Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 166a - Community Antenna Television Systems
Section 20 - Systems Constructed, Purchased, and Operated by Cities and Towns, Applicability of Chapter

Section 20. Any city or town may construct, purchase and operate a CATV system, but such operation shall be subject to this chapter as if the system were privately owned and operated.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 166a - Community Antenna Television Systems

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Division of Community Antenna Television

Section 2a - Commissioner; Powers and Duties; Employees

Section 3 - Licenses for Construction or Operation of Systems, Necessity, Non-Exclusiveness, Contents

Section 4 - License Applications, Necessity, Form, Contents, Signatures, Disclosure of Ownership; Additional Service Areas, Addition to License

Section 5 - Conditions Imposed on Licensee

Section 6 - Hearing, Notice; Multiple Applicants, Choice, Grounds, Statement of Reasons

Section 7 - License Transfers or Assignments; Approval

Section 8 - Installation and Maintenance of System, Standards; Financial and Ownership Statements, Requirements, Public Inspection

Section 9 - Application Fees; Initial Licenses, Renewals, Transfers or Assignments; Annual License Fees

Section 10 - Complaints as to Operation of System, Procedure; Licensees' Reports as to Complaints Received and Disposition

Section 11 - Revocation of License; Grounds

Section 12 - Mandamus, Injunctive, or Other Judicial Proceedings; Institution or Intervention by Department

Section 13 - Renewal of Licenses; Forms; Requisite Information

Section 14 - Appeals by Aggrieved Applicants

Section 15 - Rate Regulation

Section 16 - Issuance of Standards and Regulations; Mediation Between Cities and Towns; Representation Before f.c.c.; Certification of Performance; Distribution of Obscene Material

Section 17 - Visitation, Examination, Subpoena, and Oath Administering Powers of Department

Section 18 - Violations, Penalties

Section 19 - Hearings, Applicability of Administrative Procedure Act; Public Hearings

Section 20 - Systems Constructed, Purchased, and Operated by Cities and Towns, Applicability of Chapter

Section 22 - Interference With Rights of Building Occupants Served by System; Installation; Consent of Property Owners; Multiple Dwelling Units, Manufactured Housing Communities