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Section 1 - Persons Authorized - Section 1. Property which has been forfeited for an offence...
Section 2 - Libel; Contents; Time for Filing - Section 2. The person who makes the seizure shall, within...
Section 3 - Libel; Jurisdiction and Venue - Section 3. A libel may be brought either in the...
Section 4 - Superior Court; Notice of Libel - Section 4. Upon the filing of a libel in the...
Section 5 - District Court; Notice of Libel - Section 5. If the libel is filed in a district...
Section 6 - Proceedings - Section 6. The libel shall be entered and conducted as...
Section 7 - Decree - Section 7. If the libellant maintains his action, the court...
Section 8 - Proceeds of Sale; Disposition - Section 8. If property is sold under such decree, the...
Section 9 - Seizure Without Probable Cause; Damages; Costs - Section 9. If it is found that the seizure was...
Section 10 - Costs; Allowance - Section 10. In all other cases the court shall award...
Section 11 - Delivery of Property to Claimant; Conditions Precedent - Section 11. Property which is alleged to have been forfeited...
Section 12 - Appraisal; Application of Claimant - Section 12. The value of the property shall be determined...
Section 13 - Appraisal; Application of Person Making Seizure - Section 13. The person who makes the seizure shall forthwith,...
Section 15 - Perishable Goods; Sale - Section 15. If appraisers appointed under section thirteen certify that...