Section 4. Upon the filing of a libel in the superior court, the clerk shall issue an order of notice, stating briefly the substance of the libel, which the libellant shall cause to be published twice at least in a newspaper published in the county, the first publication to be not less than fourteen days before the return day.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title IV - Certain Writs and Proceedings in Special Cases
Chapter 257 - Seizure and Libelling of Forfeited Property
Section 1 - Persons Authorized
Section 2 - Libel; Contents; Time for Filing
Section 3 - Libel; Jurisdiction and Venue
Section 4 - Superior Court; Notice of Libel
Section 5 - District Court; Notice of Libel
Section 8 - Proceeds of Sale; Disposition
Section 9 - Seizure Without Probable Cause; Damages; Costs
Section 11 - Delivery of Property to Claimant; Conditions Precedent
Section 12 - Appraisal; Application of Claimant
Section 13 - Appraisal; Application of Person Making Seizure