Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 167 - Supervision of Banks
Section 12 - Misconduct by Bank Officers; Suspension; Removal

Section 12. If, after inquiry, the commissioner finds that any officer of any bank, including a director or trustee thereof, has violated any law related to such bank or has conducted the business of such bank in an unsafe or unsound manner or has used his official position in a manner contrary to the interests of such bank or its depositors or has been negligent in the performance of his duties, the commissioner may, by written notice to such officer detailing his reasons therefor, forthwith order his suspension. Any suspension so ordered shall become effective upon service of such notice upon the official involved and shall remain in effect until removed by the commissioner.
The commissioner may also, in his discretion, send a statement of facts upon which his conclusion is based relative to the conduct of the official involved, to the executive officer and each director or trustee of the bank affected. Within such reasonable time as the commissioner may direct, a special meeting of the directors or trustees of the bank shall be held with respect to the statement of the commissioner. If, in the opinion of the commissioner, appropriate action is not taken to protect the interest of the bank or its depositors, or if such conduct is continued, the commissioner shall cause notice to be served on such officer, director or trustee, to appear and show cause why he should not be removed from office. If, after granting the officer, director or trustee so summonsed a reasonable opportunity to be heard, the commissioner finds that he has been guilty of any such delinquency, the commissioner, in his discretion, may order that such officer, director or trustee be removed from office and from participation in the management of such bank.
In either of the foregoing instances, a copy of any such notice shall be sent by registered mail to each officer, director or trustee of the bank affected. A copy of any such notice shall be sent to a board composed of the state treasurer, the attorney general and the commissioner of revenue. The members of the board, or a duly authorized representative, shall be present at any appearance of such officer, director or trustee. Any decision by the commissioner to suspend or remove such officer, director or trustee may be reversed by a decision of a majority of the members of the board made within five business days after the commissioner's decision; provided, however, that in the absence of any such reversal, any such decision of the commissioner shall be given full force and effect. Copies of such order shall be served upon the delinquent officer and upon such bank, whereupon such officer shall cease to be an officer of such bank and shall not participate in any way, in the management thereof; provided, however, that any such order, and the evidence and findings of fact upon which it is based, shall not be made public or disclosed to anyone except the delinquent officer and the other officers, directors or trustees of such bank, other than in the course of any judicial proceeding under this section. The commissioner shall thereupon transmit to the attorney general a transcript of the evidence and finding, and the attorney general shall institute such proceedings as he may deem necessary and proper. Any person suspended from office as herein provided who, during the term of his suspension, participates in any manner in the management of any bank in the commonwealth shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or one year in jail, or both. Any person removed from office as herein provided who thereafter participates in any manner in the management of any bank in the commonwealth shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or both.
Within twenty days after the service of an order of suspension or removal under this section upon the person removed thereby, such person may file a petition in the supreme judicial court for Suffolk county for a review of such suspension or removal but, pending such review, the order shall remain in full force and effect. The court shall have jurisdiction in equity to annul, reverse or affirm any such order, shall review all questions in accordance with the standards for review provided in paragraph (8) of section fourteen of chapter thirty A and may make any appropriate order or decree. The decision of the court shall be final and conclusive.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 167 - Supervision of Banks

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Rules and Regulations

Section 2 - Examination of Banks

Section 2a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 2a to 2g; Unfair Practices Involving Consumer Transactions; Rules and Regulations

Section 2b - Investigation of Unfair Practices

Section 2c - Proceedings Regarding Unfair Practices; Notice; Hearing

Section 2d - Unfair Practices; Findings; Cease and Desist Orders; Penalty; Modification of Order

Section 2e - Review of Cease and Desist Orders; Civil Liability

Section 2f - Violations of Cease and Desist Orders; Penalties

Section 2g - Penalties for Unfair Practices; Enforcement

Section 2h - Notice to Commissioner of Activity or Investment of Savings Bank, Co-Operative Bank or Trust Company; Waiver or Extension of Notice Period

Section 2i - Compliance With Federal Laws and Regulations

Section 2j - Confidentiality of Information Provided in Applications Filed With Commissioner

Section 3 - Meetings of Board of Directors or Board of Trustees of Bank; Reports on Bank Examinations; Records; Certificates

Section 4 - Summoning and Examination of Bank Officers

Section 5 - Request for Bank Examination

Section 6 - Manner and Form of Books and Accounts; Manner of Safeguard and Deposit of Money and Securities

Section 6a - Copies of Agreements Concerning Federal Reserve Regulations and Operating Letters, Clearing House Rules, etc.; Rules and Regulations

Section 7 - Statements and Reports Required by Commissioner or by Law

Section 8 - Failure to Make or Amend Return, Statement or Report

Section 9 - Destruction or Disposal of Records, etc.; Payment of Proceeds

Section 10 - Reports of Fraud, Embezzlement or Misconduct by Bank Officers or Employees

Section 11 - Shortages in Funds; Reports; Fine

Section 12 - Misconduct by Bank Officers; Suspension; Removal

Section 12a - Criminal Charges Against Bank Officers; Suspension or Removal From Office

Section 13 - Annual Reports

Section 14 - Credit Needs of Local Communities; Assessment of Banks; Regulations; Application for Establishment of Domestic Branch; Examination; Alternative Community Reinvestment Examination Procedure

Section 14a - Mortgage Review Boards; Members; Terms; Appointment; Meetings; Rules and Regulations

Section 14c - Small Business Loan Review Boards; Members; Terms; Appointment; Meetings; Rules and Regulations

Section 15 - Annual List to Investment Committee of Banks Meeting Local Community Needs

Section 15a - Annual List of Legal Investments

Section 15b - Inclusion of Certain Investments in List of Legal Investments Upon Approval by Commissioner; Application by Credit Union; Refunding Bonds

Section 15c - Classes of Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Federal, State and International Obligations in Which Entity May Invest

Section 15d - Classes of Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Municipal Obligations in Which Entity May Invest

Section 15e - Investment in Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Obligations of Railroad Corporations

Section 15f - Investment in Bonds of Company Engaged in the Business of Furnishing Telephone Service

Section 15g - Investment in Bonds, Notes or Other Interest-Bearing Obligations of Gas, Electric Light or Water Company or Bonds of Company Supplying Electrical Energy or Artificial Gas or Natural Gas Purchased From Another Company

Section 15h - Investment in Common Stock of Banking Corporations and Bank Holding Companies

Section 15i - Purchase of Stock of Savings or Co-Operative Bank, Federal Savings and Loan Association or Federal Saving Bank

Section 15j - Investment in Capital Stock of Insurance Company Conducting Fire and Casualty Insurance Business

Section 15k - Classes of Securities in Which Entity May Invest

Section 18 - Appraisal of Real Estate in Case of Excessive Loan

Section 19 - Losses of Bank Exceeding Surplus and Other Reserve Accounts

Section 21 - Closing of Banks

Section 21a - Assent to and Participation in Bank Reorganization by Government Officers

Section 22 - Taking Possession of Property and Business of Bank by Commissioner

Section 23 - Notice of Taking Possession of Bank by Commissioner

Section 24 - Collection of Moneys Due and Liquidation of Affairs of Banks in Possession of Commissioner

Section 25 - Prosecution and Defense of Suits and Other Legal Proceedings; Sales of Property

Section 26 - Appointment of Agents to Assist in Liquidation and Distribution; Federal Agencies as Liquidating Agent; Subrogation Rights

Section 26a - Assistance of Federal Agency as Liquidating Agent; Notice Requirements

Section 26b - National Credit Union Administration Board as Liquidating Agent of Credit Unions; Subrogation Rights

Section 27 - Inventory of Bank Assets

Section 28 - Notice to Claimants; Claims Presented

Section 29 - List of Claims Presented

Section 30 - Fees and Expenses

Section 31 - Dividends; Objections to Claims

Section 31a - Dividend Payments to Minors; Disposition of Accounts of Decedents

Section 32 - Property Deposited With Bank; Disposition

Section 33 - Bank Aggrieved by Action of Commissioner; Application for Injunction

Section 34 - Stockholders' Meeting

Section 35 - Unclaimed Dividends and Funds

Section 35a - Destruction of Books, Records, Etc. Concerning Bank and Liquidation Thereof

Section 35b - Reports on Banks in Possession of Commissioner

Section 36 - Equity Jurisdiction of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 36a - Appointment of Conservator; Powers and Duties; Compensation; Termination; Equity Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

Section 37 - Unauthorized Banking

Section 37a - Examination of Accounts, Books and Papers to Determine Violation of Sec. 37

Section 37b - Student Bank Programs

Section 40 - Examination of Foreign or Out-of-State Banks; Charges; Availability of Reports and Information; Cooperation With Other Jurisdictions

Section 40a - Registration With Commissioner; Reports

Section 41 - Access to Vaults, Books and Papers; Summoning Witnesses; Administering Oaths

Section 42 - Insolvent Foreign or Out-of-State Banks; Injunction

Section 46 - Honoring and Cashing of Pensioners' and Retirees' Checks

Section 48 - Financing of Premises Containing Lead in Paint, Plaster or Materials

Section 49 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 49 to 51

Section 50 - Compliance Review Supervisor

Section 51 - Compliance Review Documents; Confidentiality