Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 9 - Department of the State Secretary
Section 15 - Justices and Notaries; Notice of Expiration of Commissions

Section 15. The secretary shall send by first class mail to every justice of the peace or notary public a notice of the time of expiration of his commission, not more than thirty nor less than fourteen days before such expiration.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 9 - Department of the State Secretary

Section 1 - State Secretary; Duties; Bond; Salary; Other Sources of Income

Section 2 - Deputies; Assistants; Civil Service

Section 2a - Archives Advisory Commission; Establishment; Members and Alternates, Appointment; Powers and Duties; Receipt and Disposition of Funds; Expenses

Section 2b - Annual Personnel Report

Section 2c - Funding for Archives Museum

Section 3 - Deputies; Power to Act in Absence of Secretary

Section 4 - Supervisor of Public Records

Section 4a - Acts, Resolves and Constitutional Amendments; Publication

Section 4b - Pamphlet Edition of Laws; Distribution of Copies of Individual Laws

Section 4c - Cumulative Table of Changes in General Statutes

Section 4d - Distribution of Printed Copies of Official Reports

Section 4e - Reports of War Veterans' Organizations

Section 4f - Distribution of Judicial Decisions and General Laws to Cities and Towns

Section 4g - Subsequent Distribution to City or Town; Insurance

Section 4h - Distribution of Laws and Documents to Members of General Court

Section 5 - Traveling, Clerical and Other Expenses of Supervisor

Section 8 - Information Available to Federal Census Authorities

Section 9a - Local Election Districts Review Commission; Membership; Compensation; Duties

Section 10a - Administration and Enforcement of Chapter 110a; Staff

Section 11 - Great Seal; Custody; Certified Copies of Records as Evidence

Section 12 - Books and Records of Maine Lands; Custody

Section 13 - Stereotype and Other Plates; Custody and Disposition

Section 15 - Justices and Notaries; Notice of Expiration of Commissions

Section 15a - Justices and Notaries; Acting After Expiration of Commission; Validation Certificate

Section 16 - Annual List of Designated Justices of the Peace

Section 17 - Annual Report

Section 19 - Destruction or Sale of Documents of No Value; Reproduction of Records of Corporations.

Section 20a - Central Register of Contracting Opportunities Offered by Governmental Agencies

Section 20b - Government Activities; Citizen Education Programs; Acceptance of Gifts, Contributions, Bequests, Etc.

Section 21 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Membership; Term

Section 22 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Committees and Advisory Boards; Rules

Section 23 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Primary Function; Powers and Duties

Section 24 - Commission on Interstate Cooperation; Reporting

Section 26 - Massachusetts Historical Commission; Establishment

Section 26a - State Archeologist; Duties; Reservation of Lands From Sale; Cooperation of Governmental Agencies

Section 26b - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 26a, 26c, and 27 to 27c

Section 26c - State Register of Historic Places

Section 26d - Property Listings; Regulations

Section 27 - Certification of Historic or Archeological Landmarks; Standards for Care and Management; Alteration of Landmarks; Field Investigation of Sites

Section 27a - Hearings, Contracts, Acceptance of Gifts, etc., Authorized; Assistance and Data of Other Agencies

Section 27b - Federal Historic Preservation Act; Surveys and Plans; Custody and Expenditure of Funds

Section 27c - Projects; Notice; Adverse Effect; Review

Section 27d - Historic Homesteads

Section 28 - Portraits and Art Objects in State House; Photographs

Section 29 - State Ballot Law Commission; Records Conservation Board

Section 30 - Voting Equipment Loan Program

Section 31 - Surcharge on Fees of Registers of Deeds and Assistant Recorders; Registries Under Control of State Secretary; Surcharge to Fund Improvements at Registries; Disposition of Surcharge