Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 41 - Officers and Employees of Cities, Towns and Districts
Section 23b - Town Departments; Investigations and Reports

Section 23B. The selectmen of any town may make an investigation into the conduct and operation of any town department. Upon completion of such investigation a report shall be submitted to the town clerk and such report shall be printed in the annual town report.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 41 - Officers and Employees of Cities, Towns and Districts

Section 1 - Town Officers to Be Elected; Tenure

Section 1a - District Defined

Section 1b - Appointed Town Offices and Boards; Acceptance by Voters

Section 2 - Establishment of New Board or Office; Effect; Increase or Decrease in Board Membership or Number of Officers

Section 3 - City Officers; Powers and Duties

Section 4 - Penalty for Failure to Choose Selectmen or Assessors

Section 4a - Members of Town and District Boards Eligible to Hold Other Offices; Salary

Section 5 - Voting List; Use

Section 6 - Use of Official Ballots; Towns Authorized to Provide For

Section 7 - Use of Official Ballot; Determination of Extent

Section 8 - Handling of Ballots

Section 9 - Handling of Ballots After Tabulation; Sealing

Section 10 - Failure to Elect; Procedure to Fill Vacancy; Notice

Section 11 - Appointment to Fill Vacancy in Town Office

Section 12 - City Clerks; Tenure

Section 13 - Bond of Town Clerk

Section 13a - Bond of City Clerk

Section 13b - Renewal of Licenses and Permits; Delegation of Authority

Section 14 - Temporary Clerk

Section 15 - Town Clerks; Powers and Duties

Section 15a - Certification of Appropriations

Section 16 - Oaths of Town Officers; Return of Certificate

Section 17 - Filing of City Contracts; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 18 - Assistant City Clerk

Section 18a - Records of City Clerk; Attestation

Section 18b - Facsimile Signatures of City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk

Section 19 - Assistant Town Clerks; Powers and Duties; Compensation

Section 19a - Certificate of Appointment or Election of Clerk; Filing Requirements

Section 19b - City and Town Clerks; Tenure of Office

Section 19c - Acceptance of Sec. 19b; Procedure; Petition

Section 19d - Removal or Suspension of Clerk Having Permanent Tenure

Section 19e - Procedure for Filling Vacancy Following Death or Removal of Clerk Having Permanent Tenure

Section 19f - Additional Compensation for Serving as Clerk of City Council

Section 19g - Additional Compensation for Serving as Member of Registrars of Voters

Section 19h - Maximum Amount of Additional Compensation for Serving as Member of Registrars of Voters

Section 19i - Additional Compensation for Serving in Other City or Town Positions

Section 19j - Additional Compensation for Serving as Member of Board of Registrars of Voters

Section 19k - Additional Compensation for Town Clerk

Section 20 - Selectmen; Duties and Oath; Penalty

Section 21 - Authorization for Selectmen to Act as or Appoint Other Town Officers

Section 21a - Removal of Persons Appointed to Positions of Chief of Police or Head of Municipal Police Department

Section 22 - Officers Appointed by Selectmen; Tenure; Compensation; Vacancies

Section 23 - Rescission of Vote by Selectmen; Election of Other Officers; Tenure

Section 23a - Executive Secretary or Town Administrator; Appointment; Tenure

Section 23b - Town Departments; Investigations and Reports

Section 23c - Persons Acting on Behalf of Selectmen; Appointment and Removal

Section 23d - Municipal Data Processing Centers

Section 24 - Assessors; Number; Method of Selection; Tenure

Section 25 - Appointment by Selectmen; Tenure of Office

Section 25a - Assistant Assessors; Appointment by Assessors; Duties; Compensation; Tenure

Section 26 - Appointment by Selectmen Where Town So Votes

Section 26a - Employment of Counsel in Certain Proceedings

Section 28 - Powers and Duties of Assistant Assessors

Section 29 - Oath of Office; Penalty for Failure to Take Oath

Section 30 - Penalty for False Valuation

Section 30a - Vacancies; Effect on Powers of Remaining Assessors

Section 30b - Agreements for Joint and Cooperative Assessment, Classification and Valuation of Property

Section 34b - Identification of Husbands and Wives in Documents and Communications

Section 35 - Bond of Treasurer; Duties

Section 36 - Powers of Treasurer; Prosecution of Actions

Section 38 - Powers of Tax Collector

Section 38a - Collection of Accounts Due City or Town; Powers and Duties of Tax Collector

Section 39 - Collection of Taxes by Constable

Section 39a - Assistant Treasurer

Section 39c - Assistant Collector

Section 40 - Temporary Town Officers

Section 41 - Payment of Compensation; Oath

Section 41a - Delivery of Payroll Checks to Department Heads

Section 41b - Payment of Public Employees by Direct Bank Credits

Section 41c - Deposits in Credit Union; Pension or Retirement Allowances

Section 42 - Contents of Pay Roll

Section 43 - Penalty

Section 43a - Defense of Actions Against Treasurers and Collectors; Indemnification

Section 44 - Sinking Fund Commissioners; Election; Tenure; Appointment of Secretary and Treasurer

Section 45 - Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds; Membership; Powers and Duties

Section 45a - Commissioners in Towns Under Five Thousand Population

Section 46 - Town Treasurer; Duties; Bond

Section 47 - Powers and Duties

Section 48 - Tenure of City Auditor

Section 49 - Vacancy in Office of Auditor

Section 49a - Assistant Auditors; Powers and Duties; Compensation

Section 50 - Powers and Duties of Auditors

Section 51 - Accounts Payable; Notice to Creditors; Part Payments

Section 52 - Approval of Bills

Section 53 - Auditing of Public Trusts

Section 54 - Notice to Auditor of Payment of Public Funds to Treasurer

Section 54a - Notification to Assessors of Receipts

Section 55 - Town Accountant; Tenure; Powers and Duties

Section 56 - Warrants for Payment of Bills

Section 57 - Books of Account and Financial Records

Section 58 - Duties; Notice of Condition of Appropriations; Record of Appropriations

Section 59 - Annual Estimates; Furnishing to Town Accountant

Section 60 - Table of Estimated Appropriations

Section 61 - Annual Report

Section 61a - Appointment of Temporary Officers Upon Vacancy of Certain Offices; Tenure; Bond; Removal; Powers and Duties

Section 62 - Highway Surveyor; Duties

Section 63 - Road and Sewer Commissioners

Section 64 - Road Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 65 - Sewer Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 66 - Superintendent of Streets; Appointment; Tenure

Section 67 - One Superintendent of Streets for Two or More Towns

Section 68 - Superintendent of Streets; Powers and Duties

Section 69 - Superintendent of Water or Sewer Department

Section 69a - Water Commissioners; Election; Tenure; Quorum; Vacancies

Section 69b - Water Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 69c - Submission of Adoption of Board of Public Works to Electorate; Ballot

Section 69d - Board of Public Works; Membership; Election; Tenure; Powers and Duties

Section 69e - Superintendent of Public Works; Appointment; Powers and Duties

Section 69f - Submission to Voters of Revocation of Acceptance; Conditions; Effect

Section 69g - Office of Lands and Natural Resources; Establishment; Powers and Duties; Director and Assistants

Section 70 - Planning Board; Duties

Section 71 - Annual Report

Section 72 - Ordinances and By-Laws

Section 73 - Board of Survey; Membership; Length of Existence; Suspension of Powers and Duties

Section 74 - Approval of Plans Filed by Citizens

Section 75 - Preparation of Plans by Board

Section 76 - Substitution of New Plans

Section 77 - Construction or Alteration of Public Ways; Restrictions

Section 78 - Recordation of Plan; Necessity of Approval by Board

Section 79 - Entry Upon Lands by Board of Survey for Examinations and Surveys

Section 80 - Establishment and Discontinuance of Exterior Way Lines

Section 81 - Damages

Section 81a - Planning Board; Establishment; Membership; Tenure; Vacancies

Section 81b - Planning Board; Powers and Duties

Section 81c - Studies and Reports of Board; Acting as Park Commissioners

Section 81d - Master Plan; Economic Development Supplement

Section 81e - Official Map; Purpose; Recordation

Section 81f - Alteration of Official Map; Damages for Injuries

Section 81g - Applicability of Municipal Planning Laws to Municipal Powers Over Public Ways and Parks

Section 81h - Part of Official Map; Laying Out, Altering or Relocating Public Ways

Section 81i - Duties of Municipalities Having No Official Map in Respect to Construction of Ways; Reference to Planning Board

Section 81j - Establishment and Discontinuance of Exterior Lines of Ways in Municipalities With Planning Boards; Damages for Injuries

Section 81k - Designation of Subdivision Control Law

Section 81l - Definitions

Section 81m - Purpose of Law

Section 81n - Territorial Extent of Law; Acceptance by Municipalities

Section 81o - Regulation of New Subdivisions

Section 81p - Approval of Plans Not Subject to Control Law; Procedure

Section 81q - Planning Board; Adoption of Rules and Regulations

Section 81r - Waiver of Strict Compliance With Rules and Regulations

Section 81s - Submission of Preliminary Plan; Approval or Disapproval; Recording

Section 81t - Notice of Submission of Plan; Hearing

Section 81u - Approval, Modification or Disapproval of Plan by Board; Prerequisites for Decision

Section 81v - Final Approval of Plan; Endorsements; Certificate

Section 81w - Modification, Amendment or Rescission of Approval of Plan; Conditions

Section 81x - Requirements for Registration of Plan

Section 81y - Restrictions on Construction of Public Ways, Improvements and Buildings; Liability of Grantors, etc.; Court Jurisdiction

Section 81z - Board of Appeals; Membership; Tenure; Removal; Vacancies; Jurisdiction

Section 81aa - Board of Appeals; Rules; Meetings; Powers and Duties; Hearings

Section 81bb - Appeal to Superior Court; Counsel; Costs; Surety or Bond; Speedy Trial

Section 81cc - Powers of Planning Boards; Entry on Lands

Section 81dd - Application of Law; Damages

Section 81ee - Recordation; Evidence That Subdivision Control Law Is in Effect; Suspension

Section 81ff - Application of Subdivision Control Law on Registered and Unregistered Land; Jurisdiction of Land Court

Section 81gg - Powers of Planning Boards Established Under Prior Law; Severability Provision

Section 82 - Authority to Establish Art Commissions

Section 83 - Appointment; Membership; Compensation; Tenure; Removal

Section 84 - Powers and Duties; Penalty

Section 85 - Weighers, Measurers and Surveyors of Goods or Commodities; Appointment; Qualifications; Tenure; Removal

Section 86 - Powers and Duties; Penalty for Misrepresentation

Section 87 - Applicability of Secs. 85 and 86 to Weighers, etc., of Particular Commodities

Section 87a - Weighers and Measurers of Motor Vehicles and Trailers; Appointment

Section 88 - Weighers of Fish

Section 89 - Deputy Weighers of Fish

Section 90 - Weighers of Fish; Penalty for Violation of Oath of Office

Section 90a - Interfering With Fish Weigher or Deputies; Penalty

Section 91 - Constables; Appointment and Removal in Cities

Section 91a - Constables; Appointment in Towns

Section 91b - Appointments; Qualifications; Application; Investigation

Section 92 - Service of Civil Process

Section 93 - Remedies on Bond

Section 94 - Powers and Duties

Section 95 - Territorial Jurisdiction

Section 95a - Service of Civil Process Fees

Section 95b - Records of Service of Civil Process Fees

Section 96 - Police Officers; Appointment; Tenure; Discharge

Section 96a - Felons Disqualified

Section 96b - Police Training Schools; Supervisory Training; Attendance by Persons Exercising Police Powers; Wages and Expenses; Exceptions; Removal for Failure to Attend

Section 97 - Police Departments; Establishment

Section 97a - Police Departments; Chief of Police; Powers and Duties

Section 97b - Rape Reporting and Prosecution Units Within Police Departments; Training and Funding; Personnel; Retention and Preservation of Forensic Evidence

Section 97b1/2 - Notification to Local Law Enforcement by Medical Facilities When Evidence of Sexual Assault Obtained; Submission of Evidence Kit to Crime Laboratory; Entering of Evidence Into DNA Database and Statewide Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Tr...

Section 97c - Special Telephone Exchange for Reporting of Rape

Section 97d - Confidentiality of Reports of Rape, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence; Access by Victim and Certain Individuals in Performance of Their Duties; Violations; Penalties

Section 97e - Chief of Police; Attendance at Conventions

Section 97f - Firefighter Duties; Performance by Police

Section 98 - Powers and Duties

Section 98a - Arrest on Fresh and Continued Pursuit

Section 98b - Foot Patrol

Section 98c - Badges; Identification by Name or Number

Section 98d - Identification Cards

Section 98e - Public Solicitations Using Words ''police'' or ''firefighters''

Section 98f - Daily Logs; Public Records; Confidentiality of Certain Entries

Section 98g - Domestic Abuse; Police Reports

Section 98h - Settlement Agreements for Professional Misconduct by Law Enforcement Officer; Nondisclosure, Non-Disparagement or Similar Clauses

Section 99 - Requisition of Police Officers by Other Towns

Section 99a - Members of Regular Police or Fire Department and Fire Alarm Division; Residence Outside City or Town

Section 99b - Regional Police District Law; Purpose of Secs. 99b to 99k

Section 99c - Establishment

Section 99d - Town Elections for Acceptance; Ballots

Section 99e - Powers and Duties

Section 99f - Regional Police District Commission; Membership; Officers

Section 99g - Budget; Apportionment; Appropriations

Section 99h - Annual Audits

Section 99i - Costs and Expenses; Annual Estimates; Apportionment; Assessment of Towns

Section 99j - Regional District Police Department; Pending Prosecutions; Personnel Transfers.

Section 99k - Revocation of Acceptance of Regional Police District Law; Town Elections; Ballot; Continuity of District

Section 100 - Indemnification of Police Officers, Firemen and Persons Aiding Them; Actions for Intentional or Negligent Injuries Inflicted Upon Same

Section 100b - Indemnification of Retired Police Officers and Fire Fighters

Section 100g - Payment of Funeral and Burial Expenses of Fire Fighters and Police Officers Killed in Performance of Duties; Acceptance of Section

Section 100g1/4 - Payment of Funeral and Burial Expenses of Firefighters and Police Officers Killed in Performance of Duties; Acceptance of Section

Section 100g1/2 - Attendance by Police Officers at Police Association Executive Board Meetings; Acceptance of Section

Section 100h - Indemnification of Law Enforcement Officers for Dogs Used in Connection With Official Duties

Section 101 - Commissioner of Public Safety; Powers and Duties

Section 101a - Police Officers or Firefighters; Tobacco Smoking

Section 102 - Inspector of Health

Section 102a - Appointment in Towns Under Three Thousand Population

Section 102b - Appointment in Towns of 5,000 or More Inhabitants

Section 103 - Purchasing Department; Purchasing Agent; Duties and Salaries

Section 104 - Establishment of Purchasing Department; Submission to Electorate

Section 105 - Board of Trustees for Soldiers' Memorials; Powers and Duties; Membership; Tenure; Vacancies; Rules and Regulations

Section 106 - Tree Warden; Appointment; Term

Section 106a - Town Physician; Appointment in Certain Towns

Section 106b - Capital Planning Committee; Establishment; Duties

Section 107 - Oath of Office; Beginning of Term

Section 108 - Compensation

Section 108a - Classification of Positions; Compensation Plans; Rules and Regulations

Section 108b - Assessors and Tax Collectors in Districts; Compensation and Expenses

Section 108c - By-Laws Pertaining to Administration of Personnel; Consolidation

Section 108d - Fire Fighters; Minimum Annual Compensation

Section 108e - Policemen; Schedule of Minimum Annual Compensation

Section 108f - Fire Fighters; Schedule of Minimum Annual Compensation

Section 108g - Policemen; Alternate Schedule of Minimum Annual Compensation

Section 108h - Fire Fighters Assigned to Photographic Work; Additional Compensation

Section 108i - Policemen Assigned to Photographic or Fingerprint Identification Work; Additional Compensation

Section 108j - Equal Pay of Male and Female Employees

Section 108k - Female Police Officers; Equality of Compensation

Section 108l - Police Career Incentive Pay Program; Salary Increases; Reimbursement of Cities or Towns

Section 108m - Police Officers Attending Law Enforcement Courses at Accredited College or University for Degree; Payment of Salary; Duty Hours; Agreement

Section 108n - Town Manager, Administrator, Executive Secretary, or Administrative Assistant; Employment Contract

Section 108n1/2 - Employment Contracts for Appointed Municipal Treasurers, Assessors or Collectors

Section 108o - Employment Contracts for Police Chiefs and Fire Chiefs

Section 108p - Additional Compensation for Collectors or Treasurers

Section 109 - Resignation; Notice; Residence Requirements

Section 109a - Fidelity Bonds; Payment of Premiums

Section 110 - Authorization for Holidays

Section 110a - Office Hours on Saturday

Section 111 - Vacations of Certain Employees

Section 111a - Vacations for Police and Firemen

Section 111b - Sick Leaves; Accumulation

Section 111c - Attendance by Employee Veterans at Funerals or Memorial Services for Veterans

Section 111d - Vacations for Police and Firemen

Section 111e - Vacation Pay for Terminated Employees; Conditions

Section 111f - Leave With Pay for Incapacitated Employees

Section 111g - Additional Vacation Time for Longevity

Section 111g1/2 - Vacations; Duration

Section 111h - Overtime Pay for Police Officers; Conditions

Section 111i - Compensation Due Deceased Employees; Disposition

Section 111j - Attendance at Veterans' Conventions

Section 111k - Firemen; Summer Vacations

Section 111l - Policemen and Firemen; Vacations; 20 Years' Service

Section 111m - Emergency Medical Technicians; Leave Without Loss of Pay While Incapacitated

Section 111n - Indemnification of Emergency Medical Technicians for Certain Expenses

Section 112 - Preference in Public Employment

Section 112a - Veterans in Unclassified Positions; Procedure for Involuntary Separation

Section 113 - Use of Official Ballots

Section 114 - Application of Election Laws

Section 115 - Nomination Papers; Filing; Certificates of Nomination

Section 116 - Duties of Prudential Committee and Clerk in Certain Districts

Section 117 - District Elections; Provision for Election Equipment; Liability for Expenses

Section 118 - District Elections; Provision for Forms, Tally and Vote Sheets

Section 119 - District Meetings; Qualifications

Section 120 - Fiscal Year of Districts

Section 121 - District Treasurers; Qualifications

Section 122 - Temporary Treasurer; Appointment; Bond

Section 123 - Temporary Clerk; Appointment; Bond

Section 123a - Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Clerks; Appointment; Bond

Section 124 - Fire and Water Districts; Appropriation for Cost of Water Favorability Studies

Section 125 - Temporary Housing Assistance Plans

Section 126 - Definitions

Section 127 - Eligibility to Apply for Tenure; Offices Excepted; Restrictions; Duration of Tenure; Removal for Cause

Section 128 - City Offices; Application Statement; Filing; Approval Procedure; Denial, Re-Application Time Limit

Section 129 - Town Offices; Application Statement; Filing; Approval Procedure; Denial, Re-Application Time Limit

Section 130 - Applicability of Town Tenure Provisions to Districts

Section 131 - City or Town Offices; Application Statement by Head of Department for Tenure of Its Members; Filing; Approval Procedure; Denial, Re-Application Time Limit

Section 132 - Tenure Limitations

Section 133 - Appointment and Reappointment of Police Officers