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Section 1 - Form and Contents - Section 1. A person who is competent to contract by...
Section 2 - Record - Section 2. The recognizance shall be attested by the clerk...
Section 3 - Execution; Issuance; Service - Section 3. If the debt is not paid at the...
Section 4 - Execution; Conditions Precedent - Section 4. Before such execution issues, the original recognizance shall...
Section 5 - Death of Conusee - Section 5. If the conusee dies before the debt is...
Section 6 - Death of Conusor - Section 6. If the conusor dies before the debt is...
Section 7 - Death of One of Several Conusors or Conusees - Section 7. If one or more of several conusees or...
Section 8 - Original Execution; Limitation on Time for Issuance - Section 8. No original execution shall issue as of course...
Section 9 - Wrongful Execution; Remedies - Section 9. A person who is injured by the wrongful...