Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 166a - Community Antenna Television Systems
Section 13 - Renewal of Licenses; Forms; Requisite Information

Section 13. Any license issued hereunder may be renewed after hearing by the issuing authority for additional periods each not to exceed ten years. An application for renewal shall be on forms to be prescribed by the department. Such forms shall set forth such facts as the department may prescribe as to the citizenship and character of the applicant for renewal, and its financial, technical, and other qualifications to operate the system, and complete information as to its principals and ultimate beneficial owners, including in the case of corporations, all stockholders both nominal and beneficial owning one per cent or more of the issued and outstanding stock, and in the case of unincorporated associations, all members and ultimate beneficial owners however designated, in order that the applicant for renewal shall make full disclosure as to its true ownership and as to the source of funds to be used for operation of the system.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 166a - Community Antenna Television Systems

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Division of Community Antenna Television

Section 2a - Commissioner; Powers and Duties; Employees

Section 3 - Licenses for Construction or Operation of Systems, Necessity, Non-Exclusiveness, Contents

Section 4 - License Applications, Necessity, Form, Contents, Signatures, Disclosure of Ownership; Additional Service Areas, Addition to License

Section 5 - Conditions Imposed on Licensee

Section 6 - Hearing, Notice; Multiple Applicants, Choice, Grounds, Statement of Reasons

Section 7 - License Transfers or Assignments; Approval

Section 8 - Installation and Maintenance of System, Standards; Financial and Ownership Statements, Requirements, Public Inspection

Section 9 - Application Fees; Initial Licenses, Renewals, Transfers or Assignments; Annual License Fees

Section 10 - Complaints as to Operation of System, Procedure; Licensees' Reports as to Complaints Received and Disposition

Section 11 - Revocation of License; Grounds

Section 12 - Mandamus, Injunctive, or Other Judicial Proceedings; Institution or Intervention by Department

Section 13 - Renewal of Licenses; Forms; Requisite Information

Section 14 - Appeals by Aggrieved Applicants

Section 15 - Rate Regulation

Section 16 - Issuance of Standards and Regulations; Mediation Between Cities and Towns; Representation Before f.c.c.; Certification of Performance; Distribution of Obscene Material

Section 17 - Visitation, Examination, Subpoena, and Oath Administering Powers of Department

Section 18 - Violations, Penalties

Section 19 - Hearings, Applicability of Administrative Procedure Act; Public Hearings

Section 20 - Systems Constructed, Purchased, and Operated by Cities and Towns, Applicability of Chapter

Section 22 - Interference With Rights of Building Occupants Served by System; Installation; Consent of Property Owners; Multiple Dwelling Units, Manufactured Housing Communities