Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 55 - Disclosure and Regulation of Campaign Expenditures and Contributions
Section 32 - Corrupt Practices by Candidate Defined

Section 32. A candidate shall be deemed to have committed a corrupt practice who commits any of the following offences:
Making or permitting any person or non-elected political committee authorized by him to make a false return in any statement filed under sections eighteen, nineteen and twenty-four by him or on his behalf.
Making a false return in any statement filed under sections eighteen and twenty-four by a candidate for nomination or election.
Any candidate fraudulently and wilfully obstructing and delaying a voter, interfering with, hindering or preventing an election officer from performing his duties, forging an endorsement upon, altering, destroying or defacing a ballot, tampering with or injuring or attempting to injure any voting machine or ballot box to be used or being used in a primary or election, or preventing or attempting to prevent the correct operation of such machine or box.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VIII - Elections

Chapter 55 - Disclosure and Regulation of Campaign Expenditures and Contributions

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Accounts of Contributions and Expenditures; Violations; Penalties

Section 3 - Director of Campaign and Political Finance; Selection; Term; Powers and Duties; Judicial Review of Decisions; Procedure for Violations; Penalties; Disclosure of Fund Transfers

Section 5 - Political Committees; Statement of Organization; Officers; Duties; Expenditures; Incorporation; Penalties

Section 5a - Elected Public Officials; Principal Officers of Political Action Committees

Section 5b - Names or Phrases Identifying Political Committees in Organizational Statements

Section 5c - Online Training Program for Treasurers of Political Committees

Section 6 - Restrictions on Expenditures; Penalties

Section 6a - Contributions From Political Action Committees; Limitations

Section 6b - Ballot Question Committee; Contributions

Section 7 - Receipts, Disbursements and Contributions Regulated; Limitations; Penalties

Section 7a - Campaign Contributions to Candidates From Individuals; Limitation; Contributions From Legislative and Executive Agents; Contributions From Gaming Licensee

Section 8 - Political Contributions by Corporations; Penalties

Section 8a - Media Organization Offering Time and Space to Qualified Candidates at No Cost or Reduced Price; Limitations

Section 9 - Contributions and Expenditures Over $50 or $100; Use of Credit or Debit Card by Committee; Penalties

Section 9a - Contributions by Electronic Means; Acceptance by Political Action Committees; Authorization Cards

Section 9b - Joint Contributions to Be Attributed Equally to Each Contributor When Unspecified; Rules and Regulations for Joint Contributions

Section 10 - Name and Address of Donor; Disclosure; Penalties

Section 10a - Treatment of Contributions to Candidates Through Intermediaries or Conduits

Section 11 - Solicitations From Candidates Prohibited; Exception; Penalties

Section 12 - Soliciting of Money for Nomination Papers Prohibited; Penalties

Section 13 - Solicitation or Receipt of Political Campaign Contributions by Appointive Public Officers or Employees Prohibited; Exception; Penalties

Section 14 - Soliciting Contributions in Public Buildings Prohibited; Penalties

Section 15 - Political Contributions by Public Officers or Employees Restricted; Penalties

Section 16 - Requiring Political Contributions or Services of Persons in Public Service Prohibited; Penalty

Section 16a - Obligation to Make Political Contribution or Render Political Service; Penalty

Section 16b - Obligation to Make Political Contributions or Render Political Service by Persons Employed for Compensation; Penalties

Section 17 - Public Service Status of Officers or Employees Protected Relative to Political Contributions; Penalty

Section 18 - Reports of Contributions and Expenditures; Persons Required to File; Contents; Reporting Periods; Time Limits; Penalties

Section 18a - Reports of Independent Expenditures

Section 18b - Candidate or Elected Official Sponsoring Fund Raising Event on Behalf of Non-Resident Candidate; Reports of Contributions; Penalty

Section 18c - Electronic Reporting System for Campaign Finance Reports and Financial Activity Statements

Section 18d - Expenditures Paid by or to Vendors on Behalf of Political Committee or on Behalf of Individual or Group Required to File Report of Ballot Question Expenditures

Section 18e - Legal Defense, Inauguration or Recount Funds

Section 18f - Electioneering Communication Expenditures

Section 18g - Independent Expenditure or Electioneering Communication; Disclosure Statement Regarding Identity of Financially Responsible Individual or Entity; Form; Disclosure of Top Contributors; Penalty for Violation

Section 19 - Campaign Funds; Designation of Depository

Section 22 - Persons or Corporations Making Contributions; Filing of Reports With Director; Penalties

Section 22a - Expenditures for Political Purpose; Report; Punishment for Violation; Examination of Accounts

Section 23 - Persons Acting for Political Committees; Accounts and Vouchers to Treasurers

Section 24 - Place for Filing Statements or Reports; Signing

Section 25 - Preservation of Statements and Reports by Director; Public Inspection and Reproduction

Section 26 - Preservation of Statements and Reports by City or Town Clerk; Public Inspection and Reproduction; Posting of Campaign Finance Reports Required by Sec. 18 on Website

Section 27 - Furnishing Forms for Statements and Reports, and Summary of Chapter

Section 28 - Inspection of Statements and Reports; Delinquencies; Notice; Filing

Section 29 - Failure to File Statement, Report or Affidavit; Notice to and Duties of Director and Attorney General

Section 30 - Courts' Authority to Compel Filing of Statements

Section 31 - Immunity of Witnesses

Section 32 - Corrupt Practices by Candidate Defined

Section 33 - Election Petitions for Corrupt Practices; Procedure

Section 34 - Application of Preceding Sections

Section 35 - Inquests Upon Complaint for Violations

Section 36 - Conduct of Inquests

Section 37 - Witnesses; Attendance; Process; Fees

Section 38 - Stenographer

Section 39 - Witnesses; Binding Over to Superior Court

Section 40 - Apprehension of Offenders

Section 41 - Witnesses; Compulsory Testimony; Immunity

Section 42 - Forwarding Certified Copy of Record of Final Judgment or Conviction to City or Town Clerk; Disqualification of Defendant as Voter