Section 20. Upon such petition the court may by a warrant appoint one or more commissioners who shall, before entering upon their duties, be sworn to faithfully and impartially execute the warrant, and a certificate of such oath shall be made on the warrant by the person administering it. The commissioners shall notify all persons interested, by personal service or by publication as the court orders, to appear at a time and place named and be heard relative to a proposed survey of such flats, and thereafter shall survey the flats of the petitioners and all adjacent flats owned by other parties whose rights may be affected by a determination of the lines of the flats of the petitioners, shall determine the boundary lines thereof and report to the court the boundaries established for each owner, with a plan of the several portions of flats showing the lines established for each owner, which, after its approval, shall by order of the court be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county or district where said flats lie. The proceedings upon such petition shall be according to sections two, four, six, seven and eight of chapter two hundred and forty-one, so far as applicable thereto.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title III - Remedies Relating to Real Property
Chapter 240 - Proceedings for Settlement of Title to Land
Section 1 - Petition to Compel Adverse Claimant to Try Title
Section 2 - Proceedings Upon Petition
Section 3 - Proceedings Upon Appearance
Section 4 - Parties Without Actual Notice; Remedies
Section 5 - Application of Preceding Sections
Section 6 - Actions in Supreme Judicial, Superior or Land Courts
Section 9 - Guardians Ad Litem; Compensation and Expenses
Section 10 - Proceeding in Rem; Effect of Judgment
Section 10a - Restrictions on Land; Determination; Jurisdiction; Petition
Section 10b - Notice of Proceedings; Parties
Section 10c - Determination of Restrictions; Manner
Section 11 - Petition in Land Court to Determine Encumbrances
Section 12 - Unknown, etc., Respondents; Describing; Amending Petition
Section 13 - Respondents Upon Whom Service Cannot Be Made; Notice; Appointing Agents
Section 14 - Jurisdiction; Hearings; Decrees; Costs
Section 14a - Municipal Zoning Ordinances, etc.; Petition for Judicial Determination of Validity
Section 15 - Petition in Land Court; Notice
Section 16 - Jurisdiction of Land Court; Determining Enforceability of Restrictions
Section 17 - Restrictions Injurious to Public Interests; Registration of Land; Damages
Section 19 - Petition to Land Court
Section 21 - Report and Plan of Commissioners; Effect
Section 23 - Determination of Boundaries by Court
Section 24 - Parties; Subsequent Purchasers As
Section 25 - Boundaries Determined Concurrently With Registration
Section 26 - Rights of Commonwealth
Section 27 - Fiduciaries, etc.; Establishing Power or Authority