Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 183b - Real Estate Time-Shares
Section 15 - Termination Agreements

Section 15. (a) This section shall apply to time-share licenses only to the extent expressly provided by the time-share instrument.
(b) All time-shares in a time-share property may be terminated only by agreement of the time-share owners having at least eighty per cent of the time-shares, or such larger vote as the time-share instrument may specify.
(c) An agreement to terminate all time-shares in a time-share property shall be evidenced by the execution, in the same manner as a deed, of a termination agreement, or ratifications thereof, by the requisite number of time-share owners. The termination agreement shall specify a date after which it shall be void unless it is recorded on or before said date. A termination agreement and all ratifications thereof shall be recorded in the registry of deeds or land registration office in every district in which a portion of the time-share property is situated, and shall be effective only upon such recording.
(d) Unless the termination agreement sets forth the material terms of a contract or proposed contract under which an estate or interest in each time-share unit equal to the sum of the time-shares therein is to be sold and designates a trustee to effect the sale, title to an estate or interest in each time-share unit equal to the sum of the time-shares therein vests upon termination in the time-share owners thereof in proportion to their respective interests as provided in subsection (h), and liens on the time-shares shall attach to and encumber said interests. Any co-owner of said estate or interest in a unit may thereafter maintain an action for partition or for allotment or sale in lieu of partition.
(e) If the termination agreement sets forth the material terms of a contract or proposed contract under which an estate or interest in each time-share unit equal to the sum of the time-shares therein is to be sold and designates a trustee to effect the sale, title to said estate or interest vests upon termination in the trustee for the benefit of the time-share owners, to be transferred pursuant to the contract. Proceeds of the sale shall be distributed to time-share owners and lien holders as their interests may appear, in proportion to the respective interests of the time-share owners as provided in subsection (h).
(f) Except as otherwise provided in the termination agreement, so long as the former time-share owners or their trustee hold title to an estate or interest equal to the sum of the time-shares, each former time-share owner and his successors in interest have the same rights with respect to occupancy in the former time-share unit that he would have had if termination had not occurred, together with the same liabilities and other obligations imposed by this chapter or the time-share instrument.
(g) After termination of all time-shares in a time-share property and adequate provision for the payment of the claims of the creditors for time-share expenses, distribution of (i) the proceeds of any sale pursuant to this section, (ii) the proceeds of any personalty held for the use and benefit of the former time-share owners, and (iii) any other funds held for the use and benefit of the former time-share owners, shall be made to the former time-share owners and their successors in interest in proportion to their respective interests as provided in subsection (h). Following termination, creditors of the association holding liens perfected against the time-share property prior to the termination may enforce said liens in the same manner as any other lien holder. All other creditors of the association shall be treated as if they had perfected liens on the time-share property immediately prior to termination.
(h) The time-share instrument may specify the respective fractional or percentage interest in the estate or interest in each unit equal to the sum of the time-shares therein that will be owned by each former time-share owner upon termination of the time-shares. If the time-share instrument fails to so specify, an appraisal shall be made of the fair market value of each time-share by one or more impartial qualified appraisers selected either by the trustee designated in the termination agreement, or by the managing entity if no trustee was so designated. Said appraisal shall be made not more than one hundred and eighty days prior to the termination. Said appraisal shall also state the corresponding fractional or percentage interests calculated in proportion to said values and in accordance with this subsection. A notice stating all of said values and corresponding interests and the return address of the sender shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, by the managing entity or by the trustee designated in the termination agreements, to all of the time-share owners. Said appraisal governs the fractional or percentage interest of each estate or interest unless (i) at least twenty-five per cent of the time-share owners deliver, within sixty days after the date the notices were mailed, written disapprovals to the return address of the sender of the notice, or (ii) the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, entered during or after said period, holds that the appraisal shall be set aside. The appraisal and the calculation of interests shall be made in accordance with the following:
(1) If the termination agreement sets forth the material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the sale of the estate or interest equal to the sum of the time-shares, each time-share conferring a right of occupancy during a limited number of time periods shall be appraised as if the time until the date specified for the conveyance of the property had elapsed. If no such date is specified, each time-share conferring a right of occupancy during a limited number of time periods shall be appraised as if the time until the date specified pursuant to subsection (c) had elapsed.
(2) The interest of each time-share owner is the value of the time-share he owned divided by the sum of the values of all time-shares in the unit or units to which his time-share applies.
(i) Foreclosure or enforcement of a lien or encumbrance against all of the time-shares in a time-share property does not of itself terminate said time-shares.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 183b - Real Estate Time-Shares

Section 1 - Citation

Section 2 - Definitions

Section 3 - Estates in Fee Simple; Estates for Years; Separate Estates; Taxes and Assessments; Recording Documents

Section 4 - Agreements Varying Chapter Prohibited; Waiver of Rights

Section 5 - Unconscionable Contracts

Section 6 - Good Faith Obligation

Section 7 - Remedies; Liberal Administration; Damages; Judicial Enforcement

Section 8 - Laws Supplementary to Chapter

Section 9 - Conflicts With Other Laws

Section 10 - Implied Repeals by Subsequent Legislation

Section 11 - Project Instruments; Creation of Time-Shares; Amendments

Section 12 - Instruments for Creation of More Than Twelve Time-Shares in Single Property; Recording; Contents

Section 13 - Instruments; Allocation of Votes and Expense Liabilities; Alteration

Section 14 - Partition of Units

Section 15 - Termination Agreements

Section 16 - Sales or Management Offices; Models; Signs

Section 17 - Instruments; Approval of Actions of Owners, Developer, or Managing Entity

Section 18 - Deeds; Notice of Lease or License; Recording; Contents

Section 19 - Managing Entity

Section 20 - Powers of Association

Section 21 - Powers and Duties of Developer

Section 22 - Special Developer Right

Section 23 - Contracts or Leases Between Developer and Managing Entity; Termination by Association or Owners

Section 24 - Duties of Managing Entity; Access to Units; Alteration of Unit by Owner

Section 25 - Liability of Owners; Actions Involving Owners, Developers, or Associations; Tolling of Limitations; Judgments Against Associations

Section 26 - Insurance

Section 27 - Surplus Funds

Section 28 - Expenses; Assessments; Late Charges; Interest; Reserve Funds

Section 29 - Liens for Assessments Levied or Fines Imposed

Section 29a - Forfeiture of Rights of Time-Share Owner for Breach of Condition of Any Mortgage; Proceedings

Section 29b - Forfeiture of Rights of Time-Share Owner for Non-Payment of Assessments; Proceedings

Section 30 - Financial Records

Section 31 - Third Persons Dealing With Trustee

Section 32 - Definitions; List of Addresses of Owners; Ballots; Communication Expenses; Vote Allocation; Notice; Recording Amendments

Section 33 - Amendment of Project Instruments or Unrecorded Documents; Approval of Expenditures; Procedure

Section 34 - Referendum to Amend Project Instrument or Other Matters

Section 35 - Discharge of Manager

Section 36 - Dispositions or Offerings for Which Public Offering Statement or Other Materials Not Required

Section 37 - Public Offering Statements; Responsibility for Preparation; Liability for Misleading Statement; Multi-Location Plans

Section 38 - Public Offering Statements; Furnishing to Purchaser; Contents

Section 39 - Public Offering Statements; Conversion Buildings; Contents

Section 39a - Conformity of Units to Regulations

Section 40 - Public Offering Statements; Time-Share Registered With Securities Exchange Commission

Section 41 - Providing Prospective Purchaser With Public Offering Statement and Resale Disclosures; Cancellation of Contract; Damages

Section 42 - Copy of Instrument and Certificate; Delivery to Purchaser; Limitation on Expense Liability

Section 42a - Resale Service Providers; Disclosure Obligations

Section 43 - Deposits Placed in Escrow; Holding Instrument of Payment

Section 44 - Release of Liens; Surety Bond; Service of Process for Foreclosure of Lien

Section 45 - Express Warranties

Section 46 - Implied Warranties of Developer or Person in Business of Selling Real Estate for Own Account

Section 47 - Implied Warranties of Quality; Exclusions or Modifications

Section 48 - Limitation of Actions for Breach of Warranties

Section 49 - Failure to Comply With Chapter

Section 50 - Improvements Not Required to Be Built

Section 51 - Completion of Promised Improvements; Responsibility for Recording Deed or Notice

Section 52 - Advertisements Including Prize Offer

Section 53 - Exchange Programs; Information; Promotional Literature; Liability

Section 54 - Multi-Location Developers; Information for Purchasers; Violations

Section 55 - Project Brokers

Section 56 - Transfer of Interest; Time-Share Services Agreements; Transfer Services; Penalties; Prohibitions