Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 112 - Registration of Certain Professions and Occupations
Section 263 - Private Occupational Schools; Oversight by Division of Professional Licensure

Section 263. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings:--
[ Definition of "Division'' in subsection (a) effective until July 18, 2021. For text effective July 18, 2021, see below.]
  "Division'', the division of professional licensure established in section 8 of chapter 13.
[ Definition of "Division'' in subsection (a) as amended by 2021, 39, Sec. 71 effective July 18, 2021. See 2021, 39, Sec. 128. For text effective until July 18, 2021, see above.]
  "Division'', the division of occupational licensure established in section 8 of chapter 13.
  "Private educational organization'', a non-public entity, including an individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, organization, trust or other legal entity or combination of such entities, that maintains a place of business within the commonwealth or solicits business within the commonwealth to provide classroom instruction, distance education or both.
  "Private occupational school'', a private educational organization, not specifically exempted by subsection (c), that conducts courses, for profit or by charging tuition, for the purpose of training or preparing individuals for a business, trade, technical or industrial occupation, or any other vocational purpose, including correspondence schools, private business schools, private trade schools and similar entities designated by the division.
  (b) The division shall have the following powers and duties: (i) administer and enforce this section; (ii) adopt rules and regulations governing the licensure and the operation of private occupational schools as may be necessary to promote the public, health, welfare and safety of citizens and residents of the commonwealth including mandating liability insurance and other such requirements; (iii) grant licenses to qualified applicants; (iv) approve the curriculum, instructors and staff, as defined by the division of licensed schools; provided, that the division shall adopt and publish reconsideration procedures for decisions relative to curriculum, instructors and staff; (v) investigate complaints, conduct inspections, review billing and student records and set and administer penalties as defined in this section for fraudulent, deceptive or professionally incompetent and unsafe practices and for violations of rules and regulations promulgated by the division; and (vi) review, under section 172 of chapter 6, the criminal offender record information of principals, administrators, employees and other individuals related to private occupational schools for purposes of licensure and reviewing complaints.
  (c) All private occupational schools operating in the commonwealth shall be licensed by the division; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to: (i) a school, college or other educational institution chartered and authorized by the commonwealth to grant degrees; provided, however, that non-degree programs offered through such a school, college or other educational institution by a third party shall be licensed by the division; (ii) a school conducted by any person or entity for the education and training of such person or entity's employees with no fee or tuition being charged to the employees; (iii) a school exclusively engaged in training persons with disabilities; (iv) a school providing distance learning or online correspondence services having no place of business in the commonwealth; (v) recreational programs conducted for the purpose of relaxation and enjoyment regarding instruction in non-occupational pastimes, exercise or other such diversions; (vi) programs owned and operated by established religious institutions for the purpose of providing religious instruction; (vii) courses of instruction conducted by a public school district or combination of public school districts; (viii) private schools or programs conducted for the education of students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12; (ix) incidental training associated with the purchase of a product from a vendor; provided, however, that the training is to familiarize the purchaser with its use and the purchaser is not awarded any form of a certificate or diploma for having received the training; or (x) other programs designated by the division.
  (d) Any person or entity desiring to operate a private occupational school within the commonwealth shall submit to the state auditor, in the manner prescribed by the auditor, such financial information as may be required, including, but not limited to, ownership and organization of the school, the financial condition of the school and the form and content of the student enrollment agreement to be used by the school. In carrying out this section, the auditor is authorized to review the full records of the school and may carry out on-site reviews of the school.
  If, after investigation, the state auditor finds the applicant is financially qualified to operate a private occupational school, the state auditor shall notify the division of the applicant's eligibility to apply for a license to operate a private occupational school. The state auditor shall thereafter re-establish the eligibility of licensees when the state auditor considers, in the auditor's discretion, that such an evaluation is appropriate; provided, however, that each licensee shall be reviewed by the auditor at least once every 3 years; provided, further, that, in the event that the division has reason to believe that a school is no longer financially qualified to conduct business, the division may request in writing that the state auditor re-establish the eligibility of the licensee. The state auditor shall review the request of the division and determine if the circumstances warrant further review prior to the annual indemnification review under subsection (g) or the full re-establishment review under this subsection. If the state auditor determines that the circumstances do not warrant further review prior to the annual indemnification review under subsection (g) or the full re-establishment review under this subsection, the state auditor shall submit the reasons for such determination, in writing, to the division. License renewal shall be granted only after an investigation has been conducted and certification of the financial eligibility of the applicant for renewal has been made by the state auditor. The state auditor's finding of eligibility shall not be construed as the granting of a license by the division.
  If the state auditor finds that an applicant or licensee is not financially responsible and qualified to operate a private occupational school, certification of financial eligibility shall be denied and the auditor shall state the reasons for denial in writing.
  Notwithstanding section 12 of chapter 11 relative to maintenance of the records in the department of the state auditor, the financial information submitted to the state auditor shall be retained in the office of the state auditor and shall not be classified as public records.
  The state auditor may adopt rules and regulations, issue guidelines and prescribe forms to carry out this subsection and subsection (g).
  (e) Any person or entity desiring to operate a private occupational school within the commonwealth whose application has been granted initial approval by the state auditor under subsection (d) shall submit to the division, on a form supplied by the division, such information as the division may require, including but not limited to: (i) the training and experience of the instructors employed or to be employed by the school; (ii) the building facilities and equipment available or to be available for the instruction to be offered by the school; (iii) the form and content of the courses to be offered by the school; (iv) the particular field of instruction to be offered by the school; and (v) the form of any contract or agreement to be executed by a prospective student.
  If, after investigation, the division finds that the applicant is qualified to operate a private occupational school, the division shall issue a license to the person or entity authorizing the operation of such school. If the division finds that the applicant is not qualified to operate a private occupational school, the division shall refuse to issue a license and shall state in writing the reasons for the refusal. Any such denial shall be considered an initial decision and not final until after the applicant has been provided at least 10 business days to supply, to the commissioner, a reconsideration petition with additional information or documentation in further support of the application. The division shall adopt and publish regulations establishing timely reconsideration procedures. No application for licensure shall be approved unless all principals and employees of the school have provided the division with satisfactory proof of good moral character. The applicant shall be entitled to appeal subject to chapter 30A.
  The division shall determine the license term, renewal cycle and renewal period for licenses issued by the division. Each licensee shall apply to the division for license renewal on or before the expiration date, as determined by the division, unless its license was revoked, suspended or canceled earlier by the division as a result of a disciplinary proceeding instituted under this section. Applications for initial licenses and renewal shall be in the manner approved by the division and accompanied by payment of a fee, determined by the secretary of administration and finance under section 3B of chapter 7. Licenses shall be non-transferrable. A change in ownership shall require a new application. Each licensee shall provide notice, in writing, to the division within 30 days of a change in location. Upon closure of a private occupational school, the school shall convey all student records to the division and pay a fee, determined by the secretary of administration and finance under said section 3B of said chapter 7, to cover any costs associated with the maintenance of those student records.
  (f) No person shall be a sales representative of a private occupational school without a valid license issued by the division. Any person desiring to be a sales representative of a private occupational school shall submit to the division, on a form supplied by the division, information setting forth: (i) the applicant's name and address; (ii) the applicant's educational qualifications; (iii) the name and address of 3 business references; and (iv) the name and address of 3 personal references.
  If, after investigation, the division finds that the applicant is qualified to be a sales representative of a private occupational school and has demonstrated satisfactory proof of good moral character the division shall issue a license to that person. The fee for the issuance of the license and the fee for a renewal shall be determined by the secretary of administration and finance under section 3B of chapter 7. If the division finds that the applicant is not qualified to be a sales representative of a private occupational school, it shall refuse to issue a license and state in writing the reasons for the refusal. The division shall determine the license term, renewal cycle and renewal period for sales representative licenses issued by the division. Licenses shall be non-transferrable.
  (g) No license shall be issued under this section until the prospective licensee, or 2 or more prospective licensees who intend to secure a joint indemnification, furnish either a bond with surety or a form of indemnification acceptable to the division in the amount determined by the state auditor of not less than $5,000 for a school's license, and not less than $1,000 for a license for a sales representative of a private occupational school; provided, however, that the liability of a licensee shall be limited to indemnifying the claimant only for the claimant's actual damages. For the purpose of this paragraph, a joint indemnification shall be defined as an indemnification issued to cover all prospective licensees to be insured under the indemnification in an amount sufficient to cover the tuition refunds of the participating schools.
  Additional security shall be required if the state auditor determines that the cash resources of the licensee may not be sufficient to make tuition refunds to students as required under section 13K of chapter 255; and provided further, that the amount of the indemnification in the case of the private occupational school shall not exceed the anticipated maximum unearned tuitions. The forms of indemnification, other than a surety bond, that shall be furnished to the division for licensure are (i) an irrevocable letter of credit, maintained for a period of 1 year, issued by a financial institution, as defined in section 1 of chapter 140E, in an amount, determined annually by the state auditor and approved by the division, payable to the commonwealth in which the commonwealth is designated as the beneficiary; or (ii) a term deposit account held in a financial institution, as defined in section 1 of chapter 140E, payable to the commonwealth, that shall be held in trust for the benefit of students entitled under section 13K of chapter 255 or subject to refund provisions and policies approved by the division. The term deposit account shall be maintained for a period of 1 year, the amount to be determined annually by the state auditor and acceptable to the division. All interest shall be paid annually to the appropriate school, unless the term deposit account is activated due to a school closing. If the licensee, for any reason, discontinues operation, and is not in default, all monies on deposit, including interest, shall be released to the appropriate school subject to the approval of the division.
  Each indemnification shall be conditioned to provide that the obligor shall satisfy all valid claims, as determined by the division, to recover damages sustained by students resulting from a breach of contract; provided, however, that the aggregate liability of the person providing indemnification for all breaches of the conditions of the indemnification shall not, under any circumstances, exceed the sum of the indemnification. The indemnification shall not limit or impair any right of recovery otherwise available under law nor shall the amount of the indemnification be relevant in determining the amount of damages or other relief to which any plaintiff may be entitled. The surety on any bond may cancel the bond upon giving 60 days notice in writing to the division and thereafter shall be relieved of the liability for any breach of condition occurring after the effective date of the cancellation. The indemnification shall be procured only from companies or institutions legally authorized to conduct business in the commonwealth.
  (h) The division shall conduct routine inspections and investigate all complaints filed relating to the operations of a private occupational school and any violation of this section or any rule or regulation adopted under this section. Complaints may be brought by any person or the division.
  The division shall have the power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of any evidence, including books, records, correspondence or documents relating to any matter in question in the investigation. The division may administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses and receive evidence. The power to issue subpoenas may be exercised by any person or persons designated by the division for that purpose. Any witness summoned may petition the division to vacate or modify a subpoena issued.
  After an investigation, the division may grant the petition in whole or in part upon a finding that the testimony or the evidence required does not relate with reasonable directness to any matter in question, that the subpoena for the attendance of a witness or the production of evidence is unreasonable or oppressive or has not been issued a reasonable period in advance of the time when the evidence is requested. Upon the failure of any person to comply with a subpoena issued by the division, any justice of the superior court, upon application by the division, may in the justice's discretion issue an order requiring the attendance of that person before the agency and the giving of testimony or production of evidence. Any person failing to obey the court's order may be punished by the court for contempt.
  (i) For the purposes of this section, a private occupational school's fitness to conduct educational operations shall be questioned by the division upon a finding that the school or the school's principals, employees or other representatives have (i) committed fraud or misrepresentation in obtaining a license; (ii) engaged in criminal conduct which the division determines to be of such a nature as to render such a school or its principals as unfit to operate as a licensed educational facility, as evidenced by criminal proceedings which resulted in a conviction, guilty plea or plea of nolo contendere or an admission of sufficient facts; (iii) engaged in conduct which places into question the holder's competence to operate a private occupational school including, but not limited to, gross misconduct or misconduct in the practice of the education activities, dishonesty, fraud or deceit, operating beyond the authorized scope or operating the school with negligence; (iv) allowed instructors, staff or other associated personnel to function when such personnel are not able to perform the essential functions of their positions while impaired by alcohol, drugs or other cause; (v) aided or abetted an unqualified person to perform activities requiring a qualified instructor; (vi) held a license, certificate, registration or authority issued by another state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia or foreign state or nation with authority to issue such a license, certificate, registration, that is or has been revoked, canceled or suspended, not renewed or otherwise acted against, or the holder has been disciplined, if the basis for the action would constitute a basis for disciplinary action in the commonwealth; (vii) violated any rule or regulation of the division; (viii) failed to cooperate with the division or its agents in the conduct of an inspection or investigation; or (ix) violated any ethical standard which the division determines to be of such a nature as to render such a school unfit, including but not limited to: (A) failing to establish and maintain minimum standards concerning quality of education, ethical and business practices, health and safety and fiscal responsibility; (B) failing to protect students against substandard, transient, unethical, deceptive or fraudulent practices; (C) granting of false educational credentials; (D) authorizing or otherwise failing to protect the public from misleading literature, advertising, solicitation or representation by the school or its agents; or (E) failing to preserve essential records.
  (j) Except as otherwise provided by law, the division may, after a hearing and upon finding conduct that places into question the private occupational school's fitness to conduct educational operations or a determination of its status under subsection (c), undertake 1 or more of the following actions and state its reasons in writing for such action: (i) suspend, revoke, cancel or place on probation a licensee; (ii) reprimand or censure a licensee; (iii) assess a civil administrative penalty upon a licensee not to exceed $5,000 for each violation; (iv) require a licensee or staff of a licensee to complete additional education and training as a condition of retention, future consideration or reinstatement of its license; (v) require a licensee to practice under appropriate supervision for a period of time, as determined by the division, as a condition of retention or future consideration of reinstatement of its license; (vi) require restitution of student fees and tuition, where appropriate; or (vii) issue orders to licensees directing them to cease and desist from unethical or unprofessional conduct.
  Nothing in this subsection shall be considered a limitation on the division's authority to impose reasonable and appropriate sanctions by consent agreement. Any person aggrieved by any disciplinary action taken by the division under this section may file a petition for judicial review with the superior court under section 14 of chapter 30A.
  The division shall not be required to defer action upon any charge because of pending criminal charges against a person or school accused, nor shall the pendency of any charge before the division act as a continuance or ground for delay in a criminal action.
  (k) Upon determination by the division that a private occupational school's continued operation poses an immediate and serious threat to the public health, safety or welfare, the division may suspend or refuse to renew the holder's license, pending a hearing on the merits of the allegation against the holder; provided that the division shall hold a hearing under chapter 30A on the necessity for the suspension or refusal to renew within 10 days of such suspension or refusal to renew. The division shall issue to the licensee a written order of summary suspension which specifies the findings of the division and the reasons for its summary suspension including notice of the date, time and place of the hearing. At the request of a licensee the division may reschedule this hearing to a date and time mutually agreeable to the division and licensee. Any rescheduling of the hearing granted at the licensee's request shall not operate to lift or stay the summary suspension order. If the hearing is not held within 10 days of the division's suspension or refusal to renew, the license against which action was taken shall be considered reinstated.
  At the adjudicatory hearing on the necessity for summary suspension, the division shall receive evidence limited to determining whether the summary suspension order shall continue in effect pending the final disposition of the complaint. Following the hearing, any continuing suspension imposed by the division shall remain in effect until the conclusion of any formal proceeding on the merits of the allegations against the holder, including judicial review, or the continuing suspension is withdrawn by the division. The division shall adopt rules and regulations governing the emergency suspension procedure authorized by this subsection.
  (l) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the division may, after a consent agreement between the parties or after an opportunity for an adjudicatory proceeding held under chapter 30A, assess and collect a civil administrative penalty not to exceed $10,000 for the first violation and a civil administrative penalty not to exceed $25,000 for a second or subsequent violation upon a person or entity who operates a private occupational school that is unlicensed or under suspension. The division may also order the individual or entity to cease and desist from continued practice without a license. The division may apply to the appropriate court for an order enjoining the unlicensed practice of a trade or profession, to enforce an order issued after a hearing conducted under this section or for such other relief as may be appropriate to enforce this section.
  Any court review of an order of the division issued after a hearing shall be conducted under the standards of review in paragraphs (3) to (7), inclusive, of section 14 of chapter 30A. Nothing in this section shall affect, restrict, diminish or limit any other penalty or remedy provided by law; provided, however, that an assessment of a civil administrative penalty under this section shall bar a subsequent imposition of a criminal penalty under subsection (m) for the same violation.
  (m) Any person or entity who operates or acts as a representative of a private occupational school that is unlicensed or under suspension, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 6 months or by a criminal fine of not more than $10,000, or both. An imposition of a criminal penalty under this section shall bar a subsequent assessment of a civil administrative penalty under subsection (l) for the same violation.
  The division shall not defer action upon any charge until the conviction of the person accused, nor shall the pendency of any charge before the division act as a continuance or ground for delay in a criminal action.
  (n) Any pupil of a private occupational school who is misled by an officer or representative of the school or by any advertisement or circular issued by the school, which representation is false, deceptive or misleading, may recover treble damages or $10,000, whichever is greater, plus court costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
  (o) Any complaint, report, record or other information received or kept by the division in connection with an investigation shall become a public record following the final action by the division; provided, however, that the identity of the person filing a complaint shall be exempt from disclosure as a public record at all times. These provisions shall not be considered to prohibit the division from providing a licensee with such information for purposes of preparing a defense in a formal adjudicatory hearing nor shall it prevent the division from providing records in response to requests from other state or federal agencies, divisions or institutions as determined by the division.
  (p) A private occupational school that obtains an accreditation from a national or regional accrediting agency that is recognized by the United States Department of Education shall notify the division in writing of its accreditation and of any changes to its accreditation. No private occupational school shall represent itself as being an accredited school unless it is accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.
  (q) Subject to appropriation, the division may retain all licensure fees, renewal fees, late fees, civil administrative penalties and other such revenue collected under this section.
  (r) There shall be, within the division, an advisory council on private occupational schools which shall be comprised of 12 members, 1 of whom shall be the state auditor, or a designee; 1 of whom shall be the secretary of education, or a designee, 1 of whom shall be the secretary of labor and workforce development, or a designee; 1 of whom shall be the undersecretary of the office of consumer affairs and business regulation, or a designee; and 8 persons to be appointed by the commissioner of the division, 1 of whom shall be the president of the Massachusetts association of private career schools, or a designee, 1 of whom shall be a president of a non-profit private occupational school and 6 of whom shall have knowledge and understanding of the fiscal, educational, workforce development and consumer protection issues relating to post-secondary education.
  Members appointed by the commissioner shall be appointed for terms of 3 years and serve at the pleasure of the commissioner. Members whose appointments have expired may continue to serve until a replacement is appointed. Members appointed by the commissioner shall be subject to chapter 268A and the director may remove any member so appointed for neglect of duty, misconduct, malfeasance or misfeasance in office, or for failure, as a representative or associate of an individual licensee, to follow the rules and regulations of the division. Members appointed by the commissioner shall be considered public employees for the purposes of chapter 258 for all acts or omissions within the scope of their duties as council members. Members appointed by the commissioner shall be immune from liability for actions taken in good faith in the discharge of their responsibilities. Members appointed by the commissioner acting in good faith in the discharge of their duties shall be defended by the attorney general and shall be eligible for indemnification of all costs and damages arising from claims and suits against them.
  The commissioner shall appoint a chair of the advisory council who shall serve at the pleasure of the commissioner. The advisory council may designate a secretary, treasurer or other position for its members as necessary for the conduct of its business. Members appointed by the commissioner shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
  The advisory council shall be considered a governmental body and all meetings of the advisory council shall be announced and conducted under sections 18 to 25, inclusive, of chapter 30A, with the exception that remote participation is specifically authorized so long as 2 or more members are physically present at the public site. At the discretion of the chair, additional members, staff or interested parties may remotely participate by any live, 2-way medium such as audio or video teleconferencing.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVI - Public Health

Chapter 112 - Registration of Certain Professions and Occupations

Section 1 - Duties of Director of Professional Licensure

Section 1a - Issuance of License or Certificate to Engage in Business or Profession; Statement of Obligation to Report Certain Injuries of Children

Section 1b - Acceptance of Education, Training or Service Completed by Applicant as Member of Armed Forces Toward Qualification Requirements to Receive License or Certification; Validity of License or Certificate During Active Service of Holder; Expe...

Section 2 - Registration of Physicians; Alien Applicants; Examinations; Renewal; Required Professional Malpractice Liability Insurance; Fees; Continuing Education Relating to Diagnosis, Treatment and Care of Patients With Cognitive Impairments

Section 2a - Acceptance of Certificate in Lieu of Examination for Registration as Qualified Physician; Fee

Section 2b - Schools for Training Medical Laboratory Technologists; Inspection; Approval; Approving Authority

Section 2c - Schools for Training Medical X–ray Technicians; Approval; Inspection; Approving Authority

Section 2d - Professional Relationships Preventing Physician From Providing Administrative or Judicial Testimony

Section 3 - Examinations

Section 4 - Record of Registered Physicians; Annual Report

Section 5 - Investigation of Complaints Related to the Practice of Medicine; Remediation Program; Individual Profiles; Hearing; Disciplinary Action; Immunity; Confidentiality; Notice; Subpoenas; Adjudicatory Hearing Decisions

Section 5a - Physician's License Restrictions

Section 5b - Reports of Disciplinary Action by Professional Medical Organizations

Section 5c - Reports by Insurers of Medical Malpractice Claims or Actions; Liability

Section 5d - Reports of Violations by Public Officers or Employees

Section 5e - Reports by Physicians of Settlements or Arbitration Awards; Filing; Penalty

Section 5f - Reports of Violations by Health Care Providers; Discrimination; Liability of Employers; Exemption

Section 5g - Communication With Professional Organizations or Board; Liability; Counsel Fees and Costs

Section 5h - Incompetency or Impairment of Physician; Physical or Mental Examination; Court Order; Report

Section 5i - Surgical and Other Procedures; Report of Data Regarding Results

Section 5j - Annual Report to Special Commission on Medical Malpractice

Section 5k - Prioritization of Investigations; Rules and Regulations

Section 5l - Standards for Physicians Who Read and Interpret Mammography

Section 5m - Physician Investment in For-Profit Hospitals and Health Maintenance Organizations; Regulations

Section 5n - Professional Development Training Module on Suicide Prevention Through Reduction of Access to Lethal Means

Section 5o - Teleheath

Section 6 - Unauthorized or Unregistered Practice of Medicine; Penalties

Section 7 - Application of Secs. 2 to 6 and Sec. 8

Section 8 - Recording of Certificate of Registration as a Physician by City or Town Clerk; Fee; Records

Section 8a - Use of Term ''physician'' in Title, Advertisement, etc.; Penalties

Section 9 - Limited Registration; Fees; Qualifications; Revocation

Section 9a - Medical Students; Limited Practice of Medicine Under Supervision

Section 9b - Temporary Registration of Qualified Physician

Section 9c - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 9c to 9k

Section 9d - Application of Secs. 9c to 9k

Section 9e - Physician Assistants; Medical Services; Supervision; Legal Responsibility

Section 9f - Board of Registration of Physician Assistants; Duties

Section 9g - Record of Registered Physician Assistants and Programs; Annual Report

Section 9h - Investigative and Disciplinary Powers of Board

Section 9i - Registration of Physician Assistants; Applications; Requirements

Section 9j - Unauthorized Use of Title of Physician Assistant; Fraud

Section 9k - Approval of Education and Training Programs for Physician Assistants

Section 10 - Application of Medicine and Its Practice to Osteopathy and Its Practice

Section 11 - Prohibition of Certain Acts by Osteopaths

Section 12 - Disclosure of Information Relative to Venereal Disease by Registered Physician

Section 12a - Report of Treatment of Wounds, Burns, Overdose and Injuries Resulting From Discharge of Firearm; Penalty

Section 12a1/2 - Reporting Treatment of Victim of Rape or Sexual Assault; Penalty

Section 12b - Emergency Care of Injured Persons; Exemption From Civil Liability

Section 12c - Immunity of Physician or Nurse Administering Immunization or Other Protective Programs

Section 12d - Prescriptions of Interchangeable Drug Products; Notification of Substitute for Narrow Therapeutic Index Immunosuppressant Drug for Treatment of Organ or Tissue Transplant

Section 12e - Drug Dependent Minors; Consent to Medical Care; Liability for Payment; Records

Section 12e1/2 - Drug or Alcohol Overdose of a Minor; Notification of Minor's Parent, Guardian or Other Having Custody and Control; Distribution of Pamphlet With Addiction Treatment and Overdose Prevention Information; Access to Social Worker

Section 12f - Emergency Treatment of Minors

Section 12g - Disclosure of Information by Physicians and Other Medical Providers

Section 12g1/2 - Physician Reporting of Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease to Family Member or Legal Personal Representative of Patient

Section 12h - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Physician's Name Required

Section 12i - Abortion or Sterilization Procedures; Refusal of Hospital or Health Facility Staff Members or Employees to Participate

Section 12j - Experimentation on Human Fetuses Prohibited; Medical Procedures Authorized; Consent; Approval; Civil and Criminal Liability and Proceedings; Severability

Section 12k - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 12l to 12r

Section 12l - Personal Decision Regarding Pregnancy

Section 12m - Abortion; Pregnancy Existing for 24 Weeks or Less

Section 12n - Abortion; Pregnancy Existing for 24 Weeks or More

Section 12o - Abortion Performed Pursuant to Sec. 12n; Protection of Unborn Child

Section 12p - Abortion Performed Pursuant to Sec. 12m or 12n; Written Informed Consent; Facilities

Section 12q - Collection of Data

Section 12r - Written Informed Consent; Confidentiality; Patient Less Than 16 Years of Age

Section 12v - Exemption of Certain Individuals Rendering Emergency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation From Liability

Section 12v.5 - Exemption of Automatic External Defibrillator Providers From Liability

Section 12w - Sterilization Operations; Consent

Section 12x - Restrictive Covenants Upon Physicians Rendered Unenforceable

Section 12y - Medicare Assignment Policy; Posting

Section 12z - Reports of Dog Bites

Section 12aa - Referral for Physical Therapy; Ownership Interest; Disclosure

Section 12bb - Lead Poisoning Screening

Section 12cc - Health Care Providers; Inspection of Records

Section 12dd - Administration of Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy Upon Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

Section 12ee - Substitution of Interchangeable Biological Product by Pharmacist

Section 12ff - Immunity of Person Administering Naloxone or Other Opioid Antagonist to Person Experiencing Opiate-Related Overdose

Section 12gg - Dispensing of 90–day Supply for Prescribed Topical Ophthalmic Products

Section 13 - Podiatry; Definition; Application of Secs. 13 to 23

Section 14 - Practice of Podiatry; Holding Out as a Registered Podiatrist

Section 15 - Preparation and Distribution of Forms for Applications for Registration by the Board of Registration in Podiatry; Examinations

Section 16 - Registration of Podiatrists; Application; Fees; Examinations and Reexaminations; Certificate; Registration Without Examination; Participation in Medical Assistance Program; Revocation; Approval of Schools

Section 16a - Limited Registration of Podiatrists

Section 16b - Students of Podiatric Medicine; Limited Practice

Section 16c - Temporary Registration of Podiatrists

Section 17 - Examinations

Section 17a - Records of Board of Registration in Podiatry; Rules and Regulations; Reports; Investigation of Complaints

Section 17b - Liability of Persons Filing Complaint, Reporting or Providing Information or Assisting the Board of Registration in Podiatry

Section 18 - Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration in Podiatry; Revocation

Section 19 - Unprofessional Conduct; Definition; Regulation by Board

Section 20 - Suspension of Certificate of Registration in Podiatry

Section 21 - Recording of Certificate of Registration in Podiatry by City or Town Clerk; Fee; Records

Section 21a - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Podiatrist's Name Required

Section 22 - Penalties

Section 23a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 23a to 23p

Section 23b - Board of Allied Health Professions; Examinations; Applications for Licensure; Fees; Renewal of License

Section 23c - Athletic Trainers, Occupational Therapists or Physical Therapists or Assistants; Practice Upon Filing of License Application

Section 23d - Athletic Trainers, Occupational Therapists or Physical Therapists or Assistants; Licensing of Persons Registered or Licensed in Other States, Territories, etc.; Fees

Section 23e - Limitation of Application of Section to Other Practices, Services or Activities

Section 23f - Athletic Trainers; Qualifications

Section 23g - Occupational Therapists; Qualifications

Section 23h - Occupational Therapy Assistant; Qualifications

Section 23i - Physical Therapist; Qualifications

Section 23j - Physical Therapist Assistants; Qualifications

Section 23k - Revocation, Suspension, Etc. of Licensee

Section 23l - Practice of Medicine or Other Form of Healing by Athletic Trainer, Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist or Assistants

Section 23m - Rules and Regulations of Board of Allied Health Professions; Record of Proceedings; Roster of Licensees

Section 23m1/2 - Practice Settings of Licensees; Regulations

Section 23n - Athletic Trainers; Necessity of License

Section 23o - Occupational Therapists or Assistants; Necessity of License; Use of Letters, Abbreviations, Etc.

Section 23p - Physical Therapists or Assistants; Necessity of License;; Use of Letters, Abbreviations, Etc.

Section 23p1/2 - Physical Therapist; Disclosure of Referring Physician's Ownership Interest

Section 23q - Citation

Section 23r - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 23r to 23bb

Section 23s - Board of Respiratory Care; Examination of Candidates; Application for License; Renewal of License

Section 23t - Supervised Practice Pending Examination Results

Section 23u - Licensing as Respiratory Therapist Without Examination

Section 23v - Limitation of Application of Secs. 23r to 23bb to Other Practices, Services or Activities

Section 23w - Respiratory Therapists; Qualifications

Section 23x - Revocation or Suspension of Respiratory Therapist License

Section 23y - Unauthorized Practice of Medicine by Respiratory Therapist

Section 23z - Rules and Regulations of the Board of Respiratory Care; Roster of Licensees

Section 23aa - Unauthorized Practice of Respiratory Care

Section 23bb - Voluntary Emergency Care or Treatment by Respiratory Therapist; Exemption From Liability

Section 24 - Registration of Pharmacists; Examination; Fees

Section 24a - Records of Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Expiration of Registrations; Renewals; Reinstatement; Fees; Continuing Education Requirements; Audits

Section 24b - Standards for Schools of Pharmacy; Certificates of Approval; Courses

Section 24b1/2 - Pharmacist Collaborative Practice Agreements; Collaborative Drug Therapy Management

Section 24b3/4 - Implementation of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management; Rules and Regulations

Section 24c - Pharmacy Technicians; Registration

Section 24d - Complaints Relating to Pharmacy Technicians; Investigation; Discipline

Section 24e - Person Acting as Pharmacy Technician Without Being Registered; Misdemeanor; Punishment

Section 24f - Pharmacy Technician Change of Address; Written Notification

Section 24g - Pharmacy Interns

Section 24h - Rehabilitation Program for Registered Pharmacists and Pharmacy Interns and Technicians With Substance Use Issue

Section 25 - Records of Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Annual Reports

Section 25a - Annual Report of Investigatory or Disciplinary Actions Conducted by the Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Availability

Section 26 - Display of Certificate of Registration From the Board of Registration in Pharmacy

Section 27 - Complaints Against Registered Pharmacists; Notice; Hearing

Section 28 - Decision of Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Effect

Section 29 - Suspension of Certificate of Registration of Registered Pharmacist

Section 30 - Unlawful Dispensing of Controlled Substances; Penalties; Clerical and Ministerial Supportive Services Excepted

Section 32 - Investigation of Complaints; Participation in National Data Reporting System

Section 33 - Access to Documents by Registered Pharmacists Against Whom a Complaint or Charge Is Pending

Section 34 - Certificate of Conviction of Pharmacist; Notification of Board

Section 36 - Continuance of Business of Deceased or Incapacitated Registered Pharmacists

Section 36a - Sale, Distribution or Delivery, at Wholesale, of Drugs or Medicines; License

Section 36b - Sale, Distribution or Delivery, at Wholesale, of Drugs or Medicines; License Fee; Qualification; Renewal

Section 36c - Use of Words ''wholesale Druggist''; Inspection and Investigation of Wholesale Dealers; Reports of Violations; Complaints

Section 36d - Penalties

Section 36e - Outsourcing Facilities; Registration

Section 37 - Drug Business; Definition

Section 38 - Transaction of Retail Drug Business; Registration; Permit; Display of Permit

Section 39 - Registration; Permits; Fees; Rendering of Final Decision; Establishment of Specialty Pharmacy Licensure Categories

Section 39a - Restricted Pharmacies; Registration

Section 39b - Nuclear Pharmacies

Section 39c - Long-Term Care Pharmacy and Home Infusion Pharmacy

Section 39d - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 36e to 42d; Reporting of Improper Dispensing of Prescription Drugs; Reporting of Serious Adverse Drug Events; Recall and Reporting of Defective Drug Preparation

Section 39f - Compounding and Distribution of Sterile or Complex Non-Sterile Drug Preparation Prohibited Without License; Adherence to Current Standards Under Cgmp

Section 39g - Retail Sterile Compounding Pharmacies; Licensure; Designation of Manager of Record; Inspection and Quality Assurance Procedures; Supplementary Regulations

Section 39h - Retail Complex Non-Sterile Compounding Pharmacies; Licensure; Designation of Manager of Record; Inspection and Quality Assurance Procedures; Supplementary Regulations

Section 39i - Institutional Sterile Compounding Pharmacies; Licensure; Designation of Manager or Record; Inspection and Quality Assurance Procedures; Supplementary Regulations

Section 39j - Non-Resident Pharmacies; Licensure; Designation of Pharmacist in Charge; Distribution of Drug Preparations Produced or Compounded by a Pharmacy Not Granted a Non-Resident License Prohibited

Section 40 - Suspension or Revocation of Registration and Permit; Notice; Hearing

Section 41a - Patent and Proprietary Medicines; Non-Controlled Substances; Exemption From Regulation

Section 42a - Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Participation in National Data Reporting Systems; Suspension or Revocation of License or Permit; Hearing; Summary Action Upon Belief of Threat to Public Health, Safety or W...

Section 42b - Development and Operation of Publicly Accessible and Searchable Website Containing Enforcement Action Records of Licensed Pharmacies and Pharmacists, Record of Serious Adverse Drug Events and Other Relevant Information

Section 42c - Advisory Committee to the Board of Registration in Pharmacy

Section 42d - Assessment of Penalty Against Licensed Pharmacy for Violation of Regulation or Administrative Rule or for Failure to Comply With Order to Correct Violation

Section 43 - Powers and Duties of Board of Registration of Dentistry; Records; Annual Reports

Section 43a - Definitions

Section 44 - Notification of Board of Office Address; Fees, Default; Lists; Display of Name

Section 45 - Registration of Dentists; Applications; Examinations and Re-Examinations; Fees; Participation in Medical Assistance Program; Certificate; Alien Applicants

Section 45a - Limited Registration of Dentists; Renewal; Revocation

Section 45b - Temporary Registration of Dentists; Prerequisites; Fee; Restrictions on Practice; Revocation

Section 45c - Registration of Dentists; Fee Waived for Certain Volunteer Practitioners; Scope of Practice Restricted; Contents of Application

Section 46 - Reputable Dental College; Definition

Section 46a - Reexamination for Competency

Section 47 - Examination

Section 48 - Reciprocity Certificate for Dentist Lawfully in Practice for at Least Five Years in Another State; Fee

Section 49 - Operation of Dental Office Under Name of Owner; Exception

Section 50 - Practicing Dentistry; Definition; Identification of Removable Dental Prosthesis

Section 50a - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Dentist's Name Required

Section 51 - Dental Hygienists

Section 511/2 - Registration of Dental Assistants

Section 51a - Continuing Education; Rules and Regulations

Section 52 - Penalties for Violations Regarding Licensing of Dental Professionals

Section 52a - Illegal Advertising; Dental Referral Service Disclosure

Section 52b - Conviction for Illegal Advertising; Revocation or Suspension of Registration of Dentist or Dental Hygienist

Section 52c - Illegal Advertisement by Persons Engaged in Dental Business Relating to Dentures and Bridges

Section 52d - Suspension, Revocation or Cancellation of Certificate, Registration, License or Authority Upon Conviction of Felony Related to Practice of Dentistry

Section 52e - Repeated Irregularities in Billing Third Party Payers; Disciplinary Proceedings

Section 52f - Suspension of or Refusal to Renew Registrant's License; Hearing

Section 52g - Persons Filing Complaint or Providing Information to Board; Liability

Section 53 - Application of Secs. 43 to 52; Treatment by Registered Physician or Registered Dentist From Another State

Section 54 - Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine; Power to Make By-Laws and Rules; Quorum

Section 54a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 54 to 60

Section 55 - Registration of Veterinarians; Examinations; Certificate; Fees; Renewal of Licenses; Revocation

Section 55a - Graduates of Non-Approved Veterinary Schools; Waiver of Requirements; Rules and Regulations

Section 56 - Examinations

Section 56a - Temporary Permits to Practice Veterinary Medicine; Revocation

Section 56b - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Veterinarian's Name Required

Section 56c - Out-of-State Veterinarians; Examination; Registration; Reciprocity

Section 56d - Schools of Veterinary Medicine; Institutional License

Section 56e - Veterinary Students; Clinical Training; Licensing Exemption

Section 57 - Register of Registered Veterinarians; Annual Reports; Investigation of Complaints

Section 58 - Practicing Veterinary Medicine; Definition

Section 58a - Emergency Care to Animals; Exemption From Civil Liability

Section 58a1/2 - Dispensing of Compounded Drugs to Companion Animals by Veterinarians

Section 58b - Reports of Suspected Acts of Cruelty to Animals; Veterinarians; Immunity From Liability; Failure to Report

Section 59 - Illegal Practice of Veterinary Medicine; Penalty; Powers of Board; Causes for Revocation of License

Section 59a - Disposal of Abandoned Animals; Notice

Section 60 - Application of Secs. 54 to 59; Emergency Advice or Service

Section 60a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 60a to 60l

Section 60b - Application for Registration as Architect; Fees; Examinations

Section 60c - Submission of Evidence of Education and Experience; Examinations; Exemption From Written Examination; Rules and Regulations

Section 60d - Renewals of Certificates of Registration as Architect; Fee

Section 60e - Display of Certificate of Registration as Architect; Issuance of Duplicate Certificates; Fee

Section 60f - Seal of Registered Architect

Section 60g - Revocation, Suspension or Annulment of Certificate of Registration as Architect; Disciplining of Registrant; Grounds

Section 60h - Charges Against Architect; Hearing; Notice; Revocation, Suspension or Annulment of Certificate; Notice to Secretary of State; Re-Issue of Certificate

Section 60i - Certificate of Registration; Prima Facie Evidence

Section 60j - Roster of Registered Architects

Section 60k - Practice of Architecture; Use of Titles; Display of Signs and Other Advertising Matter

Section 60l - Services in Practice of Architecture; Plans and Specifications; Registered Professional Engineer; Employees; Landscape Architects; Partnership or Corporation; Non-Resident Architects

Section 60m - Determination of Services as Practice of Architecture; Finality; Fraud

Section 60n - Certificate of Registration as Architect Emeritus

Section 60o - Enforcement by Board of Registration of Architects; Attorney General; Duties

Section 60p - Punishment for Violations of Secs. 60a to 60n

Section 60q - Immunity From Liability for Professionals Providing Services Related to Natural Disaster or Catastrophe

Section 61 - Suspension, Revocation or Cancellation of Certificate, Registration, License or Authority by Boards; Disciplinary Measures; Sanctions; Student Loan Defaulters; Review

Section 61a - Sale of Tobacco Products Within Buildings, Facilities or Grounds of Health Care Institutions

Section 62 - Hearings

Section 63 - Pendency of Action Before Criminal Court; Delay; Pendency of Charge Before Board; Continuance

Section 64 - Review by Supreme Judicial Court of Suspension, Revocation or Cancellation Order; Decree; Standards of Review by Other Courts

Section 65 - Practice During Suspension, Revocation or Cancellation; Civil Administrative Penalties; Notice; Expiration and Renewal of License; Court Orders

Section 65a - Unlicensed Practice of Trade or Profession for Which License Is Required; Penalties

Section 65b - Board Authority to Suspend or Refuse to Renew License; Hearing; Judicial Review

Section 65c - Investigative Conference Meetings; Access to Meeting Records

Section 65d - Assessed Penalties; Allocation of Funds

Section 65e - Reporting of Action Against Individual Practicing a Trade or Profession on Suspended, Revoked or Cancelled License to Attorney General

Section 65f - Fee for Reinstating Lapsed or Expired License Issued by a Board of Registration Under the Supervision of the Division of Professional Licensure

Section 66 - Practice of Optometry; Definition

Section 66a - Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents; Utilization

Section 66b - Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents and Therapeutic Contact Lenses; Utilization; Prescriptions

Section 66c - Optometrists; Prescriptions; Referrals; Medical Error Reduction

Section 67 - Board of Registration in Optometry; Records; Inspection; Rules and Regulations; Reports

Section 68 - Registration of Optometrists; Examinations; Fees; Certificate; Exemption From Written Examination; Participation in Medical Assistance Program

Section 68a - Examination for Use of Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents

Section 68b - Examination for Use of Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents

Section 68c - Optometrists; Examination to Permit the Use and Prescription of Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents; Licensed in Other Jurisdictions; Residency; Continuing Education

Section 69 - Annual License Fees; Revocation of Certificate; Renewal of Registration, Educational Requirement

Section 70 - Recording of Certificate of Registration in Optometry by City or Town Clerk; Fees; Display of Certificate

Section 71 - Refusal to Grant Certificate in Optometry; Revocation or Suspension; Hearing; Notice; Renewal

Section 72 - Name of Optometric Practice

Section 72a - Unlawful Practice of Optometry; Violation of Rules and Regulations; Penalties

Section 73 - Application of Secs. 66 to 72a

Section 73a - Advertisements for Sale Price of Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses or Eyeglass Frames; Restrictions; Violations; Penalties

Section 73b - Practice of Optometry on Premises Selling Eyeglasses, Lenses or Frames; Unauthorized Receipt of Fees From Practice of Optometry

Section 73c - Dispensing Optician; Definition

Section 73d - Licensing of Dispensing Opticians

Section 73e - Applications for Registration as Dispensing Optician; Examinations; Licenses; Fees; Exemption From Written Examination

Section 73f - Records of Board of Registration of Dispensing Opticians; Annual Reports; Rules and Regulations

Section 73g - Dispensing Optician License Fees

Section 73h - Refusal to Grant License; Suspension; Revocation; Hearing; Notice

Section 73i - Unlicensed Practice as Dispensing Optician; Penalties

Section 73j - Application of Secs. 73c to 73l to Registered Physicians or Optometrists

Section 73k - Certification as Apprentice Dispensing Optician; Application; Fee; Certificate; Powers of Apprentice

Section 73l - Revocation of Order of Suspension; Granting of New Licenses; Hearing

Section 73m - Sellers of Ready-to-Wear Magnifying Spectacles or Eyeglasses; Applicability of Law

Section 74 - Registration of Nurses; Examinations; Fees; Certificate; Rules and Regulations; Continuing Education Relating to the Diagnosis, Treatment and Care of Patients With Cognitive Impairments

Section 74a - Registration of Practical Nurses; Examinations and Re-Examinations; Certificate; Fees; Cancellation of Certificate; Rules and Regulations; Continuing Education Relating to Diagnosis, Treatment and Care of Patients With Cognitive Impairm...

Section 74c - Advisory Council on Continuing Education; Membership; Appointment

Section 74d - Contracts or Agreements; Restrictive Covenants on Nurses or Practical Nurses Void

Section 75 - Examinations

Section 76 - Reciprocity Registration as Nurse or Practical Nurse; Fee

Section 76a - Nurses Registered in Other Jurisdictions; Temporary Registration

Section 76b - Canadian Nurse Licensure; Reciprocity

Section 77 - Investigation of Complaints; National Data Reporting Systems

Section 78 - Records of Board of Registration in Nursing; Inspection; Annual Report

Section 79 - Rules and Regulations of Board of Registration in Nursing

Section 80 - Violations of Provisions Relating to Professional Nursing

Section 80a - Violations of Provisions Relating to Practical Nursing

Section 80b - Nursing Practice; Advanced Practice; Licensed Practical Nurses

Section 80c - Nurse-Midwife; Designation

Section 80d - Nurse-Midwifery Advisory Committee

Section 80e - Nurse Practitioners or Psychiatric Nurse Mental Health Clinical Specialists; Power to Order Therapeutics and Tests; Issuance of Written Prescriptions

Section 80f - Rehabilitation Program to Assist Nurses With Substance Abuse Disorders; Establishment; Functions; Rehabilitation Evaluation Committees; Program Participants

Section 80g - Nurse-Midwives; Authority to Order and Interpret Tests and Prescribe Medications; Clinical Relationship With Obstetrician-Gynecologist; Standards of Care

Section 80h - Nurse Anesthetist; Power to Issue Prescriptions and Order Tests and Therapeutics

Section 80i - Required Signature, Certification, Etc. by Physician Relating to Physical or Mental Health; Fulfillment by Nurse Practitioner

Section 80j - Authority of Psychiatric Nurse Mental Health Clinical Specialist to Order Tests, Therapeutics and Prescribe Medications

Section 80k - Promulgation of Regulations by the Board Regarding Advanced Practice Nursing

Section 81 - Application of Secs. 80 to 80a; Government Employees

Section 81a - Inspection and Approval of Schools for Nurses

Section 81b - Approval of Schools for Nurses in Other States

Section 81c - Rules and Regulations Relative to Nursing Schools

Section 81d - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 81d to 81t

Section 81e - Registration as Professional Engineers and as Professional Land Surveyors; Examination; Rules and Regulations of Board; Seal

Section 81f - Moneys Received by Secretary of Board; Bond

Section 81g - Clerical and Other Assistance

Section 81h - Record of Proceedings of Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and of Land Surveyors; Register of Applications for Registration; Prima Facie Evidence; Annual Report to Governor

Section 81i - Roster of Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Section 81j - Registration as Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor; Qualifications

Section 81k - Form and Content of Application for Registration; Fees

Section 81l - Time and Place of Examination; Scope; Methods of Procedure; Re-Examinations

Section 81m - Certificate of Registration; Prima Facie Evidence; Seal of Registrant

Section 81n - Expiration of Certificates; Notice; Renewal; Fee; Reinstatement

Section 81p - Reprimand and Suspension of Registration; Revocation of Certificate of Registration as Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor; Charges; Hearing

Section 81q - Reissuance of Certificate After Revocation; Duplicate Certificates; Fee

Section 81r - Limitation of Application of Sections to Other Practices, Services or Activities

Section 81s - Appeal From Action of Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and of Land Surveyors

Section 81t - Unauthorized Practice of Engineering or Land Surveying; Penalties; Duties of Attorney General

Section 82 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 82 to 87

Section 83 - Registration of Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Apprentice Embalmers; Applications; Examinations and Re-Examinations; Certificates; Fees; Renewals; Apprenticeship; Advertising; Funeral Directing

Section 84 - Issuance and Renewal of Certificates; Fees; Expiration of Registration; Refusal to Issue or Renew; Suspension or Revocation

Section 84a - Violations; Investigation by Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing; Hearing; Notice; Review of Decision

Section 84b - Itemized List of Funeral Costs

Section 84c - Requirement That Funeral Directors Make Organ Donation Information Available

Section 85 - Rules and Regulations of Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing; Enforcement; Records; Inspection; Annual Reports; Investigations; Lists

Section 85a - Reciprocal Agreements With Other States

Section 86 - Display of Certificate of Registration in Embalming, Funeral Directing or Establishment Certificate

Section 87 - Unlawful Embalming; Engaging in Business of Funeral Directing Without Registration; Penalty

Section 87a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87a to 87e.5

Section 87a1/2 - Board of Public Accountancy; Powers; Rules; Certificate of Certified Public Accountant

Section 87a3/4 - Individuals or Firms Practicing Public Accountancy; Liability for Damages in Civil Actions Involving Claim or Defense of Fraud

Section 87b - Public Accountancy; Licenses; Individuals

Section 87b1/2 - Public Accountancy; Licenses; Firms

Section 87c1/2 - Public Accountancy; Revocation or Suspension of Certificate or License; Discipline; Investigations; Complaint; Hearing; Order; Judicial Review; Modification of Order

Section 87d - Public Accountancy; Nonlicensed Persons or Firms; Restrictions; Titles; Use; Misleading Names or Designations; Certificates or Licenses Granted in Foreign Countries

Section 87d1/2 - Public Accountancy; Injunctions or Restraining Orders to Prohibit Unauthorized Practices; Criminal Proceedings

Section 87e - Public Accountancy; Records Incidental to Rendering Services; Confidential Information

Section 87e1/2 - Public Accountancy; Reviewer Disclosure of Materials Relating to Quality Reviews; Liability

Section 87t - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87t to 87kk

Section 87u - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Registration of Students; Practice Upon Paying Customers

Section 87v - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Rules and Regulations; Examinations; Specialty Limited Licenses

Section 87w - Licensing of Demonstrators; Licensing of Hairdresser, Barber, Cosmetologist, Aesthetician, Operator or Instructor as Demonstrator; Fees; Place of Demonstrations

Section 87x - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Misrepresentation or False, Fraudulent or Misleading Statements by Licensee Prohibited

Section 87z - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Reciprocity Licensing; Additional Education Requirement

Section 87aa - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Operation of Licensed Shops and Mobile Businesses; Fee; Change of Location

Section 87bb - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Licensing of Schools; Fee; Examination and Licensing of Instructors; Rules and Regulations

Section 87cc - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Licensing Fees; Renewal Fees; Renewal Cycle and Period

Section 87dd - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrology, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Entry Into Shops or Schools; Inspection; Complaints; Investigation

Section 87ee - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Revocation or Suspension of License

Section 87ff - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Re-Licensing; Revocation of Suspension

Section 87gg - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Expiration of License; Renewal Fees; Practical Examination

Section 87hh - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Refusal, Suspension or Cancellation of License; Appeal

Section 87ii - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 87jj - Aesthetics, Barbering, Cosmetology, Electrolysis, Hairdressing and Manicuring; Post-Secondary Institutions; Requirement to Register or Report Progress of Enrolled Students; Approval of Institution or Renewal of License; Rules and Regul...

Section 87kk - Application of Secs. 87t to 87jj

Section 87ll - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87mm to 87oo

Section 87mm - Registration of Sanitarians; Application; Certificate; Expiration; Fee

Section 87nn - Sanitarians; Qualifications of Applicants; Temporary Certificates of Registration; Examinations

Section 87oo - Titles; Registered Sanitarian; Letters r.s.; Use

Section 87pp - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87pp to 87ddd

Section 87qq - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Applicability of Secs. 87rr to 87ddd Exemption

Section 87rr - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; License; Completion of Transactions; Fee or Commission; Action for Compensation

Section 87ss - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Applicants for License; Requisites; Attorney at Law; Examinations; Rules and Regulations

Section 87tt - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Application for Licenses; Forms; Fees; Evidence of Applicant; Bonds; Action on Bond; Temporary License

Section 87uu - Corporations, Societies, Associations or Partnerships; Application for Real Estate Broker's License

Section 87vv - Licensed Real Estate Salesmen; Restrictions; Notices

Section 87ww - Non-Residents; Licensed Real Estate Broker or Salesman; Power of Attorney; Service of Process

Section 87xx - Issuance of License; Term; Renewal Licenses; Records by Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen

Section 87xx1/2 - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Continuing Education; Certification of Course Completion

Section 87yy - Real Estate Brokers; Place of Business; Display of License; Notice; Change of Business Location

Section 87yy1/2 - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; First Signing of Purchase Agreement; Distribution of Home Inspection Brochure; Prohibition of Specific Recommendations; Exception

Section 87zz - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; License Fee; Purposes; Advance Payments

Section 87aaa - Complaints; Investigation by Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Revocation or Suspension of License; Grounds; Penalties

Section 87aaa3/4 - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Dual Agent; Designated Agent; Facilitator

Section 87bbb - Investigations and Hearings by Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Powers; Decisions; Appeals; Costs

Section 87ccc - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 87ddd1/2 - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Persons Finding Dwelling Accommodations for Fee

Section 87www - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87www to 87zzz

Section 87xxx - Certified Health Officers; Application; Certification

Section 87yyy - Certified Health Officers; Qualifications; Temporary Certification

Section 87zzz - Title: Certified Health Officer or c.h.o.

Section 87cccc - Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities; Application; Qualifications; Examination; Certificate; Renewal; Fees; Temporary Emergency Certification

Section 87dddd - Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities; Necessity of Certification; Penalty; Jurisdiction

Section 88 - Issuance of Certified Statements and Duplicate Certificates of Registration by Boards of Registration or Examination

Section 89 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 89 to 97

Section 90 - Chiropractors; Rules and Regulations; Records; Reports

Section 91 - Chiropractors; Application for Certificate; Filing; Fees; Qualifications of Applicant

Section 92 - Chiropractors; Licensees of Other States; Registration

Section 93 - Chiropractors; Refusal to Grant Certificate; Revocation

Section 94 - Chiropractors; Examinations; Registration; Certificate; Display

Section 94a - Chiropractic Facilities; Licensing; Exception

Section 95 - Chiropractors; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 96 - Address of Chiropractor; Notification to Board of Registration of Chiropractors; License Fee; License Renewal Certificate; Suspension of Authority

Section 97 - Chiropractors; Rendition of Services; Advertisement

Section 98 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 98 to 107

Section 99 - Landscape Architects; Certificate of Registration; Necessity; Display

Section 100 - Landscape Architects; Seal of Design

Section 101 - Landscape Architects; Qualifications of Applicants; Practice by Associations

Section 102 - Landscape Architects; Examinations for Registration; Rules and Regulations

Section 103 - Landscape Architects; Fees

Section 104 - Foreign Landscape Architects; Certification; Reciprocity

Section 106 - Landscape Architects; Suspension or Revocation of Certificate; Reissuance

Section 107 - Landscape Architects; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 108 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 108 to 117

Section 109 - Supervision of Nursing Homes; Necessity of Licensed Administrator; Evidence of Eligibility for Examination

Section 110 - Nursing Home Administrators; Internship; Evidence of Training

Section 111 - Nursing Home Administrators; Application; Qualifications and Examination; Certificate of Licensure; Renewal; Fees

Section 112 - Nursing Home Administrators; Transferability and Validity of License; Review of Denial of Issuance or Renewal; Supervision or Revocation of License

Section 113 - Nursing Home Administrators; Issuance of License Without Examination to Licensees of Other Jurisdictions

Section 114 - Record of Proceedings by Board of Registration of Nursing Home Administrators; Register of Applicants; Status as Evidence

Section 115 - Duties and Responsibilities of Board of Registration of Nursing Home Administrators

Section 116 - Nursing Home Administrators; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 117 - Effect of Sec. 116 on Employees and Subordinates of Nursing Home Administrator

Section 118 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 118 to 129a

Section 119 - Psychologists; Application for License; Contents and Requirements

Section 120 - Psychologists; Examination of Applicants; Health Service Provider Certification

Section 121 - Psychologists; Issuance of License Without Examination

Section 122 - Psychologists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 123 - Psychologists; Exemptions to Penalties in Sec. 122

Section 124 - Psychologists; Temporary Licenses

Section 125 - Psychologists; Exclusion of Other Professions or Occupations From Applications of Licensing or Registration Requirements

Section 126 - Psychologists; Fees

Section 127 - Psychologists; Term of License; Renewal

Section 128 - Psychologists; Investigations; Revocation, Suspension, or Cancellation of License; Notice, Hearing, Order, Review

Section 129 - Psychologists; Reinstatement of License

Section 129a - Psychologists; Confidential Communications

Section 129b - Psychologists; Contractual Restrictions on Right to Practice

Section 130 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 130 to 137

Section 131 - Social Workers; Application; Requirements; Exemption From Examination and Experience

Section 132 - Social Workers; Examination of Applicants; Re-Examination; Issuance of License Without Examination

Section 133 - Social Workers; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 134 - Social Workers; Practice of Social Work by Certain Parties

Section 135 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 135 to 135b

Section 135a - Social Workers; Confidential Communications; Exceptions

Section 135b - Social Workers; Confidential Communications; Testimonial Privilege

Section 135c - Social Workers; Restriction of Right to Practice After Termination of Partnership, Employment or Professional Relationship Void

Section 136 - Social Workers; Licenses; Effective Date; Expiration; Renewal; Continuing Education Requirements, Waiver

Section 137 - Licenses; Board of Registration of Social Workers' Refusal to Renew; Revocation; Suspension; Notice; Hearing; Enforcement by Injunction; Reinstatement

Section 138 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 138 to 147

Section 139 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Examination and Qualification of Applicants; Complaints; List of Licensees

Section 140 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Application; Fee

Section 141 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Nonresidents; Licenses; Fees

Section 142 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Certificate of Licensure; Issuance

Section 143 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; License Renewal; Fee

Section 144 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Qualifications for License

Section 144a - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Certification Requirements

Section 145 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Activities and Services of Certain Parties

Section 146 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 147 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Fines and Penalties; False Oath or Affirmation; Fraudulent Representation

Section 148 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 149 to 162

Section 149 - Committee on Acupuncture

Section 150 - Adoption of Rules; Register of Licensed Acupuncturists; Meetings; Compensation

Section 151 - Acupuncturists; Application for License

Section 152 - Acupuncturists; Eligibility for Registration and Licensure

Section 153 - Acupuncturists; Reciprocal Licensing

Section 154 - Acupuncturists; Examinations

Section 155 - Acupuncturists; Registration and Licensure; Certificate of Registration

Section 156 - Acupuncturists; Renewal of Licenses

Section 157 - Acupuncturists; Internship Programs

Section 158 - Acupuncturists; Revocation, Suspension, or Cancellation of Licenses; Liability of Complainants

Section 159 - Acupuncturists; Enforcement; Penalties; Injunctions

Section 160 - Acupuncturists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 162 - Federally Employed Acupuncturists; Treatment by Physical Therapists

Section 163 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 163 to 172

Section 164 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Advertisement or Engagement in Practice of Licensed Profession; License Requirement; Exemptions

Section 164a - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Applied Behavior Analysis; Practice by Qualified Members of Other Professions or Occupations

Section 165 - Marriage and Family Therapists, Rehabilitation Counselors, Mental Health Counselors, Educational Psychologists, Applied Behavior Analysts; Licenses; Qualifications

Section 166 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Examinations; Issuance of Licenses Without Examinations

Section 167 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Temporary Permits

Section 168 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; License Fees; Renewals

Section 169 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Denial, Revocation or Suspension of Licenses

Section 170 - Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions Hearings; Subpoena Powers

Section 171 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 172 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Confidential Communications; Waiver

Section 172a - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Privilege Against Disclosures in Court, Legislative or Administrative Proceedings; Exercise or Waiver of Privilege by Guardian; Scope of Privilege

Section 173 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 173 to 195

Section 174 - Real Estate Appraiser Titles; Certification or Licensing; Opinions

Section 175 - Powers and Duties of Board of Real Estate Appraisers

Section 176 - Charging and Collection of Fees by Board of Real Estate Appraisers

Section 177 - Real Estate Appraisers; Application for Original or Renewal Certification and Licensing and Examination; Forms

Section 178 - Classification of Real Estate Appraisers; Applications

Section 179 - Real Estate Appraisers; Examinations for Original Certification; Requirements

Section 180 - Real Estate Appraisers; Prerequisites for Examination; Transitional Licenses; Trainees; Discrimination

Section 181 - Real Estate Appraisers; Two-Year Term for Certificate or License; Date of License Expiration; Trainees

Section 182 - Real Estate Appraisers; Nonresident Applicants for Certification or Licensing

Section 183 - Real Estate Appraisers; Applicants Certified or Licensed Out of State

Section 184 - Real Estate Appraisers; Renewal Certificate or License; Continuing Education Requirements; Late Renewal Fee

Section 185 - Real Estate Appraisers; Business Addresses; Written Notification of Change; Residence Addresses

Section 186 - Real Estate Appraisers; Certificate or License Number

Section 187 - Real Estate Appraiser Titles; Corporations, Partnerships, Firms or Groups

Section 188 - Real Estate Appraisers; Continuing Education; Regulations; Certificate or License Revocation

Section 189 - Acts or Omissions Warranting Suspension or Revocation of Rights of Applicants or Certified or Licensed Real Estate Appraisers

Section 190 - Hearings; Powers of Board of Real Estate Appraisers; Disciplinary Decisions; Review of Questions of Law

Section 191 - Real Estate Appraisers Employed as Disinterested Third Parties or Employed to Provide Specialized Services

Section 192 - Contingent Real Estate Appraisal Assignments; Contingent Specialized Services Fees

Section 193 - Retention of Real Estate Appraisal Contracts for Five Years; Reports and Supporting Data; Litigation; Records Inspection

Section 194 - Real Estate Appraisers; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 195 - Actions for Fees Brought by Uncertified and Unlicensed Real Estate Appraisers

Section 196 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 196 to 200

Section 197 - Hearing Instrument Specialists; Licensure

Section 197a - Hearing Instrument Specialists Licensed Out of State

Section 198 - Apprentice Hearing Instrument Specialists

Section 199 - Hearing Instrument Specialists; Rules of Professional Competence and Conduct; Revocation or Suspension of Licenses

Section 200 - Violations of Secs. 197 to 200; Punishment

Section 201 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 201 to 210

Section 202 - Board of Registration of Dietitians and Nutritionists; Powers and Duties

Section 203 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Application for Original License, Renewal or Examination; Educational and Professional Experience Requirements

Section 204 - Dietitians/nutritionists; License Examination; Time Limitation for License Application

Section 205 - Discipline Powers of the Board of Registration of Dietitians and Nutritionists; Enforcement of Order

Section 206 - Authorized Activities for Nonlicensed Dietitians/nutritionists

Section 207 - Dietitians/nutritionists; License Renewal Biennially; Continuing Education; Proof of Compliance

Section 208 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Authority for Recognition of Licensees From Other States

Section 209 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 210 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Addresses

Section 211 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 211 to 219

Section 212 - Board of Registration in Perfusion; Powers and Duties

Section 213 - Perfusionists; License Application; Renewal; Examination

Section 214 - Perfusionists; Examination Application; Reexamination; Provisional License

Section 215 - Perfusionists; Revocation, Suspension, or Cancellation of License; Refusal to Renew; Discipline of Licensee

Section 215a - Complaints for Review of Orders of Board of Registration in Perfusion

Section 216 - Authorized Activities for Nonlicensed Perfusionists

Section 217 - License Without Examination; Perfusionist Applicants Licensed in Another Jurisdiction

Section 218 - Limitations on Licensed Perfusionists

Section 219 - Record of Board of Registration in Perfusion Proceedings; Roster of Licensees and Provisional Licensees

Section 220 - Perfusionists; Addresses of Licensees

Section 221 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 222 to 226

Section 222 - Home Inspectors; Licensure; Qualifications; License Period; Renewal; Exceptions for Other Professionals

Section 223 - Home Inspectors;establishment of Licensure Requirements; Applicant Qualifications

Section 224 - Home Inspection License Applicants Licensed in Another State

Section 225 - Complaints Against Licensed Home Inspectors; Proof of Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy; Time Limitation; Liability

Section 226 - Violations of Secs. 222 to 225; Fines and Penalties; Appeal

Section 227 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 228 to 235

Section 228 - Massage Therapists; License Required to Practice; &Amp;szlig;exemptions

Section 229 - Massage Therapists; Application for License; Renewal

Section 230 - Reciprocal Licenses for Massage Therapists From Other Jurisdictions

Section 231 - Requirements for Licensing of Massage Therapists

Section 232 - Massage Therapists; Complaints; Unethical or Unprofessional Conduct; Suspension; Sanctions

Section 233 - Licensing of Massage Therapy Schools

Section 234 - Regulations by Board of Massage Therapy; Display of License in Place of Business

Section 235 - Advertising by Massage Therapists

Section 237 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 237 to 251

Section 238 - Sheet Metal Workers; License Requirement for Masters, Journeypersons and Apprentices; Display of License or Certificate; Display of Designation and Number in Advertisements

Section 239 - Application Certification of Sheet Metal Corporation, Partnership, Llc, Llp or Other Such Entity

Section 240 - Sheet Metal Workers; Rules for Performance of Duties; Qualifications of Applicants for Examination

Section 241 - Sheet Metal Workers; License Application for Apprenticeship; Vocational School On-the-Job Training

Section 242 - Sheet Metal Workers; Examination Exemption for Certain Out-of-State or Foreign Country Masters or Journeypersons

Section 243 - Sheet Metal Workers; Fees for Licenses

Section 244 - Sheet Metal Workers; Continuing Education Rules and Regulations

Section 245 - Sheet Metal Workers; Investigation of Complaints; Supervision by Division of Professional Licensure; Cease and Desist; Penalties

Section 246 - Sheet Metal Workers; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice

Section 247 - Sheet Metal Workers; Rules and Regulations for Cities and Towns; Enforcement; Appeals

Section 248 - Sheet Metal Workers; Notice for Non-Resolution of Violation

Section 249 - Sheet Metal Workers; Permit From Local Inspector of Buildings

Section 250 - Sheet Metal Workers; License Renewal Cycle and Period

Section 251 - Sheet Metal Workers; Rules Governing Property Owned by Commonwealth

Section 252 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 252 to 258

Section 253 - Genetic Counselors; License Applications; Fee; Proof of Age, Moral Character, and Educational and Professional Requirements

Section 254 - Education and Experience Requirements for Genetic Counselor Applicants

Section 255 - Practice as Provisional Licensed Genetic Counselor; Expiration; Extension; Supervision by Professional Licensed Genetic Counselor

Section 256 - Examinations for Certification as Genetic Counselors and as ph.d. Medical Geneticists

Section 257 - Practice of Genetic Counseling by Unlicensed Persons; Exceptions

Section 258 - Grounds for Denial, Refusal to Renew, Revocation, Suspension or Cancellation of Genetic Counselor License

Section 259 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 259 to 262

Section 260 - Community Health Workers; Application for Certification; Fee; Additional Requirements; Carrying of Board-Issued Documentation of Certification

Section 261 - Unauthorized Use of Certified Community Health Worker Title; Act or Service for Which License by Professional Licensing Board Is Required

Section 262 - Liability for Complaint Alleging Violation of Law or Board of Certification of Community Health Workers Regulation

Section 263 - Private Occupational Schools; Oversight by Division of Professional Licensure

Section 264 - Training and Education Relating to Domestic and Sexual Violence as Requirement for Licensure; Duties of Certain Boards

Section 265 - Administration of Immunization by Certified Medical Assistant

Section 266 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 266 to 274

Section 267 - Practice of Naturopathic Health Care

Section 268 - Powers and Duties of Board of Registration in Naturopathy

Section 269 - Application for Original Licensure as Naturopathic Doctor

Section 270 - Renewal of Naturopathic Licenses

Section 271 - Reciprocity for Naturopathic Doctors Registered, Certified or Licensed in Another Jurisdiction

Section 272 - Disclosure by Licensed Naturopathic Doctors of Business and Residential Addresses

Section 273 - Unauthorized Practice of Naturopathic Medicine

Section 274 - Deposit of Fees From Naturopathic Licenses, Applications and Penalties

Section 275 - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts

Section 276 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 276 to 289

Section 277 - Appraisal Management Companies; Registration Required

Section 278 - Appraisal Management Companies; Rules and Regulations

Section 279 - Appraisal Management Companies; Application for Registration

Section 280 - Appraisal Management Companies; Designation of Controlling Person

Section 281 - Appraisal Management Companies; Designation of Employee in Charge

Section 282 - Appraisal Management Companies; Notice to Board of Designation of Controlling Person and Employee in Charge; Change in Designations; Sole Proprietorships

Section 283 - Appraisal Management Companies; Fees

Section 284 - Appraisal Management Companies; Surety Bond

Section 285 - Appraisal Management Companies; Prohibited Activities

Section 286 - Appraisal Management Companies; Disciplinary Actions

Section 287 - Appraisal Management Companies; Maintenance and Preservation of Records

Section 288 - Appraisal Management Companies; Injunctive Relief

Section 289 - Appraisal Management Companies; Investigations and Examinations by Board

Section 23m.5 - Practice Settings of Licensees; Regulations