Section 2. The person who makes the seizure shall, within fourteen days thereafter, file a libel in the superior court or in a district court, stating briefly the cause of the seizure without the details, and praying for a decree of forfeiture.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title IV - Certain Writs and Proceedings in Special Cases
Chapter 257 - Seizure and Libelling of Forfeited Property
Section 1 - Persons Authorized
Section 2 - Libel; Contents; Time for Filing
Section 3 - Libel; Jurisdiction and Venue
Section 4 - Superior Court; Notice of Libel
Section 5 - District Court; Notice of Libel
Section 8 - Proceeds of Sale; Disposition
Section 9 - Seizure Without Probable Cause; Damages; Costs
Section 11 - Delivery of Property to Claimant; Conditions Precedent
Section 12 - Appraisal; Application of Claimant
Section 13 - Appraisal; Application of Person Making Seizure