Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 166 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies, and Lines for the Transmission of Electricity
Section 22 - Consent of Municipal Officers to Construct or Alter Lines

Section 22. A company desiring to construct a line for such transmission upon, along, under or across a public way shall in writing petition the board of aldermen of the city or the selectmen of the town where it is proposed to construct such line for permission to erect or construct upon, along, under or across said way the wires, poles, piers, abutments or conduits necessary therefor. A public hearing shall be held on the petition, and written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be mailed at least seven days prior thereto by the clerk of the city or by the selectmen of the town to all owners of real estate abutting upon that part of the way upon, along, across or under which the line is to be constructed, as such ownership is determined by the last preceding assessment for taxation. After a public hearing as aforesaid, the board of aldermen or the selectmen may by order grant to the petitioner a location for such line, specifying therein where the poles, piers, abutments or conduits may be placed, and in respect to overhead lines may also specify the kind of poles, piers or abutments which may be used, the number of wires or cables which may be attached thereto, and the height to which the wires or cables may run.
After the erection or construction of such line, the board of aldermen or selectmen may, after giving the company or its agents an opportunity to be heard, or upon petition of the company without notice or hearing, by order permit an increase in the number of wires or cables, and direct an alteration in the location of the poles, piers, abutments or conduits or in the height of the wires or cables. The board of aldermen or selectmen may, on written petition by two or more companies subject to this chapter, and having locations in any of the public ways of such city or town, without notice or hearing, by order transfer any such location from one of such companies to either or any of the other petitioners, or by order authorize any such company to attach its wires and fixtures to existing poles, piers or abutments of either or any of the other petitioners, or to maintain its wires or cables in the conduits of either or any of said other petitioners, or by order grant to said companies joint or identical locations for the maintenance of said existing poles, piers, abutments or conduits, to be used in common by them. The board of aldermen or selectmen may, on written petition by a company subject to this chapter having a location, or by two or more such companies having joint or identical locations, in any of the public ways of a city or town, in any case where a private way has been accepted as a public way, by order, without notice or hearing, grant a location or joint or identical locations to such company or companies for the maintenance of its or their poles, piers, abutments or conduits which were being maintained in such private way at the time of its acceptance as a public way. The board of aldermen or selectmen may, on written petition by two or more companies subject to this chapter, and after notice to abutting land owners and a hearing as hereinbefore provided, by order grant to said companies joint or identical locations for the erection or construction of poles, piers, abutments or conduits, to be owned and used in common by them. No order of the board of aldermen or selectmen shall be required for renewing, repairing or replacing wires, cables, poles, piers, abutments, conduits or fixtures once erected or constructed under the provisions of law, or for making house connections or connections between duly located conduits and distributing poles.
The order granting a location or an alteration or transfer thereof, or authorizing an increase in the number of wires or cables or attachments, such as are hereinbefore described, shall be recorded by the city or town clerk in books kept exclusively therefor, and where notice has been given as hereinbefore provided the clerk of the city or the chairman or a majority of the selectmen shall certify on said record that the order was adopted after due notice and a public hearing as hereinbefore prescribed, and no such order shall be valid without such certificate. The company or companies in whose favor the order is made shall pay for such record the fees provided by clause (62) of section thirty-four of chapter two hundred and sixty-two.
The board of aldermen or selectmen may under this section authorize the attachment of the wires and fixtures of a street railway or electric railroad company to the poles, piers and abutments of another owner, or the attachment of the wires and fixtures of another owner to the poles, piers and abutments of such company, and may grant joint or identical locations for the erection or construction of poles, piers, or abutments to be owned and used in common by such company and other owners, and locations for the transmission lines and telephone, signal and feed wires of such company in public ways or parts thereof, other than those public ways in which the tracks of such company are laid, and locations for additional poles to support, or alterations of locations for existing poles supporting, trolley or span wires; and all locations granted to a street railway or electric railroad company hereunder shall be subject only to revocation as provided in sections seventy-seven and eighty-two of chapter one hundred and sixty-one; but nothing contained in this section save as hereinbefore expressly set forth shall be held to apply to the poles, wires and other appliances and equipment which a street railway or electric railroad company, by a grant of location, or extension or alteration thereof, under any general or special law now or hereafter in force relating to street railways or electric railroads may be authorized to construct, maintain and operate in a public way; and no terms, restrictions and obligations, other than those imposed upon a grant of location for a street railway or electric railroad, or an extension or alteration thereof, under any general or special law now or hereafter in force relating thereto, shall be imposed upon locations granted to a street railway or electric railroad company hereunder, save locations for its transmission lines or telephone, signal or feed wires in public ways other than those public ways in which the tracks of such company are laid.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 166 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies, and Lines for the Transmission of Electricity

Section 1 - Telephone and Telegraph Companies; Subscription and Payment for Stock; Filing of Statement

Section 2 - Debt Limitation

Section 3 - Liability of President and Treasurer for Wilful Neglect or Omission

Section 4 - Issue of Stock, Bonds, Coupon Notes and Other Evidences of Indebtedness

Section 5 - Enforcement of Orders of Department Relating to Stocks and Bonds

Section 6 - Improper Issue; Penalty

Section 7 - Increase of Capital Stock; Shareholders' Rights to New Shares

Section 8 - Shares Authorized to Be Sold at Auction; Place of Sale

Section 9 - Issue of Stock or Scrip Before Payment for Shares at Par

Section 10 - Effect of Issue of Stock or Scrip Before Payment for Shares; Liability of Directors

Section 11 - Annual Return

Section 12 - Failure to Make Annual Return; Penalty

Section 12a - Condensed Return of Business and Financial Condition

Section 13 - Telephone Companies; Connections With Exchanges; Equal Facilities for All Companies; Definition of ''person'' or ''company''

Section 14 - Connections With Exchanges; Equal Facilities for Applicants for Telephone Service; Cost of Extensions

Section 14a - Enhanced 911 Service

Section 15 - Equal Facilities for Those Connecting With Exchange; Enforcement

Section 15a - Entitlement to Hand Sets as Station Equipment

Section 15b - Sales and Transfers to Similar Corporations

Section 15c - Emergency Calls; Refusal to Yield Party Line; Misrepresentation of Emergency

Section 15d - Energized Cables in Excavations Endangering Telephone Company Employees; Notice to Electric Company; Precautionary Cooperation

Section 15e - Definitions; Required Equipment and Services for Disabled Subscribers; Advisory Committee on Disabled Persons' Accessibility to Telephone Service

Section 16 - Receipt and Transmission of Despatches

Section 17 - Rates to Other Telegraph Companies or by Mail

Section 18 - Violations; Penalties

Section 19 - Liability for Negligent Transmission; Claim; Exceptions

Section 20 - Indication of Time Filed and Received on Addressee's Copy

Section 21 - Location of Construction of Electric Transmission Lines

Section 21a - Coming Into Close Proximity to High Voltage Lines

Section 21b - Protection of Overhead High Voltage Lines

Section 21c - Warnings; Operation of Equipment Near High Voltage Lines

Section 21d - Warning Signs; Size; Posting

Section 21e - Notification of Operation Near High Voltage Lines

Section 21f - Exemptions; Definitions

Section 21g - Violations; Penalties; Liability

Section 22 - Consent of Municipal Officers to Construct or Alter Lines

Section 22a - Definitions

Section 22b - Program for Prohibition or Removal of Overhead Wires

Section 22c - Prohibition and Removal of Overhead Wires; Fines and Penalties

Section 22d - Removal of Overhead Wires; Sequence; Replacement; Fines and Penalties

Section 22e - Cooperative Agreements to Remove Overhead Wires

Section 22f - Notice of Hearing or Ordinance to Remove Overhead Wires

Section 22g - Emergency Erection of Overhead Wires

Section 22h - Underground Construction; Responsibility of Utility

Section 22i - Underground Construction; Customer Service Facilities

Section 22j - Removal of Municipal Equipment From Poles

Section 22k - Extension of Time for Removal

Section 22l - Rate Differential; Adoption of Removal Ordinance

Section 22m - Billing Surcharge; Adoption of Removal Ordinance

Section 22n - Effective Date of Adopting Ordinance

Section 23 - Citizens Establishing and Maintaining Lines

Section 24 - Construction of Lines for Private Use; Privileges of Town; Protection of Lines

Section 25 - Underground Telegraph, Telephone or Television Lines; Regulations

Section 25a - Attachments; Regulation by Department of Public Utilities

Section 26 - Violation of Regulations

Section 27 - Approval by Department of Ordinances or Regulations of Municipality

Section 28 - Approval by Department of Location; Public Hearing; Place of Hearing; Determination; Fees

Section 29 - Persons Entitled to Damages

Section 30 - Regulations Concerning Wires

Section 31 - Fixtures Supporting Wires or Cables; Marking to Show Ownership

Section 32 - Municipal Inspector of Wires; Appointment; Qualifications; Powers and Duties; Liability for Removal of Wires

Section 32a - Inspector of Wires Working as Electrician; Inspection by Assistant Inspector

Section 33 - Enforcement of Secs. 30 to 32

Section 34 - Poles and Other Structures Used to Support Lines; Protection of Employees and Public

Section 35 - Use of Poles and Other Fixtures for Communication Without Consent of Owner

Section 36 - Marking Name of Corporation Maintaining or Operating on Poles or Other Fixtures

Section 37 - Prescriptive Easements

Section 38 - Intentional Injury or Destruction of Property; Penalty

Section 39 - Temporary Removal of Wires; Refusal of Company to Act

Section 40 - Removal of Wires Without Notice; Penalty

Section 41 - Removal of Wires Without Notice; Exception

Section 42 - Liability of Telegraph Company for Injury Caused by Poles, Wires or Other Apparatus

Section 42a - Telecommunication Service; Fraud; Penalty

Section 42b - Fraudulently Avoiding Charges for Telecommunication Service; Use of Equipment, etc.; Penalties

Section 43 - Owners and Associations Subject to Chapter

Section 44 - Service Observing; Interception