Section 258. The board may deny or refuse to renew a license or, after a hearing pursuant to section 105 of chapter 13, revoke, suspend or cancel the license or place on probation, reprimand, censure or otherwise discipline a licensee upon proof satisfactory to a majority of the board that the person has:
(a) obtained or attempted to obtain a license by fraud or deception;
(b) been convicted of a felony under state or federal law or committed any other offense involving moral turpitude;
(c) been adjudged mentally ill or incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(d) used illicit drugs or intoxicating liquors to the extent which adversely affects his practice;
(e) engaged in unethical or unprofessional conduct including, but not limited to, willful acts, negligence or incompetence in the course of professional practice;
(f) violated any lawful order, rule or regulation rendered or adopted by the board; or
(g) been refused issuance or been disciplined in connection with a license issued by any other state or country.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Chapter 112 - Registration of Certain Professions and Occupations
Section 1 - Duties of Director of Professional Licensure
Section 4 - Record of Registered Physicians; Annual Report
Section 5a - Physician's License Restrictions
Section 5b - Reports of Disciplinary Action by Professional Medical Organizations
Section 5c - Reports by Insurers of Medical Malpractice Claims or Actions; Liability
Section 5d - Reports of Violations by Public Officers or Employees
Section 5e - Reports by Physicians of Settlements or Arbitration Awards; Filing; Penalty
Section 5i - Surgical and Other Procedures; Report of Data Regarding Results
Section 5j - Annual Report to Special Commission on Medical Malpractice
Section 5k - Prioritization of Investigations; Rules and Regulations
Section 5l - Standards for Physicians Who Read and Interpret Mammography
Section 6 - Unauthorized or Unregistered Practice of Medicine; Penalties
Section 7 - Application of Secs. 2 to 6 and Sec. 8
Section 8a - Use of Term ''physician'' in Title, Advertisement, etc.; Penalties
Section 9 - Limited Registration; Fees; Qualifications; Revocation
Section 9a - Medical Students; Limited Practice of Medicine Under Supervision
Section 9b - Temporary Registration of Qualified Physician
Section 9c - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 9c to 9k
Section 9d - Application of Secs. 9c to 9k
Section 9e - Physician Assistants; Medical Services; Supervision; Legal Responsibility
Section 9f - Board of Registration of Physician Assistants; Duties
Section 9g - Record of Registered Physician Assistants and Programs; Annual Report
Section 9h - Investigative and Disciplinary Powers of Board
Section 9i - Registration of Physician Assistants; Applications; Requirements
Section 9j - Unauthorized Use of Title of Physician Assistant; Fraud
Section 9k - Approval of Education and Training Programs for Physician Assistants
Section 10 - Application of Medicine and Its Practice to Osteopathy and Its Practice
Section 11 - Prohibition of Certain Acts by Osteopaths
Section 12 - Disclosure of Information Relative to Venereal Disease by Registered Physician
Section 12a1/2 - Reporting Treatment of Victim of Rape or Sexual Assault; Penalty
Section 12b - Emergency Care of Injured Persons; Exemption From Civil Liability
Section 12c - Immunity of Physician or Nurse Administering Immunization or Other Protective Programs
Section 12e - Drug Dependent Minors; Consent to Medical Care; Liability for Payment; Records
Section 12f - Emergency Treatment of Minors
Section 12g - Disclosure of Information by Physicians and Other Medical Providers
Section 12h - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Physician's Name Required
Section 12k - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 12l to 12r
Section 12l - Personal Decision Regarding Pregnancy
Section 12m - Abortion; Pregnancy Existing for 24 Weeks or Less
Section 12n - Abortion; Pregnancy Existing for 24 Weeks or More
Section 12o - Abortion Performed Pursuant to Sec. 12n; Protection of Unborn Child
Section 12p - Abortion Performed Pursuant to Sec. 12m or 12n; Written Informed Consent; Facilities
Section 12q - Collection of Data
Section 12r - Written Informed Consent; Confidentiality; Patient Less Than 16 Years of Age
Section 12v.5 - Exemption of Automatic External Defibrillator Providers From Liability
Section 12w - Sterilization Operations; Consent
Section 12x - Restrictive Covenants Upon Physicians Rendered Unenforceable
Section 12y - Medicare Assignment Policy; Posting
Section 12z - Reports of Dog Bites
Section 12aa - Referral for Physical Therapy; Ownership Interest; Disclosure
Section 12bb - Lead Poisoning Screening
Section 12cc - Health Care Providers; Inspection of Records
Section 12dd - Administration of Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy Upon Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
Section 12ee - Substitution of Interchangeable Biological Product by Pharmacist
Section 12gg - Dispensing of 90–day Supply for Prescribed Topical Ophthalmic Products
Section 13 - Podiatry; Definition; Application of Secs. 13 to 23
Section 14 - Practice of Podiatry; Holding Out as a Registered Podiatrist
Section 16a - Limited Registration of Podiatrists
Section 16b - Students of Podiatric Medicine; Limited Practice
Section 16c - Temporary Registration of Podiatrists
Section 18 - Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration in Podiatry; Revocation
Section 19 - Unprofessional Conduct; Definition; Regulation by Board
Section 20 - Suspension of Certificate of Registration in Podiatry
Section 21a - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Podiatrist's Name Required
Section 23a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 23a to 23p
Section 23e - Limitation of Application of Section to Other Practices, Services or Activities
Section 23f - Athletic Trainers; Qualifications
Section 23g - Occupational Therapists; Qualifications
Section 23h - Occupational Therapy Assistant; Qualifications
Section 23i - Physical Therapist; Qualifications
Section 23j - Physical Therapist Assistants; Qualifications
Section 23k - Revocation, Suspension, Etc. of Licensee
Section 23m1/2 - Practice Settings of Licensees; Regulations
Section 23n - Athletic Trainers; Necessity of License
Section 23p1/2 - Physical Therapist; Disclosure of Referring Physician's Ownership Interest
Section 23r - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 23r to 23bb
Section 23t - Supervised Practice Pending Examination Results
Section 23u - Licensing as Respiratory Therapist Without Examination
Section 23w - Respiratory Therapists; Qualifications
Section 23x - Revocation or Suspension of Respiratory Therapist License
Section 23y - Unauthorized Practice of Medicine by Respiratory Therapist
Section 23z - Rules and Regulations of the Board of Respiratory Care; Roster of Licensees
Section 23aa - Unauthorized Practice of Respiratory Care
Section 24 - Registration of Pharmacists; Examination; Fees
Section 24b - Standards for Schools of Pharmacy; Certificates of Approval; Courses
Section 24b1/2 - Pharmacist Collaborative Practice Agreements; Collaborative Drug Therapy Management
Section 24b3/4 - Implementation of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management; Rules and Regulations
Section 24c - Pharmacy Technicians; Registration
Section 24d - Complaints Relating to Pharmacy Technicians; Investigation; Discipline
Section 24e - Person Acting as Pharmacy Technician Without Being Registered; Misdemeanor; Punishment
Section 24f - Pharmacy Technician Change of Address; Written Notification
Section 24g - Pharmacy Interns
Section 25 - Records of Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Annual Reports
Section 26 - Display of Certificate of Registration From the Board of Registration in Pharmacy
Section 27 - Complaints Against Registered Pharmacists; Notice; Hearing
Section 28 - Decision of Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Effect
Section 29 - Suspension of Certificate of Registration of Registered Pharmacist
Section 32 - Investigation of Complaints; Participation in National Data Reporting System
Section 34 - Certificate of Conviction of Pharmacist; Notification of Board
Section 36 - Continuance of Business of Deceased or Incapacitated Registered Pharmacists
Section 36a - Sale, Distribution or Delivery, at Wholesale, of Drugs or Medicines; License
Section 36e - Outsourcing Facilities; Registration
Section 37 - Drug Business; Definition
Section 38 - Transaction of Retail Drug Business; Registration; Permit; Display of Permit
Section 39a - Restricted Pharmacies; Registration
Section 39b - Nuclear Pharmacies
Section 39c - Long-Term Care Pharmacy and Home Infusion Pharmacy
Section 40 - Suspension or Revocation of Registration and Permit; Notice; Hearing
Section 41a - Patent and Proprietary Medicines; Non-Controlled Substances; Exemption From Regulation
Section 42c - Advisory Committee to the Board of Registration in Pharmacy
Section 43 - Powers and Duties of Board of Registration of Dentistry; Records; Annual Reports
Section 44 - Notification of Board of Office Address; Fees, Default; Lists; Display of Name
Section 45a - Limited Registration of Dentists; Renewal; Revocation
Section 46 - Reputable Dental College; Definition
Section 46a - Reexamination for Competency
Section 49 - Operation of Dental Office Under Name of Owner; Exception
Section 50 - Practicing Dentistry; Definition; Identification of Removable Dental Prosthesis
Section 50a - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Dentist's Name Required
Section 51 - Dental Hygienists
Section 511/2 - Registration of Dental Assistants
Section 51a - Continuing Education; Rules and Regulations
Section 52 - Penalties for Violations Regarding Licensing of Dental Professionals
Section 52a - Illegal Advertising; Dental Referral Service Disclosure
Section 52e - Repeated Irregularities in Billing Third Party Payers; Disciplinary Proceedings
Section 52f - Suspension of or Refusal to Renew Registrant's License; Hearing
Section 52g - Persons Filing Complaint or Providing Information to Board; Liability
Section 54 - Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine; Power to Make By-Laws and Rules; Quorum
Section 54a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 54 to 60
Section 56a - Temporary Permits to Practice Veterinary Medicine; Revocation
Section 56b - Prescriptions on Hospital or Clinic Blanks; Printing of Veterinarian's Name Required
Section 56c - Out-of-State Veterinarians; Examination; Registration; Reciprocity
Section 56d - Schools of Veterinary Medicine; Institutional License
Section 56e - Veterinary Students; Clinical Training; Licensing Exemption
Section 57 - Register of Registered Veterinarians; Annual Reports; Investigation of Complaints
Section 58 - Practicing Veterinary Medicine; Definition
Section 58a - Emergency Care to Animals; Exemption From Civil Liability
Section 58a1/2 - Dispensing of Compounded Drugs to Companion Animals by Veterinarians
Section 59a - Disposal of Abandoned Animals; Notice
Section 60 - Application of Secs. 54 to 59; Emergency Advice or Service
Section 60a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 60a to 60l
Section 60b - Application for Registration as Architect; Fees; Examinations
Section 60d - Renewals of Certificates of Registration as Architect; Fee
Section 60f - Seal of Registered Architect
Section 60i - Certificate of Registration; Prima Facie Evidence
Section 60j - Roster of Registered Architects
Section 60k - Practice of Architecture; Use of Titles; Display of Signs and Other Advertising Matter
Section 60m - Determination of Services as Practice of Architecture; Finality; Fraud
Section 60n - Certificate of Registration as Architect Emeritus
Section 60o - Enforcement by Board of Registration of Architects; Attorney General; Duties
Section 60p - Punishment for Violations of Secs. 60a to 60n
Section 65a - Unlicensed Practice of Trade or Profession for Which License Is Required; Penalties
Section 65b - Board Authority to Suspend or Refuse to Renew License; Hearing; Judicial Review
Section 65c - Investigative Conference Meetings; Access to Meeting Records
Section 65d - Assessed Penalties; Allocation of Funds
Section 66 - Practice of Optometry; Definition
Section 66a - Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents; Utilization
Section 66c - Optometrists; Prescriptions; Referrals; Medical Error Reduction
Section 67 - Board of Registration in Optometry; Records; Inspection; Rules and Regulations; Reports
Section 68a - Examination for Use of Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents
Section 68b - Examination for Use of Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents
Section 72 - Name of Optometric Practice
Section 72a - Unlawful Practice of Optometry; Violation of Rules and Regulations; Penalties
Section 73 - Application of Secs. 66 to 72a
Section 73c - Dispensing Optician; Definition
Section 73d - Licensing of Dispensing Opticians
Section 73g - Dispensing Optician License Fees
Section 73h - Refusal to Grant License; Suspension; Revocation; Hearing; Notice
Section 73i - Unlicensed Practice as Dispensing Optician; Penalties
Section 73j - Application of Secs. 73c to 73l to Registered Physicians or Optometrists
Section 73l - Revocation of Order of Suspension; Granting of New Licenses; Hearing
Section 73m - Sellers of Ready-to-Wear Magnifying Spectacles or Eyeglasses; Applicability of Law
Section 74c - Advisory Council on Continuing Education; Membership; Appointment
Section 74d - Contracts or Agreements; Restrictive Covenants on Nurses or Practical Nurses Void
Section 76 - Reciprocity Registration as Nurse or Practical Nurse; Fee
Section 76a - Nurses Registered in Other Jurisdictions; Temporary Registration
Section 76b - Canadian Nurse Licensure; Reciprocity
Section 77 - Investigation of Complaints; National Data Reporting Systems
Section 78 - Records of Board of Registration in Nursing; Inspection; Annual Report
Section 79 - Rules and Regulations of Board of Registration in Nursing
Section 80 - Violations of Provisions Relating to Professional Nursing
Section 80a - Violations of Provisions Relating to Practical Nursing
Section 80b - Nursing Practice; Advanced Practice; Licensed Practical Nurses
Section 80c - Nurse-Midwife; Designation
Section 80d - Nurse-Midwifery Advisory Committee
Section 80h - Nurse Anesthetist; Power to Issue Prescriptions and Order Tests and Therapeutics
Section 80k - Promulgation of Regulations by the Board Regarding Advanced Practice Nursing
Section 81 - Application of Secs. 80 to 80a; Government Employees
Section 81a - Inspection and Approval of Schools for Nurses
Section 81b - Approval of Schools for Nurses in Other States
Section 81c - Rules and Regulations Relative to Nursing Schools
Section 81d - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 81d to 81t
Section 81f - Moneys Received by Secretary of Board; Bond
Section 81g - Clerical and Other Assistance
Section 81i - Roster of Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Section 81j - Registration as Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor; Qualifications
Section 81k - Form and Content of Application for Registration; Fees
Section 81l - Time and Place of Examination; Scope; Methods of Procedure; Re-Examinations
Section 81m - Certificate of Registration; Prima Facie Evidence; Seal of Registrant
Section 81n - Expiration of Certificates; Notice; Renewal; Fee; Reinstatement
Section 81q - Reissuance of Certificate After Revocation; Duplicate Certificates; Fee
Section 81r - Limitation of Application of Sections to Other Practices, Services or Activities
Section 82 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 82 to 87
Section 84b - Itemized List of Funeral Costs
Section 84c - Requirement That Funeral Directors Make Organ Donation Information Available
Section 85a - Reciprocal Agreements With Other States
Section 87a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87a to 87e.5
Section 87b - Public Accountancy; Licenses; Individuals
Section 87b1/2 - Public Accountancy; Licenses; Firms
Section 87e - Public Accountancy; Records Incidental to Rendering Services; Confidential Information
Section 87t - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87t to 87kk
Section 87kk - Application of Secs. 87t to 87jj
Section 87ll - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87mm to 87oo
Section 87mm - Registration of Sanitarians; Application; Certificate; Expiration; Fee
Section 87oo - Titles; Registered Sanitarian; Letters r.s.; Use
Section 87pp - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87pp to 87ddd
Section 87qq - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Applicability of Secs. 87rr to 87ddd Exemption
Section 87vv - Licensed Real Estate Salesmen; Restrictions; Notices
Section 87zz - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; License Fee; Purposes; Advance Payments
Section 87aaa3/4 - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Dual Agent; Designated Agent; Facilitator
Section 87ccc - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 87ddd1/2 - Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Persons Finding Dwelling Accommodations for Fee
Section 87www - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 87www to 87zzz
Section 87xxx - Certified Health Officers; Application; Certification
Section 87yyy - Certified Health Officers; Qualifications; Temporary Certification
Section 87zzz - Title: Certified Health Officer or c.h.o.
Section 89 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 89 to 97
Section 90 - Chiropractors; Rules and Regulations; Records; Reports
Section 91 - Chiropractors; Application for Certificate; Filing; Fees; Qualifications of Applicant
Section 92 - Chiropractors; Licensees of Other States; Registration
Section 93 - Chiropractors; Refusal to Grant Certificate; Revocation
Section 94 - Chiropractors; Examinations; Registration; Certificate; Display
Section 94a - Chiropractic Facilities; Licensing; Exception
Section 95 - Chiropractors; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 97 - Chiropractors; Rendition of Services; Advertisement
Section 98 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 98 to 107
Section 99 - Landscape Architects; Certificate of Registration; Necessity; Display
Section 100 - Landscape Architects; Seal of Design
Section 101 - Landscape Architects; Qualifications of Applicants; Practice by Associations
Section 102 - Landscape Architects; Examinations for Registration; Rules and Regulations
Section 103 - Landscape Architects; Fees
Section 104 - Foreign Landscape Architects; Certification; Reciprocity
Section 106 - Landscape Architects; Suspension or Revocation of Certificate; Reissuance
Section 107 - Landscape Architects; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 108 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 108 to 117
Section 110 - Nursing Home Administrators; Internship; Evidence of Training
Section 115 - Duties and Responsibilities of Board of Registration of Nursing Home Administrators
Section 116 - Nursing Home Administrators; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 117 - Effect of Sec. 116 on Employees and Subordinates of Nursing Home Administrator
Section 118 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 118 to 129a
Section 119 - Psychologists; Application for License; Contents and Requirements
Section 120 - Psychologists; Examination of Applicants; Health Service Provider Certification
Section 121 - Psychologists; Issuance of License Without Examination
Section 122 - Psychologists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 123 - Psychologists; Exemptions to Penalties in Sec. 122
Section 124 - Psychologists; Temporary Licenses
Section 126 - Psychologists; Fees
Section 127 - Psychologists; Term of License; Renewal
Section 129 - Psychologists; Reinstatement of License
Section 129a - Psychologists; Confidential Communications
Section 129b - Psychologists; Contractual Restrictions on Right to Practice
Section 130 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 130 to 137
Section 131 - Social Workers; Application; Requirements; Exemption From Examination and Experience
Section 133 - Social Workers; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 134 - Social Workers; Practice of Social Work by Certain Parties
Section 135 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 135 to 135b
Section 135a - Social Workers; Confidential Communications; Exceptions
Section 135b - Social Workers; Confidential Communications; Testimonial Privilege
Section 138 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 138 to 147
Section 140 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Application; Fee
Section 141 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Nonresidents; Licenses; Fees
Section 142 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Certificate of Licensure; Issuance
Section 143 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; License Renewal; Fee
Section 144 - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Qualifications for License
Section 144a - Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Certification Requirements
Section 148 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 149 to 162
Section 149 - Committee on Acupuncture
Section 150 - Adoption of Rules; Register of Licensed Acupuncturists; Meetings; Compensation
Section 151 - Acupuncturists; Application for License
Section 152 - Acupuncturists; Eligibility for Registration and Licensure
Section 153 - Acupuncturists; Reciprocal Licensing
Section 154 - Acupuncturists; Examinations
Section 155 - Acupuncturists; Registration and Licensure; Certificate of Registration
Section 156 - Acupuncturists; Renewal of Licenses
Section 157 - Acupuncturists; Internship Programs
Section 159 - Acupuncturists; Enforcement; Penalties; Injunctions
Section 160 - Acupuncturists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 162 - Federally Employed Acupuncturists; Treatment by Physical Therapists
Section 163 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 163 to 172
Section 167 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; Temporary Permits
Section 168 - Allied Mental Health and Human Service Professionals; License Fees; Renewals
Section 173 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 173 to 195
Section 174 - Real Estate Appraiser Titles; Certification or Licensing; Opinions
Section 175 - Powers and Duties of Board of Real Estate Appraisers
Section 176 - Charging and Collection of Fees by Board of Real Estate Appraisers
Section 178 - Classification of Real Estate Appraisers; Applications
Section 179 - Real Estate Appraisers; Examinations for Original Certification; Requirements
Section 182 - Real Estate Appraisers; Nonresident Applicants for Certification or Licensing
Section 183 - Real Estate Appraisers; Applicants Certified or Licensed Out of State
Section 186 - Real Estate Appraisers; Certificate or License Number
Section 187 - Real Estate Appraiser Titles; Corporations, Partnerships, Firms or Groups
Section 192 - Contingent Real Estate Appraisal Assignments; Contingent Specialized Services Fees
Section 194 - Real Estate Appraisers; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 195 - Actions for Fees Brought by Uncertified and Unlicensed Real Estate Appraisers
Section 196 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 196 to 200
Section 197 - Hearing Instrument Specialists; Licensure
Section 197a - Hearing Instrument Specialists Licensed Out of State
Section 198 - Apprentice Hearing Instrument Specialists
Section 200 - Violations of Secs. 197 to 200; Punishment
Section 201 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 201 to 210
Section 202 - Board of Registration of Dietitians and Nutritionists; Powers and Duties
Section 204 - Dietitians/nutritionists; License Examination; Time Limitation for License Application
Section 206 - Authorized Activities for Nonlicensed Dietitians/nutritionists
Section 208 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Authority for Recognition of Licensees From Other States
Section 209 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 210 - Dietitians/nutritionists; Addresses
Section 211 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 211 to 219
Section 212 - Board of Registration in Perfusion; Powers and Duties
Section 213 - Perfusionists; License Application; Renewal; Examination
Section 214 - Perfusionists; Examination Application; Reexamination; Provisional License
Section 215a - Complaints for Review of Orders of Board of Registration in Perfusion
Section 216 - Authorized Activities for Nonlicensed Perfusionists
Section 217 - License Without Examination; Perfusionist Applicants Licensed in Another Jurisdiction
Section 218 - Limitations on Licensed Perfusionists
Section 220 - Perfusionists; Addresses of Licensees
Section 221 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 222 to 226
Section 223 - Home Inspectors;establishment of Licensure Requirements; Applicant Qualifications
Section 224 - Home Inspection License Applicants Licensed in Another State
Section 226 - Violations of Secs. 222 to 225; Fines and Penalties; Appeal
Section 227 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 228 to 235
Section 228 - Massage Therapists; License Required to Practice; &Amp;szlig;exemptions
Section 229 - Massage Therapists; Application for License; Renewal
Section 230 - Reciprocal Licenses for Massage Therapists From Other Jurisdictions
Section 231 - Requirements for Licensing of Massage Therapists
Section 233 - Licensing of Massage Therapy Schools
Section 234 - Regulations by Board of Massage Therapy; Display of License in Place of Business
Section 235 - Advertising by Massage Therapists
Section 237 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 237 to 251
Section 243 - Sheet Metal Workers; Fees for Licenses
Section 244 - Sheet Metal Workers; Continuing Education Rules and Regulations
Section 246 - Sheet Metal Workers; Penalty for Illegal Representation or Practice
Section 247 - Sheet Metal Workers; Rules and Regulations for Cities and Towns; Enforcement; Appeals
Section 248 - Sheet Metal Workers; Notice for Non-Resolution of Violation
Section 249 - Sheet Metal Workers; Permit From Local Inspector of Buildings
Section 250 - Sheet Metal Workers; License Renewal Cycle and Period
Section 251 - Sheet Metal Workers; Rules Governing Property Owned by Commonwealth
Section 252 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 252 to 258
Section 254 - Education and Experience Requirements for Genetic Counselor Applicants
Section 256 - Examinations for Certification as Genetic Counselors and as ph.d. Medical Geneticists
Section 257 - Practice of Genetic Counseling by Unlicensed Persons; Exceptions
Section 259 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 259 to 262
Section 263 - Private Occupational Schools; Oversight by Division of Professional Licensure
Section 265 - Administration of Immunization by Certified Medical Assistant
Section 266 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 266 to 274
Section 267 - Practice of Naturopathic Health Care
Section 268 - Powers and Duties of Board of Registration in Naturopathy
Section 269 - Application for Original Licensure as Naturopathic Doctor
Section 270 - Renewal of Naturopathic Licenses
Section 272 - Disclosure by Licensed Naturopathic Doctors of Business and Residential Addresses
Section 273 - Unauthorized Practice of Naturopathic Medicine
Section 274 - Deposit of Fees From Naturopathic Licenses, Applications and Penalties
Section 275 - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts
Section 276 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 276 to 289
Section 277 - Appraisal Management Companies; Registration Required
Section 278 - Appraisal Management Companies; Rules and Regulations
Section 279 - Appraisal Management Companies; Application for Registration
Section 280 - Appraisal Management Companies; Designation of Controlling Person
Section 281 - Appraisal Management Companies; Designation of Employee in Charge
Section 283 - Appraisal Management Companies; Fees
Section 284 - Appraisal Management Companies; Surety Bond
Section 285 - Appraisal Management Companies; Prohibited Activities
Section 286 - Appraisal Management Companies; Disciplinary Actions
Section 287 - Appraisal Management Companies; Maintenance and Preservation of Records
Section 288 - Appraisal Management Companies; Injunctive Relief
Section 289 - Appraisal Management Companies; Investigations and Examinations by Board