Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 139 - Common Nuisances
Section 3b - Disbursement of Insurance Proceeds for Loss, Damage or Destruction of Building or Structure; Notice; Lien

Section 3B. No insurer shall pay any claims (1) covering the loss, damage, or destruction to a building or other structure, amounting to one thousand dollars or more, or (2) covering any loss, damage or destruction of any amount, which causes the condition of a building or other structure to render section six of chapter one hundred and forty-three applicable, without having at least ten days previously given written notice to the building commissioner or inspector of buildings appointed pursuant to the state building code, to the fire department or arson squad of the city or town and to the board of health or board of selectmen of the city or town in which the same is located. If at any time prior to payment the said city or town notifies the insurer by certified mail of its intent to initiate proceedings designed to perfect a lien pursuant to section three A, or to section nine of chapter one hundred and forty-three, or section one hundred and twenty-seven B of chapter one hundred and eleven, the said payment shall not be made while the said proceedings are pending; provided, however, that said proceedings are initiated within thirty days of receipt of such notification.
Any lien perfected pursuant to section three A, or to section nine of chapter one hundred and forty-three or section one hundred and twenty-seven B of chapter one hundred and eleven, shall extend to and may be enforced by the city or town against any casualty insurance policy or policies covering any loss, damage, or destruction pursuant to which the proceedings to perfect the lien were initiated.
No insurer shall be liable to any insured owner, mortgagee, assignee, city or town, or other interested party for amounts disbursed to a city or town under the provisions of this section, or for amounts not disbursed to a city or town under the provisions of this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order

Chapter 139 - Common Nuisances

Section 1 - Orders Adjudging Burnt or Dangerous Buildings, Structures or Vacant Land to Be Nuisances; Notice, Hearing and Service of Copy of Order

Section 2 - Appeal to Superior Court; Trial by Jury; Costs

Section 3 - Abatement or Removal of Nuisance by Aldermen or Selectmen

Section 3a - Demolition or Removal of Building or Structure or Securing of Vacant Land; Owner's Liability

Section 3b - Disbursement of Insurance Proceeds for Loss, Damage or Destruction of Building or Structure; Notice; Lien

Section 4 - Buildings Used for Prostitution, Assignation or Lewdness; Nuisance

Section 5 - Penalty for Maintaining Place of Prostitution

Section 6 - Enjoining Nuisance

Section 7 - Complaint; Filing; Verification

Section 8 - Temporary Injunction Restraining Nuisance; Removal of Furniture and Other Property From Place of Prostitution

Section 9 - Decree for Permanent Injunction; Sale of Furniture; Order Closing Building Used for Prostitution

Section 10 - Fee for Removal and Sale of Movable Property; Application of Proceeds of Sale of Place of Prostitution

Section 11 - Modification of Order of Abatement; Bond

Section 12 - Dismissal of Action; Costs

Section 13 - Appearance as Witnesses of Persons Found in Premises Used for Prostitution

Section 14 - Buildings Resorted to for Illegal Gaming or Used for Illegal Keeping or Sale of Alcoholic Beverages; Nuisance

Section 15 - Penalty for Keeping or Maintaining Place Used for Illegal Gaming or the Illegal Keeping or Sale of Alcoholic Beverages

Section 16 - Abatement of Common Nuisances

Section 16a - Enjoining Maintenance of Nuisance; Order Closing Building; Judgment for Permanent Injunction; Posting of Order

Section 18 - Removal of Booths Used for Sale of Liquors or for Illegal Gaming From Places of Public Gathering

Section 19 - Voiding of Lease of Tenant Using Premises for Common Nuisance

Section 20 - Aiding or Permitting Nuisance