Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 167 - Supervision of Banks
Section 37b - Student Bank Programs

Section 37B. A bank, federal bank, federal credit union or a foreign bank, out-of-state bank and out-of-state federal bank with a branch office in the commonwealth may establish educational bank training programs, student savings deposit programs and school branch office programs. A bank or foreign bank or out-of-state bank with a branch office in the commonwealth shall conduct the program under terms and conditions as the commissioner determines. A federal bank, federal credit union or out-of-state federal bank with a branch office in the commonwealth shall conduct the program in compliance with applicable federal law and regulations.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 167 - Supervision of Banks

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Rules and Regulations

Section 2 - Examination of Banks

Section 2a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 2a to 2g; Unfair Practices Involving Consumer Transactions; Rules and Regulations

Section 2b - Investigation of Unfair Practices

Section 2c - Proceedings Regarding Unfair Practices; Notice; Hearing

Section 2d - Unfair Practices; Findings; Cease and Desist Orders; Penalty; Modification of Order

Section 2e - Review of Cease and Desist Orders; Civil Liability

Section 2f - Violations of Cease and Desist Orders; Penalties

Section 2g - Penalties for Unfair Practices; Enforcement

Section 2h - Notice to Commissioner of Activity or Investment of Savings Bank, Co-Operative Bank or Trust Company; Waiver or Extension of Notice Period

Section 2i - Compliance With Federal Laws and Regulations

Section 2j - Confidentiality of Information Provided in Applications Filed With Commissioner

Section 3 - Meetings of Board of Directors or Board of Trustees of Bank; Reports on Bank Examinations; Records; Certificates

Section 4 - Summoning and Examination of Bank Officers

Section 5 - Request for Bank Examination

Section 6 - Manner and Form of Books and Accounts; Manner of Safeguard and Deposit of Money and Securities

Section 6a - Copies of Agreements Concerning Federal Reserve Regulations and Operating Letters, Clearing House Rules, etc.; Rules and Regulations

Section 7 - Statements and Reports Required by Commissioner or by Law

Section 8 - Failure to Make or Amend Return, Statement or Report

Section 9 - Destruction or Disposal of Records, etc.; Payment of Proceeds

Section 10 - Reports of Fraud, Embezzlement or Misconduct by Bank Officers or Employees

Section 11 - Shortages in Funds; Reports; Fine

Section 12 - Misconduct by Bank Officers; Suspension; Removal

Section 12a - Criminal Charges Against Bank Officers; Suspension or Removal From Office

Section 13 - Annual Reports

Section 14 - Credit Needs of Local Communities; Assessment of Banks; Regulations; Application for Establishment of Domestic Branch; Examination; Alternative Community Reinvestment Examination Procedure

Section 14a - Mortgage Review Boards; Members; Terms; Appointment; Meetings; Rules and Regulations

Section 14c - Small Business Loan Review Boards; Members; Terms; Appointment; Meetings; Rules and Regulations

Section 15 - Annual List to Investment Committee of Banks Meeting Local Community Needs

Section 15a - Annual List of Legal Investments

Section 15b - Inclusion of Certain Investments in List of Legal Investments Upon Approval by Commissioner; Application by Credit Union; Refunding Bonds

Section 15c - Classes of Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Federal, State and International Obligations in Which Entity May Invest

Section 15d - Classes of Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Municipal Obligations in Which Entity May Invest

Section 15e - Investment in Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Obligations of Railroad Corporations

Section 15f - Investment in Bonds of Company Engaged in the Business of Furnishing Telephone Service

Section 15g - Investment in Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Obligations of Gas, Electric Light or Water Company or Bonds of Company Supplying Electrical Energy or Artificial Gas or Natural Gas Purchased From Another Company

Section 15h - Investment in Common Stock of Banking Corporations and Bank Holding Companies

Section 15i - Purchase of Stock of Savings or Co-Operative Bank, Federal Savings and Loan Association or Federal Saving Bank

Section 15j - Investment in Capital Stock of Insurance Company Conducting Fire and Casualty Insurance Business

Section 15k - Classes of Securities in Which Entity May Invest

Section 18 - Appraisal of Real Estate in Case of Excessive Loan

Section 19 - Losses of Bank Exceeding Surplus and Other Reserve Accounts

Section 21 - Closing of Banks

Section 21a - Assent to and Participation in Bank Reorganization by Government Officers

Section 22 - Taking Possession of Property and Business of Bank by Commissioner

Section 23 - Notice of Taking Possession of Bank by Commissioner

Section 24 - Collection of Moneys Due and Liquidation of Affairs of Banks in Possession of Commissioner

Section 25 - Prosecution and Defense of Suits and Other Legal Proceedings; Sales of Property

Section 26 - Appointment of Agents to Assist in Liquidation and Distribution; Federal Agencies as Liquidating Agent; Subrogation Rights

Section 26a - Assistance of Federal Agency as Liquidating Agent; Notice Requirements

Section 26b - National Credit Union Administration Board as Liquidating Agent of Credit Unions; Subrogation Rights

Section 27 - Inventory of Bank Assets

Section 28 - Notice to Claimants; Claims Presented

Section 29 - List of Claims Presented

Section 30 - Fees and Expenses

Section 31 - Dividends; Objections to Claims

Section 31a - Dividend Payments to Minors; Disposition of Accounts of Decedents

Section 32 - Property Deposited With Bank; Disposition

Section 33 - Bank Aggrieved by Action of Commissioner; Application for Injunction

Section 34 - Stockholders' Meeting

Section 35 - Unclaimed Dividends and Funds

Section 35a - Destruction of Books, Records, Etc. Concerning Bank and Liquidation Thereof

Section 35b - Reports on Banks in Possession of Commissioner

Section 36 - Equity Jurisdiction of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 36a - Appointment of Conservator; Powers and Duties; Compensation; Termination; Equity Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

Section 37 - Unauthorized Banking

Section 37a - Examination of Accounts, Books and Papers to Determine Violation of Sec. 37

Section 37b - Student Bank Programs

Section 40 - Examination of Foreign or Out-of-State Banks; Charges; Availability of Reports and Information; Cooperation With Other Jurisdictions

Section 40a - Registration With Commissioner; Reports

Section 41 - Access to Vaults, Books and Papers; Summoning Witnesses; Administering Oaths

Section 42 - Insolvent Foreign or Out-of-State Banks; Injunction

Section 46 - Honoring and Cashing of Pensioners' and Retirees' Checks

Section 48 - Financing of Premises Containing Lead in Paint, Plaster or Materials

Section 49 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 49 to 51

Section 50 - Compliance Review Supervisor

Section 51 - Compliance Review Documents; Confidentiality