Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 33a - Massachusetts Code of Military Justice
Section 77 - Principals

Article 77. Principals.
A person subject to this code who: (1) commits an offense punishable by this code or aids, abets, counsels, commands or procures its commission; or (2) causes an act to be done which, if directly performed by such person would be punishable by this code shall be a principal.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title V - Militia

Chapter 33a - Massachusetts Code of Military Justice

Section 1 - Definitions.

Section 2 - Persons Subject to This Code; Jurisdiction

Section 3 - Jurisdiction to Try Certain Personnel

Section 5 - Territorial Applicability of the Code

Section 6 - Judge Advocates

Section 7 - Apprehension

Section 9 - Imposition of Restraint

Section 10 - Restraint of Persons Charged With Offenses

Section 11 - Place of Confinement; Reports and Receiving of Prisoners

Section 12 - Confinement With Enemy Prisoners Prohibited

Section 13 - Punishment Prohibited Before Trial

Section 14 - Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authorities

Section 15 - Commanding Officer's Non-Judicial Punishment

Section 16 - Courts-Martial Classified

Section 17 - Jurisdiction of Courts-Martial in General

Section 18 - Jurisdiction of General Courts-Martial

Section 19 - Jurisdiction of Special Courts-Martial

Section 20 - Jurisdiction of Summary Courts-Martial

Section 22 - Who May Convene General Courts-Martial

Section 23 - Who May Convene Special Courts-Martial

Section 24 - Who May Convene Summary Courts-Martial

Section 25 - Who May Serve on Courts-Martial

Section 26 - Military Judge of a General or Special Court-Martial

Section 27 - Detail of Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel

Section 28 - Detail or Employment of Reporters and Interpreters

Section 29 - Absent and Additional Members

Section 30 - Charges and Specifications

Section 31 - Compulsory Self-Incrimination Prohibited

Section 32 - Investigation

Section 33 - Forwarding of Charges

Section 34 - Advice of Judge Advocate and Reference for Trial

Section 35 - Service of Charges

Section 36 - Commander-in-Chief or the Adjutant General May Prescribe Rules

Section 37 - Unlawfully Influencing Action of Court

Section 38 - Duties of Trial Counsel and Defense Counsel

Section 39 - Sessions

Section 40 - Continuances

Section 41 - Challenges

Section 42 - Oaths or Affirmations

Section 43 - Statute of Limitations

Section 44 - Former Jeopardy

Section 45 - Pleas of the Accused

Section 46 - Opportunity to Obtain Witnesses and Other Evidence

Section 47 - Refusal to Appear or Testify

Section 48 - Contempt

Section 49 - Depositions

Section 50 - Admissibility of Records of Courts of Inquiry

Section 50a - Defense of Lack of Mental Responsibility

Section 51 - Voting and Rulings

Section 52 - Number of Votes Required

Section 53 - Court to Announce Action

Section 54 - Record of Trial

Section 55 - Cruel and Unusual Punishments Prohibited

Section 56 - Maximum Limits

Section 57 - Effective Date of Sentences

Section 57a - Deferment of Sentences

Section 58 - Execution of Confinement

Section 58a - Sentences: Reduction in Enlisted Grade Upon Approval

Section 58b - Sentences: Forfeiture of Pay and Allowances During Confinement

Section 59 - Error of Law; Lesser Included Offense

Section 60 - Action by the Convening Authority

Section 61 - Withdrawal of Appeal

Section 62 - Appeal by the State

Section 63 - Rehearings

Section 64 - Review by the Senior Force Judge Advocate

Section 65 - Disposition of Records After Review by the Convening Authority

Section 67a - Review by State Appellate Authority

Section 70 - Appellate Counsel

Section 71 - Execution of Sentence; Suspension of Sentence

Section 72 - Vacation of Suspension

Section 73 - Petition for a New Trial

Section 74 - Remission and Suspension

Section 75 - Restoration

Section 76 - Finality of Proceedings, Findings and Sentences

Section 76a - Leave Required to Be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions

Section 76b - Lack of Mental Capacity or Mental Responsibility: Commitment of Accused for Examination and Treatment

Section 77 - Principals

Section 78 - Accessory After the Fact

Section 79 - Conviction of Lesser Included Offense

Section 80 - Attempt

Section 81 - Conspiracy

Section 82 - Solicitation

Section 83 - Fraudulent Enlistment, Appointment or Separation

Section 84 - Unlawful Enlistment, Appointment or Separation

Section 85 - Desertion

Section 86 - Absence Without Leave

Section 87 - Missing Movement

Section 88 - Contempt Toward Officials

Section 89 - Disrespect Toward Superior Commissioned Officer

Section 90 - Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Commissioned Officer

Section 91 - Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer, Noncommissioned Officer or Petty Officer

Section 92 - Failure to Obey Order or Regulation

Section 93 - Cruelty and Maltreatment

Section 94 - Mutiny or Sedition

Section 95 - Resistance, Flight, Breach of Arrest and Escape

Section 96 - Releasing Prisoner Without Proper Authority

Section 97 - Unlawful Detention

Section 98 - Noncompliance With Procedural Rules

Section 99 - Misbehavior Before the Enemy

Section 100 - Subordinate Compelling Surrender

Section 101 - Improper Use of Countersign

Section 102 - Forcing a Safeguard

Section 103 - Captured or Abandoned Property

Section 104 - Aiding the Enemy

Section 105 - Misconduct as Prisoner

Section 107 - False Official Statements

Section 108 - Loss, Damage, Destruction or Wrongful Disposition of Military Property

Section 109 - Waste, Spoilage or Destruction of Non-Military Property

Section 110 - Improper Hazarding of Vessel

Section 112 - Drunk on Duty

Section 112a - Wrongful Use, Possession, Manufacturing, Distribution, and Importing of Controlled Substances

Section 113 - Misbehavior of Sentinel

Section 114 - Dueling

Section 115 - Malingering

Section 116 - Riot or Breach of Peace

Section 117 - Provoking Speeches or Gestures

Section 132 - Frauds Against the Government

Section 133 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

Section 134 - General Article

Section 135 - Courts of Inquiry

Section 136 - Authority to Administer Oaths and to Act as Notary

Section 137 - Articles to Be Made Available

Section 138 - Complaints of Wrongs

Section 139 - Redress of Injuries to Property

Section 140 - Delegation by the Commander-in-Chief

Section 141 - Payment of Fees, Costs, and Expenses

Section 142 - Payment of Fines and Disposition Thereof

Section 143 - Uniformity of Interpretation and Military Rules of Evidence

Section 144 - Immunity for Action of Military Courts

Section 145 - Severability

Section 146 - Short Title