Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 19a - Department of Elder Affairs
Section 37 - Hot Lunch Program; Incorporation Into School Lunch Program

Section 37. The school committee of any city or town with the approval of the secretary of elder affairs may extend the school lunch period for the purpose of serving lunches to authorized elderly persons. Independent schools in any city or town so approved may also participate. Private nonprofit organizations or public non-school agencies approved by the secretary of elder affairs may also serve lunches to authorized elderly persons at locations convenient to the elderly.
The governing body of each city and town shall be responsible for developing a plan for a year-round hot lunch program for the elderly.
The department of elder affairs may contract with public or independent school systems, private nonprofit organizations or public non-school agencies for the preparation and serving of meals to the elderly in accordance with the provisions of this section.
To the extent feasible, the department may select as the primary contractors under this program agencies and organizations which receive funding under Title III of the Older Americans Act, as amended, or state funds to operate nonprofit congregate and home delivered meals programs for the elderly, as set forth in regulations of the department. Such primary contractors shall subcontract with one or more of the school systems, organizations or agencies set forth in the previous paragraph in order to incorporate the existing school lunch programs for the elderly into the nutrition services program under Title III of the Older Americans Act, as amended.
Such meals may be prepared by such public school systems, independent schools, agencies and organizations on site or be prepared in central production centers for service at sites more convenient to the elderly; provided, however, that no person shall pay more than one dollar for each meal.
The operation of such school lunch programs by public or independent school systems, private nonprofit organizations or public non-school agencies shall be subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
(1) Each program shall solicit voluntary contributions for each meal furnished in accordance with the requirements of Title IIIB of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.
Contributions, other income earned by these programs and United States department of agriculture commodities and cash in lieu of commodities for which each such program shall become eligible shall be used with state and federal funds received to increase the number of meals served under the program, facilitate access to such meals and provide other supportive services directly related to nutrition services. Each program shall establish appropriate procedures to safeguard and account for all contributions.
(2) The lunches served shall meet the nutritional standards established in accordance with Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.
(3) The procedures determined by each designated school committee or independent school in serving such lunches shall be approved by the department of elder affairs.
As used in this section, the words ''authorized elderly persons'' shall mean persons sixty years of age and over and their spouses. Subject to appropriation, the commonwealth may reimburse any city, town, or regional public or independent school system or any public non-school or private nonprofit agency for certain costs approved by the department as are incurred in excess of the voluntary contributions received for each such lunch prepared and served. Subject to appropriation, such approved costs shall be reimbursed upon written request by such city, town, regional public or independent school system, public non-school or private nonprofit agency to the secretary of elder affairs on a form as he may prescribe. If the secretary approves such request, he shall certify to the comptroller that such payments are due and the state treasurer shall pay the same.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 19a - Department of Elder Affairs

Section 1 - Establishment; Secretary, Powers and Duties

Section 2 - Offices of Administration and of Program Planning and Management; Assistant Secretaries

Section 3 - Divisions and Administrative Units; Directors; Description of Organization, Filing

Section 4 - Home Care Program; Needs and Services of Adult Handicapped; Powers and Duties of Secretary

Section 4a - Sliding Fee Scale for Home Care Services; Financial Eligibility Limits

Section 4b - Aging Services Access Points

Section 4c - Pharmacy Outreach Program; Medication Education and Intervention Resource Center; Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Section 4d - Home Care Worker Registry

Section 5 - Citizen Advisory Boards

Section 6 - Regulations

Section 7 - Acceptance of Gifts or Grants

Section 8 - Employees; Appointments and Removal; Age Restriction

Section 9 - Experts and Technical Consultants; Appointment

Section 10 - Civil Service Status or Tenure of Employees

Section 11 - Interagency Cooperation

Section 12 - Biennial Evaluations of Programs and Projects; Standards, Restriction; Publication of Summaries; Annual Report

Section 14 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 14 to 26

Section 15 - Reports of Abuse; Liability

Section 16 - Protective Services System

Section 17 - Protective Services Agencies; Authorized Activities

Section 18 - Assessment and Evaluation of Reports; Investigations; Arrangement for Protective Services

Section 19 - Consent to Protective Services; Interference With Provision of Services

Section 20 - Lack of Capacity to Consent to Protective Services; Hearings; Emergency Orders; Placement or Commitment

Section 21 - Geriatric Evaluation Process

Section 22 - Financial Eligibility Guidelines; Reimbursements by Elderly Persons

Section 23 - Records; Disclosure; Destruction; Regulations; Penalties

Section 24 - Reports

Section 25 - Rules and Regulations

Section 26 - Powers and Responsibilities of Other Departments or Agencies

Section 36 - Eligibility for Public Assistance Programs; Reverse Mortgage Proceeds

Section 37 - Hot Lunch Program; Incorporation Into School Lunch Program

Section 38 - Liability of Counselors and Coordinators; Description of Duties and Responsibilities

Section 39 - Subsidized Catastrophic Prescription Drug Insurance Program; Department of Elder Affairs

Section 40 - Prescription Drug Review Commission; Membership; Recommendations

Section 41 - Veterans Independence Plus Initiative Trust Fund

Section 42 - Commission on Malnutrition Prevention Among Older Adults

Section 43 - Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression; Training Program