Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 123 - Mental Health
Section 3 - Transfers; Notice; Emergencies

Section 3. The department may transfer any person from any facility to any other facility which the department determines is suitable for the care and treatment of such person; provided that no transfer to a private facility shall occur except with the approval of the superintendent thereof. At least six days before a transfer from a facility occurs, the superintendent shall give written notice thereof to the person and to the nearest relative, unless said person knowingly objects, or guardian of such person; provided, however, if the transfer must be made immediately because of an emergency, such notice shall be given within twenty-four hours after the transfer. Except in emergency cases, no person who at any time prior to transfer has given notice of his intention to leave a facility under the provisions of section eleven shall be transferred until a final determination has been made as to whether such person should be retained in a facility.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 123 - Mental Health

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Regulations

Section 3 - Transfers; Notice; Emergencies

Section 4 - Periodic Review; Notice

Section 5 - Commitment or Retention Hearings; Right to Counsel; Medical Examination; Notice

Section 6 - Retention of Persons; Validity of Orders; Hearing

Section 7 - Commitment and Retention of Dangerous Persons; Petition; Notice; Hearing

Section 8 - Proceedings to Commit Dangerous Persons; Notice; Hearing; Orders; Jurisdiction

Section 8b - Treatment of Committed Persons With Antipsychotic Medication; Petition; Notice; Hearing; Guardian

Section 9 - Review of Matters of Law; Application for Discharge; Notice; Hearing

Section 10 - Voluntary Admissions; Consultation With Attorney; Discharge; Outpatients; Veterans

Section 11 - Voluntary Admissions; Withdrawal; Notice; Examination; Retention

Section 12 - Emergency Restraint and Hospitalization of Persons Posing Risk of Serious Harm by Reason of Mental Illness

Section 13 - Transfer of Dangerous Males to Bridgewater State Hospital; Retention Period; Further Commitment; Procedure

Section 14 - Transfers From Bridgewater State Hospital to Other Facilities

Section 15 - Competence to Stand Trial or Criminal Responsibility; Examination; Period of Observation; Reports; Hearing; Commitment; Delinquents

Section 16 - Hospitalization of Persons Incompetent to Stand Trial or Not Guilty by Reason of Mental Illness; Examination Period; Commitment; Hearing; Restrictions; Dismissal of Criminal Charges

Section 17 - Periodic Review of Incompetence to Stand Trial; Petition; Hearing; Continued Treatment; Defense to Charges; Release

Section 18 - Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Prisoners; Examination; Reports; Hearing; Commitment; Voluntary Admission; Reduction of Sentence; Discharge

Section 18a - Facility Residents; Contribution Towards Cost of Counsel

Section 19 - Parties or Witnesses; Determination of Mental Condition

Section 20 - Extradition of Mental Institution Escapees

Section 21 - Transportation of Mentally Ill Persons; Restraint

Section 22 - Civil Liability of Physicians, Qualified Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, Qualified Psychologists, Qualified Psychiatric Nurse Mental Health Clinic Specialists, Police Officers and Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers

Section 23 - Rights of Persons Receiving Services From Programs or Facilities of Department of Mental Health

Section 23a - Competent Interpreter Services in Hospitals Which Provide Acute Psychiatric Services

Section 24 - Legal Capacity of Persons Admitted or Committed

Section 25 - Guardian or Conservator; Appointment

Section 26 - Deposit of Funds Held in Trust for Inpatients or Residents; Unclaimed Funds and Personal Property; Fiduciaries

Section 27 - Administration of Estate of Deceased Inpatient or Resident

Section 28 - Violent or Unnatural Death of Patients; Notice to District Attorney

Section 29 - Instruction and Education; Work Programs; Sale of Work Products

Section 30 - Unauthorized Absence of Patients; Notification of Police, Et al.; Return

Section 31 - Medicine and Drugs; Indigent Patients

Section 32 - Charges for Care of Persons in Facilities

Section 33 - Expenses of Apprehension, Examination, Hearing, Commitment or Delivery; Certification; Audit; Payment; Fees

Section 34 - Commitment or Transfer to Veterans Administration or Other Federal Agency

Section 35 - Commitment of Alcoholics or Substance Abusers

Section 36 - Patient Records; Inspection; Maintenance and Retention

Section 36a - Court Records of Examination or Commitment; Privacy

Section 36b - Duty to Warn Patient's Potential Victims; Cause of Action

Section 36c - Transmission of Committed Person's Name and Nonclinical, Identifying Information to Department of Criminal Justice Information Services; Prohibition of Committed Person From Being Issued Firearm Identification Card or License to Carry;...