Section 24. Whoever, during the pendency of proceedings for the division of flats, acquires by purchase, devise or descent, or by the enforcement of a mortgage or lien, an interest or title in or to any flats which are the subject matter of such proceedings, may by order of the court be made a party to such proceedings, and shall be chargeable with such share of the expenses as the court orders.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title III - Remedies Relating to Real Property
Chapter 240 - Proceedings for Settlement of Title to Land
Section 1 - Petition to Compel Adverse Claimant to Try Title
Section 2 - Proceedings Upon Petition
Section 3 - Proceedings Upon Appearance
Section 4 - Parties Without Actual Notice; Remedies
Section 5 - Application of Preceding Sections
Section 6 - Actions in Supreme Judicial, Superior or Land Courts
Section 9 - Guardians Ad Litem; Compensation and Expenses
Section 10 - Proceeding in Rem; Effect of Judgment
Section 10a - Restrictions on Land; Determination; Jurisdiction; Petition
Section 10b - Notice of Proceedings; Parties
Section 10c - Determination of Restrictions; Manner
Section 11 - Petition in Land Court to Determine Encumbrances
Section 12 - Unknown, etc., Respondents; Describing; Amending Petition
Section 13 - Respondents Upon Whom Service Cannot Be Made; Notice; Appointing Agents
Section 14 - Jurisdiction; Hearings; Decrees; Costs
Section 14a - Municipal Zoning Ordinances, etc.; Petition for Judicial Determination of Validity
Section 15 - Petition in Land Court; Notice
Section 16 - Jurisdiction of Land Court; Determining Enforceability of Restrictions
Section 17 - Restrictions Injurious to Public Interests; Registration of Land; Damages
Section 19 - Petition to Land Court
Section 21 - Report and Plan of Commissioners; Effect
Section 23 - Determination of Boundaries by Court
Section 24 - Parties; Subsequent Purchasers As
Section 25 - Boundaries Determined Concurrently With Registration
Section 26 - Rights of Commonwealth
Section 27 - Fiduciaries, etc.; Establishing Power or Authority