Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 9 - Department of the State Secretary
Section 2 - Deputies; Assistants; Civil Service

Section 2. He may appoint a first deputy, a second deputy, and a third deputy and a fourth deputy each of whom shall perform the duties of a division head, a director of the corporation division who shall be an attorney at law, a cashier for whose conduct he shall be responsible and from whom he may require a bond, and a chief of the archives division who shall be a qualified archivist and shall be known as the archivist of the commonwealth. The secretary shall operate and supervise the archives museum and he shall utilize those records of historic value which are in the custody of the archivist for exhibition and education purposes. The archivist of the commonwealth shall, under the direction of the secretary, have charge of the non-current records of the commonwealth, particularly with regard to their custody, preservation, management and, when authorized, their destruction, and shall supervise the operation of the archives museum. The secretary shall provide for guided tours of the state house and for such purpose may employ such personnel as he may deem necessary. He may, under the direction of the secretary, prepare material for publication. The secretary may also appoint clerks, messengers and other assistants necessary for the prompt despatch of public business. He may also employ such clerical assistance as he may deem necessary to carry out the laws relative to primaries and elections. The secretary shall establish the salaries, duties and personnel regulations of all officers and employees within the department of the state secretary; provided, however, that the salaries of said officers and employees shall not exceed the sum annually appropriated therefor by the general court. The provisions of sections nine A and forty-five of chapter thirty, chapter thirty-one and chapter one hundred and fifty E shall not apply to officers and employees within the department of the state secretary.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 9 - Department of the State Secretary

Section 1 - State Secretary; Duties; Bond; Salary; Other Sources of Income

Section 2 - Deputies; Assistants; Civil Service

Section 2a - Archives Advisory Commission; Establishment; Members and Alternates, Appointment; Powers and Duties; Receipt and Disposition of Funds; Expenses

Section 2b - Annual Personnel Report

Section 2c - Funding for Archives Museum

Section 3 - Deputies; Power to Act in Absence of Secretary

Section 4 - Supervisor of Public Records

Section 4a - Acts, Resolves and Constitutional Amendments; Publication

Section 4b - Pamphlet Edition of Laws; Distribution of Copies of Individual Laws

Section 4c - Cumulative Table of Changes in General Statutes

Section 4d - Distribution of Printed Copies of Official Reports

Section 4e - Reports of War Veterans' Organizations

Section 4f - Distribution of Judicial Decisions and General Laws to Cities and Towns

Section 4g - Subsequent Distribution to City or Town; Insurance

Section 4h - Distribution of Laws and Documents to Members of General Court

Section 5 - Traveling, Clerical and Other Expenses of Supervisor

Section 8 - Information Available to Federal Census Authorities

Section 9a - Local Election Districts Review Commission; Membership; Compensation; Duties

Section 10a - Administration and Enforcement of Chapter 110a; Staff

Section 11 - Great Seal; Custody; Certified Copies of Records as Evidence

Section 12 - Books and Records of Maine Lands; Custody

Section 13 - Stereotype and Other Plates; Custody and Disposition

Section 15 - Justices and Notaries; Notice of Expiration of Commissions

Section 15a - Justices and Notaries; Acting After Expiration of Commission; Validation Certificate

Section 16 - Annual List of Designated Justices of the Peace

Section 17 - Annual Report

Section 19 - Destruction or Sale of Documents of No Value; Reproduction of Records of Corporations.

Section 20a - Central Register of Contracting Opportunities Offered by Governmental Agencies

Section 20b - Government Activities; Citizen Education Programs; Acceptance of Gifts, Contributions, Bequests, Etc.

Section 21 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Membership; Term

Section 22 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Committees and Advisory Boards; Rules

Section 23 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Primary Function; Powers and Duties

Section 24 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Reporting

Section 26 - Massachusetts Historical Commission; Establishment

Section 26a - State Archeologist; Duties; Reservation of Lands From Sale; Cooperation of Governmental Agencies

Section 26b - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 26a, 26c, and 27 to 27c

Section 26c - State Register of Historic Places

Section 26d - Property Listings; Regulations

Section 27 - Certification of Historic or Archeological Landmarks; Standards for Care and Management; Alteration of Landmarks; Field Investigation of Sites

Section 27a - Hearings, Contracts, Acceptance of Gifts, etc., Authorized; Assistance and Data of Other Agencies

Section 27b - Federal Historic Preservation Act; Surveys and Plans; Custody and Expenditure of Funds

Section 27c - Projects; Notice; Adverse Effect; Review

Section 27d - Historic Homesteads

Section 28 - Portraits and Art Objects in State House; Photographs

Section 29 - State Ballot Law Commission; Records Conservation Board

Section 30 - Voting Equipment Loan Program

Section 31 - Surcharge on Fees of Registers of Deeds and Assistant Recorders; Registries Under Control of State Secretary; Surcharge to Fund Improvements at Registries; Disposition of Surcharge