Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 166 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies, and Lines for the Transmission of Electricity
Section 41 - Removal of Wires Without Notice; Exception

Section 41. The two preceding sections shall not apply to any wires attached to poles not erected in compliance with law.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 166 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies, and Lines for the Transmission of Electricity

Section 1 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies; Subscription and Payment for Stock; Filing of Statement

Section 2 - Debt Limitation

Section 3 - Liability of President and Treasurer for Wilful Neglect or Omission

Section 4 - Issue of Stock, Bonds, Coupon Notes and Other Evidences of Indebtedness

Section 5 - Enforcement of Orders of Department Relating to Stocks and Bonds

Section 6 - Improper Issue; Penalty

Section 7 - Increase of Capital Stock; Shareholders' Rights to New Shares

Section 8 - Shares Authorized to Be Sold at Auction; Place of Sale

Section 9 - Issue of Stock or Scrip Before Payment for Shares at Par

Section 10 - Effect of Issue of Stock or Scrip Before Payment for Shares; Liability of Directors

Section 11 - Annual Return

Section 12 - Failure to Make Annual Return; Penalty

Section 12a - Condensed Return of Business and Financial Condition

Section 13 - Telephone Companies; Connections With Exchanges; Equal Facilities for All Companies; Definition of ''person'' or ''company''

Section 14 - Connections With Exchanges; Equal Facilities for Applicants for Telephone Service; Cost of Extensions

Section 14a - Enhanced 911 Service

Section 15 - Equal Facilities for Those Connecting With Exchange; Enforcement

Section 15a - Entitlement to Hand Sets as Station Equipment

Section 15b - Sales and Transfers to Similar Corporations

Section 15c - Emergency Calls; Refusal to Yield Party Line; Misrepresentation of Emergency

Section 15d - Energized Cables in Excavations Endangering Telephone Company Employees; Notice to Electric Company; Precautionary Cooperation

Section 15e - Definitions; Required Equipment and Services for Disabled Subscribers; Advisory Committee on Disabled Persons' Accessibility to Telephone Service

Section 16 - Receipt and Transmission of Despatches

Section 17 - Rates to Other Telegraph Companies or by Mail

Section 18 - Violations; Penalties

Section 19 - Liability for Negligent Transmission; Claim; Exceptions

Section 20 - Indication of Time Filed and Received on Addressee's Copy

Section 21 - Location of Construction of Electric Transmission Lines

Section 21a - Coming Into Close Proximity to High Voltage Lines

Section 21b - Protection of Overhead High Voltage Lines

Section 21c - Warnings; Operation of Equipment Near High Voltage Lines

Section 21d - Warning Signs; Size; Posting

Section 21e - Notification of Operation Near High Voltage Lines

Section 21f - Exemptions; Definitions

Section 21g - Violations; Penalties; Liability

Section 22 - Consent of Municipal Officers to Construct or Alter Lines

Section 22a - Definitions

Section 22b - Program for Prohibition or Removal of Overhead Wires

Section 22c - Prohibition and Removal of Overhead Wires; Fines and Penalties

Section 22d - Removal of Overhead Wires; Sequence; Replacement; Fines and Penalties

Section 22e - Cooperative Agreements to Remove Overhead Wires

Section 22f - Notice of Hearing or Ordinance to Remove Overhead Wires

Section 22g - Emergency Erection of Overhead Wires

Section 22h - Underground Construction; Responsibility of Utility

Section 22i - Underground Construction; Customer Service Facilities

Section 22j - Removal of Municipal Equipment From Poles

Section 22k - Extension of Time for Removal

Section 22l - Rate Differential; Adoption of Removal Ordinance

Section 22m - Billing Surcharge; Adoption of Removal Ordinance

Section 22n - Effective Date of Adopting Ordinance

Section 23 - Citizens Establishing and Maintaining Lines

Section 24 - Construction of Lines for Private Use; Privileges of Town; Protection of Lines

Section 25 - Underground Telegraph, Telephone or Television Lines; Regulations

Section 25a - Attachments; Regulation by Department of Public Utilities

Section 26 - Violation of Regulations

Section 27 - Approval by Department of Ordinances or Regulations of Municipality

Section 28 - Approval by Department of Location; Public Hearing; Place of Hearing; Determination; Fees

Section 29 - Persons Entitled to Damages

Section 30 - Regulations Concerning Wires

Section 31 - Fixtures Supporting Wires or Cables; Marking to Show Ownership

Section 32 - Municipal Inspector of Wires; Appointment; Qualifications; Powers and Duties; Liability for Removal of Wires

Section 32a - Inspector of Wires Working as Electrician; Inspection by Assistant Inspector

Section 33 - Enforcement of Secs. 30 to 32

Section 34 - Poles and Other Structures Used to Support Lines; Protection of Employees and Public

Section 35 - Use of Poles and Other Fixtures for Communication Without Consent of Owner

Section 36 - Marking Name of Corporation Maintaining or Operating on Poles or Other Fixtures

Section 37 - Prescriptive Easements

Section 38 - Intentional Injury or Destruction of Property; Penalty

Section 39 - Temporary Removal of Wires; Refusal of Company to Act

Section 40 - Removal of Wires Without Notice; Penalty

Section 41 - Removal of Wires Without Notice; Exception

Section 42 - Liability of Telegraph Company for Injury Caused by Poles, Wires or Other Apparatus

Section 42a - Telecommunication Service; Fraud; Penalty

Section 42b - Fraudulently Avoiding Charges for Telecommunication Service; Use of Equipment, etc.; Penalties

Section 43 - Owners and Associations Subject to Chapter

Section 44 - Service Observing; Interception