Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 33a - Massachusetts Code of Military Justice
Section 64 - Review by the Senior Force Judge Advocate

Article 64. Review by the Senior Force Judge Advocate.
(a) Each general and special court-martial case in which there has been a finding of guilty shall be reviewed by the senior force judge advocate, or a designee. The senior force judge advocate, or designee, may not review a case under this subsection if that person has acted in the same case as an accuser, investigating officer, member of the court, military judge, or counsel or has otherwise acted on behalf of the prosecution or defense. The senior force judge advocate's review shall be in writing and shall contain the following:
(1) Conclusions as to whether:
(A) the court had jurisdiction over the accused and the offense;
(B) the charge and specification stated an offense; and
(C) the sentence was within the limits prescribed as a matter of law.
(2) A response to each allegation of error made in writing by the accused.
(3) If the case is sent for action under subsection (b), a recommendation as to the appropriate action to be taken and an opinion as to whether corrective action is required as a matter of law.
(b) The record of trial and related documents in each case reviewed under subsection (a) shall be sent for action to the adjutant general, if:
(1) the judge advocate who reviewed the case recommends corrective action;
(2) the sentence approved under subsection (c) of article 60 extends to dismissal, a bad-conduct or dishonorable discharge or confinement for more than 6 months; or
(3) such action is otherwise required by regulations of the adjutant general.
(c)(1) The adjutant general may:
(A) disapprove or approve the findings or sentence, in whole or in part;
(B) remit, commute or suspend the sentence in whole or in part;
(C) except where the evidence was insufficient at the trial to support the findings, order a rehearing on the findings, on the sentence, or on both; or
(D) dismiss the charges.
(2) If a rehearing is ordered but the convening authority finds a rehearing impracticable, the convening authority shall dismiss the charges.
(3) If the opinion of the senior force judge advocate, or designee, in the senior force judge advocate's review under subsection (a) is that corrective action is required as a matter of law and if the adjutant general does not take action that is at least as favorable to the accused as that recommended by the judge advocate, the record of trial and action thereon shall be sent to the commander-in-chief for review and action as deemed appropriate.
(d) The senior force judge advocate, or a designee, may review any case in which there has been a finding of not guilty of all charges and specifications. The senior force judge advocate, or designee, may not review a case under this subsection if that person has acted in the same case as an accuser, investigating officer, member of the court, military judge or counsel or has otherwise acted on behalf of the prosecution or defense. The senior force judge advocate's review shall be limited to questions of subject matter jurisdiction.
(e) The record of trial and related documents in each case reviewed under subsection (d) shall be sent for action to the adjutant general.
(1) The adjutant general may:
(A) when subject matter jurisdiction is found to be lacking, void the court-martial ab initio, with or without prejudice to the government, as the adjutant general deems appropriate; or
(B) return the record of trial and related documents to the senior force judge advocate for appeal by the government as provided by law.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title V - Militia

Chapter 33a - Massachusetts Code of Military Justice

Section 1 - Definitions.

Section 2 - Persons Subject to This Code; Jurisdiction

Section 3 - Jurisdiction to Try Certain Personnel

Section 5 - Territorial Applicability of the Code

Section 6 - Judge Advocates

Section 7 - Apprehension

Section 9 - Imposition of Restraint

Section 10 - Restraint of Persons Charged With Offenses

Section 11 - Place of Confinement; Reports and Receiving of Prisoners

Section 12 - Confinement With Enemy Prisoners Prohibited

Section 13 - Punishment Prohibited Before Trial

Section 14 - Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authorities

Section 15 - Commanding Officer's Non-Judicial Punishment

Section 16 - Courts-Martial Classified

Section 17 - Jurisdiction of Courts-Martial in General

Section 18 - Jurisdiction of General Courts-Martial

Section 19 - Jurisdiction of Special Courts-Martial

Section 20 - Jurisdiction of Summary Courts-Martial

Section 22 - Who May Convene General Courts-Martial

Section 23 - Who May Convene Special Courts-Martial

Section 24 - Who May Convene Summary Courts-Martial

Section 25 - Who May Serve on Courts-Martial

Section 26 - Military Judge of a General or Special Court-Martial

Section 27 - Detail of Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel

Section 28 - Detail or Employment of Reporters and Interpreters

Section 29 - Absent and Additional Members

Section 30 - Charges and Specifications

Section 31 - Compulsory Self-Incrimination Prohibited

Section 32 - Investigation

Section 33 - Forwarding of Charges

Section 34 - Advice of Judge Advocate and Reference for Trial

Section 35 - Service of Charges

Section 36 - Commander-in-Chief or the Adjutant General May Prescribe Rules

Section 37 - Unlawfully Influencing Action of Court

Section 38 - Duties of Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel

Section 39 - Sessions

Section 40 - Continuances

Section 41 - Challenges

Section 42 - Oaths or Affirmations

Section 43 - Statute of Limitations

Section 44 - Former Jeopardy

Section 45 - Pleas of the Accused

Section 46 - Opportunity to Obtain Witnesses and Other Evidence

Section 47 - Refusal to Appear or Testify

Section 48 - Contempt

Section 49 - Depositions

Section 50 - Admissibility of Records of Courts of Inquiry

Section 50a - Defense of Lack of Mental Responsibility

Section 51 - Voting and Rulings

Section 52 - Number of Votes Required

Section 53 - Court to Announce Action

Section 54 - Record of Trial

Section 55 - Cruel and Unusual Punishments Prohibited

Section 56 - Maximum Limits

Section 57 - Effective Date of Sentences

Section 57a - Deferment of Sentences

Section 58 - Execution of Confinement

Section 58a - Sentences: Reduction in Enlisted Grade Upon Approval

Section 58b - Sentences: Forfeiture of Pay and Allowances During Confinement

Section 59 - Error of Law; Lesser Included Offense

Section 60 - Action by the Convening Authority

Section 61 - Withdrawal of Appeal

Section 62 - Appeal by the State

Section 63 - Rehearings

Section 64 - Review by the Senior Force Judge Advocate

Section 65 - Disposition of Records After Review by the Convening Authority

Section 67a - Review by State Appellate Authority

Section 70 - Appellate Counsel

Section 71 - Execution of Sentence; Suspension of Sentence

Section 72 - Vacation of Suspension

Section 73 - Petition for a New Trial

Section 74 - Remission and Suspension

Section 75 - Restoration

Section 76 - Finality of Proceedings, Findings and Sentences

Section 76a - Leave Required to Be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions

Section 76b - Lack of Mental Capacity or Mental Responsibility: Commitment of Accused for Examination and Treatment

Section 77 - Principals

Section 78 - Accessory After the Fact

Section 79 - Conviction of Lesser Included Offense

Section 80 - Attempt

Section 81 - Conspiracy

Section 82 - Solicitation

Section 83 - Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment or Separation

Section 84 - Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment or Separation

Section 85 - Desertion

Section 86 - Absence Without Leave

Section 87 - Missing Movement

Section 88 - Contempt Toward Officials

Section 89 - Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer

Section 90 - Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer

Section 91 - Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer, Noncommissioned Officer or Petty Officer

Section 92 - Failure to Obey Order or Regulation

Section 93 - Cruelty and Maltreatment

Section 94 - Mutiny or Sedition

Section 95 - Resistance, Flight, Breach of Arrest and Escape

Section 96 - Releasing Prisoner Without Proper Authority

Section 97 - Unlawful Detention

Section 98 - Noncompliance With Procedural Rules

Section 99 - Misbehavior Before the Enemy

Section 100 - Subordinate Compelling Surrender

Section 101 - Improper Use of Countersign

Section 102 - Forcing a Safeguard

Section 103 - Captured or Abandoned Property

Section 104 - Aiding the Enemy

Section 105 - Misconduct as Prisoner

Section 107 - False Official Statements

Section 108 - Loss, Damage, Destruction or Wrongful Disposition of Military Property

Section 109 - Waste, Spoilage or Destruction of Non-Military Property

Section 110 - Improper Hazarding of Vessel

Section 112 - Drunk on Duty

Section 112a - Wrongful Use, Possession, Manufacturing, Distribution, and Importing of Controlled Substances

Section 113 - Misbehavior of Sentinel

Section 114 - Dueling

Section 115 - Malingering

Section 116 - Riot or Breach of Peace

Section 117 - Provoking Speeches or Gestures

Section 132 - Frauds Against the Government

Section 133 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

Section 134 - General Article

Section 135 - Courts of Inquiry

Section 136 - Authority to Administer Oaths and to Act as Notary

Section 137 - Articles to Be Made Available

Section 138 - Complaints of Wrongs

Section 139 - Redress of Injuries to Property

Section 140 - Delegation by the Commander-in-Chief

Section 141 - Payment of Fees, Costs, and Expenses

Section 142 - Payment of Fines and Disposition Thereof

Section 143 - Uniformity of Interpretation and Military Rules of Evidence

Section 144 - Immunity for Action of Military Courts

Section 145 - Severability

Section 146 - Short Title