulations

Section 17 - Initiation of Site Selection Process; Board Vote; Conditions

Section 18 - Phase Ii of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Implementation for Site Selection Process

Section 19 - Site Selection Process; Procedures

Section 20 - Site Selection Process; Issuance of Required Reports; Public Meetings; Acquisition of Property Interest in Candidate Sites

Section 21 - Community Supervisory Committees; Establishment

Section 22 - Requests for Proposals for Development, Operation and Closure of a Facility; Investigation and Certification of Applicants; Contract

Section 23 - Detailed Site Characterization Plan for Candidate Sites; Public Review and Comment; Selection of Superior Site

Section 24 - Petition by Aggrieved Person; Adjudicatory Proceeding

Section 25 - Phase Iii of the Low–level Waste Management Act; Selection of Operator and Technology

Section 26 - Community Supervisory Committee Representatives, Appointment; Site Community Field Offices, Establishment

Section 27 - Certified Applicant Interviews; Selection of Operator of Superior Site Facility

Section 28 - Execution of Development Contract

Section 29 - Phase Iv of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Facility Approval and Licensing

Section 30 - Notice of Intent to Apply for Facility License; Environmental Impact Report

Section 31 - Facility License Application; Public Comment Period; Preparation of Draft License or Draft Denial; Final Decision

Section 33 - Negotiation of Comprehensive Operating Contract; Contents

Section 34 - Community Compensation

Section 35 - Phase v of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Facility Development, Operation, and Closure

Section 36 - Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Program; Establishment

Section 37 - Commencement of Facility Construction

Section 38 - Payment by Operator Equal to Expected Annual Operating Budget; Proposed Fees and Waste Acceptance Criteria Schedule

Section 39 - Determination of Operator's Compliance With Comprehensive Operating Contract; Notice to Generators

Section 40 - Operation of Facility; Temporary or Permanent Closure; Inspection Report

Section 41 - Contingent Liability Account; Institutional Control Account

Section 42 - Administration of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Trust Fund

Section 43 - Facility Closure Plan

Section 44 - Active Observation and Maintenance of Facility

Section 45 - Phase Vi of the Low–level Radioactive Waste Management Act; Institutional Control of Facility

Section 46 - Transfer of Facility License From Operator

Section 47 - Institutional Control of Facility; Annual Report; Public Meetings

Section 48 - Statutes Not Applicable