Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 23a - Department of Economic Development
Section 3a - Economic Development Incentive Program; Establishment; Definitions for Secs. 3a to 3g

Section 3A. (a) There shall be an economic development incentive program, or EDIP, which shall be administered by the EACC, under the oversight of the secretary of housing and economic development, to provide incentives that stimulate job creation and investment of private capital and to promote economic growth and expand economic opportunity to all areas of the commonwealth. EDIP tax credits and other incentives shall be administered to stimulate job creation, attract new business activity and promote investment that would not otherwise occur in the commonwealth.
(b) As used in this section and sections 3B to 3H, inclusive, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
''Affiliate'', a business which directly or indirectly controls another business, a business which is controlled by another business or a business which is under direct or indirect common control of at least 1 other business including, but not limited to, a business with whom a business is merged or consolidated or which purchases all or substantially all of the assets of a business.
''Business'', a corporation, partnership, firm, unincorporated association or other entity engaging or proposing to engage in economic activity within the commonwealth and any affiliate thereof which is subject to taxation under chapter 62 or 63.
''Certified project'', a proposed project that is certified by the EACC pursuant to section 3C.
''Controlling business'', a business that owns, leases or has the power to direct the operation or management of all or a portion of a facility at which the business employs or intends to employ permanent full-time employees.
''EDIP contract'', a written agreement between MOBD and the recipient of EDIP tax credits setting forth the amount of credits awarded, the schedule on which the credits may be claimed, any restriction on the carryover of unused credits, the consequences for failing to produce the projected new jobs or new investment and such other terms and conditions as MOBD may in its discretion require.
''EDIP tax credits'', the tax credits authorized by the EACC pursuant to section 3D and claimed by a taxpayer pursuant to subsection (g) of section 6 of chapter 62 or section 38N of chapter 63.
''Expansion of an existing facility'', the relocation of business functions and employees from 1 location in the commonwealth to another location in the commonwealth or the expansion of an existing facility located in the commonwealth if such relocation or expansion results in a net increase in the number of permanent full-time employees at the relocated or expanded facility.
''Facility'', the real property, which may include multiple buildings or locations, owned or leased, on which a business is undertaking or will undertake a commercial, manufacturing or industrial activity.
''Gateway municipality'', a municipality with a population greater than 35,000 and less than 250,000 with a median household income below the commonwealth's average and a rate of educational attainment of a bachelor's degree or above that is below the commonwealth's average.
''Material noncompliance'', the failure of a controlling business to substantially achieve the capital investment, job creation, job retention or other economic benefits set forth in the EDIP contract or any other act, omission or misrepresentation by the controlling business that frustrates the public purpose of the economic development incentive program.
''Municipal project endorsement'', an endorsement, by vote of the city council with the approval of the mayor in a city and by vote of the board of selectmen in a town, of a proposed project by the municipality in which a proposed project will be located which shall include: (i) a finding by the municipality that the proposed project will be consistent with the municipality's economic development objectives; (ii) a finding by the municipality that the proponent of the proposed project has the means to undertake and complete the proposed project; (iii) a finding by the municipality that the proposed project will have a reasonable chance of increasing or retaining employment opportunities as advanced in the proposal; (iv) a determination by the municipality that the proposed project will not overburden the municipality's infrastructure and other supporting resources; and (v) a description of the local tax incentive, if any, offered by the municipality in support of the proposed project, together with a copy of the fully executed tax increment financing agreement or the fully executed agreement setting forth the terms of the special tax assessment, as applicable.
''Municipality'', a city or town or, in a case in which 2 or more cities or towns agree to act jointly for some purpose pursuant to a collaborative agreement, all cities and towns participating in the collaborative agreement.
''Permanent full-time employee'', an individual who is paid wages by a controlling business and who: (i) at the inception of the employment relationship, does not have a termination date which is either a date certain or determined with reference to the completion of some specified scope of work; (ii) works at least 35 hours per week; and (iii) receives employee benefits at least equal to those provided to other full-time employees of the controlling business; provided, however, that ''permanent full-time employee'' shall not include contractors or part-time employees who may be included in a calculation of the controlling business' full-time equivalent workforce.
''Proportion of compliance'', a fraction which has as its numerator the number of actual permanent full-time employees at a facility and which has as its denominator the number of permanent full-time employees required to be employed at the facility under the terms of an EDIP contract.
''Proposed project'', a proposal submitted by a controlling business to the EACC for designation as a certified project.
''Real estate project'', the construction, rehabilitation or improvement of any building or other structure on a parcel of real property which, when completed, will result in at least a 100 per cent increase in the assessed value of the real property over the assessed value of the real property prior to the project.
''Refundable credit'', a tax credit awarded pursuant to this chapter that is not limited by the amount of the controlling business' tax liability and which may result in a payment from the department of revenue to the controlling business or a reimbursement of costs incurred for capital investments made as a part of a certified project.
''Replacement of an existing facility'', the relocation of business functions and personnel from 1 facility located in the commonwealth to another facility located in the commonwealth or the improvement of an existing facility; provided, that such relocation or improvement does not qualify as an expansion of the existing facility.
''Special tax assessment'', a temporary reduction in real property tax offered by a municipality and approved by the EACC in accordance with subsection (c) of section 3E.
''Tax increment financing agreement'', an agreement between a municipality and a real property owner consistent with subsection (b) of section 3E and section 59 of chapter 40.
''TIF'', tax increment financing.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 23a - Department of Economic Development

Section 1 - Massachusetts Office of Business Development; Director; Grants; Financial Reports

Section 2 - Purposes

Section 3 - Divisions; Directors

Section 3a - Economic Development Incentive Program; Establishment; Definitions for Secs. 3a to 3g

Section 3b - Economic Assistance Coordinating Council; Administration of Economic Development Incentive Program; Director of Economic Assistance; Reports

Section 3c - Project Proposal to Create Permanent Full-Time Employees Within the Commonwealth; Certification

Section 3d - Awarding of Tax Credits Available Pursuant to Sec. 6 of Chapter 62 or Sec. 38n of Chapter 63; Refundable Tax Credits; Limitations; Execution of Edip Contract; Finality of Eacc Decisions

Section 3e - Municipality Provided Incentives to Owners of Certified Projects; Local Tax Incentive; Tax Increment Financing; Special Tax Assessment; Approval of Amendments

Section 3f - Reports to Be Filed by Controlling Business or Affiliate Awarded Edip Tax Credits; Material Noncompliance With Representation Made on Application; Revocation of Project Certification

Section 3g - Designation of Economic Target Areas or Economic Opportunity Areas; Criteria for Designating Contiguous Census Tracts or Municipalities as Economic Target Areas; Foreign Trade Zones

Section 3h - Director of Massachusetts Permit Regulatory Office; One-Stop Licensing for Businesses and Development

Section 3i - Rail-Trail Construction; Matching Grants to Municipalities; Environmental Insurance

Section 3j - Mobd Partnerships With Regional Economic Development Organizations

Section 3k - Mobd Awarding of Contracts for Regional Business Development Services; Eligible Organizations; Requirements

Section 3l - Mobd Assistance to Businesses Interested in Establishing Relationships With Regional Economic Development Organizations

Section 4 - Office; Employees

Section 5 - Planning and Research Capability of Mobd; Description of Organization

Section 6 - Advisory Committees and Council

Section 7 - Annual Reports

Section 8 - Acceptance of Gifts and Grants

Section 9 - Employees; Appointments and Removals; Consultants

Section 10a - Buy Massachusetts Program

Section 10b - Massachusetts Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative

Section 13 - Employees; Assistance From Other State Agencies

Section 13a - Massachusetts Marketing Partnership; Definitions Applicable to Secs. 13a to 13q; Members

Section 13b - Marketing Partnership; Offices Within the Partnership

Section 13c - Marketing Partnership; Powers and Duties

Section 13d - Marketing Partnership; Operation as State Agency; Representation by Attorney General in Suits and Other Civil Proceedings; Staff Support

Section 13e - Office of Travel and Tourism; Executive Director; Appointment; Powers and Duties

Section 13f - Office of Travel and Tourism; Function

Section 13g - Office of Travel and Tourism; Employees; Appointment and Removal

Section 13h - Office of Travel and Tourism; Advisory Commission

Section 13i - Office of Travel and Tourism; Gifts and Grants; Acceptance

Section 13j - Offices Within Office of Travel and Tourism: Massachusetts Film Office; Massachusetts Sports Partnership; Meetings; Reports

Section 13k - Massachusetts International Trade Office; Executive Director

Section 13l - Foreign Offices for International Trade; Establishment; Location; Functions; List of Import or Export Businesses; Publicity; Technical Assistance; Foreign Trade Information, Publication

Section 13m - Foreign Offices for International Trade; Directors; Appointment; Qualifications

Section 13n - Foreign Offices for International Trade; Leasing of Office Space and Equipment

Section 13o - Foreign Offices for International Trade; Acceptance of Funds

Section 13p - Foreign Offices for International Trade; Financial Report

Section 13q - International Trade Office; Provision of Technical Assistance

Section 13r - International Trade Office; Advisory Council

Section 13s - International Trade Office; Commission for Evaluation of Impact of State Laws and Regulations

Section 13t - Massachusetts Tourism Trust Fund

Section 13u - Women's Rights History Trail

Section 14 - Financial Assistance Program for Tourist Promotion Agencies

Section 28a - Corporations; Foreign Trade Zones

Section 56 - Economic Coordination of Quasi-Public Entities and Public Purpose Agencies by Secretary of Housing and Economic Development

Section 57 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 57 and 58; Small Business Capital Access Program

Section 58 - Massachusetts Business Development Corporation; Administration of Small Business Capital Access Program

Section 59 - Code of Corporate Standards Relative to the People's Republic of China; Definitions

Section 60 - Massachusetts Office of Business Development; Loans for Environmental Response Actions Necessary for Redevelopment of Properties for Business Purposes; Redevelopment Access to Capital Fund

Section 61 - Massachusetts Business Development Corporation; Purpose; Powers

Section 62 - Interagency Permitting Board; Members; Duties

Section 63 - Massworks Infrastructure Program; Public Infrastructure Grants Issued to Municipalities

Section 64 - Massachusetts Creative Economy Network

Section 65 - Massachusetts Food Trust Program

Section 66 - Rural Policy Advisory Commission; Members; Powers and Duties; Meetings; Annual Report

Section 67 - Financial Services Advisory Council

Section 68 - Registry for Operators Under Chapter 64g

Section 69 - Micro Business Development Center