Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 272 - Crimes Against Chastity, Morality, Decency and Good Order
Section 31 - Definitions

Section 31. As used in sections twenty-eight, twenty-eight C, twenty-eight D, twenty-eight E, twenty-nine, twenty-nine A, twenty-nine B, thirty and thirty D, the following words shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the following meanings:—
''Disseminate'', to import, publish, produce, print, manufacture, distribute, sell, lease, exhibit or display.
''Harmful to minors'', matter is harmful to minors if it is obscene or, if taken as a whole, it (1) describes or represents nudity, sexual conduct or sexual excitement, so as to appeal predominantly to the prurient interest of minors; (2) is patently contrary to prevailing standards of adults in the county where the offense was committed as to suitable material for such minors; and (3) lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors.
''Knowing'', a general awareness of the character of the matter.
''Lascivious intent'', a state of mind in which the sexual gratification or arousal of any person is an objective. For the purposes of prosecution under this chapter, proof of lascivious intent may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(1) whether the circumstances include sexual behavior, sexual relations, infamous conduct of a lustful or obscene nature, deviation from accepted customs and manners, or sexually oriented displays;
(2) whether the focal point of a visual depiction is the child's genitalia, pubic area, or breast area of a female child;
(3) whether the setting or pose of a visual depiction is generally associated with sexual activity;
(4) whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose or inappropriate attire, considering the child's age;
(5) whether the depiction denotes sexual suggestiveness or a willingness to engage in sexual activity;
(6) whether the depiction is of a child engaging in or being engaged in sexual conduct, including, but not limited to, sexual intercourse, unnatural sexual intercourse, bestiality, masturbation, sado-masochistic behavior, or lewd exhibition of the genitals.
''Minor'', a person under eighteen years of age.
''Nudity'', uncovered or less than opaquely covered human genitals, pubic areas, the human female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola, or the covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state. For purposes of this definition, a female breast is considered uncovered if the nipple or areola only are covered.
''Matter'', any handwritten or printed material, visual representation, live performance or sound recording including, but not limited to, books, magazines, motion picture films, pamphlets, phonographic records, pictures, photographs, figures, statues, plays, dances, or any electronic communication including, but not limited to, electronic mail, instant messages, text messages, and any other communication created by means of use of the Internet or wireless network, whether by computer, telephone, or any other device or by any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo-electronic or photo-optical system.
''Performance'', any play, dance, exhibit, or such similar activity performed before one or more persons.
''Obscene'', matter is obscene if taken as a whole it
(1) appeals to the prurient interest of the average person applying the contemporary standards of the county where the offense was committed;
(2) depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and
(3) lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
''Sexual conduct'', human masturbation, sexual intercourse, actual or simulated, normal or perverted, any lewd exhibitions of the genitals, flagellation or torture in the context of a sexual relationship, any lewd touching of the genitals, pubic areas, or buttocks of the human male or female, or the breasts of the female, whether alone or between members of the same or opposite sex or between humans and animals, and any depiction or representation of excretory functions in the context of a sexual relationship. Sexual intercourse is simulated when it depicts explicit sexual intercourse which gives the appearance of the consummation of sexual intercourse, normal or perverted.
''Sexual excitement'', the condition of human male or female genitals or the breasts of the female while in a state of sexual stimulation or the sensual experiences of humans engaging in or witnessing sexual conduct or nudity.
''Visual material'', any motion picture film, picture, photograph, videotape, book, magazine, pamphlet that contains pictures, photographs or similar visual representations or reproductions, or depiction by computer, telephone or any other device capable of electronic data storage or transmission. Undeveloped photographs, pictures, motion picture films, videotapes and similar visual representations or reproductions may be visual materials notwithstanding that processing, development or similar acts may be required to make the contents thereof apparent.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases

Title I - Crimes and Punishments

Chapter 272 - Crimes Against Chastity, Morality, Decency and Good Order

Section 1 - Enticing Away Person Under 16 for Marriage

Section 2 - Enticing Away Person for Prostitution or Sexual Intercourse

Section 3 - Drugging Persons for Sexual Intercourse

Section 4 - Inducing Person Under Eighteen to Have Sexual Intercourse

Section 4a - Inducing Minor Into Prostitution

Section 4b - Living Off or Sharing Earnings of Minor Prostitute

Section 6 - Owner of Place Inducing or Suffering Person to Resort in Such Place for Sexual Intercourse

Section 7 - Support From, or Sharing, Earnings of Prostitute

Section 8 - Soliciting for Prostitute

Section 9 - Oath and Warrant to Enter Place for Prostitution; Detention of Person in Control and Prostitute; Recognizance to Appear as Witness

Section 10 - Arrest Without Warrant

Section 11 - Corroboration of One Witness; Limitations

Section 12 - Procuring Person to Practice, or Enter a Place For, Prostitution; Employment Office Procuring Person

Section 13 - Detaining, or Drugging to Detain, Person in Place for Prostitution

Section 15 - Polygamy

Section 16 - Open and Gross Lewdness and Lascivious Behavior

Section 17 - Incestuous Marriage or Sexual Activities

Section 21a - Furnishing Drugs, Articles or Information for Prevention of Pregnancy or Conception

Section 21b - Privately Controlled Hospital or Health Facility; Abortion or Sterilization Procedures; Contraceptive Devices and Family Planning Services

Section 22 - Concealment of Death of Child Born Out of Wedlock

Section 23 - Joinder of Charges of Murder and Offense Under Sec. 22

Section 24 - Keeping House of Ill Fame

Section 25 - Obstructing View of Restaurant or Tavern Patrons; Barricaded Entrances

Section 26 - Resorting to Restaurants or Taverns for Immoral Purposes

Section 27 - Record of Convictions Under Sec. 25 or Sec. 26 Sent to Licensing Officers

Section 28 - Matter Harmful to Minors, Dissemination; Possession; Defenses

Section 28c - Information or Petition Against Obscene Books; Order of Notice to Show Cause; Notice of Order; Interlocutory Adjudication; Defense

Section 28d - Answer to Notice; Right to Jury Trial

Section 28e - Order of Default; Adjudication

Section 28f - Hearing; Evidence; Adjudication

Section 28g - Objection That Mere Judgment Sought and No Relief Claimed on Issue of Knowledge

Section 28h - Proceeding Under Sec. 28c as Evidence in Trial Under Sec. 29; Presumptions as to Knowledge

Section 28i - Certain Procedures as Condition Precedent to Institution of Proceedings for Dissemination of Obscene Books

Section 29 - Dissemination or Possession of Obscene Matter; Punishment; Defense

Section 29a - Posing or Exhibiting Child in State of Nudity or Sexual Conduct; Punishment

Section 29b - Dissemination of Visual Material of Child in State of Nudity or Sexual Conduct; Punishment

Section 29c - Knowing Purchase or Possession of Visual Material of Child Depicted in Sexual Conduct; Punishment

Section 30 - Injunctive Relief Against Dissemination of Obscene Matter; Jurisdiction; Procedures; Appeal

Section 30d - Dissemination of Visual Material of Child in State of Nudity or Sexual Conduct; Injunction; Jurisdiction

Section 31 - Definitions

Section 32 - Motion Picture Theater Managers or Operators; Applicability of Secs. 28, 29 and 29a

Section 33 - Exhibition of Deformities

Section 34 - Crime Against Nature

Section 35 - Unnatural and Lascivious Acts

Section 35a - Unnatural and Lascivious Acts With Child Under 16

Section 36 - Blasphemy

Section 36a - Sporting Events; Penalty for Abuse of Participants and Officials

Section 38 - Disturbance of Assembly for Worship

Section 39 - Selling Goods and Provisions, Caring for Horses, Illegal Gaming, Horse Racing or Exhibits Near Camp Meetings

Section 40 - Disturbance of Assemblies; Conduct of Students on School Grounds or in the Course of School-Related Events

Section 40a - Alcoholic Beverages; Gift, Sale, Delivery or Possession on Public School Premises

Section 41 - Disturbance of Libraries

Section 42 - Disturbance of Funerals

Section 42a - Disturbance of Funeral Services

Section 42b - Disturbance of Military Funeral Service; Penalty

Section 43 - Disorderliness in Public Conveyances; Disturbance of Travelers

Section 43a - Smoking or Carrying Open Flame or Lighted Match, Pipe or Tobacco Product in Public Conveyances and Transportation Terminals

Section 53 - Penalty for Certain Offenses

Section 53a - Engaging in Sexual Conduct for a Fee; Engaging in Sexual Conduct With Child Under Age 18 for a Fee; Penalties

Section 54 - Apprehension for Certain Offences, Without Warrant; Custody

Section 56 - Subsequent Offenses; Breach of Recognizance on Appeal

Section 57 - Discharge Upon Recognizance; Payment of Expenses of Prosecution

Section 58 - Employing or Permitting Employment of Minor Under 15 to Beg

Section 59 - Ordinances or Regulations Relating to Streets, Reservations, or Parkways; Alcoholic Beverages; Profanity; Arrest Without Warrant

Section 60 - Disposal of Rubbish, etc.; Refusal to Remove; Arrest Without Warrant

Section 61 - Conviction After Discharge From Sentence Under Sec. 53

Section 62 - Third Conviction of Being a Common Nightwalker

Section 63 - Tramps; Begging or Riding Freight Trains as Prima Facie Evidence

Section 64 - Tramps; Punishment; Entering Buildings; Injuries to or Threats Against Persons or Property; Carrying Weapons

Section 65 - Arrest of Tramps Without Warrant; Making Complaint

Section 66 - Vagrants

Section 67 - Vagrants; Arrest Without Warrant; Taking Before Court; Complaint

Section 68 - Vagabonds

Section 69 - Vagabonds; Arrest Without Warrant; Taking Before Court; Complaint

Section 70 - Taking Dead Body on Process or Execution

Section 71 - Disinterring Bodies

Section 72 - Buying, Selling or Possessing Dead Bodies

Section 73 - Tombs, Graves, Memorials, Trees, Plants; Injuring, Removing

Section 73a - Removal of Gravestones and Other Memorials for Repair or Reproduction

Section 73b - Sale of or Attempt to Sell Stolen Commemorative Grave Marker; Receipt, Retention or Disposal of Stolen Commemorative Grave Marker

Section 74 - Desecrating Place of Burial; Use and Occupation as Evidence of Title

Section 75 - Removal of Flowers, Flags or Memorial Tokens From Burial Lot

Section 76 - Ways, Railroads, Canals or Public Easements Through Burial Grounds

Section 77 - Cruelty to Animals; Prohibition From Work Involving Contact With Animals

Section 77a - Willfully Injuring Police Dogs and Horses

Section 77b - Exhibition of Wild Animals

Section 77c - Sexual Contact With Animal

Section 78 - Selling, Leading, or Using Horses Not Fit for Work; Forfeiture of Auctioneer's License

Section 78a - Sale of Foals Under Five Months; Penalty

Section 79 - Violations by Business Entities of Statutes Relating to the Treatment, Care and Protection of Animals

Section 79a - Cutting Bones or Muscles to Dock or Set Tail of Horse; Wound as Evidence

Section 79b - Exhibiting Horse With Tail Cut Under Sec. 79a; Affidavit as to Cutting in State Where Not Prohibited; Inspection

Section 801/2 - Devocalization of Dogs or Cats; Definitions; Penalty; Exceptions; Records

Section 80a - Cropping or Cutting Off Ear of Dog; Wound as Prima Facie Evidence

Section 80b - Exhibiting Dogs With Ears Cropped or Cut Off

Section 80c - Taking Cat, Dog or Bird to Exhibit It, Subject It to Experimentation or Mutilation, or to Sell It for Such Purposes; Application of Law

Section 80d - Living Rabbits, Baby Chickens, Ducklings or Other Fowl; Sale, Barter or Gift

Section 80e - Putting Animal to Death by Use of Decompression Chamber

Section 80e1/2 - Putting Animal to Death by Drowning

Section 80f - Giving Away Live Animals as Prize or Award

Section 80g - Experiments on Vertebrates; Vivisection, Dissection of Animals; Care

Section 80h - Motor Vehicles; Striking, Injuring or Killing Dogs or Cats

Section 80i - Leasing or Renting Dogs; Penalties

Section 81 - Rest, Water and Feed for Transported Animals; Lien; Liability for Detention

Section 82 - Arrest Without Warrant for Violation of Sec. 77 or 81; Notice; Care of Animals; Lien

Section 83 - Complaint, Warrant and Search Relative to Cruelty to Animals

Section 84 - Prosecutions Under Secs. 77 to 81

Section 85a - Injuring, Taking Away or Harboring Domesticated Animals or Birds; Removal of Dog License Tag, Collar or Harness; Imitation Tag

Section 85b - Assistance Animals Stolen or Attacked; Actions for Economic and Non-Economic Damages

Section 86 - Stabling Horses or Mules on Second or Higher Floors, in Places Other Than Cities

Section 86a - Stabling Horses and Mules Above First Floor; Exceeding Six; Fire Exits

Section 86b - Stabling Horses or Mules Exceeding Fifteen

Section 86c - Smoking in Buildings Used for Stabling Horses or Mules

Section 86d - Pails of Water and Sand in Buildings Used for Stables

Section 86e - Entry Upon Premises to Enforce Secs. 86a to 86d; Orders

Section 86f - Violation of Secs. 86 to 86d; Refusal or Neglect to Comply With Sec. 86e Orders

Section 87 - Keeping or Using Birds to Be Shot At; Shooting Them; Permitting Premises to Be Used for Shooting

Section 88 - Complaints and Warrants Relative to Fighting Animals; Searches; Arrests

Section 89 - Exhibition Place of Fighting Animals; Entry Without Warrant; Arrests; Seizure of Animals

Section 90 - Custody of Arrested Persons; Time Limitation

Section 91 - Forfeiture of Animal or Property Used or Employed in Violation of Sec. 94; Application; Notice; Hearing; Adjudication; Assessment of Forfeited Animal for Suitability for Adoption; Transfer or Other Disposition of Animal

Section 92 - Appeal; Recognizance; Custody and Disposition of Animals

Section 92a - Advertisement, Book, Notice or Sign Relative to Discrimination; Definition of Place of Public Accommodation, Resort or Amusement

Section 93 - Expenses of Care and Destruction of Fighting Animals

Section 94 - Owning, Possessing or Training Fighting Animals; Establishing or Promoting Exhibition; Loaning, Selling or Exporting Fighting Animals; Owning or Possessing Animals for Breeding Fighting Animals

Section 95 - Aiding or Being Present at Exhibition of Fighting Animals

Section 96 - False Notice of Birth, Marriage or Death

Section 97a - Demands, Notices or Other Documents Resembling Court Process; Complaint; Order to Discontinue

Section 98 - Discrimination in Admission To, or Treatment In, Place of Public Accommodation; Punishment; Forfeiture; Civil Right

Section 98a - Physically Handicapped Persons With Dog Guides; Public Places or Conveyances; Charges or Fares; Penalties

Section 98b - Discrimination in Employment on Public Works or in Public Relief or Transitional Assistance

Section 98c - Libel; Groups of Persons; Defenses; Punishment; Prosecutions

Section 99 - Interception of Wire and Oral Communications

Section 99a - Jury Deliberations; Overhearing by Use of Devices

Section 104 - Security for Seizure and Impoundment of Animals Relating to Cruelty to Animals or Animal Fighting

Section 105 - Photographing, Videotaping or Electronically Surveilling Partially Nude or Nude Person or the Sexual or Other Intimate Parts of a Person Around the Person's Clothing; Exceptions; Punishment

Section 106 - Stolen Valor; Penalty

Section 107 - Transmission of Certain Fines to State Treasurer for Deposit Into Victims of Human Trafficking Trust Fund