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Section 1 - Enticing Away Person Under 16 for Marriage - Section 1. Whoever fraudulently and deceitfully entices or takes away...
Section 2 - Enticing Away Person for Prostitution or Sexual Intercourse - Section 2. Whoever fraudulently and deceitfully entices or takes away...
Section 3 - Drugging Persons for Sexual Intercourse - Section 3. Whoever applies, administers to or causes to be...
Section 4 - Inducing Person Under Eighteen to Have Sexual Intercourse - Section 4. Whoever induces any person under 18 years of...
Section 4a - Inducing Minor Into Prostitution - Section 4A. Whoever induces a minor to become a prostitute,...
Section 4b - Living Off or Sharing Earnings of Minor Prostitute - Section 4B. Whoever lives or derives support or maintenance, in...
Section 6 - Owner of Place Inducing or Suffering Person to Resort in Such Place for Sexual Intercourse - Section 6. Whoever, being the owner of a place or...
Section 7 - Support From, or Sharing, Earnings of Prostitute - Section 7. Whoever, knowing a person to be a prostitute,...
Section 8 - Soliciting for Prostitute - Section 8. Whoever solicits or receives compensation for soliciting for...
Section 9 - Oath and Warrant to Enter Place for Prostitution; Detention of Person in Control and Prostitute; Recognizance to Appear as Witness - Section 9. If a person makes oath before a district...
Section 10 - Arrest Without Warrant - Section 10. Nothing in the preceding section shall prevent the...
Section 11 - Corroboration of One Witness; Limitations - Section 11. A person shall not be convicted under sections...
Section 12 - Procuring Person to Practice, or Enter a Place For, Prostitution; Employment Office Procuring Person - Section 12. Whoever knowingly procures, entices, sends, or aids or...
Section 13 - Detaining, or Drugging to Detain, Person in Place for Prostitution - Section 13. Whoever, for any length of time, unlawfully detains...
Section 15 - Polygamy - Section 15. Whoever, having a former husband or wife living,...
Section 16 - Open and Gross Lewdness and Lascivious Behavior - Section 16. A man or woman, married or unmarried, who...
Section 17 - Incestuous Marriage or Sexual Activities - Section 17. Persons within degrees of consanguinity within which marriages...
Section 21a - Furnishing Drugs, Articles or Information for Prevention of Pregnancy or Conception - Section 21A. An authorized health care provider may administer or...
Section 21b - Privately Controlled Hospital or Health Facility; Abortion or Sterilization Procedures; Contraceptive Devices and Family Planning Services - Section 21B. No privately controlled hospital or other health facility...
Section 22 - Concealment of Death of Child Born Out of Wedlock - Section 22. A parent who conceals the death of the...
Section 23 - Joinder of Charges of Murder and Offense Under Sec. 22 - Section 23. A parent indicted for murder of the infant...
Section 24 - Keeping House of Ill Fame - Section 24. Whoever keeps a house of ill fame which...
Section 25 - Obstructing View of Restaurant or Tavern Patrons; Barricaded Entrances - Section 25. Any person owning, managing or controlling a restaurant,...
Section 26 - Resorting to Restaurants or Taverns for Immoral Purposes - Section 26. Whoever, for the purpose of immoral solicitation or...
Section 27 - Record of Convictions Under Sec. 25 or Sec. 26 Sent to Licensing Officers - Section 27. The clerk of the court in which any...
Section 28 - Matter Harmful to Minors, Dissemination; Possession; Defenses - Section 28. Whoever purposefully disseminates to a person he knows...
Section 28c - Information or Petition Against Obscene Books; Order of Notice to Show Cause; Notice of Order; Interlocutory Adjudication; Defense - Section 28C. Whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that...
Section 28d - Answer to Notice; Right to Jury Trial - Section 28D. Any person interested in the dissemination of said...
Section 28e - Order of Default; Adjudication - Section 28E. If no person appears and answers within the...
Section 28f - Hearing; Evidence; Adjudication - Section 28F. If an appearance is entered and answer filed,...
Section 28g - Objection That Mere Judgment Sought and No Relief Claimed on Issue of Knowledge - Section 28G. An information or petition in equity under the...
Section 28h - Proceeding Under Sec. 28c as Evidence in Trial Under Sec. 29; Presumptions as to Knowledge - Section 28H. In any trial under section twenty-nine on an...
Section 28i - Certain Procedures as Condition Precedent to Institution of Proceedings for Dissemination of Obscene Books - Section 28I. The procedures set forth in sections twenty-eight C,...
Section 29 - Dissemination or Possession of Obscene Matter; Punishment; Defense - Section 29. Whoever disseminates any matter which is obscene, knowing...
Section 29a - Posing or Exhibiting Child in State of Nudity or Sexual Conduct; Punishment - Section 29A. (a) Whoever, either with knowledge that a person...
Section 29b - Dissemination of Visual Material of Child in State of Nudity or Sexual Conduct; Punishment - Section 29B. (a) Whoever, with lascivious intent, disseminates any visual...
Section 29c - Knowing Purchase or Possession of Visual Material of Child Depicted in Sexual Conduct; Punishment - Section 29C. Whoever knowingly purchases or possesses a negative, slide,...
Section 30 - Injunctive Relief Against Dissemination of Obscene Matter; Jurisdiction; Procedures; Appeal - Section 30. The superior court shall have jurisdiction to enjoin...
Section 30d - Dissemination of Visual Material of Child in State of Nudity or Sexual Conduct; Injunction; Jurisdiction - Section 30D. The superior court shall also have jurisdiction to...
Section 31 - Definitions - Section 31. As used in sections twenty-eight, twenty-eight C, twenty-eight...
Section 32 - Motion Picture Theater Managers or Operators; Applicability of Secs. 28, 29 and 29a - Section 32. The provisions of sections twenty-eight, twenty-nine and twenty-nine...
Section 33 - Exhibition of Deformities - Section 33. Whoever exhibits for hire an albino person, a...
Section 34 - Crime Against Nature - Section 34. Whoever commits the abominable and detestable crime against...
Section 35 - Unnatural and Lascivious Acts - Section 35. Whoever commits any unnatural and lascivious act with...
Section 35a - Unnatural and Lascivious Acts With Child Under 16 - Section 35A. Whoever commits any unnatural and lascivious act with...
Section 36 - Blasphemy - Section 36. Whoever wilfully blasphemes the holy name of God...
Section 36a - Sporting Events; Penalty for Abuse of Participants and Officials - Section 36A. Whoever, having arrived at the age of sixteen...
Section 38 - Disturbance of Assembly for Worship - Section 38. Whoever wilfully interrupts or disturbs an assembly of...
Section 39 - Selling Goods and Provisions, Caring for Horses, Illegal Gaming, Horse Racing or Exhibits Near Camp Meetings - Section 39. Whoever, during the time of holding a camp...
Section 40 - Disturbance of Assemblies; Conduct of Students on School Grounds or in the Course of School-Related Events - Section 40. Whoever willfully interrupts or disturbs an assembly of...
Section 40a - Alcoholic Beverages; Gift, Sale, Delivery or Possession on Public School Premises - Section 40A. Whoever gives, sells, delivers or has in his...
Section 41 - Disturbance of Libraries - Section 41. Whoever wilfully disturbs persons assembled in a public...
Section 42 - Disturbance of Funerals - Section 42. Whoever wilfully interrupts or by fast driving or...
Section 42a - Disturbance of Funeral Services - Section 42A. Whoever pickets, loiters or otherwise creates a disturbance...
Section 42b - Disturbance of Military Funeral Service; Penalty - Section 42B. Whoever willfully pickets, loiters or otherwise creates a...
Section 43 - Disorderliness in Public Conveyances; Disturbance of Travelers - Section 43. Whoever, in or upon a railroad carriage, steamboat...
Section 43a - Smoking or Carrying Open Flame or Lighted Match, Pipe or Tobacco Product in Public Conveyances and Transportation Terminals - Section 43A. Whoever, in or upon a railroad carriage, steamboat,...
Section 53 - Penalty for Certain Offenses - Section 53. (a) Common night walkers, common street walkers, both...
Section 53a - Engaging in Sexual Conduct for a Fee; Engaging in Sexual Conduct With Child Under Age 18 for a Fee; Penalties - Section 53A. (a) Whoever engages, agrees to engage or offers...
Section 54 - Apprehension for Certain Offences, Without Warrant; Custody - Section 54. Whoever is found in a public way or...
Section 56 - Subsequent Offenses; Breach of Recognizance on Appeal - Section 56. If a person convicted under section fifty-three appeals...
Section 57 - Discharge Upon Recognizance; Payment of Expenses of Prosecution - Section 57. When a person is brought before a magistrate...
Section 58 - Employing or Permitting Employment of Minor Under 15 to Beg - Section 58. A parent or other person who employs a...
Section 59 - Ordinances or Regulations Relating to Streets, Reservations, or Parkways; Alcoholic Beverages; Profanity; Arrest Without Warrant - Section 59. Whoever remains in a street or elsewhere in...
Section 60 - Disposal of Rubbish, etc.; Refusal to Remove; Arrest Without Warrant - Section 60. Whoever commits a misdemeanor, as defined by a...
Section 61 - Conviction After Discharge From Sentence Under Sec. 53 - Section 61. Whoever, having been discharged under section one hundred...
Section 62 - Third Conviction of Being a Common Nightwalker - Section 62. If a complaint charges a person with being...
Section 63 - Tramps; Begging or Riding Freight Trains as Prima Facie Evidence - Section 63. Whoever, not being under seventeen, or a person...
Section 64 - Tramps; Punishment; Entering Buildings; Injuries to or Threats Against Persons or Property; Carrying Weapons - Section 64. A tramp shall be punished by imprisonment in...
Section 65 - Arrest of Tramps Without Warrant; Making Complaint - Section 65. A sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or police officer,...
Section 66 - Vagrants - Section 66. Persons wandering abroad and begging, or who go...
Section 67 - Vagrants; Arrest Without Warrant; Taking Before Court; Complaint - Section 67. Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and police officers, acting...
Section 68 - Vagabonds - Section 68. A person known to be a pickpocket, thief...
Section 69 - Vagabonds; Arrest Without Warrant; Taking Before Court; Complaint - Section 69. Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and police officers shall...
Section 70 - Taking Dead Body on Process or Execution - Section 70. A sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable who takes...
Section 71 - Disinterring Bodies - Section 71. Whoever, not being lawfully authorized by the proper...
Section 72 - Buying, Selling or Possessing Dead Bodies - Section 72. Whoever buys or sells, or has in his...
Section 73 - Tombs, Graves, Memorials, Trees, Plants; Injuring, Removing - Section 73. Whoever wilfully destroys, mutilates, defaces, injures or removes...
Section 73a - Removal of Gravestones and Other Memorials for Repair or Reproduction - Section 73A. In any city or town which accepts this...
Section 73b - Sale of or Attempt to Sell Stolen Commemorative Grave Marker; Receipt, Retention or Disposal of Stolen Commemorative Grave Marker - Section 73B. (a) For purposes of this section, ''commemorative grave...
Section 74 - Desecrating Place of Burial; Use and Occupation as Evidence of Title - Section 74. Whoever wrongfully, and by any act not included...
Section 75 - Removal of Flowers, Flags or Memorial Tokens From Burial Lot - Section 75. Whoever, without authority, removes flowers, flags or memorial...
Section 76 - Ways, Railroads, Canals or Public Easements Through Burial Grounds - Section 76. Whoever lays out, opens, or makes a highway...
Section 77 - Cruelty to Animals; Prohibition From Work Involving Contact With Animals - Section 77. Whoever overdrives, overloads, drives when overloaded, overworks, tortures,...
Section 77a - Willfully Injuring Police Dogs and Horses - Section 77A. Whoever willfully tortures, torments, beats, kicks, strikes, mutilates,...
Section 77b - Exhibition of Wild Animals - Section 77B. No person shall exhibit or sponsor an exhibition...
Section 77c - Sexual Contact With Animal - Section 77C. (a) For the purposes of this section, the...
Section 78 - Selling, Leading, or Using Horses Not Fit for Work; Forfeiture of Auctioneer's License - Section 78. No person holding an auctioneer's license shall receive...
Section 78a - Sale of Foals Under Five Months; Penalty - Section 78A. No person shall sell, offer for sale or...
Section 79 - Violations by Business Entities of Statutes Relating to the Treatment, Care and Protection of Animals - Section 79. A for-profit corporation, nonprofit corporation, business, professional corporation,...
Section 79a - Cutting Bones or Muscles to Dock or Set Tail of Horse; Wound as Evidence - Section 79A. Whoever cuts the bone of the tail of...
Section 79b - Exhibiting Horse With Tail Cut Under Sec. 79a; Affidavit as to Cutting in State Where Not Prohibited; Inspection - Section 79B. Whoever shows or exhibits at any horse show...
Section 801/2 - Devocalization of Dogs or Cats; Definitions; Penalty; Exceptions; Records - Section 801/2. (a) For the purposes of this section, the...
Section 80a - Cropping or Cutting Off Ear of Dog; Wound as Prima Facie Evidence - Section 80A. Whoever, not being a veterinarian duly registered under...
Section 80b - Exhibiting Dogs With Ears Cropped or Cut Off - Section 80B. Whoever shows or exhibits or procures to be...
Section 80c - Taking Cat, Dog or Bird to Exhibit It, Subject It to Experimentation or Mutilation, or to Sell It for Such Purposes; Application of Law - Section 80C. Whoever, without the consent of the owner, takes...
Section 80d - Living Rabbits, Baby Chickens, Ducklings or Other Fowl; Sale, Barter or Gift - Section 80D. No person shall sell, offer for sale, barter...
Section 80e - Putting Animal to Death by Use of Decompression Chamber - Section 80E. Whoever puts any animal to death by the...
Section 80e1/2 - Putting Animal to Death by Drowning - Section 80E1/2. Whoever puts an animal to death by drowning...
Section 80f - Giving Away Live Animals as Prize or Award - Section 80F. No person shall offer or give away any...
Section 80g - Experiments on Vertebrates; Vivisection, Dissection of Animals; Care - Section 80G. No school principal, administrator or teacher shall allow...
Section 80h - Motor Vehicles; Striking, Injuring or Killing Dogs or Cats - Section 80H. The operator of a motor vehicle that strikes...
Section 80i - Leasing or Renting Dogs; Penalties - Section 80I. (a) As used in this section, the following...
Section 81 - Rest, Water and Feed for Transported Animals; Lien; Liability for Detention - Section 81. Railroad corporations shall not permit animals carried or...
Section 82 - Arrest Without Warrant for Violation of Sec. 77 or 81; Notice; Care of Animals; Lien - Section 82. A person found violating any provision of section...
Section 83 - Complaint, Warrant and Search Relative to Cruelty to Animals - Section 83. If complaint is made to a court or...
Section 84 - Prosecutions Under Secs. 77 to 81 - Section 84. Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables and police officers shall...
Section 85a - Injuring, Taking Away or Harboring Domesticated Animals or Birds; Removal of Dog License Tag, Collar or Harness; Imitation Tag - Section 85A. Whoever with wrongful intent kills, maims, entices or...
Section 85b - Assistance Animals Stolen or Attacked; Actions for Economic and Non-Economic Damages - Section 85B. (a) A physically impaired person who uses an...
Section 86 - Stabling Horses or Mules on Second or Higher Floors, in Places Other Than Cities - Section 86. No person shall stable a horse or mule...
Section 86a - Stabling Horses and Mules Above First Floor; Exceeding Six; Fire Exits - Section 86A. No person shall stable a horse or mule...
Section 86b - Stabling Horses or Mules Exceeding Fifteen - Section 86B. No person shall stable horses or mules exceeding...
Section 86c - Smoking in Buildings Used for Stabling Horses or Mules - Section 86C. No person shall have a lighted cigarette, cigar...
Section 86d - Pails of Water and Sand in Buildings Used for Stables - Section 86D. On every floor of a building not equipped...
Section 86e - Entry Upon Premises to Enforce Secs. 86a to 86d; Orders - Section 86E. The chief of the fire department or any...
Section 86f - Violation of Secs. 86 to 86d; Refusal or Neglect to Comply With Sec. 86e Orders - Section 86F. Whoever violates any provision of sections eighty-six to...
Section 87 - Keeping or Using Birds to Be Shot At; Shooting Them; Permitting Premises to Be Used for Shooting - Section 87. Whoever keeps or uses any live bird, to...
Section 88 - Complaints and Warrants Relative to Fighting Animals; Searches; Arrests - Section 88. If complaint is made to a court or...
Section 89 - Exhibition Place of Fighting Animals; Entry Without Warrant; Arrests; Seizure of Animals - Section 89. Any officer authorized to serve criminal process, or...
Section 90 - Custody of Arrested Persons; Time Limitation - Section 90. Persons arrested under either of the two preceding...
Section 91 - Forfeiture of Animal or Property Used or Employed in Violation of Sec. 94; Application; Notice; Hearing; Adjudication; Assessment of Forfeited Animal for Suitability for Adoption; Transfer or Other Disposition of Animal - Section 91. After seizure and removal of animals or property...
Section 92 - Appeal; Recognizance; Custody and Disposition of Animals - Section 92. An owner or claimant aggrieved by such judgment...
Section 92a - Advertisement, Book, Notice or Sign Relative to Discrimination; Definition of Place of Public Accommodation, Resort or Amusement - Section 92A. No owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent, agent or...
Section 93 - Expenses of Care and Destruction of Fighting Animals - Section 93. The necessary expenses incurred in the care and...
Section 94 - Owning, Possessing or Training Fighting Animals; Establishing or Promoting Exhibition; Loaning, Selling or Exporting Fighting Animals; Owning or Possessing Animals for Breeding Fighting Animals - Section 94. Whoever: (i) owns, possesses, keeps or trains any...
Section 95 - Aiding or Being Present at Exhibition of Fighting Animals - Section 95. Whoever is present at any place, building or...
Section 96 - False Notice of Birth, Marriage or Death - Section 96. Whoever wilfully sends to the publisher of a...
Section 97a - Demands, Notices or Other Documents Resembling Court Process; Complaint; Order to Discontinue - Section 97A. Forms of demands or notices or other documents...
Section 98 - Discrimination in Admission To, or Treatment In, Place of Public Accommodation; Punishment; Forfeiture; Civil Right - Section 98. Whoever makes any distinction, discrimination or restriction on...
Section 98a - Physically Handicapped Persons With Dog Guides; Public Places or Conveyances; Charges or Fares; Penalties - Section 98A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any blind...
Section 98b - Discrimination in Employment on Public Works or in Public Relief or Transitional Assistance - Section 98B. Whoever, knowingly and wilfully, employs discriminatory practices in...
Section 98c - Libel; Groups of Persons; Defenses; Punishment; Prosecutions - Section 98C. Whoever publishes any false written or printed material...
Section 99 - Interception of Wire and Oral Communications - Section 99. Interception of wire and oral communications.— A. Preamble....
Section 99a - Jury Deliberations; Overhearing by Use of Devices - Section 99A. Whoever secretly overhears, or attempts secretly to overhear...
Section 104 - Security for Seizure and Impoundment of Animals Relating to Cruelty to Animals or Animal Fighting - Section 104. (a) As used in this section, the word...
Section 105 - Photographing, Videotaping or Electronically Surveilling Partially Nude or Nude Person or the Sexual or Other Intimate Parts of a Person Around the Person's Clothing; Exceptions; Punishment - Section 105. (a) As used in this section, the following...
Section 106 - Stolen Valor; Penalty - Section 106. (a) A person commits the crime of stolen...
Section 107 - Transmission of Certain Fines to State Treasurer for Deposit Into Victims of Human Trafficking Trust Fund - Section 107. The court shall transmit fines collected pursuant to...